Virtual End

Chapter 61 - Du Guanqi\\\'s question

Du Guanqi did not expect that one day he would really experience the daily life of homeless people in a super dream.

Although Du Guanqi was unable to speak when he was very young, he was born in a relatively wealthy family and was well educated.

In the future, whether it was to broadcast the truth or continue to think about the nature of the world, Du Guanqi received the help of some friends and supporters. Life can’t be said to be so rich, but I don’t need to worry about what to eat every day.

But in the super dream of “Another Possibility”, Du Guanqi was able to experience all aspects of this truly desperate life from the perspective of this tramp.

In the severe cold, the homeless man was going to look for a nearby trash can. There may be leftover food in the trash can, and there may also be some dangerous items.

These trash cans emit a foul smell from time to time, and most of the food they find has also rotted and deteriorated, but for these homeless people, they have no choice.

Occasionally there will be kind passers-by who will lend a hand to these homeless people and give them some change. At this time, homeless people can go to some street shops to buy some noodles for their belly. They cannot enter some large supermarkets because they will be stopped by security at the door.

In the beginning, this homeless man will try to find some odd jobs, but no store will hire homeless people for work, because decent and clean clothes are the minimum requirements for employees in these stores, and no one wants one. The foul-smelling tramp drove all his customers away.

And these shops cannot afford housing, clothing, etc. for homeless people.

It is even more impossible to apply for a job in those big companies. If you can’t get to the door at all, you will be stopped by a security guard and expelled. Although the homeless man explained that he was here for an interview, big companies have their own recruitment channels, how can they allow a homeless man to interview?

Even if the homeless man repeatedly stated that he had had a stable job experience, was very serious and hard-working, it would not help, because there are too many such people. The company can’t even hire normal people.

The most desperate thing is that the homeless and the homeless do not help each other.

Sometimes the homeless man was too tired and sleepy, so he lay down and slept on the side of the street. After waking up, his tent, food and even shoes were stolen by other homeless men.

He can only walk barefoot on the cold snow. There may be gravel or other sharp objects hidden in the snowy ground, cutting his feet dripping with blood, and quickly losing consciousness because of the cold.

All these feelings were passed to Du Guanqi in a very real form.

Although the third-person perspective weakened the sense of substitution, it did not weaken the transmission of negative emotions, and it also made Du Guanqi’s heart a kind of empathetic sadness inexplicably.

Because he was like a hurried passer-by, a person who did not exist in this world watched the tramp through his life from the perspective of God.

This homeless man had obviously had a good job and had good professional skills, but after becoming a homeless man, he seemed to be instantly cut off from the entire human society. This world seems to have an invisible barrier that completely isolates him from all the fruits and wealth of human development.

He tried hard to blend in, but repeatedly hit a wall.

This wall can be a magnificent company gate, it can be a security guard at the entrance of a shopping mall, it can be a passerby with a bit of hatred in the disgust, or it can be the greedy and ruthless face of other homeless people when they see the supplies that can be robbed. Li’s eyes.

As a result, this homeless man can only survive hard. He doesn’t know if he can hold on till tomorrow.

If tomorrow is unlucky and fails to find expired food in the trash can, and fails to find enough waste as fuel, if he is unfortunately robbed by other homeless people, injured or sick, then maybe the pain he has experienced today Will become the memory of the last scene in his life.

In the process, Du Guanqi found that he could influence the behavior of homeless people at certain points.

For example, where do the homeless people go to search for food today, how should the small amount of cash in hand be distributed, and so on.

But Du Guanqi can only make choices at some specific nodes. Some choices may be counterproductive after they are made, and sometimes they may not be allowed at all.

For example, after the protagonist occasionally gets some change alms from well-wishers, he must choose to buy a lottery ticket, scrape it away with expectation, and then repeatedly confirm it with disappointment, then throw it into the tin bucket in front of him for warmth.

In the process, Du Guanqi could not make a choice, and could only watch the homeless man hopefully bought the lottery ticket and disappointedly threw the scratched lottery ticket into the tin bucket and burned it.

Du Guanqi found that from the third-person perspective, although he can have infinite sympathy for the mood of the tramp, and can feel the various complex emotions of the tramp, this perspective pulls away the sense of substitution and allows him to have a sense of substitution. Seeing all this with the mentality of the bystander, it will naturally also produce some thoughts.

Du Guanqi was a little bit sad for his misfortune, angered by his anger, and at the same time had deep doubts about the rationality of the existence of this world.

For the homeless, he did not understand why a normal person with sound limbs could not find a suitable job to support himself. I don’t know why in this situation, the tramp insists on buying lottery tickets every time, pursuing the illusory possibility, and continuing to waste the pitiful little cash that he can use to buy food.

At the same time, he had a deep doubt about the world.

In the super dream world, there is obviously no time and snow, no terrible time-space creatures and time-space activities, there are large tracts of fields and resources to use. People live in a truly beautiful pastoral era. They don’t need to worry about possible crises at any time, and they don’t need to worry that a very large city will be destroyed by terrifying time-space creatures overnight.

But why are so many homeless people still outsiders in the city?

Their labor force was so severely consumed internally. For these homeless people, this world only gave them a miserable life, and for this world, they also lost the infinite possibilities that homeless people might bring to this world.

Is this setting reasonable in this worldview? Since there are no space-time particles and space-time creatures, why should this society be so cruel to the tramp who are also humans?

Du Guanqi wanted to discuss with the author of this super dream, but he was unhappy with some words.

But Chaomeng obviously did not end here.

As the homeless man was about to end his life, a small vendor in a nearby bar gave him some cash out of sympathy. This makes the tramp very grateful.

Then, in Du Guanqi’s vision, the whole world fell into a freeze frame state. The tramp who just took the cash and the small vendor who turned around and walked back to his bar showed a highlighted sign, which means that he can choose any protagonist as the main perspective to experience at this time.

After choosing the main point of view, it can affect his next series of decisions to a certain extent.

If you continue to choose homeless people, you can make good use of the money to live a life that you can barely sustain. But as a result, you can’t see what the small vendors’ story lines tell.

On the contrary, if you choose a small vendor, you can experience another story, but the behavior of the homeless man after he gets the money is completely out of the control of the audience. It is possible that the homeless man cannot make good use of the money, which will affect his ultimate fate.

There are fewer experiential super dreams in this form.

The vast majority of experiential super dreams are a complete story line. The audience does not need to think too much, as long as they always experience the whole story according to the idea of ​​the producer.

But “Another Possibility” is a super dream like his name, always encouraging the audience to try another possibility.

Maybe it is to let the characters choose different behaviors, or it may be to change different roles at any time. And among the intricate choices, weave out the events experienced by each character and the final outcome.

After some consideration, Du Guanqi chose the small vendor.

He feels that this experiential super dream must be experienced many times to clear every choice of each character and find the best ending.

The life of a small trader is obviously better than that of a beggar. As a bar owner, he can say that he has no worries about food and clothing, and he doesn’t have to worry about starving himself.

You can even drink some cocktails you make yourself. The wonderful taste mixed with the slightly intoxicating liquor made Du Guanqi, who has become accustomed to the life of a homeless man, feel like he has come to heaven.

He can still make some choices for the bar owner and help the bar owner make the entire bar business prosperous and getting better and better.

Du Guanqi noticed that the bar owner was very self-disciplined. Although many people choose to use alcohol to numb themselves in this desperate environment, this bar owner has a good bartending skill but never greedy for a cup. He just drinks a little occasionally to keep himself sober.

There is only one thought in his mind, which is to operate with integrity, accumulate wealth, and change his destiny.

But then the life of the bar owner was broken by street gangs.

Those gangsters broke into his bar to collect protection fees, not only smashed his drink, but also beat him up.

Then Du Guanqi can transfer his perspective to one of the punks of the street gang and experience the life of the punks.

Du Guanqi didn’t realize too much of this violent and dangerous side of society from beggars and small merchants before, and it was not until he brought into the perspective of the gangsters that he realized that the world was even more chaotic than he thought.

The frequent gangs merge, putting people nearby in great danger.

This world has no mechanical prostheses and no extraordinary power, so a most common pistol, although in Du Guanqi’s view, is only the lowest level of kinetic energy weapon in the real world, it is enough to cause heavy casualties.

The weak body and the heat weapons that are extremely lethal for ordinary humans make this parallel world in the super dream extremely dangerous. Even the police who maintain order must be careful when arresting prisoners. They can only choose when they are slightly frightened. Empty the magazine to protect yourself.

This is even more chaotic and disorderly than the real world where Du Guanqi is located.

After all, in the real world, those street gangs don’t have so many channels to get a lot of guns. Although DCPD doesn’t care much, it sends out special mobile teams when dealing with large-scale gang conflicts. For these super-powers, ordinary kinetic energy weapons can’t pose any threat to them, so there is no need to be in constant fear like the police in the parallel world of Chaomeng.

Of course, when it comes to the frequency of crime, the real world where Du Guanqi is located is more frequent. The rich area in the super dream has almost no time for crime, and it is a real paradise on earth.

It’s just that in the super dream, he brings the perspective of a small gangster, and will be forced to be involved in various violent incidents, and will not experience the feeling of paradise on earth.

After bringing in the perspective of the gangster, Du Guanqi discovered that the gangster was not as vicious as he first saw.

Many of his actions are derived from the instructions of the gang boss, and in such a group, he can’t help himself, and can only grit his teeth to complete his tasks.

Because even if he doesn’t do these things, other gangsters will help him, and once he is kicked out of the gang, he may be met with a worse end than death.

So he can only continue to bully ordinary people under this guilty and confused emotion. Because he has only two choices, either to persecute others or be persecuted by others.

Finally, after a gang fire, the gangster fell to the ground injured. He felt that his life was about to end, and everyone around him was hiding far away, and no one was willing to come up to him.

Just then the sound of an ambulance rang in the distance.

The little **** lying on the ground was shocked, his heart seemed to be full of expectation, but also full of fear.

The reason for expecting it was because he hoped that the ambulance was here to save himself, thinking that he might be able to live without death, but with his savings and income, he couldn’t afford to pay the sky-high bill for the ambulance.

Just before he was about to fall into a coma, he saw a handsome and kind boss.

Obviously the boss called an ambulance out of kindness to save him.

Immediately after, Du Guanqi can choose to experience the super dream as this boss.

And this time he realized that there is so much happiness in this super dream that he can experience!

Although there is no floating car in this world, the boss has a special extended luxury car for travel, and even a private jet.

He sat in a large office to deal with affairs, and all his subordinates treated him respectfully.

In his spare time, he can go to any place he wants to go on holiday, do whatever he wants to do, and he is very particular about food. This is in sharp contrast with the previous three people.

What shocked Du Guanqi the most was that all kinds of seafood feasts, foods that had completely disappeared from the old soil, were presented in front of him in an extremely real way.

Although only 10% of the emotional transmission, this wonderful taste and the joy of enjoying food still firmly occupies Du Guanqi’s brain, sweeping away all the previous negative emotions and making him feel a kind of Simple and intense happiness.

Du Guanqi can also make choices about the behavior of this boss, and what makes Du Guanqi very surprised is that after making different choices, the story line also begins to develop in different directions.

If you choose to be insensitive, have no sympathy for the poor, and pursue personal interests at all costs, then the boss’s previous act of helping the punks was actually not out of kindness, but wanted to buy people’s hearts and use this bill for medical expenses. , To firmly control the gangster in his own hands, and let him do some ugly things for himself.

The reason why these gangs are fighting endlessly and falling into chaos is also because of the instigation of people including their bosses behind the scenes. Everything is to combat competitors and seek the best interests for themselves.

And if you choose to help others for pleasure, be kind to your neighbors, and help others as much as you can, then the boss’s act of helping the punks is a simple act of kindness. As a result, he has established a relatively good relationship with the small gangsters and the previous small vendors and so on.

This boss relies on the resources he has at his disposal to help other kind people in the world as much as possible.

Only here did Du Guanqi feel that the whole world seemed a little more reasonable.

Yes, since this world has no terrible time and space activities, it also has abundant resources and sufficient supplies. So why do humans continue to fight and kill each other? It is understandable if the war is based on the country, but in the same city, why are people so indifferent and irrelevant?

At this time, a good person with a kind heart finally appeared, which made Du Guanqi feel that the world is not too bad.

But then, at the end of Chaomeng, when the boss was going out in a private car, he was hit by an unknown vehicle. A gangster got out of the car and fired several shots at the boss involuntarily.

The boss’s bodyguard failed to respond in time. This kind-hearted young rich man just fell in a pool of blood.

Du Guanqi could not see the gangster’s face clearly. His vision gradually dimmed, and the entire super dream came to an end.

Du Guanqi couldn’t bear it anymore, he finally experienced a bit of refreshment in the super dream, and was quickly exhausted by the last scene.

“What does this ending mean?”

“Do you tell me that kind people are definitely not rewarded in this world? Or is it that the beauty that seems to exist is actually a fluke, a fake, and they will eventually be shattered?”

“This is too unreasonable, right? People in this world obviously live in such a comfortable environment, but why can’t they live like normal people?”

The little joy and warmth that had been hard to come by before was ruthlessly crushed by this unreasonable cruel ending. And Du Guanqi’s incomprehension of this worldview has once again reached its culmination.

However, after the appearance of the final scene, there was no cast and crew list like other super dreams, but a reminder that Du Guanqi could enter the second week.

In the weekly program, although the audience can make some choices about the behavior of these characters, they can’t switch among the four characters at will. They must follow the order of the tramp, the peddler, the gangster, and the boss to experience.

But after the second weekend, you can directly choose a character to experience from the beginning. You can walk the 4 story lines from beginning to end, and you can choose any character at any time.

This time, Du Guanqi decided to play all the endings of the 4 characters.

On the one hand, he wants to change the fate of these characters, on the other hand, he also wants to find the loopholes in this super dream in this way, so as to refute this unscientific worldview setting!

May 8th, Thursday.

Chen Shelin, Lu Xi and Li Yunhan are three people. Accepted an exclusive interview with Tianji Network Group at the headquarters of the Chen Consortium.

This interview is mainly conducted around the new super dream of “Another Possibility”, which is part of the established publicity plan.

For Tianji Network Group, this is also a good opportunity. After all, “The Embers Will Extinguish”, as a phenomenal version of a super dream, still has a good popularity so far. In many places in the old soil, the physical version of “The Embers Will Go Out” is still out of stock.

And Lishan Technology can develop another super dream quickly in such a short period of time, of course it is worth looking forward to.

Coupled with the blessings of Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi, the two genius Super Dream producers, and the popularity of the attacks on these two Super Dream producers some time ago, it is certain that this interview will inevitably arouse widespread attention once it is launched.

For Tianji Network Group, which is pursuing popularity, it is of course an opportunity not to be missed.

This time, Tianji Network Group still sent a reporter named Nancy, after all, the last interview was more pleasant.

In the interview room where the interview was conducted, Nancy instructed other staff to arrange the professional equipment needed for the interview, while greeting Lin Luxi and others.

“Sister Lucy, how are you doing? I have always worried about you.”

“It’s a pity that the real culprit behind the kidnapping has not been found. But you can rest assured that the pressure of public opinion is increasing. DCPD will definitely find a way to solve the case.”

Nancy once again expressed comfort to Lin Luxi, and Lin Luxi also asked him to rest assured that he was in a much better state recently.

Of course, all the resistance fighters knew the truth about the kidnapping incident, but they all obeyed Chen She’s decision and not clashed with the Fujitang Group for the time being.

Although the pressure of public opinion on the Internet is still there, it is impossible for DCPD to really investigate the Fujitang Group. If it doesn’t work, you can only introduce a scapegoat. This can be regarded as a solution.

After a few words of greeting, the interview officially began.

Nancy is full of confidence this time, and feels that she must perform well to promote the super dream of “Another Possibility”.

Because he had a foreboding that as long as he could get close to the thigh of Lishan Technology, his career would go smoothly in the future.

The success of “The Embers Will Extinguish” has proved the great potential of Lishan Technology in the research and development of Chaomeng, and it may be the next Long Night Entertainment Group. With the blessing of the two gold medal producers Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi, Xin Chaomeng is absolutely not bad.

When the time comes for the new super dream, Nancy will naturally be able to enter the field of vision of many people with this interview.

Everyone made preparations one after another, and the interview officially began.

Nancy looked at the three people on the opposite side, and it could be said that Lishan Technology was a good example this time.

Needless to say, Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi, the two gold medal super dream producers, are the most valuable assets of Lishan Technology. Chen She is not only the boss of the company, but also in charge of the art design of Chaomeng. He also played a key role as one of the four leading actors in Chaomeng.

Although Chen She doesn’t understand Chaomeng design at all, it is undeniable that he has made great contributions to Lishan Technology’s Chaomeng.

What’s more, isn’t it normal for the boss to show up for interviews like this?

Nancy asked the first question first: “As far as I know, this new Super Dream is called “Another Possibility”. Has the digital version and the official physical version on the Internet been released?”

Li Yunhan was silent for a moment and replied: “Actually, the digital version was already on the Internet yesterday.”

Nancy froze for a moment: “Ah, did you hang up on the Internet yesterday? I’m sorry I didn’t pay too much attention to it. Maybe it’s because I’m too busy at work and haven’t seen the relevant publicity on the Internet. I don’t know how the data is?”

Li Yunhan said: “The data is not optimistic. Old players are not very interested in this Super Dream, and the conversion rate from promotional videos to Super Dream features is particularly low.”

Obviously, Li Yunhan meant that many old players noticed this new super dream, but ran away after watching the promo, and did not buy and experience this new super dream at all.

And after the digital version is posted on the Internet, the publicity resources will be fully rolled out, including this interview as part of the publicity plan.

So up to now, the super dream of “Another Possibility” has not aroused large-scale heat and discussion.

Nancy couldn’t help being a little surprised, and for a while she didn’t know how to answer the conversation.

After all, the purpose of her interview is to blow about this super dream, so that everyone will be interested in this super dream. As a result, as soon as she came up, she talked about the poor performance of super dream, which was a bit of a hack.

Although the promotional activities have not been widely spread, the reputation of this Chaomeng among old players is not very good, and even many people have been dissuaded from the promotion stage. This is really a bit unreasonable.

Obviously the situation is quite critical.

Nancy thought for a while and said: “I think this is because on the one hand the publicity is not enough, on the other hand, it may also be that most players have expectations of Chaomeng in advance. “Similar super dreams, so after seeing different types of super dreams, there will be a psychological gap.”

“I think the two producers can briefly talk about your views and understanding of this super dream, and talk about its deep connotation. Maybe many players will change their minds again.”

“In fact, “The Embers Will Extinguish” was not appreciated by everyone at the beginning, and the rich connotation was not interpreted at all. It was also Mr. Li Yunhan at that time. After you have made a comprehensive and profound interpretation of Chaomeng, you can understand this. Connotation.”

“I believe Xin Chaomeng should be the same.”

Chen She hadn’t spoken at all, but he couldn’t help but chuckle when he heard this.

He knew he had to intervene.

Isn’t Nancy’s behavior handing Li Yunhan a knife?

The super dream of “Another Possibility” was jointly developed by Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi, and Li Yunhan was responsible for almost all of the script.

Although these scripts were written in accordance with Chen She’s guidance, Li Yunhan must have a lot of personal understanding in the process of writing. Once he expresses his personal understanding clearly, he may have a wide range of influences by virtue of his super high reputation, which will bring a lot of heat to this super dream in the early stage.

That definitely won’t work.

Because Chen She’s goal is to make this super dream uncomprehensible at first, at least not commercially successful, and then slowly play a subtle role and influence over time.

If it just comes up, its connotation will be dismantled and polished. Isn’t it true that Lishan Technology has a back-up?

When the time comes, the major chaebols and even the Silver Star Federation will cast their eyes on the fact that Lishan Technology is actually disguised by the resistance army. It may not be able to hide it, and it will be all over.

Thinking of this, Chen She coughed twice and signaled to Li Yunhan.

Li Yunhan immediately understood, and said to Nancy: “In fact, this super dream is the result of group creation, and it does not only represent my own thoughts, so I am not easy to use my own way to characterize this super dream.”

“I can only briefly say that this super dream has made a certain effort in the world view. The premise of this world is derived from the assumption that if there is no time and space activities, after the development of the pastoral era, it will be What kind of picture.”

“So I still hope that all players and audiences can not be spoiled, and bring in a new perspective to experience and think about the connotation of this super dream.”

Nancy was a little disappointed. She was expecting Li Yunhan to analyze the core of this super dream in depth, and then her news headline could be more popular.

However, Li Yunhan deliberately stayed in suspense and threw a Tai Chi.

Of course, Nancy also knows that Li Yunhan, as a producer, must know what the core of this super dream is, but he does not want to say it now, and wants to retain some mystery, which is understandable.

Since Li Yunhan didn’t say anything, Nancy was embarrassed to ask again, and wanted to ask other questions instead.

But Chen She did not expect to speak.

“Actually, I have a little bit of my own immature insights on this point, and I can share it with you.”

Nancy couldn’t help but was taken aback, unexpectedly happy. What does this mean? Didn’t the boss and the producer communicate in advance before the interview and did not form a consensus?

Why doesn’t the producer say it, but the boss says it.

Nancy instantly imagined many possibilities with her powerful brain supplement ability.

Maybe there are some disagreements on the design route between the boss and these two talented producers, or Li Yunhan gave up this opportunity to show his face and let the boss get more attention instead. Or Li Yunhan’s personality is relatively deep and introverted, while Chen She, as the boss, has a relatively public personality and is provocative, so there are two different choices.

It all seems possible.

Reminiscing about the previous conference where Chen She personally opened the shackles and uncovered the coffin and opened the game cabin, Nancy couldn’t help but have a conjecture about Chen She’s character in her mind.

It seems that this boss is very pushy. Although he doesn’t have any special talents, he doesn’t know how to design super dreams, and he doesn’t know how to design products, but he is personally involved in the things that show up.

Of course, this boss also has advantages, such as good luck, but knowing people and being good at responsibility. Otherwise, it is impossible to get the support of the two gold medal Super Dream producers Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi.

And he does have high attainments in art, but sometimes this kind of attainment seems to be useless. Although the designs are full of artistic sense, they are particularly underworld.

Thinking of this, Nancy said, “Of course, Mr. Chen, please tell me.”

Chen She cleared his throat and said in a very serious tone: “In fact, this super dream is to refute certain ideas that think the pastoral era is better.”

“I personally think that our current world is actually very good. People can still change their own destiny through their own struggle. And although space-time activities are full of risks, the various technologies that we have developed with the help of space-time particles have actually changed our lives. “

“All companies are at the forefront of fighting time and space activities. They are researching new technologies and inheriting human civilization. We can unite in this dangerous environment. This is not necessarily a kind of happiness.”

“And a world without time and space activities is not necessarily so perfect. When people do not have external pressure, they will fall into intrigue. Although they do not have the current technology tree and extraordinary power, people will still use their weak bodies to develop All kinds of weapons with ever-increasing power will still fall into a state of continual cannibalism.”

“So I think this super dream mainly expresses such a thought.”

“The pastoral era missed is not necessarily good, and our current era is not necessarily bad. We should still embrace the real life with an optimistic attitude. As long as we work hard, one day we can change our own destiny.”

Chen She’s speech confuses Nancy.

Nancy looked at Lin Luxi and Li Yunhan, and found that the former was expressionless and had nothing to say. Li Yunhan had a tangled expression, but he was embarrassed to speak up.

In Nancy’s view, Chen She’s remarks were obviously very wrong, and Lin Luxi and Li Yunhan obviously did not agree with him.

Because the world view of “The Embers Will Extinguish” is a desperate world view, but in this world view, the producers also expressed the idea of ​​embers uniting and fighting together.

Lin Luxi and Li Yunhan obviously hold this kind of thinking, and they should have a very urgent desire to change the real world.

What is the state of the old soil? I believe most people will think that the old soil is already in a rotten state.

I am afraid there are only a handful of high-level figures of the big chaebols, those who can pass on their power and status from generation to generation. I feel that the current state of the old soil is also good and should continue to be maintained.

Even many big chaebols are dissatisfied with the status quo. They feel that there are too many beggars on the street, and they want to drive all the beggars into the wilderness and let them fend for themselves.

Therefore, the ideas expressed in “The Embers Will Extinguish” actually resonated to a certain extent, which is why it has achieved such good sales.

But according to Chen She’s statement, another possibility has apparently abandoned this idea completely.

This super dream depicts a tragic world without space-time particles and space-time activities. It is actually quite good to demonstrate that the real world is actually good, so that everyone can be content with the status quo.

Isn’t this nonsense?

Nancy understood in an instant. It seemed that besides being more tolerant and artistic, the boss really didn’t have much merit in other aspects. Even the understanding of the connotation of Chaomeng is so wrong.

Obviously, Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi did not agree with his statement and had reservations, but it was not easy to slap their boss in the face on such occasions, so they held back.

In this regard, of course, Nancy also maintained a state of high emotional intelligence. Did not continue to ask, but changed the topic.

“It is said that this Super Dream uses the 4 starring mode very novelly, and there is not a Super Dream star among these protagonists. Can you briefly say what kind of considerations are in it?”

Chen She was silent for a moment and said, “As the star of “The Embers Will Go Out”, can’t I be regarded as a super dream star?”

Nancy was a little speechless, thinking that Mr. Chen really had no points in his heart.

Although you played the quitting brother at the beginning of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, it was a super dream of acting, after all, to experience super dream content. In the first few minutes, you are embarrassed to say that you are the lead actor?

But of course she couldn’t say these things, so she had to say in a roundabout way: “Of course, Mr. Chen, you are a very good super dream actor, but you may have a little bit of popularity…”

Chen She smiled slightly: “Actually, this is what I strongly request.”

“The main reason is that I feel that I am the boss of a company in reality. If I want to act as the boss of a super dream, I should be the most suitable person. Who else is it?”

“Of course, since the role of the boss is played in true colors, it is best for other people to play in true colors. I think it may be more realistic to shoot like this. During the shooting, the distribution of the scenes will be more reasonable. a little.”

Nancy suddenly realized.

I see.

No wonder he didn’t use any Super Dream stars. It turned out that Mr. Chen was afraid of other Super Dream stars stealing his limelight.

In this way, the boss who has the most drama in Mr. Chen’s eyes can enjoy it by the way and have an addiction. And the other super dream actors are not well-known. Whether it’s popularity or acting skills, it shouldn’t surpass his personality, and he can still maintain his position as the leading star.

This boss is really good!

But this is also in full compliance with his personality.

Nancy asked a few more questions. Although UU Read was not particularly satisfied with the content of this interview, after thinking about it, it should be able to deal with it smoothly.

The reason why I am not satisfied is mainly because the two producers, Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi, did not say too much. Although he also asked some questions, these two people did not want to reveal the connotation of Chaomeng and the specific plot. They just talked briefly. Talk about this part of the work that you are responsible for.

On the contrary, the boss Chen She has been talking nonsense here.

But Nancy turned to think about it, this is actually a kind of program effect, maybe after the interview is sent out truthfully, it can arouse a lot of people’s attention.

Thinking of this, Nancy stood up and said, “Then that is the end of today’s interview, thank you very much.”

“Before tonight, the content of the interview should be out. Our Skyrim Network Group will also put out a lot of publicity resources to warm up for you.”

“Then here, I wish you all a big new super dream!”

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