Virtual End

Chapter 69 - Upgraded inexplicably?

May 11, Sunday night.

The headquarters of the Chen Consortium, the underground rebel high-level meeting.

“Captain, we can say that we returned with a full load in this operation. A total of 1,500 units of space-time particles were obtained. There are more than 100 infantry fighting vehicles and heavy tanks of various types, more than 700 guns of various types, and many others. reward.”

“The only pity is that during the battle, the Fujitang Group’s base was seriously damaged by the time and space beasts. Many materials in the warehouse were directly damaged, and we were a little rushed and could not be shipped out when we retreated.”

“But in any case, our action was a great success this time, and the losses we paid are almost negligible compared to the gains this time.”

“This is the biggest victory we have fought in three years!”

After Zhao Zhen reported on the results of this operation, all the people present showed very excited expressions.

Obviously, such a hearty victory was like a shot of a booster for the rebels, it was too much morale!

The battle lasted until late at night, and when the rebels successfully withdrew to their base in the wilderness, it was almost dawn.

Everyone was busy treating the wounded all day on Saturday, counting and sorting out various seized materials, and completing the aftermath of the battle. Until today, the follow-up work of this operation has not been fully concluded.

And this afternoon, the corporate army responsible for the support of the Fujitang Group finally arrived, but they were left with a field base that was almost bombed to the ground.

There is no doubt that the Fujido Group must dig three feet of ground, search for clues throughout the base, to find the legacy of the Naraku plan, and to find out the real culprit behind the attack.

But their efforts must have been in vain, because the intense space-time activities caused serious corrosion on the scene. The explosion from the inside threw a large amount of space-time material created when Grantham died into the air, and the entire base was completely unrecognizable. .

At the time of the incident, the intense time and space activities blocked all communications around, and nothing happened in the base could be transmitted.

Even if the Fujitang Group doubted it, it would only be suspected by the Temporal Knights. After all, all the evidence points to the Temporal Knights, and the Temporal Knights had already attacked the base of the Fujitang Group before.

In short, this time the rebel army can be said to be full of food, and these space-time particles alone will be enough for them to open up for a long time.

After these materials were quickly settled in the base in the wild, the Chen consortium quickly returned to its usual working state to prevent it from being noticed.

Chen She also breathed a sigh of relief. He had already seen it in his conscious world before the meeting, and the speed of the pendulum had slowed down significantly.

In particular, the degree of attention risk has been directly reduced to a very low level.

This shows that a large part of the previous attention risk comes from the Fujido Group, especially Fujido Hiroki.

Although Chen She has tried every means to paralyze Fujido Yuki, this person is really a bit difficult and always has a skeptical attitude towards Chen She.

But fortunately, he has finally been physically wiped out now.

However, Chen She noticed that the profit risk has risen slightly, while the morale risk has increased substantially.

Although overall, the risk range has been significantly lower than before, but this victory has also brought unprecedented morale enhancement to the resistance.

And this is not a good phenomenon.

Chen She asked: “How about our casualties?”

Zhao Zhen answered truthfully: “We have sacrificed 43 soldiers and injured more than 160. However, this number of casualties is almost negligible for the results of this operation.”

For these rebels, as long as it is a war, there will always be sacrifices. This is inevitable.

When the rebels were killed by the enterprise coalition army before, the casualties in a battle might reach several thousand. Now only 43 soldiers have been sacrificed, and this number is of course negligible.

But there was no smile on Chen She’s face: “43 lives, can you call this negligible?”

“I think on the contrary, this number of casualties must attract our attention, because there are many accidental factors in this battle. Luck is on our side, but we cannot hope that we have such luck every time.”

“For me, it is only acceptable for the number of deaths to drop below 10, and only when the number drops to 0 is it truly negligible.”

“Our goal now is development, development at all costs.”

“In this battle, you all clearly saw the terrible strength of the Fujitang Group, and this is just a branch base of a veteran consortium in Liming City. If the corporate army from the Fujitang Group headquarters arrives, we have some chance of winning. ?”

“So, not only should we not be dazzled by this battle, but we must preserve our strength more firmly and develop our strength at all costs.”

“This action is actually a compelling choice. The Fujitang Group and the Temporal Knights pose a serious threat to us. In order to eliminate this danger once and for all, we must take this risky action. But now these two organizations The threat to us has temporarily disappeared, and we must hurry up and develop well, otherwise it will be tantamount to wasting all the results of our action.”

After Chen She said these words, the expressions of everyone present became serious.

Indeed, what the captain said makes sense!

There are indeed many accidental factors in this operation.

If it weren’t for the time and space knights and the Fujitang group fighting for both losses, and the rebels touched the vicinity through the base vehicle in advance, and started at the most suitable time; if there is no off-field assistance from Aunt Li, there is no final time and space knights priest Granter Mu’s bizarre loss of control caused the knights of the Time and Space Knights to be buried together…Then the current script may be a different direction.

Perhaps Fujido Hiroki has successfully escaped with the results of Naraku’s plan, perhaps the corporate army of the Fujido Group has come to the door, or it is possible that the rebels have been forced to fight with the badly injured Temporal Knights, fighting for a loss and losing both.

Achieving the current results is actually the effect of a lot of luck components superimposed on each other. If there are any mistakes in the whole process, the losses of the resistance will be doubled up.

And in the course of this battle, everyone also witnessed the terrifying strength of the Fujitang Group and the Temporal Knights, and this was just the power of these two organizations in Dawn City. Their strengths in other cities all add up, so what a terrifying sight should it be?

Once these rebels are exposed and incur retaliation, they will definitely be invincible.

Thinking of this, many high-ranking rebels who had been immersed in the mood of victory came to a complete sobriety and realized the situation they were facing now.

Zhang Sirui asked: “Captain, what should we do?”

Chen She said: “It’s very simple. In the next step, we will gradually transfer most of our business to the wilderness. To create a base that looks plain and poses no threats, but in fact it is solid.”

“At the same time, we must be more cautious, stop having too much friction with other big chaebols, and focus on improving our own strength.”

“Only when there is no other choice, we have to risk carrying out such a military operation.”

The people in charge looked at each other and nodded.

Zhao Zhen said: “The captain said it is very reasonable. We must not be dazzled by this victory. We must be soberly aware that our strength is still insufficient.”

“We should take more serious development and seek a good retreat. After all, there are fewer and fewer rebels on the old soil. We must be prepared to fight alone. We cannot afford too much loss.”

Chen She nodded, and continued to add: “In my opinion, there are currently two biggest problems with our resistance army.”

“The first is the lack of troops, which is unsustainable in the long run.”

“The second is the lack of training, especially the lack of targeted training.”

“Although the loss this time is not large from a numerical point of view, we can’t be so lucky to win this kind of victory every time. What if we encounter a battle that we have to fight next time and the rebels suffer heavy losses? We don’t have any supplements for soldiers at all. From the current point of view, it’s okay for those gangsters to screw the screws in the factory, but it is unrealistic for them to act as a resistance army and take up guns on the battlefield.”

“We have just these brothers in total. The more we fight, the less. At that time, not only will the military operations be affected, but even the company’s daily operations will not be able to maintain, so how can we develop and grow.”

“Moreover, at present, the soldiers of the Resistance Army still spend a lot of time on daily work. Although there is a lot of time for training in addition to the 8-hour work system, this training is mainly in the super dream and can only be honed. There is no training in firearms and cold weapons in other areas.”

“And these fierce wars require close cooperation between various teams and coordinated operations of multiple arms. It is also necessary to adapt measures to local conditions and formulate corresponding tactics according to the actual conditions of the battlefield and combat equipment.”

“None of these training rebels are available!”

“In this battle, we did avoid these problems by some means, but the next time there may not be such a good thing.”

As soon as Chen She said this, everyone nodded again, feeling that what the captain said made sense.

Seeing everyone’s reaction, Chen She couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Very good, after this action, not only successfully established its own prestige, but also changed the combat goal of the resistance from active offensive to strategic defense.

These high-level rebels and ordinary rebel fighters were all thinking about fighting the big chaebols. Chen She felt that there was a big problem with this idea, but at that time he was not necessarily good at speaking. On the one hand, his prestige was not enough to completely reverse the views of these people; on the other hand, it was also because many rebel fighters were I haven’t really experienced this kind of large-scale cruel battlefield, and there is a certain fluke mentality.

But this time, after seeing the real strength of the Temporal Knights and the Fujitang Group, most of the resistance fighters clearly realized the lack of current strength.

Therefore, Chen She’s remarks can have a very good effect.

For Chen She, the goal now is simple.

It is 8 words: keep a low profile and wait for the weather!

On the one hand, it is necessary to continue to strengthen the image of Lishan Technology as “a completely harmless company for humans and animals, except for making a few super dreams by luck.” On the other hand, the rebels and some content that is risky and easy to attract attention are all relocated to the field base. Try to build the field base into a base area that looks plain on the surface, but actually has a strong defensive force.

At the same time, I tried every means to continuously reduce the three risks, so that I could develop steadily, and until there was a compelling situation like this time again, I would lead the rebels to take the initiative to attack and carry out some dangerous military operations.

Zhang Sirui asked: “Captain, the source of troops is simple to say, but it is difficult to do it. The reason why we have not recruited new members to become a resistance army is because we are afraid of revealing secrets.

“How can this be resolved?”

Chen She was silent for a moment, and then said, “I also know this. I think this matter must be discussed in the long term.”

“On the one hand, we must carefully screen and screen, establish a screening mechanism, I think we can start from the foundry.”

“Incorporate some beggars and vagrants into the work of the foundry, and gradually instill in them the idea of ​​resisting the big chaebols. And constantly observe their changes, only by identifying reliable candidates, can they be absorbed into the resistance army.”

“On the other hand, we can start from ordinary children and train them from scratch.”

“At this point, don’t worry about the time being too long. To overthrow all the big chaebols in the old soil, it would have been too fast. Our goal is to extend to 10 years, and 10 years is enough to train some children into qualified Warriors.”

Of course, Chen She did not say something to these people. For example, in addition to traditional screening methods, Chen She can also establish close temporal and spatial contact with these workers through the foundry, and judge whether they have any special skills by cursing scholars. threat.

This will be the last link in the entire screening mechanism.

On the other hand, Chen She hopes to arrange as much work as possible that has a long time and slow results, such as training and educating children from scratch. Strengthen the daily training of the resistance army, improve the security measures of the base, develop the military industry from scratch, and so on.

These things will often take several years to achieve certain results, and before all these tasks are completed, Chen She has ample reasons to refuse the daily military operations of the Resistance.

Stay steadily for 10 years and preserve your strength. If 10 years later, if you find that there is still a big gap between the power of the big consortium, then continue.

If in this process it is discovered that the rapid development of the resistance forces really has the strength to defeat the big chaebols, then the plan can also be changed at the right time.

Everyone reached a consensus.

In the next period of time, the rebels still hid themselves well and focused on doing three things well.

The first is to solve the problem of the source of troops and try to establish a screening mechanism that can continuously cultivate viable forces.

The second is to further strengthen the daily training of the Resistance, especially targeted training outside of conventional combat skills.

The third is to devote a lot of energy to the construction of field bases, as far as possible to establish a solid defensive position, as a retreat when special circumstances arise.

Of course, these three goals must be achieved under the leadership of Captain Chen She.

Seeing everyone’s reaction, Chen She nodded very pleasedly.

It seemed that his reformation of this resistance army was proceeding in an orderly manner, and his life safety was finally further guaranteed.

Chen She exhorted a few more words to let these responsible persons popularize this kind of thinking among ordinary resistance fighters, and then the meeting formally adjourned.

Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui stayed behind.

Chen She asked: “How is Du Guanqi’s base in the wild? Are you still used to living?”

Zhang Sirui nodded: “Everything is fine over there, there is no problem. Now that the Fujidō Group’s sub-base has been destroyed, the Naraku plan has completely failed, and Mr. Kanki should be completely safe.”

Chen She thought about it for a while and said, “I want to continue to broadcast time and space, and let Du Guanqi be responsible for the daily ideological education of the resistance army. In addition, I also want to create an education industry, and Du Guanqi will be responsible for it. People spread some advanced thoughts imperceptibly.”

Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen nodded: “You can take care of these things, Captain. We must raise our hands to support.”

Obviously, after a series of events over the past few months, everyone has become very trusting in Chen She’s various decisions.

Although the super dream of “Another Possibility” has performed poorly so far, everyone will certainly not say anything. After all, on the one hand, this pot should be left on Li Yunhan’s head. On the other hand, this military operation has been very rewarding. The success of a Chaomeng is not a big problem.

Chen She stood up, ready to leave.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a very strange feeling.

The power in his body was constantly surging, Chen She felt that a certain special restriction in his body seemed to be broken, and the energy fluctuations suddenly rose by a level!

At this time, Chen She’s world of consciousness continued to expand rapidly to the surrounding area. Embers, who is continuing to fight various powerful enemies, have also been upgraded to the third level of energy fluctuation.

The surrounding black tide surged at a very fast speed, and a large amount of synesthetic power, under the mysterious connection, poured into Chen She’s conscious world from the time and space.

Both Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui had shocked expressions on their faces, and they found that Chen She had upgraded!

At this moment, Chen She’s energy fluctuation increased reached the level of three-level energy fluctuation.

Both Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen were shocked. Although they didn’t know what Chen She’s real combat ability was, they knew that it had only been more than a month since Chen She acquired this ability.

It took a month to reach the third level of energy fluctuation, this kind of speed can be described as incredible!

What’s more, in addition to carving things in the experience shop, Chen She is planning the next development of the company and the resistance army at the headquarters. He has never seen him conduct any targeted training. How can he upgrade inexplicably?

This good thing that can be quickly upgraded without doing anything is really shocking.

However, Chen She didn’t have the slightest happy expression on his face. Instead, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his heart was full of egg pain.

He left the conference room without saying a word, returned to his room, and then entered his conscious world to check the current situation.

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