Virtual End

Chapter 102 - Jump repeatedly!

At this time, the commander of the special forces of the Black Umbrella Group faced a very difficult choice.

Time and space activities have not stopped, and communication does not know when it will resume. At this time, there were ambushes in front and chasing soldiers behind, and they were almost immobile when caught in the middle.

The key is that the time fog is getting thicker and thicker. I originally thought that time fog would be more beneficial to them, but in this chaotic situation, the opponent beats low with high and has a better vision. And they couldn’t make a strong counterattack against each other in the thick time fog.

At this time, for them, whether it is to forcibly seize these two buildings or turn around and fight the Fujitang Group desperately is a very costly choice, which is too unwise.

Thinking of this, the commander decisively ordered, “Change the route and break through to the side!”

Although the main task of these people is to slow down the Fujitang Group as much as possible, and always prepare the other members of the Black Umbrella Group to meet. But the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and it is impossible to take shortcuts.

That being the case, it’s better to get around quickly. Although it will take a long way, as long as the Fujitang Group can be led away, the result will be the same.

Others also realized that the current situation was not good, each of them gritted their teeth, and the synaesthetic power of the whole body exploded rapidly. Under the influence of the time fog, their metabolism was raised to a very high level, and they directly broke through to the side!

Although both Lishan Technology and Tengtang Group were shooting at them, the lives of those who mastered synaesthesia were relatively hard, leaving only three corpses.

Two of them were killed unsuspectingly, one was killed by a mechanical mechanism arranged by Zhao Zhen and Lin Luxi, and the other was shot headshot by Zhang Sirui.

Although other ordinary members were more or less injured, they did not cause much casualties.

Fujido Yujie glanced suspiciously at the two buildings in front of him. Obviously, he didn’t know exactly who suddenly appeared and helped them. But this is not the time to entangle this, his primary goal is to eliminate these people of the Time and Space Knights first, and find the specific whereabouts of the Time and Space Knights as soon as possible.

After a brief period of thought, Fujido Yusuke immediately led the Fujido Group to catch up again.

At this time, Chen She also let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, these people who pretended to be the Knights of Time and Space didn’t jump over the wall in a hurry, and rushed directly to kill themselves.

Because Chen She didn’t intend to smash with them, if this group of people really rushed to their lives, then Chen She could only command everyone to evacuate, but there might still be casualties during the retreat. The situation is best.

It’s just that Zhang Sirui is a bit unpleasant.

He originally wanted to wait for the opponent to rush up and fight, but he didn’t expect the opponent to be so awkward, and found that he was suppressed by fire, so he changed direction and fled at the first time.

Chen She stood up, “No need to feel sorry, we will see you again.”

“Everyone immediately pack up and follow me!”

This place can be said to be Chen She’s home court. He was able to catch these people for the first time, and naturally he was able to catch them the second time.

Chen She didn’t have to worry about eating all these people in one go, otherwise their losses would be relatively large, and the forces left by the Fujitang Group would be somewhat difficult to deal with.

It is best for the Fujitang Group to continue to consume the strength of both parties in the process of pursuing this group, and then Lishan Technology can easily pick peaches.

Chen She was also paying attention to the situation on Gao Jingwu’s side and considering the progress of the investigation team.

So far, the progress of both parties is within an acceptable range.

Once Gao Jingwu was a little unstoppable, Chen She had to act decisively. Even if there are some casualties, the gang and the Fujitang group who are posing as the Time and Space Knights must be quickly wiped out.

Only by eliminating this group of people, Chen She can use them to regenerate Gao Jingwu and others. Coupled with these people in Chen She’s hand, there is hope to kill Snow Ley, William and others!

Disguised as a special force commander of the Temporal Knights, he commanded his subordinates to break through in another direction.

It was just that their actions were delayed for a while, and the Fujitang Group had been chasing after them.

As a last resort, a fierce battle broke out on both sides, each with casualties.

On the side of the special forces of the Black Umbrella Group, three people created a small space-time explosion at the cost of losing control, killing five soldiers of the Fujitang Group. Others took this opportunity to continue to evacuate.

Although once again separated from the Fujitang Group, this kind of loss is somewhat unacceptable for this special unit.

Because according to the original expectation, their possible casualties for completing this task should be controlled within five people, but now the number of people who died in battle has exceeded this number.

The commander still felt very puzzled. It stands to reason that he had already considered all the forces that entered the underground this time. Then who would be the one who ambushed them in the two buildings in advance?

Fortunately, this should be the only ambush.

However, this idea of ​​the commander had just come into being, and gunshots rang out on a high platform ahead!

And it is the only way for them to go forward.

What’s more terrible is that the time fog density below has some signs of fading, but the time fog density above it is very high. People like them can’t be well covered underneath, on the contrary, they can’t see the people upstairs ambushing them at all.

The commander could not be sure whether the people who ambushed them this time were the same people as the previous ones.

If it is the same group of people, how did these people accurately locate themselves in the intricate underground and run in front of them? This is too ridiculous!

But if it is not the same group of people, why are there so many unidentified armed forces suddenly appearing underground? And they are all aimed at them? This is even more outrageous!

There are now 10,000 question marks on the commander’s head, and he has no idea what is going on right now. After being blocked for a while, the Fujitang group chased up again.

These people who pretended to be the Knights of Time and Space had no choice but to continue to fight with the Fujitang Group.

The Fujitang Group was also very weak. The two sides fought and killed each other, but the Fujitang Group was the first to kill the red eye. I just want to get rid of the people of the Time and Space Knights as soon as possible, and then continue to find the branch of the Time and Space Knights.

Fujido Yusuke said loudly: “Now surrender immediately, I can spare you not to die! As long as you lead us to the branch of the Time and Space Knights, let us get what we want, we will leave immediately!”

The commander of the Black Umbrella Group felt like he was going to die.

He wanted to say: Where do I know where the branch of the Space-Time Knights is, we are just here to perform the task and delay your progress.

But he couldn’t really say this. On the one hand, even if he said so, Fujido Yusuke would definitely not believe it; on the other hand, it was almost equivalent to the black umbrella group and the Black Umbrella Group. The Fujitang Group declared war, and the consequences were too serious for him to be an ordinary commander.

Unless he has the confidence to kill all the Fujitang group members underground, without leaving one, he obviously has no such confidence.

After thinking about it, there is still no way. I can only grit my teeth and continue to fight!

This special unit of the Black Umbrella Group is a person with synaesthetic ability, and its combat effectiveness is relatively strong. So even in this very difficult situation, it didn’t collapse, but retreated while being ambushed, while choosing a new route to escape.

In fact, the commander wanted to be angry now, and directly led his subordinates to the commanding heights, shooing out those who ambush them at this moment, and killing them all.

But as a commander, reason still defeats emotions.

He knows very well that the opponent can choose to ambush him in a favorable location, obviously because he has a good understanding of the terrain in this area, and if he rushes up, he is likely to make a fuss. And while they were attacking the ambushers, the Fujitang Group would also stabbed them in the back. Even if they were lucky enough to wipe out all the ambushers, they would all have to kill the Fujitang Group, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Therefore, no matter how angry, the commander of the Black Umbrella Group can only grit his teeth and lead his subordinates to continue to break through in another direction.

This time, the rest of Lishan Technology didn’t wait for Chen She to speak, they had already packed their things.

Zhang Sirui was a bit dissatisfied the first time he felt that this battle was not enough, but this time he had no such thoughts at all.

Is this fight not enough?

It’s so enjoyable!

You don’t have to do anything at all, you just need to find a commanding height with an excellent terrain every time, and catch the opponent is just a fight. Moreover, the other party has no way to use himself, no matter how angry he can only hug his head and dare not fight back.

If all the battles are fought like this, then don’t be too happy!

Chen She didn’t say anything, but just led everyone on to the next ambush location.

On the other side, there were fewer and fewer Resistance fighters around Gao Jingwu and Grantham, and only the last two were left.

The investigation team approached the core area of ​​the Temporal Knights Division again, and the remaining two resistance soldiers stood up. Say goodbye to Gao Jingwu and Grantham.

Gao Jingwu said: “Go, we will meet again in Bi’an Space soon.”

The later these people are stronger, the two resistance fighters originally occupied two knights with third-level energy fluctuations. After training and improvement during this period, their strength has reached the third-level energy fluctuations. At the peak, and in a critical state that is out of control, it can even reach level 5 energy fluctuations!

Although this state can’t last too long, this state of time and space matter flowing throughout the body is like a walking time bomb for people in other ways. In the case of throwing the mouse bogey, the opponent’s master has no way to exert 100% strength.

These two resistance fighters can delay for a long time.

In the end, only Gao Jingwu and Grantham were the last lines of defense.

As Chen She’s servant, Grantham’s true strength only has three levels of energy fluctuations. Although he has a strong ability to control time and space creatures, he basically has no power to fight back against top players like William.

Chen She’s plan is to sacrifice this servant at the last moment, nothing more than 5 units of space-time particles.

However, in this way, Chen She would no longer be able to grasp the information here through Grantham, and he would have to be more cautious in every move.

Gao Jingwu asked: “Captain, how is the situation over there?”

Chen She said, “Don’t worry, it’s coming soon!”

“This is an ultimatum, I repeat, you surrender now and take us to your branch. As long as we get what we want, we will leave immediately, and you will not die.”

“But if you are still stubborn, then wait for us to completely eliminate it!”

Yusuke Fujido has become more and more unceremonious, and he is also very anxious.

Estimating from time, the investigation team is likely to be close to the location of the Space-Time Knights branch!

The Fujitang Group spent too much time on the branch power of this time-space knight order. Although many members of the Time and Space Knights were eliminated in several pursuits, leaving only three or four members of the Time and Space Knights who were still stubbornly resisting in the end, their own losses were also quite heavy.

Fujido Yusuke also handed over to the knight who was headed by the other side. It was a ghost walker, able to travel through the rifts of time and space, out of nowhere, and the combat methods were quite comprehensive. Fujido Yusuke has always been very confident in his swordsmanship, but he didn’t expect that he didn’t take too much advantage on the opponent.

Seeing time passed by, Fujido’s patience was also exhausted. Now he can only eliminate all these people at all costs, and catch the leading knight, and do everything possible to get him to speak.

At this time, Fujido wanted to search for the location of the Temporal Knights by himself. Time was too late, and he had to find a leader.

The commander of the Black Umbrella Group is really itchy.

When he first started, he had indeed been harassing the Fujitang Group’s troops to chase after him, trying to delay as much as possible. But later, as the troop’s losses became more and more severe, the commander had already begun to retreat, and he did not frequently attack the Fujitang Group, trying to avoid the war.

But I didn’t expect the change of Fujitang Group to catch up!

The reason is simple. At first, Fujido Yusuke didn’t really want to pursue them so firmly, but they were constantly harassing them, making the Fujido Group unable to patiently find the location of the Temporal Knights Division.

Later, Fujitang Group has invested so much sunk costs, of course it is impossible to let them go. It was the only way for Fujitang Group to rush to the Temporal Knights Division first because it caught a lively opening to lead the way.

As for the remaining three or four people in the Black Umbrella Group, they are now desperate, and the Fujitang Group is chasing after them. And every time they ran to a place, there would be an ambush inexplicably.

If this continues, there will only be a dead end.

Thinking of this, the commander of the Black Umbrella Group gritted his teeth, “Whatever the cost, kill it!”

He didn’t know how he fell to such an exhausted place step by step. It stands to reason that the entire underground space is so wide and he has a lot of places to escape, but he seems to be locked in a cage and in which direction to go. It’s all dead!

For him now, the only way is to fight to the death.

Don’t worry about whether the task can be completed. They dragged the Fujitang Group for so long. Although the communication has not been restored, the mission has obviously been overfulfilled. Now for them, as long as they can escape alive, it is a victory.

As a last resort, the commander did not want to expose his identity as the black umbrella group, because that meant that after the Fujitang Group left the underground, a corporate war between the two companies would inevitably break out.

But if it’s the last juncture, the commander can only reveal this secret to save his life.


The commander of the Black Umbrella Group yelled, and his figure quickly disappeared into the rift in time and space, and then appeared from a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, stabbing a soldier of the Fujitang Group to death with a sword.

The three people who persisted with him to the end were obviously the elites among them, driving the time and space creatures to pounce on the Tengtang Group.

The battle of the trapped beasts can often explode with extremely powerful potential, not to mention that these people are strong in the synaesthetic pathway. There is one last way after they are forced to get out of control and expose themselves.

At this moment, the gunshots in the distance sounded again.

The commander of the Black Umbrella Group was surprised at first. He didn’t expect that the other party would follow the same gangrene with bones!

A desperate mood surged into his heart, and under the attack of the two parties, it was obvious that he had no possibility of surviving.

But then something unexpected happened to him. The magical sniper rifle at the height did not aim at him, but instead aimed at the soldiers of the Fujitang Group!

Although the Fujitang Group’s vitality was badly injured, after all, there were a lot of people, and there were more than ten people left. Although the more than ten people at UU Reading are all wounded, they still have a clear advantage compared with the three or four people on the Black Umbrella Group.

But caught off guard, these people in the Fujitang Group were attacked by fire from a height!

The Fujitang Group didn’t expect such a situation at all, because they had already fought this mysterious force several times. The other party had never attacked them, just caught the people of the Time and Space Knights chasing after them.

Therefore, the Fujitang Group guessed that this might be the armed forces of a certain consortium in the investigation team. The purpose of entering the ground is the same as that of destroying the Temporal Knights. Therefore, they cooperated.

It’s just that the communication has not been restored, so I can’t ask the other party for verification.

But never expected, just when they were about to eliminate the branch power of this time-space knight order, this group of people would turn back!

Obviously, the opponent’s goal is not the Time and Space Knights at all, but to eliminate the Time and Space Knights together with the Fujitang Group!

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