Virtual End

Chapter 100 - Let\\\'s meet again in the other side space

Snow Ley’s remarks quickly took effect, and everyone’s mood quickly calmed down.

It’s true that this time the incident was just because of negligence and some carelessness.

When I first saw the cultists of the Space-Time Knights, only after the second-level peak energy fluctuations, they all contemptuously, and wanted to catch a bit of information, so I was merciful at the very beginning.

But I didn’t expect this congregation to directly enter a state of out of control.

And it has been in a critical state of runaway for much longer than expected.

According to common sense, within two or three seconds after entering the critical state of losing control, it will quickly lose control and become an unconscious space-time creature, or simply cause a small-scale space-time explosion, producing a large amount of space-time matter.

However, this congregation did not completely lose control for two or three minutes, but remained in this critical state.

In other words, he forcibly maintained the strength of the third-level peak energy fluctuation in a short period of time, and also filled his whole body with time and space matter, turning it into a walking time bomb.

Two soldiers were caught off guard and were severely injured, and then the congregation lost control completely and caused some riots.

In fact, if the gun was fired at the first time and suppressed with powerful firepower, these casualties would not be caused.

Moreover, the cultists with the peak energy fluctuation of the second level are already the backup candidates of the knights in the time and space knights, and they belong to the vital power of the key development.

The opponent did not gather these active forces to launch a large-scale ambush, but instead used them as cannon fodder, using suicide attacks to delay the investigation team’s footsteps.

This is enough to show that the division of the Time and Space Knights was indeed hit hard in the previous battle, and its strength was greatly damaged. Therefore, their top management should be planning how to evacuate, which allowed the congregation to launch suicide attacks to delay time.

After such reasoning, the logic becomes more smooth.

So the investigative team regained their spirits, increased their vigilance, and marched toward the depths of the ground.

At this time, William said on the encrypted channel: “It’s time to take action.”

Since the frontal Knights of Time and Space do not have much fighting power, for the Black Umbrella Group, it is necessary to ensure that they can obtain the results of the Naraku Project and exchange what they want from Snow Lay. The footsteps of the Fujitang Group must be slowed down, and the Fujitang Group must not be allowed to take the lead.

And some fake members of the Knights of Time and Space are great bait to entice the Fujitang Group.

At the same time, Fujido Yusuke also learned what happened ahead from the encrypted channel.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and after a little thought, he immediately made up his mind, “Let’s go another way and try to find the position of the Temporal Knights Division first!”

Obviously, the Temporal Knights will definitely use the main defensive force against Snow Ley and the first team of the investigation team. Moreover, according to the intelligence from the front, the Time and Space Knights are already at the end of the battle, and there are indeed not many strong players in this branch.

This is consistent with the previous intelligence of the Fujido Group. After all, the Fujido Group is very clear about how powerful armed forces they deployed to protect the results of the Naraku Project. However, the base was completely annihilated. It can be seen that the Time and Space Knights should also Paid a heavy price.

At this time, the branch of the Time and Space Knights must be very empty.

But for Fujido Group, this is good news and bad news.

On the one hand, this means that this action will be very smooth and will not be hindered too much, but on the other hand, it also means that Snow Ley and the Black Umbrella Group, as the first team, will inevitably find the team faster if they walk in the front. A clue about Naraku’s project.

Fujido Group was specially arranged for the second team, which is quite disadvantageous in this regard.

Therefore, Fujido Yusuke immediately decided to move separately at this time, so that he could get ahead of the first team and get ahead!

He gave an order, and the soldiers of the Fujido Group immediately speeded up, while Fujido Yusuke opened the way to search for the marks of the Time and Space Knights and found another way to the branch of the Time and Space Knights.

The reason why Fujido Group chooses Fujido Yusuke as the commander is not only because of his strong strength, but also because he has good synaesthetic ability and synaesthetic knowledge, which can be found even by those who do not rely on a team. The whereabouts of the Temporal Knights.

In fact, the Fujido Group has always been brooding about the field base. They have always wanted to find the whereabouts of the results of the Naraku Project, and they have been planning this matter for a long time. It’s just going underground with a big fanfare, which is too conspicuous, and before the preparations are not enough, I dare not rashly attack the distribution of the time and space knights, so I have been forbearing it all the time.

And this time they are prepared to do everything, of course, to get back what belongs to them at all costs.

At this time, Chen She’s Lishan Technology and other congressmen followed behind the Fujitang Group and continued to advance underground.

Wu Yisu looked around, a little frightened.

Although the night vision device of the combat uniform can allow everyone to see the surrounding environment in a completely dark underground, this kind of scene still gives people a very strong sense of tension and oppression.

All the underground buildings are in the style of some old-fashioned buildings in Dawn City. They look very old and have become quite dilapidated after being abandoned for a long time.

After seeing through the night vision goggles, there is a feeling of tension and horror in the picture, a bit like some black super dreams of adventure.

Wu Yisu kept telling himself that this operation was very safe. After all, there was an elite corporate army from a large consortium and DCPD’s special operations team in front of them. Even if they encountered any danger, they were the members of Congress who were able to slip away first.

As a result, as he walked, he suddenly discovered that the first team had separated from the second team.

The group of Fujitang Group even left without saying goodbye. After the people of the first team entered a brand new area, they did not keep up. Instead, they turned a corner and walked on another route!

This made Wu Yisu and these congressmen all bewildered.

Because according to the previous arrangement, all of them and these congressmen were collectively handed over to the command of Fujido Group’s Fujido Group. Now Yusuke Fujido has not given any instructions to them, so he left on his own. What’s the matter?

Several MPs hurriedly shouted in the internal communication: “Captain Fujitang! What should we do now?”

However, they did not immediately receive a response.

After a while, Fujido’s voice came from the internal channel, “The underground terrain is narrow and everyone is crowded together. It’s too unsafe. If the Space-Time Knights still ambush in front, our current formation will be very different. unfavorable.”

“Our team decided to attack from another direction to spread the offensive pressure.”

“You can choose by yourself.”

Obviously, Fujido Yusuke was eager to get rid of these oil bottles, and went to the branch of the Temporal Knights by himself to find the results of Naraku’s plan.

And what he said was quite high-sounding and quite tenable.

The underground terrain is narrow. If you are ambushed in some key locations, you will definitely suffer heavy losses. Therefore, the correct approach should indeed be to divide the troops and attack in different directions.

Moreover, the commanders of these large consortiums originally had their own ideas. The soldiers only listened to the orders of their direct commanders. The decision made by the Fujitang Group was not easy for Snow Lay to directly command them.

The Fujitang Group allowed ordinary members like Wu Yisu to make their own choices. In fact, they threw these burdens to the first team.

Because these councillors weigh the pros and cons and consider the dangers, they will definitely feel that it is safer to follow the first team.

After all, the first team has Snow Lay and the top consortium’s masters. It would be even more dangerous if you followed the Fujitang Group recklessly into it.

Wu Yisu was a little anxious, “This small day… the Fujitang Group has a good time, how can it be undisciplined at this time! The underground is so dangerous, and they actively disperse their forces. This is not waiting to be defeated by others. ?”

Obviously he was wondering why these battle-tested commanders would make such a seemingly stupid decision.

But what he didn’t know was that the decisions made by both sides changed based on the information obtained by him. In the face of huge interests, being safe often means losing sight of victory.

These councillors are all ready to follow the first team. After all, which side is safe and which is dangerous, they know very well in their hearts.

But Chen She led Lishan Technology’s corporate army decisively behind the Fujitang Group.

Wu Yisu turned his head to find that Chen She was no longer there, and was taken aback.

He originally wanted to take Chen She’s corporate army as the last insurance. By then, the people in front would really die, and there was an extremely special situation. He hugged Chen She’s thigh, maybe there was still a glimmer of life, after all, Lishan There are more people on the technology side, and the strength seems to be okay.

In the end, I didn’t expect that Chen She and the others disappeared as soon as he turned his head. Obviously, he chose the Fujitang Group.

Wu Yisu was even more panicked. He just wanted to call Chen She a communication request, but suddenly found that the signals of the wristband and combat helmet had all been reset to zero.

Someone in front said loudly: “Time and space activities have appeared! Communication signals have been severely disrupted. Don’t fall behind, and always be alert to the surrounding situation!”

At the same time, a faint smoke seems to rise in this area, causing the visibility here to slowly decrease at a speed that is imperceptible to the naked eye!

The signal was cut off, and Snow Ley was not as panicked as the parliamentarians who had never seen the world.

He said faintly: “This is the ghost of the Temporal Knights. Normally, time and space activities cannot be maintained for too long. As long as this period of time is passed, communication will automatically resume.”

“At this time, remember not to mess around. Everyone is still advancing steadily according to the original plan.”

As soon as the voice fell, I heard William say loudly: “There is an enemy, be careful!”

Hearing a commotion in the middle of the team, it seemed that members of the Knights of Time had launched a suicide attack. At the same time, a member of the Time and Space Knights appeared in front of the team, and this time a knight with Level 3 energy fluctuations appeared!

The knight is still alone, but beside him is a space-time creature that also fluctuates with third-level energy. Obviously, this is a manipulator.

The soldiers in the front row were a little surprised, because according to common sense, these manipulators should hide in the dark and manipulate the space-time creatures to attack, without exposing themselves too much.

But this manipulator obviously didn’t want to hide his intentions too much, but rushed towards everyone.

After learning from the previous experience, the soldiers no longer wanted to catch them alive, but immediately opened fire.

But this knight, like the first congregation, immediately entered the critical point of losing control!

The synaesthetic power in his body began to expand rapidly, black space-time matter flowed on his body surface, and the powerful space-time creature he had originally summoned also expanded again.

The power of this manipulator and the space-time creatures he manipulates expanded rapidly, rising from the third-level energy fluctuation to the peak state, and quickly entered the fourth-level energy fluctuation!

The firepower of the front row failed to suppress them for the first time, because in this state of being on the verge of losing control, his life form was about to change. A huge amount of time and space matter is changing his body, even if bullets penetrate the body and create huge wounds, these time and space matter can be repaired or maintained in a short time.

Not to mention space-time creatures, they don’t have very obvious weaknesses, and ordinary bullets can’t cause them too serious damage.

Although cold weapons have a better killing effect on them, it also means that the risk of combat is greater. After all, they will always erode their combat uniforms after they are stained with time and space materials.

In the end, the knight was the same as before. After maintaining this critical point of loss of control for a period of time, he ended up with a complete loss of control. This time he did not become a space-time creature, but directly experienced a small-scale space-time explosion. , Two more soldiers were killed on the spot, while the others were more or less wounded.

Snow Ley’s expression did not fluctuate or change too much. He said coldly: “The opponent has used all the precious three-level energy fluctuation knights to carry out suicide attacks. It’s already seriously inadequate, don’t pay attention to their little tricks that delay the time. Keep going!”

And William of the Black Umbrella Group has never made a move. At this time, he pays more attention to the situation on the other side.

He was also not sure how long the members of the Black Umbrella Group who pretended to be the Knights of Time and Space could hold the Fujitang Group, but now because of the interference of time and space activities, the communication between the two sides has been completely interrupted, and William can only hope that the people over there can follow the original The planned plan was implemented smoothly.

At this time, the Dawn City branch of the Temporal Knights.

The resistance fighters surrounding Gao Jingwu and Grantham began to delay the investigation team in accordance with the original plan.

Every once in a while, 1 or 2 resistance fighters got up and stood up to say goodbye to everyone and went to the designated place to intercept them.

Before going, they would say very calmly: “Let’s meet again in the space of the other side.”

From the huge sand table in front of the space-time material, it can be clearly seen that the speed of the investigation team has indeed been severely disrupted. This shows that the resistance fighters who went to attack have achieved their original goals. .

Gao Jingwu couldn’t help but sigh, this kind of force on the verge of losing control is too powerful!

After training, these people can even increase their energy fluctuations by 1 to 2 energy fluctuation levels directly by maintaining this out-of-control critical state, and can maintain them for a few minutes.

Although only a few minutes, I hope that in most cases, the real deadly battle will happen in these few minutes.

If according to the combat power of these people in the original time and space knights, it is nothing more than some small trash fish with third-level and second-level energy fluctuations, facing this investigation group may not have any power to fight back.

But now they can cause serious interference to this investigation team through a controlled out-of-control state.

This ability not only allows their energy fluctuation level to rise rapidly in a short time, but more importantly, in this state of being on the verge of losing control, their whole body will be wrapped in space-time matter, and many injuries suffered can be instantaneous. Heals, and can control these time and space materials to launch attacks on the enemy.

Many enemies were not defeated by their attacks, but were corroded by these time and space materials and lost their fighting ability.

In the course of the battle, many enemies will be at a loss and don’t know how to deal with it. It’s like encountering a pollution source that is emitting poisonous gas all over, and they don’t know where to start.

In addition, most of these rebel fighters have very good skills and fighting skills, and the combination of the two has erupted a very powerful combat power!

And during this period of time, the energy fluctuation levels of these people have been significantly improved.

Chen She has synaesthetic knowledge from Epsilon, and his understanding of synaesthetic power is far greater than that of other members of the Chrono-Space Knights. Grantham has an extremely high talent for the application of these synaesthetic knowledge, so during this period of time these resistance forces disguised as the Knights of Time, not only mastered the out-of-control power, but also their energy fluctuation level. There has also been a significant improvement.

After the ordinary congregants who were originally only the first-level energy fluctuations were occupied, they soon upgraded to the second-level energy fluctuations.

The third-level energy fluctuation knight is quickly promoted to the third-level peak or even the fourth-level energy plus this second increase in out-of-control power, enough to make this time-space knight on the verge of collapse The regiment branch once again broke out a very terrifying force!

Of course the only problem is that this capability cannot be used on a large scale.

Because this kind of out-of-control state is contagious to each other to some extent, if three or more rebel fighters use this ability at the same time, they will not be able to maintain the critical point of the out-of-control state and quickly collapse.

Therefore, Gao Jingwu had no way to organize everyone to enter this critical state of losing control at the same time, and thus to wipe out the enemy at once. He could only let these people go one by one to consume the enemy’s vital power.

It’s just that Gao Jingwu is a little worried. Judging from the current situation, there should be many experts on the investigation team that have not taken action. Even if it has caused some setbacks to the investigation team, they will sooner or later fall here.

Gao Jingwu was already a dead person, and of course he didn’t care about his own life or death. He was just a little worried about whether the combat plan of the Resistance could be completed as expected?

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