Virtual End

Chapter 68 - Please die

Chen She quickly put away the data hard drive.

Many decisions flashed through his mind instantly, and he knew that this hard drive must have a very close relationship with Naraku Project. Otherwise, Fujido Yuki would not be able to pay such a high price for him.

But how should such a data hard disk be handled?

If it is for safety reasons, it must be destroyed immediately, and it is best not to let anything related to this evil plan remain in the world.

But Chen She feels that whether a technology is righteous or evil does not entirely depend on the technology itself, but also depends on how the people who control it use it.

From the perspective of short-term goals, the resistance forces are still facing various external dangers. The Naraku plan may be able to enhance the combat power of the resistance forces and is of high value.

In terms of long-term goals, as long as Project Naraku is not used to harm ordinary people, but to let some dying people transfer their consciousness to the virtual world and start a new life, it does not seem to be a bad thing.

If Chen She can use his creator’s ability to transform the results of the Naraku Project. Turn this research into a weapon that changes the world and overthrows all the big chaebols, then it has high value.

Of course, all of this can only be determined after Chen She has carefully studied the details of the Naraku plan.

He chose to hide this data hard drive and study it slowly, and wait until the right results were found and a right time was found before using it properly.

On the other side, the battle in the base continued.

After seeing Fujido Yuki’s floating car falling from the sky, the soldiers of the Fujido Group were almost crazy. Especially Fujidō Kopei, screaming while rushing towards the enemy, but at this time he was already at the end of the crossbow. Under the joint siege of the high-end resistance forces such as Zhang Sirui, Zhao Zhen, Li Yunhan and Aunt Li, he was quickly killed. .

In other parts of the base, the resistance fighters were also chasing the Fujitang group soldiers who tried to escape. Some of the resistance fighters even took over the undamaged cannons on the base wall and destroyed all ground vehicles trying to escape.

The scene became completely chaotic. All the resistance fighters were chasing down the deserters of the Fujitang Group, but few people noticed that the members of the Temporal Knights had entered the underground base.

Their goal is obviously all the remaining space-time particles of the Fujitang Group.

Chen She couldn’t help but secretly said a bad cry.

Grantham was already on the verge of losing control, but he managed to control himself. The people of the Time and Space Knights he brought with him suffered heavy losses. Those knights were at least half dead, and the congregation was dead seven or eighty-eight, with few remaining.

But Grantham didn’t care.

For the people of the Space-Time Knights, all members are ready to sacrifice at any time. They complete each task to move closer to the ultimate goal, and death is just to return them to the realm of time and space.

For Grantham at this time, his plan has been completely successful. As long as he can get these space-time particles, his plan can continue, and becoming a black priest is just a matter of time.

But as far as Chen She is concerned, he absolutely cannot allow Grantham to leave so smoothly!

Because Grantham knows the truth of this time and also knows that the Rebels participated in this activity, and he must be planning more dangerous things with this batch of space-time particles, which is a huge threat to the existence of the Rebels. .

But at this time, the soldiers of the Resistance Army were chasing and killing the deserters of the Fujitang Group. This matter was equally important. The deserters of the Fujitang Group are more dangerous than the Knights of Time.

Once any soldier of the Fujitang Group escaped and reported everything that happened here to the Fujitang Group Headquarters, the Fujitang Group Headquarters would inevitably turn the entire Dawn City upside down and retaliate at all costs.

The only way is to let all the people outside the resistance army die here, so that they have no way to report, and there is no way for the Fujitang Group headquarters to know what happened. So as to smoothly throw the pot onto the space-time knights!

Thinking of this, Chen She gritted his teeth and hurried back to the warehouse entrance from which Fujitang Yuki escaped.

There hasn’t been too many battles in this warehouse. Compared with the mess outside, there are still a lot of supplies.

At this time, everyone in the Space-Time Knights led by Grantham looked greedily at the large number of space-time particles in front of them.

This innermost warehouse is directly connected to the core area of ​​Project Naraku. These space-time particles are all supplied to the core area of ​​Project Naraku, maintaining powerful computing power. At this time, those supercomputers have stopped working, and the consumption of space-time particles has naturally stopped.

In the thick transparent special pipe, the pale golden space-time particles stopped flowing. However, you can still see that the colors inside are constantly rendering and changing, full of beauty.

A look of greed and infatuation appeared on Grantham’s face, and he ordered his men to carry all these space-time particles back.

But at this moment, he suddenly looked back and felt someone approaching.

Chen She took off his helmet, walked slowly, and said with a smile: “Mr. Grantham, we meet again.”

Grantham was stunned for a moment, then a delighted expression appeared on his face. “Mr. Chen, I didn’t expect that it was you who helped us complete this mission.”

“It seems that the instructions given to me by the time-space contact are completely correct. With your help, all goals will be completed smoothly and smoothly.”

“I am grateful that you have contributed to our friendship. I am willing to share 20% of these space-time particles with you.”

Chen She couldn’t help being silent for a moment. Obviously, Grantham had some unique understanding of this incident.

In Grantham’s view, knowing Chen She was the arrangement of time and space contact, and the reason why he went so well when attacking the Fujitang Group was also because fate connected Chen She’s resistance army with his time and space knights. When we got together, we helped each other to accomplish this great goal together.

At this moment, Grantham did not reject Chen She because he was a resistance army, but believed that this was a fateful connection arranged in time and space, and their fate was firmly tied together.

Chen She couldn’t help but sigh with emotion that the members of the Time and Space Knights are really a group of magic sticks, and the first reaction is to use magic stick thinking to solve the problem no matter what happens.

Chen She stepped forward and came to Grantham, looking at the large number of space-time particles in front of him: “Mr. Grantham, it is very pleasant to cooperate with you, but I have a little request.”

Grantham said immediately: “Mr. Chen has any requirements, and I will definitely find a way to meet them.”

Chen She looked at him and said very seriously: “Please go and die, only if you die, I will be absolutely safe.”

Grantham was stunned for a moment, Chen She’s remarks were completely beyond his expectation. But in the next second, Chen She’s right hand was already stretched out suddenly, and he suddenly grabbed his head!

At this time, the time and space examples of the 8 units that Chen She carried were all exhausted, and in his conscious world, the black tides had instantly receded without a trace.

Chen She consumed all of his time and space particles, and borrowed all the remaining synaesthetic power from Epsilon, and successfully raised himself to the limit that can be achieved by borrowing power in a short period of time—the cursed scholar of level 6 energy fluctuations !

As he grasped Grantham’s head with his right hand, a large number of pale golden space-time particles penetrated from his palm and directly entered Grantham’s brain.

“go to hell.”

As soon as Chen She spoke, Grantham felt as if he had been subjected to an extremely terrifying curse. His body began to grow old quickly, and there were many hideous wounds, which burst open from the inside out!

Bearing the curse of a Level 6 energy wave curse scholar at such close range, and using direct contact as the medium of transmission, Grantham’s body was about to collapse almost instantaneously.

But at this moment, the few remaining knights also reacted instantly. One of the knights rushed to Chen She desperately, and just threw him aside.

Then the powerful synaesthetic power broke out from him completely. The black and viscous space-time matter swells and explodes instantly!

The knight actually wanted to kill Chen She to save Grantham at the cost of his life.

However, Chen She stood up in a pool of black sticky material. Although the protective clothing on his body was damaged by the bombing, he was unscathed.

Cursed scholars are also a profession that cannot improve their physical fitness, but the special characteristics of cursed scholars can use their own strength to continuously repair their own bodies, no matter how terrible the damage they receive, they can instantly recover.

The space-time matter adsorbed on the body will also be quickly removed without causing too much damage to the protective clothing.

Of course, the premise is that your energy fluctuation level is much higher than that of the opponent, otherwise it will be another script.

So bullets, cannonballs, cold weapons, or other physical attack methods can cause damage to the cursed scholar, but no matter how severe the damage is, the cursed scholar’s body will be instantly repaired.

It was just something that surprised Chen She, Grantham hadn’t died immediately. He was groaning in pain, and the space-time matter on his body continued to flow, turning him into a twisted and hideous space-time creature.

He lost control.

Chen She realized that Grantham had a certain degree of resistance to the attacks of cursed scholars because of his strong synaesthetic ability, and he did not die instantly. And in the end, he turned himself into a time-space creature at all costs, obviously he didn’t want anyone on the scene to survive!

After losing control, Grantham will gain much higher power than himself in a short period of time, but it will slowly dissipate after a period of time.

But at this time, the pain and anger made Grantham completely lose his mind.

Several other Knights of the Time and Space Knights attacked Chen She at all costs. At this time, the aura of the cursed scholar had no way to deceive them, because the two sides had completely torn their faces and turned into absolute enemies.

These knights roared up to the sky, and tiny space-time cracks began to appear around them, and space-time creatures the size of a lion slowly walked out.

But in the next instant, Chen She raised his right hand, and instantaneous matter like a torrent of time and space appeared beside him, completely covering the entire site.

When these space-time materials came into contact with the space-time creatures controlled by the knights, Chen She whispered: “Kill them.”

These time-space creatures instantly got rid of the control of these knights, and instead threw them to the ground, biting wildly.

The gap in the synaesthetic abilities of the two sides is extremely wide, so Chen She can easily impose a curse on these creatures through time and space matter, which in turn cuts off the connection between the knights and them.

Obviously, these knights have basically never encountered such a situation, because most of their previous enemies are other professions without any synesthetic ability. Space-time creatures are their best partners in battle, and they never imagined that one day they would betray them inexplicably.

Chen She looked at Grantham who had lost control.

His body can only barely maintain a human form, and he vaguely sees his eyes full of resentment and anger under the flowing black space-time matter. He obviously can’t understand that he is also a person who is favored by time and space. Why on earth did Chen She want to kill him?

Chen She sighed softly.

There is no way, there will always be some people in this world who are going to die, and there will always be some people who must live. If Grantham could agree with Chen She when he asked the tramps for Grantham, it would mean that he still had the most basic humanity and compassion, and all this might be different.

But now, everything is too late.

Chen She controlled all the black torrents around him and swept towards Grantham, wrapping him firmly in the middle. It was like a huge barrier, preventing Grantham’s power from being transmitted to the outside world.

Finally, Chen She stepped forward and used his last strength to stretch out his right hand and pierced fiercely into the viscous space-time matter, and also pierced into Grantham’s brain.

Grantham had consumed too much power in the previous battle. What’s more, Chen She borrowed the power of Epsilon at this time and briefly maintained the state of cursing the scholar at level 6 energy fluctuations. The power balance between the two sides has been completely completed. Imbalance.

Although Grantham summoned a large amount of space-time power, he couldn’t control it by himself. In turn, Chen She took advantage of it to speed up his death.

At the moment Chen She’s right hand pierced Grantham’s brain, many memory images flashed through Chen She’s mind.

It’s just that these fragmented memories are very messy, and it takes a long time to sort out slowly.

This is also the special ability of cursing scholars. Epsilon’s desire to survive in Chen She’s conscious world and the seizure of Chen She rely on this special power.

At this time, Chen She used it directly on Grantham, he was trying to get all the detailed information of the Temporal Knights in the Dawn City branch.

Finally, Grantham was completely out of control, his body exploded in the expansion, becoming countless fragments, and the billowing black torrent flooded the entire warehouse!

At this time, the battle on the ground of the base has gradually come to an end.

The soldiers of the Fujitang group were hunted down one by one by the rebels, and no one escaped.

At this moment, there was a sudden rumbling vibration from the ground. The thick black substance like a torrent even spilled out part of the warehouse’s exit.

Zhang Sirui couldn’t help being surprised, and hurriedly shouted to the hand ring: “Captain, are you okay?”

After a while, Chen She’s voice came from his hand: “I’m fine, Grantham lost control while absorbing the space-time particles, and the knights were also tired by him. I hid far away without being affected.”

“You immediately drove all the moving vehicles over to deliver supplies. We can’t delay here for too long.”

Zhang Sirui said immediately: “Yes. Captain!”

Although it sounds unbelievably complete, it is obviously not the time to entangle this kind of thing. Now that the Naraku Project has ended, the fluctuations in the hash space will surely recover soon, and the Fujido Group Headquarters will inevitably realize that a major problem has occurred in this base.

The corporate army of the Fujitang Group must have more troops on its way, and the rebel army must hurry up and be thorough.

After quickly cleaning the battlefield, the soldiers of the Resistance Army began to retreat in an orderly manner according to the original plan.

They mobilized the rebels’ own infantry chariots and all the vehicles that can be operated in the Fujitang Group, loaded with various materials and prepared to escape.

A part of the Resistance Army soldiers cleaned the battlefield, taking away the wounded and the remains of the sacrificed Resistance Army soldiers.

Chen She passed through the underground warehouse and came to the core area of ​​the Naraku Project.

I saw that Aunt Li was standing in front of the console, and the data interface with her right hand was connected to some supercomputers that were still running barely.

After a while, he retracted the data interface and sighed silently.

Chen She was a little surprised: “What’s the matter?”

Aunt Li said, “This is not what I’m looking for.”

“But the level of evil is about the same, so let’s completely destroy it.”

Chen She nodded, and he did not continue to ask more, but watched the rebel soldiers pile up various explosives and weapons that cannot be taken away at a key location underground in this base. Then they were evacuated collectively and detonated remotely.

Chen She sat in the base car and looked back, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com saw a violent explosion from the original Fujitang base. The explosion from the ground blasted the entire ground part of the base into the sky, and a miniature mushroom cloud floated in the sky. The base vehicle has been driven far away, and the vibration from the ground can be clearly felt.

The space-time particles remaining in the base were carried into the air by the explosion, volatilized quickly and reacted, forming a small time snow!

During these times, the snow will cover up the remains of the explosion and cause corrosion to everything on it, further destroying the traces of the scene.

Of course, time is in a hurry and it is impossible to be absolutely seamless. But when the corporate army of the Fujido Group arrives, they will be left with a mess that has been blown to the ground. Even if they want to find some useful clues in it, it will be difficult.

What’s more, most of these clues will point to the Knights of Time and Space.

Chen She finally breathed a sigh of relief and leaned on the seat, letting his tired spirit relax.

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