Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 83 The Friendship of the Elves

The sword's edge stopped at the tip of the silver coin's nose.

"If you dare to lie to me, I will hang you." Gaillard's tone was a little excited, because the silver coin said that he brought the world tree.

Silver coins pouted, these elves are so weak even to threaten others, what's so terrible about hanging them? That is the least deterrent way to die. Who would be afraid of a real desperado?

Don't the elves have more cruel methods? No, for example, if you plant blood-sucking vines into your body and use your body as a nutritional bowl, the blood-sucking vines will entangle you with broken tendons and bones, but you will not die.

Or it can be used to grow magic mushrooms, and the buds of the magic mushrooms are sprinkled in the flesh, like an infection. When you are awake, you can gradually watch your own skin and flesh turn into fungi and grow into magic mushrooms.

Either method can scare those desperadoes to pee, but the elves don't use it. They have a mental cleanliness habit, and the most cruel method is to think of hacking to death.

Silver Coin relied on his being an undead creature, his soul was protected by Mr. Ange, and the other party was an elf, so he dared to come over to negotiate. If the other party was the Church of Light, he would not be so stupid.

Silver raised his hand and said, "I need my box."

"A goblin general store?" Gaillard waved his hand and agreed.

Two elf priests stepped forward, and with a wave of their hands, a translucent green cover covered the silver coin, preventing him from opening the box to release poison.

As for attack methods such as magic scrolls, space beacons, and alchemy self-explosive potions, look at the magic energy reduction force field around you, the exile circle under your feet, and the two great elf magicians standing next to Gaillard. Know that it is impossible to succeed.

The silver coin was not here to assassinate the elf queen, so he didn't care about those defensive measures. After getting permission, he untied the grocery store box, disassembled the assembly, and then took out a pot of saplings from it.

When the potted sapling just appeared, all the elves were in an uproar, and Gaillard, not caring about his own safety, shot at the silver coin like an arrow. The speed of this ghost, the strength of the elf queen itself is probably quite terrifying.

The silver coin only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the sapling in his hand fell into Gaillard's hands. His eyes widened in shock, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "Elf Hunter!"

Gaillard couldn't care less about silver coins, she only glanced at the sapling, and she said excitedly, "It's the breath of the God of Life, please serve our friends, I'll come whenever I go." She held the sapling and retreated.

The two great elf magicians cast spells together and tore open a multicolored portal. Gaillard threw himself into it and disappeared with a whoosh.

Silver coin still maintained the posture of holding the flower pot with both hands, staring blankly at the disappearing portal, feeling flustered: the customer snatched the goods and didn't give the money, what should I do now?

After staring there for a while, finally, a male elf came over, stroked his chest and saluted: "Dear guest, please follow me."

Yin Coin packed up his grocery store, followed the male elf blankly and left, and came to a gorgeous tree house.

"Dear guest, please rest here for a while, an elder will come to receive you soon." After speaking, he turned and left.

Yin Coin quickly stopped him and asked, "Can I use everything in the room?"

"Of course, these are all prepared for your distinguished guests." The male elf smiled politely.

"That's okay too?!" Yin Coin pointed to a well in the open-air bath in the corner of the room and asked solemnly.

"Yes, distinguished guest, please use it as you like. It is Moon Spring. It is very beneficial to soak your body and tastes very sweet. We have prepared the best Moon Spring water for you to drink. There is also World Tree If you have the habit of insomnia, here is the soothing incense..."

The male elf Lin Lin gave various introductions, and Yin Coin was dumbfounded. He began to realize how much the friendship between elves is.

You can drink the water from the Moon Spring as you like, and you can use it to take a bath. You can eat the fruit of the World Tree, drink the moonberry juice, and use the incense of the elves. My God, it’s a luxury to take any of these things out. Nobles can't use it casually.

For example, Yuequan, often drink to strengthen the body, take baths to prolong life, such as moon berries, combined with the wine made by Yuequan, a bottle of up to 50 magic crystals, as for incense, it is also a famous specialty of the elves, and now it is all in front of you. use.

If it was an ordinary person, they would have been dumbfounded long ago, but silver coins are not ordinary people, can a goblin merchant be called a goblin merchant if they don't squeeze out the value?

"Can I pack all these things?" Silver Coin asked.

I thought the male elf would be angry or contemptuous, but no, the male elf is still very polite and enthusiastic:

"Of course, distinguished guest. If you need to take it away, we have prepared some for you. Moon Spring can condense about ten liters of moon dew a day. We will prepare fifty liters for you. Is it enough? No matter how much it is, it is not easy to take gone."

The meticulous, warm and friendly service, all kinds of elf specialties you can take at will, and the considerate service of package delivery make the silver coins amazing, but this is still the beginning.

"The Elf Specialty Franchise."

"Purchasing privileges for elf specialties."

"A special license for the operation of the kingdom of elves."

"Elf country tax exemption certificate."

"Elf Empire Diplomatic Envoy Exercising Warrant."

"Elf Honored Friend Badge."


There are dozens of items in Lin Lin, and the silver coins are dumbfounded.

Ordinary people may not understand the use of these certificates and licenses, but the silver coin happens to be the one who can understand it.

For example, the "Spirit Specialty Franchise Right" means that the holder of the certificate can have a license to operate elf specialty products, which is equivalent to a brand certification, which means that the product is specially licensed by the elves.

Don't think that this is useless, many consumers just accept it, and those who sell elf products don't even have a franchise certificate. Who will believe that your products are genuine?

Just such a piece of paper can definitely be worth 200,000 to 300,000 magic crystals if it is auctioned on the market.

And the "Special License for the Operation of the Kingdom of the Elf" means that silver coins can be legally operated in the Elf Empire, and instantly has a market with high consumption power, and it is exclusive.

There has never been a human chamber of commerce before, and if they can do business in the elf empire, at most they can do entrepot trade in Green Leaf City, and they have already made a lot of money.

As for the "Elf Kingdom Tax Exemption Certificate", it is even more serious, which means that silver coins do not need to pay taxes when doing business on the elves' territory. God, this friendship is too heavy, so heavy that it will hurt the elf's own merchant.

The elf merchants have to pay taxes themselves. If the silver coins are dumped at low prices to grab the market, all the elf merchants will be squeezed out of bankruptcy, and then they will be acquired at a low price to dominate the business world of the entire elf empire.

Of course, it is estimated that this tax exemption certificate will have some restrictions that have not been put on the table to prevent the certificate holder from doing too much harm to the elf market.

On the contrary, things like "Purchase Right to Preferential Specialties of Elven Products" are meaningless. Merchants are never afraid of expensive products, only that there is no market for them.

Silver coins have been weighed down by this heavy friendship, and he has lost his ability to think. He filled his grocery store with various local products, and holding a lot of licenses, he stood in the teleportation array and teleported away.

However, not long after he left, a teleportation array near the World Tree sent a communication request. During the communication, a cheap voice asked: "Uh, you elves, do you want the seedlings of the World Tree? I'll do it. "

PS: Update one chapter first, million rewards, work hard to add updates

Thank you Xuanyuan dragon for the rewards, thank you Buji, Book Friends 2019...7494, Erbee Youth, Michael Wan, Book Friends 2020...0254, 12 Years 2012, Panda Loves Coffee Without Sugar, Book Friends 2017...1963, lianqinruo , White Wind, Dreamy Us, Namaenonai, Boiling water to feed fish, Snails talking about the city, the rewards.

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