Virtual End

Chapter 101 - ambush

At this time, a group of people dressed up not much differently from the Temporal Knights are rushing to the route of the Fujitang Group, which is deep underground.

These people are not only dressed similarly to the Space-Time Knights, they also have a certain sense of synaesthesia, and there are even three manipulators with space-time creatures fighting together.

The leader did not carry a gun, but was equipped with an alloy sword on the waist. This alloy sword was not like an Eastern standard sword, but more inclined to the Western style.

He is the commander of this special force, belonging to the Black Umbrella Group, and he came secretly from the Western Continent with William some time ago.

Everyone in this team possesses synaesthetic abilities. In addition to a few manipulators who are extremely talented in manipulating time and space creatures, there are also other professions such as time travellers and assassins.

As for this commander, he is a ghost walker with the main synaesthetic negative gene. The difference from the assassin profession is that although he is lacking in physical fitness to some extent, he can better master the synaesthetic power and be able to more Frequently shuttle between reality and space-time rifts, and can even control some lower-level space-time creatures to cooperate.

Compared with the assassin who was killed in one shot, Ghost Walker has more diverse combat methods and more cards in his hand.

At this time, various internal communication channels have been completely interrupted by the interference of time and space activities, so these people can only issue orders face to face.

“Remember, our goal this time is to distract the people of the Fujitang Group. There is no need to fight them to the death. The most important thing is to preserve your own strength.”

“Although the communication is currently interrupted, the investigation team should soon be able to break into the division of the Temporal Knights. As long as we persist until the communication is restored, our task will be completed.”

“What our Black Umbrella Group wants this time is very important. As long as this task can be completed, each of us can get a lot of resources!”

Although the Hei Umbrella Group and Fujitang Group are both top consortia on the old soil, not only do they have no friendship, but they are full of contradictions because of their interests.

The results of the Naraku Project do belong to the Fujido Group, but for the Black Umbrella Group, they are also in great need.

So far, who is still entangled with the results of this plan? Whoever grabs it will own it.

The purpose of this team is also very clear. They traveled all the way from the Western Continent and risked their lives to pretend to be the Knights of Time and Space. This was to ensure that the Black Umbrella Group could get the results of Project Naraku and at the same time eat the Fujitang Group’s original Liming City’s market share further expanded its power to the northern continent.

At this moment, someone asked: “What if the Fujitang Group pursues us so hard that there is a dangerous situation?”

The commander said coldly: “Then resolutely fight back! Anyway, we don’t mind killing more people from the Fujitang Group. The first priority is to ensure that our people can suffer less losses!”

Someone was a little surprised and said: “This seems to be a time fog. It was not obvious just now, but it is getting heavier now.”

The commander didn’t care, “It is estimated that the time and space knights are trying to stop the investigation team.”

“But this is good news for us. Time fog can enhance our combat power to a certain extent. After all, we are all synaesthetic pathways, and time fog is also conducive to better concealing our true colors.”

“Don’t worry, the time fog will naturally dissipate when the investigation team breaks into the division of the Temporal Knights, and it won’t last long.”

Chen She and Zhang Sirui were also on their way.

Although they were behind the Fujitang Group when they first started, they soon took a shortcut and bypassed it.

Because they are not at the same level of understanding of the underground situation.

Although Fujido Yuuji also possesses synaesthesia, he can explore the distribution of the Knights of Time and Space, but he is very unfamiliar with the terrain of this area after all, and he does not dare to advance rashly, worrying about encountering an ambush, so he moves very slowly.

On Chen She’s side, it was completely different.

On the one hand, Chen She has acquired all the memories of Grantham, and he knows the underground area where the Knights of Time and Space are located. On the other hand, Chen She’s servant Grantham is watching. Looking at the huge sand table made of time and space matter in the Temporal Knights Division, he had a clear grasp of the surrounding trends.

Not only that, Chen She can also issue instructions directly to all his subordinates through the shackles to confirm the situation in each position.

Therefore, even if the underground terrain is narrow and the environment is complicated, and the visibility and communication are not high due to time and space activities and time fog, these people led by Chen She can still communicate very smoothly.

“Go left.”


“Break this wall open.”

At this time, Chen She seemed to have opened a full picture hanging. Not only was it like visiting his back garden, but he also knew the location of other forces well.

And while the Fujitang Group was still slowly advancing towards the branch of the Time and Space Knights with difficulty, Chen She had already taken these people from Lishan Technology and bypassed ahead of time, and outflanked the people behind the counterfeit Time and Space Knights.

“Okay, just stop here.”

“Lay out the line of defense!”

Chen She gave an order, and these people immediately began to rely on the nearby terrain to build a line of defense.

This position was carefully selected by Chen She. They face an underground plaza, on either side of the plaza are abandoned residential buildings about several stories high.

Although the underground city of Dawn City is relatively narrow in some specific areas, it still has to meet basic living needs, so it is not too crowded to move completely.

At the end of the square, the road narrowed suddenly, and there was only a narrow gap between the two residential buildings.

Chen She is going to ambush the group of people who play the time and space knights here, and attack the Tengtang Group inside and out!

It’s just that the Fujitang Group still doesn’t know that someone will cooperate with their actions.

In fact, this is not one of the main roads in the entire underground area, but is similar to a small road in the city. It stands to reason that the group of people posing as the Temporal Knights does not have to pass through here. They have several main roads to choose from.

But the problem is that this trail is the closest one among several options, and the other roads have to be detoured farther.

These people pretending to be the Temporal Knights are just trying to hold the Fujitang Group as much as possible. For their own safety, they will definitely not run farther and farther. They still have to be ready to rendezvous with the big troops at any time.

And they actually believed very confidently that the members of the Space-Time Knights were being violently attacked by the investigation team, and there would be no other things to interfere with them in the underground at this time, so there was no need to make such a safe choice.

By taking this shortcut, you can not only evacuate as soon as possible, but if an accident occurs during the evacuation, you can immediately occupy the two buildings and continue to suppress the Fujitang Group that is chasing after it.

It’s just that they would never think of these two buildings. If they were occupied first, what would it be like?

Chen She said to everyone: “Our primary goal is to preserve our strength. If the other party is really anxious, we will immediately retreat to the next location in an orderly manner, and continue to ambush them there.”

Zhang Sirui nodded, he had set up his sniper rifle.

Obviously, although Lishan Technology has exhausted its talents this time, people who want to fake the Knights of Space and Time, or the elite corporate army led by Fujido Yusuke, are a very uneconomical thing. Cause some unnecessary casualties.

Therefore, they ambush here not to eliminate any of these two forces with their own power, but to slow down the retreat of these counterfeit time-space knights as much as possible.

In this way, the Fujitang Group can catch up, and the two forces will fight more fiercely.

Don’t you want to take the Fujitang Group people around in circles? Now put your feet in shackles, and see what else you can do?

Everyone is ready, especially Zhang Sirui is already a little itchy.

Zhao Zhen and Lin Luxi have set up mechanical mechanisms nearby. Once someone rushes over, an explosion will be triggered, while the other resistance fighters have put away their cold weapons, each holding a smart rifle and aiming at the target direction.

Li Yunhan mainly fights with cold weapons, but now he certainly can’t get off the court himself, so he also carries a smart rifle.

Although these people are not as proficient in the use of smart rifles as those of mechanical means, in such a favorable terrain, as long as they fire desperately, they can always cause certain casualties to the opponent.

Everyone waited patiently.

At this time, the special unit of the Black Umbrella Group who played the time and space knights had already met the team led by Yusuke Fujido.

Yusuke Fujido’s spirit came almost instantaneously.


Yusuke Fujido yelled, without much words, the soldiers under his men had already pulled out the alloy swords from their waists like crazy, and rushed towards the opponent!

These soldiers are very clear about the purpose of their trip. They have to find the location of the Temporal Knights Division and get back the results of the Naraku Project, which originally belonged to them.

At this time, the people of the Time and Space Knights have appeared, which means that they are not far from the branch of the Time and Space Knights. As long as the blocking forces in front of them are eliminated first, they can rush to the branch of the Time and Space Knights before the investigation team. .

Of course you must race against time at this time!

And the other party did control various time and space creatures like the Time and Space Knights to fight against them, but soon the people of these Time and Space Knights were a bit unable to withstand the powerful fire suppression of the Fujitang Group and began to retreat quickly.

Of course Fujido Yusuke couldn’t let them run away, and the alloy Taichi in his hand immediately caught up with him with a wave of it.

For him, the main force of the Time and Space Knights must be resisting the investigation team’s attack. This force is only a side branch of the Time and Space Knights.

At this time, if he hesitated to catch up and caused these people to run away, the other party would definitely hide in the complex underground city. Isn’t this letting the tiger go back to the mountain?

So everyone in the Fujitang Group got red eyes and hurried to catch up!

The two forces went one after the other. Although the Fujitang Group wanted to wipe out all of these people, they didn’t know that the person they were chasing was not a side branch of the Temporal Knights, but a special force of the Black Umbrella Group.

And the strength of this special unit is much stronger than the remaining Temporal Knights.

Moreover, the task of this unit was originally to lead the Fujitang group away, so it didn’t want to retreat quickly, causing you to chase me on both sides, but there were not too many casualties.

The commander of the special forces is very satisfied with the current situation. Next, he only needs to continue to take the Fujitang Group around the underground ruins. When the time and space activities disappear and the communication is restored, he will almost be able to evacuate.

Once Snow Ley and William of the Black Industry Group found the branch of the Knights of Time and Space and got the results of the Naraku Project, they would inevitably contact the Fujitang Group to withdraw from the ground. At that time, people like them can leave secretly to meet with other people in the Black Umbrella Group.

The commander retreated while making wishful thinking.

At this time they had come to an underground square.

The commander looked up at the two residential buildings in front of him and the narrow passage between them, and his eyes lit up.

“Yes, this is a good ambush location. We can occupy these two buildings and ambush the Fujitang Group to further slow down their pace!”

For these people, their task is to hold the Fujitang Group, and there are no clear requirements on how to delay it.

Although taking the Fujitang Group around the ground is also a way, but this method is riskier after all.

In case of accidentally being caught up by the Fujitang Group, it may be a bit disadvantageous to fight.

At this time, if you can rely on the two buildings in front of you, wait for work, and condescendingly ambush the Fujitang Group that follows them, you can achieve the same effect, and the risk is even smaller.

Others also nodded, obviously they also thought the commander’s decision was very wise.

But at this moment, the commander suddenly yelled, “Be careful, there is a problem here!”

As soon as his voice fell, a violent explosion sounded. A soldier who played the role of a member of the Time and Space Knights did not know where he touched the mechanical mechanism in a hurry, and directly caused a violent explosion!

It was underground, and the sound of the explosion reverberated endlessly and could not be transmitted, making everyone dizzy. If it were not for the protection of combat helmets, some weaker people might even be stunned on the spot.

And just before they fully figured out the situation, a bullet suddenly flew up from the opposite building and accurately hit the head of a person next to the commander.

Killed in one blow!

Immediately after the sound of gunshots, a dozen intensively firing muzzles began to appear in the windows of the two buildings. As a mechanic, Zhao Zhen could control several guns to shoot at the same time.

Originally, this was not an overwhelming firepower, but these people are now at a loss, and they are immediately beaten up!

“Hurry up and find shelter!”

The commander gave an order, and everyone began to look for shelters nearby, but they soon realized a new problem-the Fujitang group was still in hot pursuit.

They originally had a wishful thinking and wanted to ambush the people of the Tengtang Group in this place, but they didn’t expect the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind, they were instead ambushed!

So there is a very embarrassing situation It is very unfavorable to rush forward, because these people with synesthesia are not very good at this kind of long-distance combat.

Although people who master synaesthesia are not afraid of firearms to a certain extent. But the opponent’s firepower is very fierce, and it occupies favorable terrain, so it won’t be a big problem to rush over the people with higher energy fluctuation levels, but the relatively weak ones may suffer.

But if you will be here, the people of Fujitang Group will arrive soon, and now you can’t tell the people of Fujitang Group that this is all a misunderstanding, right?

Even if they really said it, the people of Fujitang Group could not believe it.

Suddenly, there was a sound from behind them, and it was obvious that Fujido Yusuke had already chased him with people from the Fujido Group.

No matter what the situation is, Fujido Yusuke only knows that there is an unknown armed force in front of them stopping these time-space knights.

Now that the communication is interrupted, it is of course impossible for them to verify who the other party is. Anyway, kill the people of the time and space knights before you!

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