Virtual End

Chapter 37 - Old Earth and Silver Star

   Chen She took a sip of wine in silence without speaking.

   He can understand Wu Yisu’s mood and this obsession.

   In fact, shortly after Chen She crossed over, there was a question: why the date of this world is named after the silver star.

   is now the 153 year of the silver star calendar, and the first year of the silver star calendar is the year when space-time activities frequently occur all over the world and have a profound impact on the entire world.

  Silver Star is the closest planet to the old soil.

   This feeling is actually a bit similar to the relationship between Chen She’s previous blue star and Mars.

   The silver star is very barren. The only advantage is that it will not be troubled by time and space activities and is safe.

   Every two years or so, the distance between the Silver Star and the Old Earth is the closest. At this time, humans on the Old Earth can use the latest technology to migrate to the Silver Star on a large scale.

  The largest aviation base is located in the Central Federal District.

   The reason why the date is named after the silver ephemeris is similar to the reason for the naming of big cities such as Dawn City. It is all because of the good wishes of mankind.

   After frequent time activities erupted in the old soil, time snow fell in the sky, and the living environment of mankind became worse and worse, the high-level coalition government at that time believed that the old soil was no longer suitable for human survival.

   They decided to gradually transfer humans to the silver star and build a new home over a long period of time.

Originally, it was impossible to accomplish this goal based on the technological level of the old soil, but with the emergence of space-time activities, around the space-time particles, the science and technology of the old soil has made a leap. In just a few decades, human beings have initially achieved Conditions for large-scale migration to the silver star.

   Of course, due to the limited resources on the old soil, only a handful of people can become the first lucky ones to go to the Silver Star.

   After hundreds of years of long migration, all the high-level officials of the original coalition government, the top rich families on the old soil and the top talents in various fields have gradually moved to the silver star.

   For ordinary people on the old soil, the silver star is a paradise in human dreams, where there is no poverty, no hunger, no violent crime, and no threat of time and space activities.

   Everyone has the ultimate goal of getting a ticket to Silver Star.

   And the big chaebols on the old soil, basically behind each one stands a senior councillor on the silver star.

Silver Star is actually ruling the old land through these big chaebols. They formulated the “Special Enterprise Law”, which on the one hand allows the big chaebols to restrict each other, and on the other hand, it protects the emerging small companies so that the productivity of the old land can be protected. The level has always been maintained at a certain level.

   The space-time particles and various precious resources continuously produced on the old soil are continuously sent to the silver star every two years or so, when the distance between the old soil and the silver star is the closest.

   These materials are used to build a future paradise that all mankind owns, but only a small number of people can enjoy.

   Similarly, every two years or so, Silver Star will select some outstanding talents from the old soil and give them tickets to Silver Star. Some silver star aborigines who have lost their value may also be expelled back to the old land.

   For many people at the bottom, although they have not been to Silver Star, and have not even seen too many reports about Silver Star, this does not affect their full yearning for that world.

   Chen She drank the wine in one cup.

  After traveling into this world, he has already met all kinds of different people.

   There are rebel soldiers like Zhang Sirui and Zhou Lei, small vendors like Wu Yisu, mysterious merchants like Aunt Li, and punks like Zeng Hailong.

   Each of them has their own ideas and different goals.

  The most terrifying thing is that their lives and the real upper-class people in this world seem to have been completely separated.

   Not only that, these groups do not understand each other at all, look down on each other, and remain indifferent to each other.

   Chen She feels like he is in a huge fish pond, and different kinds of fish are constantly vying for territory, and they are beaten to death. Some strong sharks are swimming around, constantly swallowing all kinds of small fish with cuts and bruises in their abdomen.

   But at a higher place, on the surface of the water, the fisherman is staring blankly at all of this with his large net open, and as long as the time is right, he will catch all the fish in the water.

   Chen She felt more and more uncertain about his future.

   At this moment, Chen She suddenly felt a strange feeling.

   He turned his head to look at Wu Yisu, and found that a special light appeared on the edge of Wu Yisu’s body.

   has a pale golden background as a whole, and it seems to show some orange red.

   Chen She was taken aback, thinking that he was drinking too much, but he was not drunk at this moment.

   Chen She concentrated his attention and discovered that this special light seemed to appear or disappear with his own thoughts.

   If he doesn’t want to be disturbed by this light, he can’t see it at all.

   However, the color of this light will not change in any way. No matter what Chen She looks at, the light on Wu Yisu’s body is a pale golden background with a little orange red.

“What’s happening here?”

   Chen She is very puzzling.

   He looked at Zhang Sirui who was standing not far away, and found that the color on the edge of Zhang Sirui’s body was a pure pale gold.

  Wu Yisu was already a little drunk, and said to Chen She: “Boss Chen, don’t bother, I’m going back to take a rest, and I’ll take care of the bar business at night.”

   Chen Shuo nodded, and sent Wu Yisu to the door of the experience store.

  On the road, he looked at the other people around him again.

   The resistance soldiers posing as shop assistants are similar to Zhang Sirui, they are all pale gold. There is no color on the customers who come and go.

   Chen She frowned slightly, lost in thought.

   “Since I crossed over, many strange things have happened to me one after another.”

   “In the beginning, it was just a nightmare. Later, I discovered that I had a good talent in painting and sculpture. Now even the things I see in my field of vision have changed.”

   “Do these changes have anything to do with the original owner?”

   “What does the light appearing around these people’s bodies really mean? Is it showing their identity, or is it showing some of their characteristics?”

   “At present, it seems that only people who are close to me have this phenomenon. In the experience store, ordinary customers who have nothing to do with me will not have a similar light.”

   “Go back and do a comprehensive physical examination to see if there is any special condition in your body.”

   “For the time being, try not to disclose this kind of information to anyone. Try it yourself to see if you can solve the mystery.”

   “It really doesn’t work, then consider asking Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui on the sidelines.”

   There is no one who can completely trust Chen She now.

   Although these rebel soldiers are trustworthy as a whole, Chen She has no idea what this special situation that happened to him represents, and it is difficult to predict the consequences.

  He came to the door of the experience store, looked at the shops on the opposite side, and then at the pedestrians on the street, with an attitude of giving it a try, and wanted to find some new colors.

   Suddenly, he saw a touch of light blue in the garbage dump on the corner of the street not far away.

   He took a closer look, and it seemed to be a beggar curled up next to the garbage dump.

  Chen She was a little surprised, because so far, the people he saw glowing were all his acquaintances, and the beggar was obviously a stranger.

   Thinking of this, Chen She called Zhang Sirui up and came to the beggar’s side together.

   Seeing someone coming, the beggar drew back in fear.

   Chen She, like talking to other beggars, said hello to him: “Hello.”

   The beggar looked up in surprise. In the past, he encountered other people who either fisted or cursed him. And the young man in front of him, although dressed brightly, was very polite to him.

   The beggar replied flatteredly: “Hello.”

   Chen She asked: “What is your name? Why did you live on the street?”

The beggar is unknown. Therefore, it seems that he hasn’t communicated with people normally for a long time. After a while, he replied: “My name is Xia Lirong. I was originally an employee of the Fujitang Group. I lost my job two years ago. Looks like…”

   After a brief chat, Chen She found that Xia Lirong seemed to be different from other beggars.

   Although it seems that because he hasn’t communicated with people for too long, he is a little stumbling, but he can feel that his mind is flexible and clear, which is not much different from normal people.

  The reason why he became a beggar was because he had worked as a clerk in Fujitang Group before, and he carried a lot of loans and debts. As a result, he was unable to find a job after losing his job. Under the chain reaction, life enters a vicious circle, all the original assets are returned to zero, and finally they have no choice but to live on the streets.

   Chen She did not expect that he went out to greet the beggars on the street every day, but he never received a response. Today, he actually met a qualified person.

   He looked at Zhang Sirui: “Do you have cash with you?”

  Many transactions in this world can be done directly through the bracelet, so many people no longer bring cash out of the house.

   It’s just that Zhang Sirui still carries some corporate bonds or credit notes on him because of his personal habits.

   Chen She took 500 credits of cash from Zhang Sirui and handed it to Xia Lirong.

   “Use the money to find a hotel to sleep, take a good rest, take a shower and then change clothes.”

   “At this time tomorrow, I will still be waiting for me in this place.”

   “I will give you a job.”

   Xia Lirong was a little unbelievable. It seemed that he couldn’t imagine that such a good thing of falling pie in the sky would fall on his own head.

   After being taken aback, he reached out and took it, thank you very much.

   Chen She noticed that the light on his body seemed to have changed, gradually changing from the original light blue to light gold, but it was much lighter than the color on Zhang Sirui and the others.

   On the way back to the experience store, Chen She couldn’t help but wonder: “Is the color I see is the level of trust in me?”

   “Zhang Sirui and the rebels both trust me very much, so they are pale gold.”

   “Although Wu Yisu is very grateful to me, he doesn’t know my true identity, so he still has a little bit of vigilance.”

   “As for this beggar named Xia Lirong, after I reached out to him, he also became very trusting in me, so the color became pale golden.”

   “But this doesn’t seem right.”

   “The same people who don’t know me, why didn’t the customers in the experience store have any color on them, and Xia Lirong had light blue in the beginning?”

   “Could there be a more metaphysical explanation?”

   Chen She is still a little puzzled, always feeling that he should have missed some key known conditions.

   He vaguely feels that as long as these known conditions can be completed, all his puzzles during this period of time can be solved.

   Thinking of this, Chen She said to Zhang Sirui: “Brother, come back to the company headquarters with me. I want to have a comprehensive physical examination.”

  Although a similar examination has been done before, the result of the examination is that Chen She’s body and spirit are very healthy, and no abnormalities can be found. But Chen She felt that it would be more at ease to check again.

   What if there is any change during this period?



   Tuesday, March 18.

   Chen She wakes up from the nightmare again.

   It’s just that this time he didn’t panic too much, he even got used to it.

   “I’m so bored with this.”

   “Why on earth do I keep having nightmares? And this nightmare turned out to be a series. The plot is outrageous if it can be connected. Can someone give me a reasonable explanation?”

   “Forget it, I can’t bear it anymore. I can only find a chance to ask Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen.”

   Chen She is a little irritable.

   After returning to the headquarters yesterday, he underwent a comprehensive physical examination, and the result was still the same as before.

   Regardless of his physical and mental problems, he is very healthy.

   Chen She deliberately did eye and brain tests, but he still didn’t find any abnormalities, and he couldn’t explain why he saw the special halo carried by everyone.

   After the comprehensive inspection, Chen She was a lot more steadfast, but he didn’t expect to have nightmares again that night.

   The content is still the same as the previous nightmare, but new content appears behind it.

   He walked alone in the vast snow field, with time snow floating in the sky, and then the white snow on the ground turned into a black torrent, and this time the black torrent rushed towards Chen She, allowing Chen She to see the details clearly.

  Though the black torrents look like asphalt or crude oil, they are not actually liquids.

  If you look closely, you will find that it is actually a terrifying beast tide gathered by countless fist-sized space-time creatures that are somewhat similar to mice!

  Chen She used to play some games and movies. During the epidemic of disasters such as the Black Death and the plague, countless fat rats flooded the streets like a tide, and wherever they went, the corpses of livestock and people were quickly eaten away.

   These scenes impressed Chen She deeply, and even left a little psychological shadow.

   But what he saw in the final scene of the nightmare was even more terrifying than this.

   Although Chen She was awakened by the nightmare, his sleep quality was not affected too much, and his mental state was relatively normal.

   At most, it was like being awakened by an alarm clock. I felt a cardiac arrest at that time, but I quickly recovered.

   But Chen She also made up his mind, and decided to ask Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui at the next regular rebellion meeting.

   The two of them are very knowledgeable and might know.

   After getting up to wash, Chen She and Zhang Sirui came to the experience store again.

   But instead of going directly to the experience store, he first went to the place he had agreed with the tramp, Xia Lirong, and waited.

   It was just after the agreed time, but Xia Lirong did not come.

   Chen She looked at the time on the bracelet, frowning involuntarily, and was very dissatisfied with Xia Lirong’s non-punctuality.

Zhang Sirui seemed to have anticipated this and said in a natural tone: “Mr. Chen, in fact, I have always wanted to say that you don’t need to treat these homeless people as normal people. They have sound hands and feet, but they are a little harder and look at them. In the long run, you won’t end up on the streets.”

   “The beggar must have taken the money and ran away. 500 credits is a lot of income for them. You can even find a dark super dream experience store to experience dopamine chips until sudden death.”

   Although Chen She did not agree with Zhang Sirui’s statement, he also had to admit that he was indeed released.

   It’s just that Chen She is a little puzzled, because the last gratitude of the tramp is not fake, and the light on the tramp has also turned pale gold.

   Could it be said that this tramp is actually an acting school, and the golden light he saw does not represent favorability, but other things?

   Chen She always felt that this matter seemed to be full of doubts.

   What if this tramp doesn’t want to come, but can’t come?

   But then I thought about it, as a homeless man who has nothing, who would count him? It doesn’t seem to make sense.

   Chen She waited for a while, but still didn’t see Xia Lirong’s shadow, so he had to leave.

   Just then, he heard a familiar voice asking: “Are you waiting for someone?”

   Chen She turned his head and saw that Jill Li was leaning against the door of the prosthetic clinic not far away, smoking a cigarette while looking at him.

   Since the last time he took Zhou Lei to the prosthetic clinic to repair the mechanical prosthesis, Chen She has not dealt with Aunt Li again, but concentrated on running his own experience store.

   More than half a month passed in a blink of an eye. The experience store of Lishan Technology did not cool off as quickly as Aunt Li predicted. Instead, it developed better and better, and the nearby gangs were also wiped out.

   And today’s prosthetic clinics seem to have little business, and it may have something to do with the gang activities in the vicinity being eliminated.

   Chen She looked at the halo on Aunt Li’s body. It was similar to Wu Yisu. It was also the result of a mixture of pale gold and orange, but the orange-red feeling was stronger.

   And Aunt Li’s expression seems to be wary of Chen She and Zhang Sirui.

   Obviously, she originally thought that Chen She was just a rich second generation who did not know the sufferings of the world. It is a very stupid behavior to come to this kind of neighborhood to earn copper from the poor, and it is absolutely impossible to succeed.

   But after the opening of the experience store, Chen She not only expanded his business, but also eliminated the surrounding gangs, making the entire area a great change.

   In Aunt Li’s view, she certainly wants to overturn her previous judgment and re-examine the purpose of Chen She and Zhang Sirui’s coming here, as well as their true identities.

   She began to feel that Chen She was probably not a pure-minded rich second generation.

   Chen She was thinking about other things.

   “This kind of light seems to confirm my previous guess.”

   “Pale gold represents a higher degree of favorability, while orange red represents a certain degree of hostility and vigilance.”

   “So what does blue represent?”

   “Or, does this color represent occupations? Pale gold and orange represent businessmen? Not possible. Or the former speculation is more likely.”

   Chen She roughly made this inference based on the colors currently seen.

However, considering that Aunt Li is not completely hostile to herself, but still has some kindness, Chen She did not directly regard her as an enemy, but replied: “Excuse me, have you seen a wandering around here? Chinese?”

   Aunt Li re-examined him and smiled: “There are so many homeless people around here, which one are you talking about?”

  Chen She said: “His name is Xia Lirong. He looks pretty handsome among the beggars, with sound limbs and clear speech.”

   Aunt Li narrowed her smile and asked, “What are you looking for?”

   She didn’t seem to expect that Chen She would describe a homeless man in such detail, and even called out the homeless man’s name. This shows that Chen She has the most basic respect for this tramp.

   Chen She answered truthfully: “Nothing, I just want him to be my employee.”

   Aunt Li inspected Chen She and seemed to be sure of the authenticity of what he said, and then said: “There are homeless people missing in Liming City every day. I suggest you don’t study too deeply, or you will get into trouble sooner or later.”

   “If you have a lot of curiosity and have to get to the bottom, I suggest you strengthen the security around yourself first.”

   Aunt Li finished speaking, she also drew the cigarette in her hand, turned around and returned to the prosthetic clinic.

   Chen She frowned slightly, thinking carefully about the deep meaning of Aunt Li’s words.

   “It looks like she knows something.”

   “There are homeless people missing in Dawn City every day. Is it because someone kidnapped these homeless people in a planned way?”

   “Furthermore, she asked me to strengthen my security, meaning that the danger I encountered could not even be solved by Zhang Sirui? No, not necessarily, it could also be saying that Zhang Sirui is okay, but it is difficult to keep me?”

   Chen She carefully savored what Aunt Li said, and suddenly he was a little worried.

   If Aunt Li didn’t deliberately scold him, it means that the matter is very deep!

   The public security in the periphery of Liming City is not good, and DCPD doesn’t care about gang fires and DCPD at all, let alone the trivial matter of the disappearance of homeless people.

   No one knows how many homeless people there are in Liming City at all, and a few people are missing occasionally, and they won’t attract any attention at all.

   Chen She thought for a while, and said to Zhang Sirui: “Arrange a few clever brothers to check this matter a little while ensuring their own safety.”

   “I vaguely think that this matter may have something to do with a big chaebol like the Fujitang Group or the Knights of Time.”

   “Especially the Knights of Time and Space.”

   “Considering the special mark that appeared some time ago, they may pose some threats to the safety of the experience store, and we cannot ignore it.”

   Chen She thought carefully, if someone is really kidnapping these homeless people in secret, then the only possibility is to conduct some evil mysterious experiments or human experiments.

   Needless to say, this kind of thing is mostly related to organizations such as the consortium or the Temporal Knights.

   Zhang Sirui is also very aware of the danger of this matter, but as a rebel army, you can never back down because of danger.

   Know yourself and the enemy, never end in battle. Only by fully grasping the other party’s intelligence can we master the initiative.

   Although Chen She was a little concerned about the safety of the homeless man, he couldn’t use too many resources to find it.

   On the one hand, he is also not sure if the other party released his pigeons or was actually taken away.

   On the other hand, the full version of “The Embers Will Go Out” will be released soon. Chen She has too many things at hand, and there is really no extra energy to care about other things.

   Let the brothers of the rebels try to investigate under the premise of ensuring their own safety. Treating a stranger in this way is considered to be the most benevolent.

   I hope that the pigeons have been released!



   Friday, March 28.

   Chen’s consortium headquarters underground, the regular meeting of the rebel army.

  The person in charge of each department reports the recent situation in turn.

   Lin Luxi said: “Captain, the full version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” has been developed, and only the initial publicity work is left.”

   “Although the demo version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” has gained a certain degree of popularity on the Internet, before we forcibly divided Chaomeng into two versions, which caused strong dissatisfaction among many old players, and the score fell sharply.”

   “This time the official version is on sale, I think we should plan the preliminary publicity work. After all, we have stocked so many physical versions of Chaomeng, and there is nothing to lose.”

   Chen She nodded slightly: “Well, I will think about the publicity matter.”

   Zhou Lei said: “The renovation of the experience store has been completed, and the security level has been greatly improved compared to before.”

“This time, in addition to the conventional security measures, such as safe houses, anti-eavesdropping devices, armed drones and various hidden micro-turrets, a spatiotemporal activity suppressor has also been installed. Mainly according to what you said, take precautions in advance. Respond to the threat that the Temporal Knights may pose.”

   The so-called spatiotemporal activity suppressor is a special defense device.

  The members of the Temporal Knights have the ability to control time and space creatures and create time and space activities. However, around the time and space activity suppressor, their ability will be fully restricted, and they will not be able to exert their full power.

   Chen She has long understood that this strange ability of the Temporal Knights is very dangerous, and it is difficult to beware of conventional means.

   So before the two sides had contact, Zhou Lei was asked to prepare in advance and spent a lot of money to purchase a spatiotemporal activity suppressor.

   In this way, the money earned from “Walking in the Garden” went directly to the development of the full version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” and the modification of the experience store, which was consumed seven or eighty-eight.

   Zhang Sirui said: “Captain, I asked a few more clever brothers to check the matter about the beggar before.”

   “There are indeed cases of bizarre disappearances of beggars in Dawn City, and some signs of surviving temporal and spatial activities have indeed been found at the scene.”

   “In other words, the bizarre disappearance of these beggars may indeed involve the Knights of Space and Time.”

“In fact, the Temporal Knights have committed kidnappings in many big cities. They are very keen to’recruit’ all kinds of new people to join, and they will not refuse them. The ultimate goal is to transform these people’s’synthetic’ ability, so that They became the members of the Temporal Knights and went to make cannon fodder for their terrorist activities.”

   “But brothers, according to your request, self-preservation is the top priority, so I didn’t dare to pursue it too deeply. Only this progress was made in a few days.”

   Hearing this, Zhou Lei’s face showed a daze.

“No wonder the captain strongly requested the installation of a spatiotemporal activity suppressor in the experience store at the very beginning! I originally thought that even if the sign of the Temporal Knights appeared on the street, it shouldn’t be a direct conflict between us. What’s the danger.”

   “But the captain thinks farther, he has already taken precautions in advance and is fully prepared.”

   “Even… the captain might think further?”

   “Strengthen the security measures of the experience store, and investigate the Temporal Knights… Does this mean that the captain has actually made up his mind to take the Temporal Knights? The first is better?”

“It’s also a good move. Although the madmen of the Time and Space Knights are dangerous, they are not like the big plutocrats and are not protected by the laws of the old soil. If they are really prepared to take the Time and Space Knights stronghold in Dawn City, If you get it, it should be able to catch all the space-time particles they have hoarded…”

   “That’s cool!”

   Zhou Lei couldn’t help but make a series of associations, as if he had seen the scene where the Resistance fighters went straight to Huanglong under the leadership of Chen She and returned with a large number of space-time particles.

   And Chen She was secretly grateful at this time.

   I just said that being more stable is right!

   In fact, when he first asked for the space-time activity suppressor to be installed in the experience store, he did not deliberately target the time-space knights. It was purely for his own safety, so he could spend more money by the way.

   I didn’t expect it, it really came in handy.

At present, Chen She doesn’t know much about this mysterious space-time knight order. He only knows that their leader is called Epsilon. He does not know his life or death at present. As for the nature of this knight order…it is simply defined as a terrorist organization with some brain problems. That’s right.

   Therefore, Chen She did not dare to let the resistance soldiers investigate too deeply.

   The ability that these space-time knights master is called “synthesis”, as the name suggests, is the ability to synathesize with mysterious space-time creatures.

Some high-level members of the time and space knights can control and control dangerous time and space creatures, and create small-scale time and space activities, and even some religious members who have just been forcibly “recruited” can also use their synaesthetic abilities to transform their bodies. Engage in a suicide attack.

   This kind of organization is like a puddle of mud. If it is stuck on it, I am afraid that it will not be thrown away. Chen She definitely does not want to provoke it.

   It’s best to never get involved with them.

   The only thing Chen She cares a little about is the tramp Xia Lirong. Not only out of a sympathetic state of mind, but also a very important reason is that Xia Lirong originally had a pale blue light on his body. Chen She has only seen him in him so far. I don’t know if there is anything in it. Special meaning.

   Chen She asked: “If these homeless people are really taken away by the Temporal Knights, what will happen? Will their lives be in danger?”

Zhang Sirui replied: “There should be no life-threatening in the short term. Although the Space-Time Knights are a group of lunatics, their ultimate goal is to transform the life form of all people and allow humans to embrace space-time life, but they do not have the habit of killing innocent people indiscriminately. “

   “Of course, this is not a humanistic feeling, simply because they regard ordinary people as resources.”

“If it is a person with strong synaesthetic ability, they will find ways to develop into knights and absorb their own combat power; people with less synaesthetic ability may develop into congregations and sacrifice for the Knights if necessary; there is really no communication. People who feel capable, just stay and do some hard labor.”

   Chen She felt a little relieved.

  According to Zhang Sirui, even if the tramp named Xia Lirong was actually captured by the Knights of Time and Space, his life should not be in danger in the short term.

   There is no need to worry about this matter, it can be discussed in the long term.

  Zhao Zhen finally said: “At present, the new factory and production line of Lishan Technology Group are about to be officially completed. After the completion, Zeng Hailong and other gangs can be moved over.”

   “The new factory and production line purchase the latest MK-6 manufacturing machine according to your requirements. It can meet the production needs of most equipment.”

“Those gangsters have also carried out a preliminary reorganization according to your requirements. For those who are stubborn, they have been sent to DCPD; those who are more cooperative like Zeng Hailong will continue to let them work in the factory. See if you can slowly reverse their thoughts.”

   “The only question is, what does this new factory produce?”

   “According to my idea, it is enough to share the production plan with the current foundry of our Chen Consortium.”

“On the one hand, these gangsters have gradually become familiar with similar jobs, and the production efficiency has improved to a certain extent; on the other hand, after we implemented the eight-hour work system, the training time of the brothers is guaranteed, but the shortening of working time allows us The foundry orders received have shrunk, and it is necessary to continue to expand the order business.”

   The MK-6 type manufacturing machine mentioned by Zhao Zhen is a new type of conventional manufacturing machine produced by Vilford Heavy Industry Group.

   The factory form in this world is different from Chen She’s previous life because of the difference in technology lines.

   These manufacturing machines are more like some kind of 3D printing equipment, as long as the raw materials and space-time particles are provided, specific equipment can be automatically manufactured according to the drawings.

  The more advanced the equipment, the fewer the links that require manual labor.

   Of course, some high-precision products, such as chips or advanced mechanical prostheses, cannot be made. Because these things require not only special equipment, but also highly confidential drawings and many special materials.

   But low-end firearms, low-level cold weapons, conventional mechanical prostheses and digital products, etc. can be made.

   Therefore, it is up to Chen She to decide what this factory will build.

  Chen She immediately denied Zhao Zhen’s ideas: “It’s definitely not possible to reproduce the original things. The low-end foundry profit is too low, and it also affects the training time of the brothers. It was originally what we decided to phase out.”

   “It is definitely not appropriate to open a new production line and do this.”

   “But I don’t think too much about what to build. Let’s do that, after the official version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” is released, I will give you a clear answer.”

   Chen She deliberately left this hole, which can be considered a rainy day.

  Because he has to prepare with both hands.

   If the official version of “The Embers Will Go Out” hits the street as expected, then he has to use this production line to find a way to make money and make up for the loss.

   But what if the official version of “The Embers Will Go Out” accidentally goes on fire? Then this production line has to produce some loss-making things, so that the profit and loss can return to a balanced state.

   Zhao Zhen nodded: “Yes, this matter is more important, Captain, please consider it slowly. UU Reading”

   “Since there is nothing else to do, then shall we… adjourn?”

   “There hasn’t been any military action recently. Some brothers may have some irritability. Everyone can persuade them a little bit. If it doesn’t work, give them some training in “The Embers Will Extinguish”.”

   Everyone has discovered that the super dream of “The Embers Will Extinguish” really has an immediate effect in terms of mentality.

   These rebel fighters were originally militants, and they were thinking about how to get a big vote every day. They were either thinking about beating this big chaebol or that big chaebol.

   Originally, Zhang Sirui and the others were very worried, so they could only go to the wilderness every once in a while to make a vote to resolve the irritability of these resistance fighters.

   But after arranging “The Embers Will Extinguish” as a training program, everyone was surprised to find that the impatient mood of the Resistance fighters seemed to have been greatly eased, and they were not clamoring to go to the wilderness all day!

   After some rebel fighters finished their training, they fell into a mildly autistic mood, feeling that they could not even beat the enemies in their super dreams. What is the chance of victory if they challenge the big consortium so vainly?

   Some Rebel fighters realized their lack of skills and felt that they would spend more time training in “The Embers Will Extinguish”.

   There are some rebels, maybe they are simply addicted…

   But in any case, this is not a bad thing. Since everyone agrees with Captain Chen She and recognizes that the short-term goal is to develop the economy quickly, it is necessary to reduce military friction as much as possible and reduce the risk of exposure.

   Everyone nodded and got up to leave.

  Chen She said: “Uncle Zhao, third brother, you two will stay for a while, I have questions to ask you.”

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