Villain of Destiny: Start from crushing the protagonist

Chapter 070 Scum Boy VS Scum Girl

Xiao Han didn't know how long he had been in a coma, and it was already late at night when he woke up.

Stretching out his hand to touch his injured ankle, he suddenly felt a sharp pain.

Immediately, like a tide, it flooded every nerve in his body instantly.

Even a person with a tough mind like Xiao Han almost cried out in pain.

"The wound is infected, but the bleeding has stopped."

"It seems that my life, Xiao Han, should not die, and I can meet good people in the wilderness."

Night vision is nothing to Xiao Han.

He looked at his ankle, which was simply wrapped in bandages.

After closing his eyes and concentrating on feeling for a while, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief about the general situation of his injury.

Wound infection falls on ordinary people. If it is not treated properly, severe cases may require amputation.

But for internal martial arts masters whose physique is far beyond that of a normal person by ten times.

This level of wound infection only needs to rest for a few days, and it will recover on its own.

"The person who saved me should be a nearby local villager."

Lying on a solid wooden bed, the four walls in the house are all unpainted red brick walls.

From the environment he was in, Xiao Han had some guesses in his heart.

Excessive blood loss, severe damage to vitality.

Xiao Han tried several times, but couldn't get up to meditate and adjust his breath.

I had no choice but to close my eyes as if resigned to my fate, and fell into a drowsy sleep again.

The brilliance of the setting sun shines into the house through the windows, and the birds chirp and sing a symphony outside the house.

Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes again from his deep sleep.

"you're awake?"

There was a figure of a woman at the door, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Looking at Xiao Han who was lying on the bed, he smiled happily and said, "Uncle Li is really good at it. He can snatch you back even if everyone goes to the gate of hell."

"You saved me?"

Xiao Han looked at the woman who was wearing a washed-out yellow T-shirt with a delicate and elegant face and a graceful and plump figure.

His slightly pale complexion could not help but turn a little rosy.

The face is 7.5 points, the temperament is 8 points, and the figure is 9 points. The comprehensive evaluation should be above 8.5 points.

When Xiao Han saw beautiful women, he liked to rate them.


When the beautiful village girl came into view, he silently rated her in his heart.

"The person who saved you was Uncle Li. I didn't do anything."

The beautiful village girl was stared up and down by Xiao Han like this, and two blushes suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

With her soul-stirring eyes, she cast a blank glance at the stinky hooligan in front of her, and shook her head to deny the fact that she saved him.


"Uncle Li, the girls are all Xiao Han's life-saving benefactors."

"For the great kindness of saving lives, Xiao Han will definitely be rewarded in the future."

Xiao Han realized his gaze, it was really impolite to stare at a girl like this.

Being stared at by the beauty, he smiled awkwardly.

"The matter of repaying kindness, we will talk about it after you recover from your injury. Don't call me girl long girl short."

"I'm just a poor widow. If you don't dislike us country people, call me Sister Yan."

Sister Yan, who knew the inside story, didn't take Xiao Han's words of repaying her kindness to heart at all.

She smiled and shook, and introduced herself naturally.

"There is no truly noble person in this world."

"Sister Yan saved Xiao Han's life in distress. In my heart, Sister Yan is the most precious person in the world."

Xiao Han was originally a talkative person. Although his family was destroyed five years ago, his temperament has not changed much.

Hearing that Sister Yan was a widowed beautiful young woman, I immediately had the idea of ​​teasing her.

Sister Yan's pretty face was slightly flushed by Xiao Han's frivolous words.

She glared coquettishly at the man who was always staring at her chest, and scolded: "Sure enough, whether you are from the city or the country, you stinky men are all virtuous."

Xiao Han was not angry when she saw that she teased Sister Yan like this, and she was overjoyed.

But thinking of his frail body now, the excitement quickly calmed down again.

Strength does not allow.
Xiao Han never thought that the words he used to tease those old men would fall on him one day.

This feeling was stronger than the day before yesterday when he pounced on the Tibetan Mastiff, and it also made the Lord Hall Master Xiao feel extremely sad.

"What a shameless scumbag."

"But compared to my sister, a little man like you is still far behind!"

As a night show master, Sister Yan has probably had more boyfriends than the women Xiao Han has ever seen.

Seeing the change of expression on Xiao Han's face, he made a guess about what was going on in his heart.

Xia Guo No. 1088 was in the late stage of AIDS, and she had few days left to live.

To be able to have such a handsome, strong and strong man in his last time.

Sister Yan has nothing to regret.

Teasing men is her specialty, dealing with flamboyant scumbags like Xiao Han.

Sister Yan is even more handy.

"Uncle Li said that before you fainted, you had severe vomiting, excessive blood loss, and severe dehydration."

"Drinking plenty of water will help you heal from your injury."

Sister Yan was infected with AIDS because of the chaos in her private life.

A scumbag like Xiao Han who even wants to tease a widowed country girl.

She was murdered without even the slightest psychological barrier.

Sister Yan stepped to the table, picked up the pot of clear water that had already been dosed with medicine, and poured a cup for Xiao Han on the bed.

"Thank you, Miss Yan."

Xiao Han looked at Sister Yan who brought him tea and water, and was slightly moved in his heart.

Song Qingyue ignored Liang Xuebing's betrayal.

It made Palace Master Xiao start to have self-doubt about his own charm.

This time, with just a few words, the pretty widow's affection for him was greatly increased.

Hall Master Xiao suddenly felt that he could do it again!
Handsome, masculine and humorous, with extraordinary skills
Xiao Han felt that these labels that women couldn't resist, seemed to be attached to him again.

"This clear water is really refreshing!"

Xiao Han, who was extremely short of water, couldn't help but let out a heartfelt admiration after drinking the cool mountain spring water.

"If it tastes good, drink two more bowls."

"We have nothing else in the countryside, but mountain spring water can manage enough."

Sister Yan saw that Xiao Han drank the drugged water in one gulp, not only didn't notice the slightest abnormality, but even let out admiration in comfort.

The corner of her mouth twitched, and she almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

Fortunately, Sister Yan's previous job was in charge of public relations in nightclubs.

I can control my facial expressions as much as I want.

Sister Yan took Xiao Han's bowl with a smile, turned around and poured water for him again.

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