Virtual End

Chapter 62 - The mine tide is here!

After sending Nancy away, Li Yunhan asked with doubts on his face: “Mr. Chen, did you say that these were not good in the interview?”

As someone who knows all the inside information, Li Yunhan feels that what Chen She said is very unreasonable.

Obviously, neither the connotation of this super dream nor the reason for choosing ordinary people to be super dream actors are not the same as Chen She explained.

In Li Yunhan’s opinion, Chen She was obviously running the train and talking nonsense.

But the question is why does Chen She say that?

If this interview is released, it will be promoted through various resources of Tianji Network Group. It will definitely have a great negative impact on the super dream of “Another Possibility”.

After all, the players and the audience don’t know this inside story. If even the boss of Chaomeng R&D company said that this Chaomeng is to break the fantasy of these people in the pastoral era and let them settle for the status quo, then there must be many people. I will really believe it.

The problem is that, in Li Yunhan’s view, this super dream is indeed to break people’s illusions about the pastoral era, but it is not at all intended to let them settle for the status quo.

I clearly hope that everyone realizes that space-time activities and space-time particles are not the root of all suffering. It is meaningless to simply want to return to the original pastoral era. We should recognize the deep-seated problems and make real changes.

But according to Mr. Chen’s explanation, isn’t it all the other way around?

Chen She smiled slightly: “Do you not understand this? Of course it is for a better disguise.”

“If every one of our super dreams is considered to promote the spirit of struggle and point the finger at the big consortium, we will definitely be targeted over time.”

“If it’s other companies, of course it’s okay. After all, there are many Chaomeng companies that specialize in Chaomeng and criticize the major chaebols and they are still safe.”

“But the problem is that we have a special identity. The more attention we receive, the higher the possibility of exposure.”

“Even if we have to show off our rebel status with the world one day. But that can only be an active behavior, not a passive behavior, otherwise it will bring painful losses.”

Li Yunhan was a little entangled: “Mr. Chen, I understand the truth. But this way, it is too unfavorable for our initial publicity.”

Chen She smiled slightly: “If you look at “The Embers Will Extinguish”, you will understand that sometimes it is the most exciting to turn against the wind.”

“Go, follow me to see Chaomeng’s data.”

Although Li Yunhan disagrees with Chen She’s statement, he always reminds himself that he is only a student, and he still needs to learn more from Mr. Chen in subverting the super dream industry.

He didn’t say anything, and Lin Luxi followed Chen She to the Super Dream R&D Department to check the data changes of the Super Dream “Another Possibility”.

Seeing the data curve, Li Yunhan shook his head slightly, as expected, it was still no different from the data curve he looked at before.

Obviously the biggest problem lies in the first step, which is the promo.

Most people quit after seeing the promo, and did not continue to experience it at all, because the promo clips are all fragments of negative sentiment reports. Ordinary people are really a little unbearable when they are caught up in this way.

Of course, “The Embers Will Extinguish” is the same way, but the problem is that “The Embers Will Extinguish” is a super dream, not the same thing.

Players can fight against enemies with their own skills while playing a super dream, and the super dream of “The Embers Will Go Out” also has a special exercise effect. For ordinary people, although it is rare to encounter life and death, it is always not a bad thing to improve their reaction speed and cold weapon combat ability.

But “Another Possibility” is an experience super dream, which means that after entering the super dream as an audience, you can’t rely on your own superb operations to defeat the enemy, you can only bring a bitter role perspective, from the beginning to the end.

Even for the old players of “The Embers Will Go Out”, the super dream of “Another Possibility” is really unattractive to them!

So the initial data collapse is understandable.

And many viewers were directly dissuaded from the experience of the beggar, because it was really too miserable. You can only pick up and eat in the garbage dump, get cold and starve, it is sad for those who smell it, and tears for those who see it.

What’s more, many people are full of nostalgia for the past idyllic era, thinking that even if poverty and suffering existed in the past, with the normal development of science and technology, everything will be better, but time and space activities forcibly interrupted this process and let The world has become unsuitable for survival.

So seeing this super dream that discredited the pastoral era, many people are still unwilling to accept it instinctively.

Just like Chen She’s previous life, some people may have beautiful illusions about certain foreign countries. Once they see some people writing articles or making videos to show the ugliest side of their dream paradise, they will feel unacceptable. There was strong resistance.

In short, so far, the super dream of “Another Possibility” is quite cool.

Chen She was very satisfied with this, and this was the result he wanted most.

On the one hand, Chaomeng cannot make money and will not further increase the profit risk on the pendulum. On the other hand, the overwhelming propaganda and performance in interviews can reduce the attention of Fujitang Group and other large consortia to Lishan Technology as much as possible. It can also reduce the risk of attention.

Everyone looked at the data curve of Xin Chaomeng together, and the scene became a bit quiet for a while.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the Chaomeng R&D department. Chen She turned his head to see that Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen had arrived.

Zhao Zhen looked at the data curve and said: “The situation seems a little bit optimistic.”

Even a layman, Zhao Zhen, can see that the data curve is a bit wrong, which is enough to prove how big the problem is with this new super dream.

Li Yunhan nodded reluctantly, thinking, it is not my problem if the data is not good, I made it strictly in accordance with Mr. Chen’s requirements.

However, after taking a look at the data curve, Zhang Sirui said: “Mr. Chen came out in person, plus two gold medal producers, but he couldn’t bring this super dream.”

“Li Yunhan, this should be your problem, right?”

Li Yunhan was shocked: “What does this have to do with me? I made it strictly in accordance with Mr. Chen’s requirements, and Mr. Chen also decided on the whole script.”

“Even during the filming process, I didn’t give these super dream actors too much intervention and guidance. They were all in accordance with Mr. Chen’s words, and they were completely filmed in their most natural and true state.”

“It’s a bit too much for you to throw the pot to me.”

Zhang Sirui smiled: “You see the “Embers Will Extinguish” was a big success before you came, but after you came, the original team was responsible for the development of the new Super Dream. It is not your problem, who else can it be? “

“Do you understand the controlled variable method?”

Li Yunhan was almost out of anger, but Chaomeng’s performance is really poor now. As a producer, he has a dull face and there is no good way to refute it.

When Chen She saw Li Yunhan’s innocent backing up for himself, he couldn’t help but chuckle in his heart and turned the subject off. “How is the situation of the bracelet and the Super Dream game pod?”

Zhang Sirui said: “I just came back from the base in the wild and sent them a batch of game pods.”

“However, the sales of these two new products are still not good. We have been doing this internally. It is not a solution. It will not be sustainable in the long run.”

“The most hateful thing is that the Fujitang Group says to live in harmony with us, but as soon as I turned around, they reduced the prices of their own bracelets and game cabins. They already had a lot of stocks, and then such a price reduction would directly market us. It’s all squeezed out.”

“This dog-like Fujitang is really not a human being.”

Chen She nodded, and everyone has a high degree of consensus on that Fujitang is not a human being.

But for Chen She, this situation is more favorable. After all, the worse the new products of Lishan Technology are sold, the more Fujitang Group will relax its vigilance against them.

Chen She said: “It’s okay, stick to it, there will be a turning point one day.”

Zhang Sirui sighed: “But for us, time waits for no one. These high-tech products have been updated quickly. Gaoke Group will release 2 to 3 flagship chips every year. Innovations in other parts are also in progress. , As long as a few months later, there will be a significant generation gap between the new product and the old product.”

“At that time, we may not even be able to sell at a reduced price.”

Chen Shegang wanted to reassure him a few more words, but Zhao Zhen didn’t expect to speak first.

“Mr. Chen is right. I just wanted to say that the turnaround will happen soon. Didn’t you watch today’s news?”

As soon as this statement was made, question marks floated over everyone’s heads.

The question marks floating on Chen She’s head were the most, but the halo of cursing scholars covered him, so no one could see it.

Li Yunhan couldn’t help but glanced at Chen She and found that Chen She was calm and calm at this time, as if everything was in his calculations.

Suddenly Li Yunhan suddenly woke up and asked: “Uncle Zhao, you mean mine tide?”

Zhao Zhen nodded: “Yes, mine tide!”

“The latest mining wave is here, and all the products sold by Fujitang Group have been sold out, and there are no goods on the market.”

“In this case, our products have begun to sell. Although there is a certain gap between our chips and other products, it is no longer a question of whether it is good or not, but a question of availability.”

“As the only manufacturer that has stocks and whose prices have not become particularly outrageous, our products will of course be snatched up.”

“In fact, if you open the sales page now, you will find that our orders are rising rapidly.”

Everyone hurriedly opened the handcuff bracelet on the bracelet and uncovered the coffin on the sales page of the game cabin and found that there were many orders in the transaction, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Chen She also clicked on the bracelet to view it, but what he was looking at was not the sales page, but the discussion on the mine tide on the Internet.

“Is it another mine wave coming? It came too suddenly.”

“There is no doubt that the trading volume of the Avalon Exchange has surged, and the hash space has also fluctuated. All the products that can be bought on the market that are tied to computing power are basically either increased in price or sold out.”

“Take advantage of now to take out your game pod and bracelet for digging, maybe you still have a bit of money.”

“After this mining boom, I am afraid that many multi-millionaires will appear again. Those big mine owners must have been informed and started hoarding goods.”

“Ordinary people suggest that you don’t mix it up. Your computing power is not enough. However, I suggest that if there is a demand for replacing the bracelet and the Super Dream game cabin in the near future, hurry up and look at the right price to start. If you are one step later, I’m afraid we’ll have to wait for more than a year.”

“Yes, although the shortest mine wave also ended in 5 or 6 months, the longest one lasted for more than two years. During this period, the computing power has been rising and the hash space has been fluctuating. Dare to bet. If you make a wrong bet at that time, the bracelet and game compartment cannot be updated for more than two years. It is really going to be scrapped.”

“The key is that the more you wait, the higher the price will be, and it doesn’t make sense to wait.”

“It’s a big deal. I won’t play Super Dream. My Super Dream game cabin is an old model two years ago. I have been wanting to change it recently. I came across the discounted game cabin of Fujitang Group, but it was already a step slower. It’s sold out. Looking at the other game pods, it seems that they are all increasing in price.

“I think Lishan Technology’s shackle bracelets and the game pod from uncovering the coffin seem to be on sale normally, and there is no price increase. This is quite conscientious. I suggest you start quickly. If you don’t start, you won’t even have these underworld products. I bought it.”

“But neither of these two products use flagship chips. Wouldn’t you be taken advantage of by buying them now?”

“Do you still care if it is a flagship chip? Other mine bosses don’t care, even if the computing power is a little bit weak, it is not impossible to dig. Although the appearance of these two products is very underworld, but you have to think so, if they are not underworld, you will buy it at all No! The products that are slightly more cost-effective have long been sold out.”

“Forget it, you moved me, I’ll take a look and buy one.”

Seeing the discussion of these people on the Internet, Chen She couldn’t help being stunned.

He experienced a taste of resignation from these people’s discussions.

In Chen She’s previous life, he also experienced some mine tides and mine disasters. But those in the previous life will obviously be more angry, while the people in this world seem helpless and have gradually adapted to coexist with the mine tide.

The reason is simple. This kind of drama has been performed many times in the old soil, and everyone has become accustomed to the anger from the beginning.

In the old soil, the Avalon Exchange, a platform dedicated to virtual currency virtual space trading, can also develop into one of the top chaebols. It is enough to see how outrageous this matter is on the old soil, and how irritating. It’s commonplace.

Most people have no choice but to learn to coexist with this phenomenon.

Before the arrival of the mining tide, both large mine owners and ordinary individuals would purchase various digital products with computing power for active or passive reasons.

Some think that the prices of these products will rise, whether they are used as scalpers to sell second-hand or directly used for mining, they are profitable, while others simply know that the mining tide may last as long as one or two years. It will only be more expensive after you buy it, so you can only plan ahead.

This consensus of the people made the mine tide come more quickly and violently.

This is a bit like the toilet paper paradox in supermarkets, because toilet paper in supermarkets occupies a large area and the price is not high, so most supermarkets will not put them in large quantities. So when there is a problem in the city. When ordinary people need to stay at home for a long time, there will be a shortage of toilet paper.

Once there is a shortage of toilet paper, people will rely on their own life experience to give priority to buying and hoarding a large number of toilet paper when similar situations come. This will further cause a further shortage of toilet paper.

The same is true for this mine wave.

Chen She knows very clearly that the calculation power fluctuation of the hash space this time is not because of some mining tide, but because of the Nara plan secretly executed by the Fujitang Group, which takes up a lot of calculation power and causes the hash space to fluctuate.

Du Guanqi revealed this fact in the time-space broadcast, but the news did not spread widely, but was suppressed by the Fujitang Group.

In order to divert people’s attention, the Fujitang Group began to preach that the fluctuations in computing power are due to the coming tide of mines.

As a result, people were in panic and began to rush to buy various products again. The trading volume of the Avalon Exchange also began to surge rapidly, and a wave of mines that did not exist was also abruptly created.

What’s more terrible is that the mining tide in this world is not the same as the mining tide in Chen She’s previous life. In this world, although there is a big gap between the computing power of the bracelet and the Super Dream game cabin. But the so-called mining is actually a virtual boundary in the hash space. Unlike virtual currency, you can’t dig while digging.

So although the computing power of the bracelet is weak, there will still be some income if you go to mine with other people in the mine tide.

Therefore, whether it was a bracelet with a relatively low computing power, or a Super Dream game pod with a relatively high computing power, all were snatched wildly.

What’s more, some people don’t buy these products for mining, it’s just the bracelet or the Super Dream game cabin they are using just when they need to be updated.

They are worried that the prices of these products will continue to rise within one or two years after the arrival of the mining tide, so they must buy these new generation products as soon as possible, otherwise they will not be able to buy them.

Therefore, under the superposition of various factors, even if the bracelets and Chaomeng gaming cabins produced by Lishan Technology are both underworld products, they do not use the latest flagship chip of the Gaoke Group, but everyone is not picky or disgusted.

Because ordinary consumers know that even if they don’t buy mines, the boss will definitely buy them!

At this time, Zhang Sirui finally realized: “Captain, do you mean waiting for the opportunity to refer to this mining tide?”

“But this mine wave did not happen naturally, it was completely triggered by the Fujido Group’s Naraku plan.”

“Or, Captain, you know that the natural progress of the Fujido Group’s Naraku plan will inevitably trigger a mine tide, so you don’t panic at all?”

The corners of Chen She’s mouth twitched slightly, wondering where to follow?

This kind of thing was completely beyond my expectation. How could I have thought that the mine tide would really come.

You are all aborigines of this world, and none of you thought it would be appropriate for me, a traverser who has just traveled through a few months, to think about these things?

But he couldn’t say anything, he could only remain silent, leaving everyone with an inscrutable expression.

Zhao Zhen was also very happy: “In this way, all of our products can be sold out of the mine tide, and we can even increase the price a little bit. Although this is a bit unkind, other brands only increase their prices. There will be more, and we will increase a little less. Consumers should also be considerate.”

Li Yunhan couldn’t help frowning: “I don’t think this is very good. Let’s sell it at the original price. When the price of the new chips of this batch of products comes up, we are considering the price increase.”

“Because our products are already expensive. On the other hand, our current main business is still Chaomeng after all. We must consider our reputation among Chaomeng players.”

“The price increase of the Super Dream game cabin is too much like taking advantage of the fire. It may be a heavy blow to our reputation among Super Dream players, and it is very unwise.”

Seeing that the two people hold different opinions, Chen She said: “I agree with Li Yunhan’s view.”

“And I don’t think we can increase the price, but also modify future products. We have to lock the computing power in a certain way so that the shackles and the game cabin can no longer be mined.”

Zhao Zhen couldn’t help but froze for a moment: “But Mr. Chen, the major customers who eat these products now are mine owners. How many people can really rely on real consumers?”

“What’s more, even for ordinary consumers, whether the product can be mined is a bonus item. Our change in this way not only restricts those mine owners, but also for ordinary consumers, the attractiveness of our products is also Will drop drastically.”

Chen She nodded, he was very clear about the current situation.

Many people are like this, scolding a scalper while hating that they are not a scalper.

One side yelled because they couldn’t get the products they wanted, and the other side would immediately increase the price after grabbing these products.

The current situation is also the same, if both the bracelet and the game compartment are locked. Then not only does these devices become meaningless for large mine owners, but for ordinary consumers, the value of these devices also declines.

But this is what Chen She wants.

Judging from the current situation, no matter how many bracelets and Super Dream game pods are produced by Lishan Technology, there will be a market, because all manufacturers are out of stock.

If you really make a lot of money because of this special opportunity, the profit risk will surely soar immediately and it is difficult to control.

What’s more, Fujitang Group’s previous promotion can be said to have lifted a rock and hit itself in the foot. Their bracelets and Super Dream game cabin were sold at a very low cost. As a result, they never expected it. It just passed. By the time of a week, all similar products have risen in price. The shackles, bracelets and coffins that no one cares about all the time, and the game pod after uncovering the coffin became the final winner, earning more profits than the Fujitang Group.

Can Fujido Group not be jealous?

So if these two products sell too hot, the profit risk and attention risk on the pendulum will skyrocket.

What’s more, Chen She has made magical changes to the chip and communication module, which is stronger than the original version. Once the product is sold in large quantities and the secret is discovered, subsequent sales will surely continue to skyrocket.

Before Chen She completely resolves the threat of the Fujitang Group, he must avoid risks as much as possible.

The launch of the lock hashrate version can greatly reduce sales in the short term, and extend it to a longer cycle, and money can still be made, but it is no longer as popular as it is currently.

Of course, these words can only be thought in my own heart, and I still have to give more to other people. Prudent explanation.

Chen She said: “I agree with Li Yunhan. Although we are transforming into manufacturing, our foundation is still in the super dream industry.”

“Currently, the revenue of “Embers Will Extinguish” accounts for more than 80% of our company’s revenue of Lishan Technology. This is our basic disk.”

“If we increase the price now, it will be an act of taking advantage of the fire for all players, and it will definitely affect our reputation in the field of super dreams.”

“The reason why other hardware manufacturers dare to raise prices is because most of them don’t make Chaomeng. The Chaomeng game pod of Changye Entertainment Group is a niche product and is produced under an OEM. But even so, they would rather break The price of the goods has not risen, which is enough to explain the problem.”

“So we must not only maintain the original price, but also launch a version with locked hashrate. We can’t manage the Super Dream game cabins that have been sold before, but the production must be strictly limited afterwards.”

Zhao Zhen nodded, apparently being persuaded by Chen She.

Li Yunhan also took a sigh of relief, thanking President Chen for standing on his side.

He also didn’t know why. Sometimes he felt that Chen was always a super genius who understood everything, but sometimes he felt that some of the decisions made by President Chen were unbelievable and difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Chen She waved his hand: “Okay, let’s go to work separately.”

After returning to his room, Chen She entered his conscious world again.

At first glance, he saw that the pendulum was swinging rapidly, and the profit risk and attention risk had been significantly improved compared to before, and it had reached a high range.

Under Chen She’s operation, both of these risks were originally reduced, but now they have risen back again.

This kind of fluctuation is really exciting.

Obviously, the sudden wave of mines made the two new products of Lishan Technology a big seller, which will inevitably lead to other large consortia, especially the Fujitang Group, to greatly increase their attention.

Although there are no major problems yet, Chen She feels that the situation has become imminent.

Because “Another Possibility” this super dream still has uncertain risks.

So far, the start performance of this super dream is indeed not very good, which is very in line with Chen She’s expectations, but Chen She did not dare to take it lightly. Caused this super dream to catch fire again.

At that time, the three risks will inevitably soar together, and the pendulum will take off in place, and Chen She can almost arrange his own funeral.

Chen She felt a strong sense of crisis, and felt that this could no longer be dragged on, and that he had to think of a solution as soon as possible.

Not only that, he could feel the black tide around him constantly accumulating power. Obviously, Epsilon is still working tirelessly to transmit his synesthetic power from time and space.

Although Ember’s continuous training has improved Chen She’s psychic energy very quickly, his efficiency has gradually decreased.

After all, Ember’s various combat skills are already very mature, and the further the increase is, the slower the increase. Even if it continues to increase the difficulty, after Ember reaches the limit of his skills, the improvement will become negligible.

Therefore, Chen She must find a way to find an outlet for Epsilon’s power and find a way to vent it.

At this time, Epsilon was drinking tea leisurely not far away.

He had already seen Chen She and knew that Chen She’s current situation was not very optimistic, so Epsilon felt that Chen She would probably chat with himself, even if it was a chat or something.

After all, in this world, strictly speaking, only Epsilon is the one who knows all the secrets of Chen She, and only in front of Epsilon can Chen She speak out all his inner thoughts without any scruples.

But I didn’t expect that Epsilon had just drunk a cup of tea, and turned his head to see that Chen She was gone.

Epsilon fell into silence, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

After coming out of his conscious world, Chen She walked back and forth in the office a few steps.

He already had a lot of pre-plans in his mind, but at this time it was difficult to decide which one should be adopted.

At this moment, his hand ring rang.

In the holographic image, Zhou Lei said: “Mr. Chen. The strange customer in the experience store just now came again. He saw that you were not saying let me send you a message.”

“He said that if everything goes well tomorrow night, then when the day after tomorrow, he will come to visit again and offer thanks.”

Zhou Lei didn’t know Grantham’s identity. He only remembered that he was a strange guest. Every time he came, he had to talk secretly with Mr. Chen and Zhang Sirui in the reception room, but no one knew what he was talking about. .

Chen She couldn’t help but lifted his spirits: “I see.”

After finishing the communication, Chen She walked around the office quickly.

The Temporal Knights are finally about to do it!

Although Chen She repeatedly urged Grantham to be cautious and not to be too hasty, but Chen She wished that they could do it as soon as possible.

Because Fujido Yuki was obviously not stupid. Although he was a little bit arrogant, Chen She never really lied to him.

Fujidō Yuki has always had an inexplicable vigilance towards Lishan Technology, and once a suitable opportunity is found, this vigilance will continue to ferment and expand.

For Chen She, if he wants to reduce the risk value as much as possible in the short term, he must find a way to kill the branch of Fujitang Group in Liming City.

Otherwise, these risks continue to accumulate, and one day there will be major problems.

Chen She didn’t expect that he would still get to this point in the end.

The previous plan for the rebel army was to make enough money to buy arms in three months, and first use the Fujitang Group branch in Liming City.

Chen She felt that this plan was too risky and unnecessary, so he tried his best to divert the rebel’s attention and wanted to slow down the plan.

As a result, I did not expect exactly three months from February to May. Chen She still had to prepare to confront the branch of Fujitang Group.

Of course, the specific plan is very different from the original plan.

The rebel army basically didn’t have any plans. They just wanted to make money to buy arms and large-scale equipment, and then went directly to the branches and field bases of the Fujitang Group. The success rate of this plan was obviously very low.

And now, Chen She can not only let the Space-Time Knights take the lead, but also wild masters like Aunt Li can help.

At that time, the base car will also be pulled up, and the family will be dragged by the mouth. Wait until the Fujitang Group and the Temporal Knights are both defeated and then rushed forward to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Compared with the previous plan, it is obviously much more secure.

Of course, Chen She is also very clear that this plan is not 100% successful, because Chen She does not know the real details of the Time and Space Knights and the Fujitang Group, and does not know the true strength of these two forces.

In case the attack of the Temporal Knights is blocked, choose to retreat.

Or what if the Fujitang Group has some hidden strengths that have not been exposed?

Any uncontrollable factors may cause this plan to fall short.

And once it fails, I’m afraid this resistance army will be destroyed in the wilderness.

This risky behavior made Chen She feel very contradictory, but he also knew that there was really no other choice at the moment.

This opportunity is rare in a lifetime, and if you fail to seize it, there will never be such an opportunity in the future.

Because the headquarters of the Fujido Group will definitely send more forces to support, and once the Naraku plan is successful, the headquarters of the Fujido Group will inevitably attach great importance to the branch in Liming City, and Fujido Hiroki may get what Chen She can’t imagine. Massive resources.

The Space-Time Knights also lost the reason to die again with the Fujitang Group. They will continue to collect space-time particles, kidnap homeless people, and plan some very dangerous activities.

After thinking about it, Chen Shesi felt that this opportunity must be seized.

Even if the strength is not enough, it doesn’t matter, because he can also forcibly borrow the power of Epsilon, although this will make Epsilon’s synesthetic power grow faster, making Chen She’s tightrope walking afterwards even more dangerous. But in order to ensure a complete victory and to ensure that the soldiers of the Rebels had less sacrifices, Chen She had no choice.

Thinking of this, Chen She dialed a communication request to Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen, telling them to convene all the persons in charge to hold a high-level meeting of the Resistance Army at night. There are very important tasks to be assigned.

At the same time, Fujido Yuki was looking at the sales data of the handcuffed bracelet and the game pod when he uncovered the coffin. Frown frowning.

“Unexpectedly, it’s impossible to think of everything, but actually let them sell these two products.”

“Could it be that Chen She had already calculated it?”

“No, it’s impossible.”

“The emergence of the mine tide was originally a small probability event. Moreover, the mine tide this time also occurred by accident. If it were not for the leak of the Naraku plan, we would not publicize the upcoming event of the mine tide. “

“That is to say, the emergence of the mining tide is a chain reaction, which is completely unpredictable. If Chen She can really predict this, then he is definitely not an ordinary person, but a prophet.”

“What’s more, it has been a month since Chen She developed these two new products. It is impossible for him to predict the arrival of the mining tide in advance at that time.”

“From his performance at the press conference, Chen She is obviously quite satisfied with these two products. This should not be false.”

“Moreover, Chen She’s interpretation of the New Super Dream obviously surprised Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi.”

“From all angles, Chen She should be a less threatening opponent. Rather than worrying about him, it is better to worry about Li Yunhan or Zhang After all, Chen She, as the boss, is the most intimidating. of.”

Fujido Yuki felt a strange feeling. He was very confident in his analysis, and he had always been in a state of no solution.

But recently, I always feel a sense of crisis, which is approaching.

This feeling made him sleepless, but he couldn’t find the real source anyway.

“Maybe I was too worried.”

“The Naraku plan has finally made a major breakthrough, and the headquarters is also attaching great importance to it. It is estimated that the corporate military support from the headquarters should arrive in three or four days.”

“As long as reinforcements arrive, the Temporal Knights shouldn’t cause any danger anymore.”

“But having said that, the Naraku plan is available in all branches, but our Liming City branch has made significant progress. As long as there is no accident, I can smoothly enter the top and even fight for the position of the head of the Fujitang Group…”

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