Virtual End

Chapter 38 - Propaganda map for full stream of consciousness

   After everyone else left the meeting room, Zhang Sirui asked, “Captain, what’s the matter?”

   Chen She hesitated a little.

   He didn’t know how to ask.

   There are many unbelievable phenomena in himself. He suspects that these phenomena are related to the original owner, but he does not want to explain all these things all at once.

  Considering the most extreme situation, if there is a very dangerous possibility in themselves, Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui decided after careful consideration, what should they do for the sake of all mankind’s righteousness?

   It’s not impossible…

   Although everyone is a resistance army, Chen She is also very trusted at present, but this trust is not unconditional. In the final analysis, everyone is to accomplish the ultimate goal of the Resistance Army to overthrow all the big chaebols. Once the goals are staggered, these people will not unconditionally follow Chen She.

   But these mysteries really bothered Chen She, so he decided to ask the question first to see if he could ask what the result was.

   “I have always had the same nightmare one after another recently, dreaming of myself walking on the wasteland, and also dreaming of space-time creatures.”

   Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen were taken aback when they heard the words, and looked at each other.

  Because they all know that Chen She has undergone a comprehensive physical examination and is very healthy, and there is no visible disease in the brain.

   After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Zhen said: “Generally speaking, this kind of strange phenomenon that is difficult to explain may be related to the ability of synaesthesia.”

   “But…I’m not sure.”

   Zhang Sirui nodded: “We people don’t know anything about synaesthesia. If we can catch a knight of the time and space knights and ask, maybe we can ask the answer.”

  He paused, and suddenly he had a guess: “Captain, is it related to your original ritual? It’s the ritual that caused the coma.”

   Chen She was taken aback: “The ceremony? Do you remember the content of the ceremony?”

   Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen looked at each other: “Captain, you arranged the whole ceremony yourself. We don’t know any details at all.”

   “Could it be that the captain, your memory of that ceremony was also erased?”

   Zhao Zhen nodded slightly: “There is such a possibility, time and space rituals are full of dangers. Whether it is amnesia or a major change in temperament, it is normal, and it can even be said to be a relatively good result…”

   “In this way, it is also possible that the space-time ritual left certain sequelae. If there is a master with synaesthetic ability, it may be able to find the reason.”

   “But unfortunately, there is no such person in the Resistance Army.”

   Zhang Sirui added: “Brothers are more disgusted with things like synesthesia and space-time creatures…”

   Obviously, these two people are also very concerned about Chen She’s physical condition. You don’t need Chen She to find a way to explain it.

   Chen She seriously tasted what they said, and felt that there seemed to be a big problem here.

  According to Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui, the original owner planned this dangerous time and space ceremony himself and kept it a secret to the soldiers of the Resistance. Even people who trust Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui only revealed the existence of this ritual.

   Because everyone in the Chen consortium didn’t understand these things, they were very disgusted.

   The original owner may be worried that when ordinary soldiers know about his ritual, it will cause civil unrest within the Resistance Army.

   The result is mostly a failure.

   What is certain at present is that the spirit of the original owner is dead, memory is severely damaged, and the powerful mental ability to manipulate objects through will is gone, and this ritual does not seem to bring any benefits to Chen She.

   has brought some side effects instead.

   For example, Chen She’s inexplicable desire for space-time particles, the ability to see a special halo in some people just recently emerged, and frequent nightmares of the same.

   As for Chen She’s talents and addiction in painting and sculpture, Chen She is not sure whether these come from the original master’s talents, or from this ritual, or whether this ritual amplifies and enhances the original master’s talents.

   But apart from these, Chen She still has one of the most puzzling questions.

  Original Lord, what is the original purpose of this ceremony?

   Obviously, it is impossible for the original owner to have a brain twitch and decide to engage in such a dangerous ritual.

   He must have seen the huge benefits after the success of this ceremony, so he did not hesitate to take risks.

   If the so-called huge benefits are only to improve one’s painting skills and sculpture… then there is no need to take this kind of risk.

   These weird phenomena that Chen She is currently appearing are probably related to synaesthesia.

   But no one in the Resistance Army has the synaesthetic ability. If you want to find a master with this strange ability, you have to find a way to contact the Space-Time Knights.

   Isn’t this embarrassing?

   I am completely unfamiliar with the Space-Time Knights either!

  Chen She was a little melancholy, this question has not yet been clearly answered. But for the benefit, at least he roughly positioned where the problem was, and finally he had an idea.

  After thinking about it for a while, Chen She said, “Let’s let this matter go for a while, and then consider it in two days.”

   “It really doesn’t work, you have to try to contact the Knights of Time and Space.”

   “The full version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” will be released soon, so we should finish this matter first before making any plans.”



   March 29th, Saturday.

  Chen She continued to carve while thinking about the Knights of Time in the experience shop.

   “Look at my unlucky hobby. I love painting or carpentry. This is not a good sign.”

   “All are the signs of subjugation.”

   “But… really good, I can’t stop at all…”

   Chen She also wanted to give up carving completely, but he found that this thing is addictive!

   Just like many people smoke, whenever they encounter something annoying or want to seriously consider a problem, they always want to light a cigarette.

   Chen She is also in the same situation. Every time I think about a problem, I have to carve something in my hands to be safe.

   After his unremitting efforts, various small sculptures have been placed on various shelves on the first floor of the experience store.

   These sculptures have different shapes, including figures, animals, and scenes…In short, Chen She sculpted whatever he thought of.

   The clerk and the customer didn’t say anything. Although I think the boss’s hobbies are a bit weird, the sculptures are pretty and delicate, and they are not bad as decorations.

   As for Zeng Hailong and the others who work in the factory during the day to collect their wages and come to the experience shop at night, they are not surprised.

   Boss Chen, as a psychopath, is it weird to have this habit?

   is not surprising.

   obviously fits well with such an elegant and psychopathic personality like Boss Chen!

   Zhou Lei watched Chen She concentrate on sculpting, a little embarrassed to interrupt, but after tangling for a while, he finally plucked up the courage and came over.

“Mr. Chen, Lin Luxi urged me again. I would like to ask when the promotional activities you arranged for “The Embers Will Extinguish” will be finalized? In two days, the official version of “The Embers will Extinguish” will be on sale online .”

   Chen She temporarily stopped the carving at hand: “Oh, yes.”

   He was really busy and almost forgot about it.

   But it doesn’t matter, there is still enough time.

   “Bring my electronic drawing board.”

   Chen She put aside the unfinished sculpture in his hand, took the electronic drawing board from Zhou Lei’s hand, and began to brew his emotions and prepare for creation.

   The full version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” is released, and the conclusion can be drawn on this super dream.

   Whether it is a loss or a profit, whether it can help Chen She maintain the balance of Lishan Technology Group’s revenue depends on the last fudge!

   Judging from the current situation, it is obviously more likely to lose.

Although the previous system speculation data curve of “Embers Will Extinguish” has changed, Chen She also reacted quickly and split the original version, which effectively contained the arrogance of the players and made them angrily. Few bad reviews.

   There are still many old players who are so angry that they just quit the game.

  Because the original version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” has become a “suffering version”, and the reduced difficulty “coward version” requires additional purchase.

   For the old players, it is simply the ultimate money grab!

On the one hand, after entering the Super Dream, they found that the difficulty suddenly increased, and the mobs that they could eat steadily could not be beaten, and they became difficult to move in this world; on the other hand, they found that the other version was clearly just adjusting the difficulty. But still have to collect another amount of money.

   Can this be tolerated?

   This company is obviously crazy for money!

   Therefore, many old players were so angry that they did not log in for several days.

   In this way, the system’s evaluation of the “Embers Will Extinguish” data curve has undergone some changes, and Chen She sees a good sign.

   This state is just right now.

   “Strolling in the Garden” is still making money, but it did not decline as fast as Chen She imagined in the later period. Although many Chaomeng R&D companies have come up with copycat versions, the decline in the middle and late stages of the original Chaomeng version of “Walking in the Garden” has magically stopped, and it has not fallen as fast as the system predicted.

   This has caused Chen She’s estimated income to come out a lot, and “The Embers Will Go Out” is urgently needed to balance it.

   Chen She speculated that this may be because “Strolling in the Garden” compared to other copycat super dreams, like “The Embers Will Extinguish”, has a more obvious improvement effect on the body, so it is so strong.

   Although “The Embers Will Go Out” was hit hard by Chen She’s waist, there is still the possibility of a resurgence.

   Therefore, Chen She must now suppress the full version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” as much as possible. It doesn’t matter if you use too much force to cause a shortage of funds. There is still that new production line that can be used to make money.

   What’s more, “The Embers Will Extinguish” has played a very good effect in the daily training of the resistance army. Even if it does not make money, it should not cause much damage to Chen She’s prestige.

   Chen She took a look at it and felt that although the process was a bit tortuous, the situation was still under his control!

   deserves to be the safe me.

   Of course, there is another variable that has to be paid attention to, that is Li Yunhan.

   It’s just that Li Yunhan hasn’t spoken on social platforms for a long time since he was beaten in the face by Chen She last time. I don’t know what he is doing.

   may be the same rebel army, was stabbed in the back by Chen She and became angry?

   is also possible.

  Chen She felt that this Li Yunhan shouldn’t be a cause for concern. After all, he had just the right difficulty in playing “The Embers Will Extinguish” before, and he was directly beaten in the face by the official. As an Internet celebrity big V, it should be difficult to hold on to his face.

   I released the full version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” this time. You should be embarrassed to blow it again, right?

   After all, it should be difficult for Li Yunhan to explain his previous judgment.

If Li Yunhan insists on his own opinion, it is tantamount to saying that the creator of “The Embers Will Extinguish” changed the difficulty of not understanding the super dream, which is tantamount to being black; and if Li Yunhan changes his opinion and slaps himself, it will not only lose face, There is also the suspicion of embarrassment.

  If Li Yunhan is a smart person, he should know that the best thing he should do at this time is to shut up, as if nothing happened, don’t mention it again.

   After waiting for a while, everyone gradually forgot about this matter and revived on social platforms.

   In short, Chen She feels that he is only one step away from the perfect equilibrium state in the plan: a very bad super dream promotional image!

   In fact, the original version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” also has a promotional image, which is the one used before the entrance of the experience store.

   A knight with a torn shirt holding a long sword is walking towards the walls of the imperial city. In front of him, there are many hideous, ferocious and terrifying enemies.

   Around this propaganda picture, there are some propaganda slogans, such as “extremely challenging acting super dream”, “a lofty journey to save the common people” and so on.

   These contents are all determined by Lin Luxi based on the art material and story background of the game “The Embers Will Extinguish”.

  Although on the whole it is quite satisfactory and not particularly brilliant, at least it perfectly expresses the core content of the entire Chaomeng.

   These promotional resources will be used not only at the entrance of the experience store, but also at the entrance of various channels in the Super Dream game cabin.

   When the players in the Super Dream Game Pod are looking for new games online, they can also see this promotional image. It’s just that the promotional image I saw at that time was no longer a flat painting, but a complete scene.

   Players can directly preview this scene, feel the atmosphere of this super dream, and then decide whether to buy it.

Therefore, the promotional image is a bit similar to the poster of the movie and the cover of the game, but it is not limited to a plane, but directly creates a scene and an atmosphere, so that the player can feel the super dream in the most intuitive way. Characteristics, which prompted him to make up his mind to buy.

   So far, this promotional image has been completely bound to “The Embers Will Extinguish” in a sense.

   When most people see this style, they will think of “The Embers Will Go Out”.

   This is certainly not a good phenomenon.

   So Chen She decided to change the promotional image!

   directly discarded this demo version of the promotional image, both the promotional image and the slogan were redone. In this way, the old players will definitely be very confused, and the new players will see it in the mist.

   As far as possible in this part of the promotion, the potential player group of this super dream is restricted.

   Chen She took the hand-painted board and started to make ideas.

   He wants to hand-paint a new promotional picture, and then give this picture to Lin Luxi to make a three-dimensional scene for use in the Super Dream Store in the game cabin.

   But after picking up the electronic paintbrush, Chen She fell into deep thought again.

  How can we persuade players as much as possible?

   The best way should be false publicity, that is, the content of the publicity image is not directly related to the Chaomeng content.

   In this way, players who like this kind of **** battle will not come in, and those who come in are players who don’t like this kind of super dream.

   They will definitely be fooled and leave a bad review by the way.

   But Chen She certainly can’t make it too obvious. If a cute propaganda map is directly given, then all the soldiers of the Resistance Army will definitely give him a look of “what’s the matter with you, little man”.

   Chen She had an idea, and there was it.

   It’s best to make this propaganda map vague and unclear.

  Because of this, I have full power of explanation, and I can fool Lin Luxi and Zhao Zhen into them without being suspected.

   For players, an inexplicable and incomprehensible promotional image makes it difficult for them to accurately locate the content of this super dream game, and the desire to buy is naturally not too strong.

  In other words, make a promotional image that has no specific intentions and is all abstract!

   Chen She made up his mind and immediately began to create.

   I have to say that it’s really different to start drawing by myself.

   If Chen She didn’t have such a heavenly drawing ability, even if he had this idea, he would not be able to accurately convey it to the painter. The result of the final publicity picture would definitely be far from what he imagined.

  Because what he wanted was an extremely abstract propaganda image, he could only understand it, not in words.

   But now, he can completely paint this picture according to his own preferences, without having to look at the painter’s face.


   Zhou Lei watched from the sidelines, and was amazed by Mr. Chen’s superb painting skills.

  Before painting, other painters have to make a little idea, simply use a few lines to outline the general structure, and then divide the layers and paint layer by layer.

   First set up a big shelf, and then slowly refine the details.

   There are only a handful of the ultimate bosses, who can start directly from the details, because I am extremely confident in myself and the structure is in my heart.

   And Chen She was even more exaggerated. His behavior at this time was entirely a human printer.

   starts from the bottom left corner of the screen and ends at the bottom right corner of the screen, without any layering at all!

   Even Zhou Lei suspected that Mr. Chen seemed to want to finish the painting in one stroke. It was only because the structure of this picture was more complicated and the picture was relatively abstract, so he used a few more strokes.

   is outrageous!

   Zhou Lei felt that just watching Mr. Chen’s paintings was a kind of enjoyment.

   Only after the details of this picture gradually became clear, Zhou Lei fell into a state of bewilderment again.

   From the perspective of Mr. Chen’s painting skills, it is indeed extremely exquisite and proficient, but judging from the final product of this picture…

   What is this?

  Good abstraction!

   When a painting is extremely abstract, it cannot even be described in words.

   For Zhou Lei, this painting has exceeded his own cognitive scope, and he has no way to appreciate it at all.

He was a little puzzled. It stands to reason that Mr. Chen should be a superb painter. That’s right. After all, all the art designs of “The Embers Will Extinguish” and “Walking in the Garden” were done by Mr. Chen, and Mr. Chen’s skillful painting techniques are lifelike. All the engravers attest to this point.

   But in this painting, I really can’t tell what the painting is!

   Chen She’s efficiency is very high, even this time he not only created the line draft, but also colored it.

   If he is allowed to evaluate it himself, he thinks this painting is a little bit impressionist, but also a bit postmodernist.

   Of course, for professional painters, different genres are distinct, with very strict definitions and different styles.

   But for Chen She, his painting skills fell from the sky, so it is impossible to distinguish the difference between these art styles at all.

   His only feeling is that this thing is so abstract that most people can’t understand it!

   And the process of his painting is to naturally blend these styles, resulting in a certain four-different result.

   Chen She drew this picture, which feels a bit like the style of the impressionist school. In short, it tries to show a pure relationship between light and shadow. Paint with the impression of a moment, grab a moment and apply a large swath of color on the canvas with the paintbrush. Only the overall effect of the painting is considered, and the details are not considered.

   The specific content is relatively abstract, and different people will have different associations when they read it.

   This publicity image is a gray area as a whole. It looks like a large plume of smoke that is sprayed into the air after smoking. The smoke is blown by the wind, and various lines form some abstract patterns.

   And in the propaganda picture, this gray feeling is more depressing and deep, and it fills the entire space.

   After these gray shadows, there are changes in light and shadow. At the upper right of the picture, there is a light red, it seems that there is a fire, which is reflected and refracted by the gray shadow and then spreads out.

   But this is not the only light source, there are scattered light sources in other positions of the screen, but it is not obvious here in the upper right corner.

   In other parts of the picture, the grayish colors are darker and lighter, and the lines seem to outline some complicated patterns, which can be interpreted in many ways.

   Of course, it can be said to be “interpretation”, or it can be said to be “brain supplement”.

   After Chen She finished the painting, he looked at the whole painting again from beginning to end, and then nodded in satisfaction: “It’s done!”

   Zhou Lei looked bewildered: “Mr. Chen, does this painting… have any meaning?”

   Chen She smiled slightly: “It can only be understood, not spoken.”

   Actually, Chen She didn’t think so much at all, he just completely followed his own heart and drew such an abstract painting.

   Gray is the main color, mainly because Chen She worried that the color was used too much and made it too fancy, which would enhance the overall appearance of the painting.

   Chen She originally planned to make a purely gray scene, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not appropriate. This is not round, and it seems that there is no close connection with the super dream of “The Embers Will Extinguish”.

   So when Chen She moved his mind, he embellished some refracted firelight on the gray background, which was faint and more in line with the impressionist feeling.

   adds firelight, it has something to do with the name “The Embers Will Extinguish”, right?

   Anyway, abstract!

   After seeing this picture, most people can never think of any specific content in the super dream of “The Embers Will Go Out”.

   Such a propaganda poster with a cloud cover and an unclear meaning should be enough to dissuade most novice players who don’t know the truth?

   Besides, Chen She also helped Lin Luxi a little favor.

  Because Lin Luxi had to face this painting, doing the promotional scene in the Super Dream game cabin.

   If it becomes a particularly complicated one, Lin Luxi is also tired to do it, that’s not good.

   Now this feeling is much easier to make, that is, put a lot of naturally flowing and changing gray fog in the space, and then after the fog is sprinkled with some looming firelight, it will be all alive.

   How easy it is!

   Chen She directly sent this picture to Lin Luxi.

   “In the future posters, just follow this one! The important thing is this kind of artistic conception, understand?”

   “As for the slogan, I also thought about it briefly.”

   “Just four words: Come and die!”

   In the holographic image, Lin Luxi seemed to have just finished receiving the picture, and his two big eyes flashed suddenly and his face was blank.

   “That’s it?” Lin Luxi was a little dazed, “Mr. Chen, you thought about it all day and came up with such a slogan?”

   Chen She was choked by her, and after a dry cough, he said: “What’s the matter? Look down on this slogan? This is the final version of several plans that I have been thinking hard about.”

   “You may not be able to understand the depth of it now, it doesn’t matter, you will understand it soon.”

   In fact, Chen She was embarrassed to say that he had forgotten this thing at all, and he was obsessed with carving and couldn’t get rid of it.

   But Lin Luxi is really good at fooling around. She was obviously bewildered by Chen She’s righteous expression. She really thought that the propaganda map and propaganda were the product of Mr. Chen’s careful consideration.

   “Okay President Chen, then I will take the time to make the propaganda scenes and make the last propaganda at the end of the month, and then the full version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” will be officially released on the 1st of next month.”

   Chen She nodded: “Well, come on!”


   Central Federal District, the headquarters of Long Night Entertainment Group.

   As one of the gold medal Super Dream producers of Long Night Entertainment Group, Li Yunhan has a large office.

   At this time, he was standing by the French window, looking at the scenery outside.

   And a Westerner who looks very artistic with a beard is sitting on the sofa to persuade him.

   “Li, as a friend, I would like to advise you. Your persistence is completely meaningless. It has nothing to do with the victory or defeat between you and me. This is the trend and the general trend.”

   “The Super Dream producers should understand that they cannot fight the general trend by their own strength. No matter how persistent they are, they will eventually bow to reality.”

   “”Under the Blade” is an S-level project finally finalized after defeating several projects in the company. According to the system’s judgment, it will undoubtedly become a super hot item.”

   “Lee, I know that the resources of your new super dream are robbed of “Under the Blade” is something that makes you unbearable, but I still hope you can seriously consider it and join forces with me.”

   “After the “Under the Blade” project, the company will definitely give me more resources. At that time, we will build a brand new IP together…”

   Li Yunhan turned his back to the westerner, shook his head slightly, and then smiled.

   “Kory, don’t waste your saliva.”

“I’m not the same as you, you know. For you, money is always the first. In order to let “Under the Blade” be able to beat competitors and get the most company resources, in order to cater to the rating system, you You know how many changes that Chaomeng has made that go against your heart.”

   “I can never give up the dignity and professionalism of a super dream producer like you.”

   Although Li Yunhan was not polite in his words, Corey was not angry.

   He spread his hands: “Your statement is too exaggerated, not to mention, I just want to survive.”

“Lee, the company killed your new super dream this time is a warning to you. Among all the producers, you are the biggest thorn in the head. You are the most opposed to the future plans set by the company’s senior management. “

   “You even use your social accounts to incite fans and create a lot of public opinion that is unfavorable to the company.”

   “If you persist in this way, the next time you are killed, it may not be your super dream, but your position as a producer.”

   “You and I should know that we are just ordinary employees in the company, and there is no essential difference from ordinary employees. Both you and me are not irreplaceable.”

   “Leaving the company, where else can you go?”

   “Skyline Network Group? Hi-Tech Group? Fujitang? Or Weimu Technology?”

“You should be very clear that although they all want to get a share in the Chaomeng industry, they have never really won, because our company has a moat in the Chaomeng industry! Once you go to these places, it will be true. Represents the end of your super dream producer status.”

   Li Yunhan was silent for a moment: “It’s getting late, you should go.”

   “If I remember correctly, “Under the Blade” will be officially released on the 1st of next month, right?”

   “I hope that the word-of-mouth and sales on the first day of release can meet your psychological expectations.”

   Ke Lei shook his head slightly, seeming to feel sorry for Li Yunhan’s meaningless persistence.

   He got up from the sofa, ready to leave.

   Before leaving, Corey finally said: “Li, there are always many helpless things in this world. In many cases, the higher you stand, the fewer things you can do.”

   Li Yunhan came to the desk, poured a glass of wine, and drank it all in one go.

   In the past few months, he has been more active on social networks because he is really idle. The super dream that was originally planned was killed by the senior management of Long Night Entertainment Group.

  The reason is simple, the system rating is too low.

   Li Yunhan was actually very unconvinced about this.

  Because of the Chaomeng that has been put on the shelves, the system will estimate the Chaomeng level based on the initial data, which is relatively objective.

   But this new system within the Long Night Entertainment Group grades Super Dream projects based on the design scheme alone. Li Yunhan wants to ask: Why?

   He is very dissatisfied, but there is nothing he can do.

   Although the Long Night Entertainment Group has extremely sufficient research and development funds, it must also consider the input-output ratio of each project. There are also competitions among the various gold medal producers, and only those who win can get the most resources and make the super dream of big production.

   I don’t know when, the executives of the Long Night Entertainment Group have become more and more superstitious about big investment, big productions, gold medal producers and big-name super dream stars.

   Of course, Long Night Entertainment Group needs only the reputation of the gold medal producer, not necessarily his actual talents.

   When the company has too many gold medal Super Dream producers, it is not a big problem to drive off one or two, because it will make the people who stay more obedient.

   Therefore, Li Yunhan has been in a relatively confused state recently. Although he does not have to work every day, he is not very happy.

   Suddenly, he thought of something.

   “The full version of “The Embers Will Go Out” will also be released on the 1st next month?”

   “This schedule…it’s not wise!”

   Although Li Yunhan dislikes the super dream of “Under the Blade” very much, no matter how he resists it in his heart, he has to admit that this super dream is indeed very strong.

   is not only a huge investment, rich content, but also many super dream stars to join, the lineup is very luxurious.

   poses a fatal threat to Chaomeng, which was released at the same time.

   And what’s in “The Embers Will Go Out”? The demo version has been criticized as a dog on the Internet, and the “sufferable version” and “cowardly version” came out just before the full version was released, which disgusted the old players.

   The only short experience-type super dream was recorded by Captain Chen She himself.

   Is this comparable?

   What’s more, with the official release of “Under the Blade”, Long Night Entertainment Group will inevitably spend a lot of publicity resources, covering almost all the Chaomeng publicity channels currently on the market.

   This also means that the limited publicity resources of “The Embers Will Extinguish” will be completely crushed, and even the exposure is several orders of magnitude worse than that of “Under the Blade”.

Li Yunhan never thought that “The Embers Will Extinguish” might pose a threat to “Under the Blade”. What he worried about was that if it was so squeezed by “Under the Blade”, “The Embers Will Extinguish” even the initial expected income. Can’t reach it, what should I do?

Although Li Yunhan did not cooperate well when propagating “The Embers Will Extinguish” before, a little problem occurred, but from the point of view of the Resistance Army or from the point of view of the super dream design concept, he must still stand On the side of “The Embers Will Go Out”.

   After much consideration, Li Yunhan decided to call Captain Chen She himself.

   He wants to explain to Captain Chen She what the stakes are.

   Although Chaomeng does not necessarily have to be postponed, it must be prepared for Lishan Technology, otherwise it will hit him unexpectedly, and he will definitely lose his armor and lose his armor and lose miserably!


   At this time, Chen She is still carving.

   Carving makes people happy.

   This time he no longer sculpted some very specific things, but relatively abstract scenes.

   Previously carved various things, but mainly real objects, as accurate as 3D printing.

   And this time, after he finished drawing the propaganda picture, he suddenly wanted to change his mood and sculpt something abstract.

   Like… the scene in his nightmare.

   He now knows that the terrifying black tide he saw in his nightmare is actually a time-space creature.

   Space-time creatures are large and small. The smallest space-time creatures are the size of a mouse, and like what Chen She saw in nightmares, they usually gather in groups; while the large space-time creatures may be one or two stories high.

   Of course, the larger the space-time creatures, the stronger the energy fluctuations, and the rarer they naturally appear.

   And these large space-time creatures, because space-time particles are more enriched, so they are no longer pure black, but will gradually change to pale gold.

   In short, what Chen She wanted to carve this time was the scene of the beast tide he saw in his nightmare.

   Its shape is a bit like waves, but there is a big difference between the shape and the flow of water. If you look closely, you will find that those waves that extend out of the waves are terrifying time-space creatures.

   Chen She’s hands are steady and efficient.

   He found that his painting and sculpting abilities may be more powerful than he imagined, because even some very abstract things can be expressed exactly as he expected.

After    finished carving, Chen She took a look at the finished product.

   Hmm… It’s a little bit off the san value.

   This thing looks okay from a distance, it’s just a wave, and it won’t go against the harmony of a group of sculptures. But when I came closer and took a closer look, it was amazing.

  Although this thing is a bit weird, Chen She has worked so hard to carve it out after all, and he is reluctant to throw it away.

   However, he hadn’t figured out where to put it, the bracelet rang.

   “Li Yunhan?!”

   Chen She was on the verge of an enemy in an instant.

   He still clearly remembered Li Yunhan’s two consecutive attempts to stabbing himself in the back. At this time, the full version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” will be released soon. He called again, what did he intend to do?

   Is it a courtesy first and then a pawn? Before stabbing me, you have to notify me first?

   Chen She didn’t dare to neglect, so he got up and went to the reception room to answer the communication request.

   Soon after Chen She left, Zeng Hailong brought a group of shark gangsters to the experience store on time.

   “Hey, Boss Chen is not here.”

   “Manager, have you reserved a seat for us?”

   Zhou Lei nodded: “Save it, but you guys are a few minutes earlier than the scheduled time. You have to wait a bit.”

   Zeng Hailong nodded, and went to the rest area to sit down.

   Since he entered the factory, he suddenly felt that his life was much calmer.

   was originally a small gangster. Although the days of fighting and killing in the arena were very exciting, it always made him feel precarious.

   But after **** the screws in the foundry for a few days, I suddenly felt that I had found peace of mind. I felt that it would be a good choice to come to the experience store to play Chaomeng after work and after get off work every day.

   Of course, not every gangster has his mentality. Only a few remained, most of them ran away.

   Those little **** who ran away didn’t dare to show up in this area anymore, they all went to gangs in other areas.

   Because they are afraid that they will show up again, they will be caught by this perverted boss to screw the screws!

   “Actually, I think Boss Chen is not as perverted as I imagined. At least he himself is very tolerant.”

   “Some people were twisted to DCPD, and others were released after rebuilding in the foundry for a while. I thought Boss Chen would throw them all into the wilderness to feed space-time creatures.”

   “Strange, why I always associate Boss Chen with time-space creatures naturally, it’s inexplicable.”

   “I shouldn’t have imagined Boss Chen so terrible.”

   Zeng Hailong thought casually. Suddenly, he saw the small sculpture on the table.

   “Huh? Boss Chen has another new work? Is this sculpture… the waves?”

   Since frequent spatiotemporal activities appeared on the old soil, the large tracts of UU reading have become no-man’s land, and the sea is no exception.

   Therefore, most people living in big cities do not have the opportunity to see the sea. They can only experience the virtual sea on the screen, in the holographic projection, and in the super dream.

   But whether it’s the blue sky or the rushing waves, it is something that is worth looking forward to for these people. It reminds them of the beautiful pastoral land before the emergence of time and space activities.

   However, after Zeng Hailong picked up the statue and took a closer look at the details, he was instantly scared to death.

  Because he took a closer look, he discovered that what kind of waves this sculpture was, it was clearly a wave of time and space creatures!

   Zeng Hailong took a close look unexpectedly and was almost caught in a psychological shadow.

   He hurriedly put the statue back to its original place, and hurriedly ran towards his super dream game cabin.

   “Boss Chen is absolutely terrifying psychopath! Otherwise, how could he carve such a terrible thing! Who would use terrible time-space creatures as the subject of serious people!”

   “No wonder he is sculpting every day, because he is constantly suppressing his inner killing intent and evil thoughts…”

   “It’s terrible, terrible!”

   “I just said why I see Boss Chen and I always don’t think of time and space creatures. It’s not my illusion…”

   Zeng Hailong became more afraid as he thought about it, and hurriedly got into the super dream game cabin and entered the world of “The Embers Will Go Out”.

   In his opinion, the persuasion brother in the game is a bit scary, but he feels a little cordial after playing for a long time.

   Compared with the terrible degree of Boss Chen in reality, it is still too far away!

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