Virtual End

Chapter 75 - Indicators and tasks

Before Cocker could react, the pale golden space-time particles had already emerged from Chen She’s hand, and penetrated into his head until it entered his brain, completely rewriting his consciousness.

The other two knights and the remaining 20 or so congregants tried to escape in horror, but the time and space creatures controlled by Chen She were like shepherds chasing the flock, blocking them all back.

They simply have nowhere to go.

Although the time and space creatures of the two knights had been killed, they still wanted to fight to the death and rushed towards Chen She frantically.

However, in the next second, Kirkl suddenly turned around, hitting the two knights with two heavy punches in the lower abdomen, making them lose their ability to resist.

Chen She grabbed the heads of these two men with both hands, and completed the rewriting of consciousness in the same way.

Koker, no, it should be said that Gao Jingwu has exercised his muscles and bones. “This body is a bit weak. The time traveler of a single synaesthetic profession is very different from my original fighting style, but I can adapt to it. .”

The two knights also looked up, looked at Chen She and said, “Captain.”

The remaining 20-odd congregants wanted to escape, but under the besieged by 4 people, most of them were eventually caught by Chen She, who instilled the consciousness of the rebels in the space on the other side into their brains, right. The original consciousness was replaced.

There are 4 or 5 congregants in despair, wanting to fight a suicide attack, but their synaesthesia is so poor that they are easily controlled by Chen She.

It’s a pity that their bodies can no longer be used in this way. Only half of the sacrificed resistance fighters in the space of the other side are possessed by these members of the time and space knights.

Of course, in the divisions of the Time and Space Knights, there are still many homeless people. But for Chen She, these homeless people are innocent, and if they forcibly seize their bodies for use by the fighters of the resistance army, it is equivalent to killing in a sense.

Therefore, Chen She only reformed all the middle-level personnel such as the knights and congregations in the Time and Space Knights, and for the innocent homeless people who were captured, Chen She planned to arrange them in his own foundry.

There is not enough available body, and there is no way. Chen She feels that there will always be better opportunities in the future.

Soon, the entire branch of the Temporal Knights had been completely controlled by Chen She.

Although on the surface the people here are all knights and clergymen of the Time and Space Knights, in fact they have all become rebels.

Gao Jingwu asked: “What are we going to do next? Leave here?”

Obviously, the resistance fighters, including Gao Jingwu, didn’t like it very much. For them, it was dark here, and they always felt like a mouse in the gutter.

I am afraid that only an abnormal organization like the Temporal Knights, who likes to hide their heads and show their tails, would like to live in such a place.

Chen She shook his head and said, “Not for the time being.”

“There is actually a node connected to the headquarters of the Temporal Knights. We can move away, but this node cannot be moved.”

The node Chen She said is a bit similar to a special altar. It uses a special synaesthetic structure connection method, which allows the various branches of the Time and Space Knights to communicate with the headquarters in real time, and even can transmit. Some special matter, such as space-time particles.

Whether it is the headquarters providing material support to the branch or the branch handing over space-time particles to the headquarters, this channel is required.

Although this connection node is not particularly complicated for Chen She, and can be replicated with his synaesthetic knowledge, the problem is that the establishment of this kind of node is bidirectional. It’s a bit like a portal, you must complete the construction at the beginning and the end at the same time to be able to connect.

In other words, if Chen She wants to move, the connection node must be re-established, and the headquarters must nod his head during the establishment process.

Chen She has no confidence that all the high-level staff of the Temporal Knights Headquarters can be flicked to live at the moment.

What’s more, it takes a lot of space-time particles to transfer this connection node. Although Chen She is relatively rich now, it is completely meaningless to spend money in such a place.

Chen She said: “I understand that people don’t like it here, but they just don’t like the living environment here.”

“These lunatics of the Time and Space Knights are not very particular about living conditions. As long as they can work with time and space creatures, they will be very comfortable, but of course not for us normal people.”

“However, this problem does not necessarily need to be solved by moving. We can also build this place to make it more livable.”

As a result, Chen She’s Cunning Rabbit Three Caves had one more cave.

Experience shop, a branch of the Temporal Knights and a rebel base in the wild. Chen She can build all these locations into a solid foundation and cultivate them into a force that is completely loyal to him. At that time, even if the corporate army comes to the door, relying on these strongholds can carry out long-term maneuvers.

In the Temporal Knights Division underground in Dawn City, although the living conditions are a bit worse, the safety is obviously better than the experience store on the ground.

Gao Jingwu and the other resistance fighters nodded and agreed with Chen She’s statement.

Chen She said: “Next, I will find a way to buy a piece of land from the ground, transform it into a hidden entrance, open up the connection with the underground, and then send all these homeless people to the foundry.”

“Then it is to carry out a comprehensive and secret transformation of the underground space.”

“We still have to keep this branch of the Time and Space Knights as much as possible. In some extreme cases, this identity may be of special use to us. However, this plan of cage-changing birds requires everyone to be involved and cooperate with me. It’s a moment.”

Gao Jingwu smiled: “No problem. It’s good to change your status occasionally.”

Chen She also told the internal details of the Space-Time Knights to these rebel fighters who had just successfully seized their homes, and then he briefly counted the remaining supplies of the Space-Time Knights branch.

There are some supplies necessary for the daily operation of the maintenance branch, such as daily food, drinking water, and other supplies. None of this makes any sense to Chen She. After all, the people of the Temporal Knights have very low material needs, so both food and water are quite reasonable.

The most valuable thing is only space-time particles.

Grantham once said before that the indicator given to him above is to collect 2000 units of space-time particles. Before the first sneak attack on the warehouse of the Fujitang Group’s base, the Space-Time Knights had collected more than 700 units of space-time particles, and after attacking the warehouse of the Fujitang Group, more than 500 units of space-time examples were obtained.

It’s just that the consumption of these space-time particles is also very serious. Chen She counted the space-time particles remaining in the warehouse and found that there were only a little over 900 left.

Obviously, a large number of space-time particles were consumed by Grantham in the previous military operations to attack the Fujitang Group.

The Rebels directly obtained all the space-time particles stored in the Naraku Project from the Fujido Group, a total of more than 1,800 units. In other words, Chen She currently has more than 2,700 units of space-time particles, which has completely reached the target issued by the headquarters of the Space-Time Knights to the Dawn City branch.

Chen She fell into a brief entanglement about how to use these space-time particles.

In fact, it is nothing more than two usages.

The first is to directly report the failure of the action to the headquarters of the Temporal Knights and fail to complete the mission, and then naturally swallow the more than 900 units of time and space particles in the warehouse for the daily development of Lishan Technology.

The second is to report to the headquarters of the Temporal Knights that the operation was successful, and successfully obtained 2000 units of time and space particles obediently offered.

The risk of the first option is completely uncontrollable.

Grantham’s military operation directly involved most of the power of the Dawn City branch. If he paid such a painful price but didn’t get any results at all, then even if the high-level officials did not doubt him, at least it would To be charged with unfavorable work.

At that time, can the senior officials of the Space-Time Knights continue to trust him? Can you still trust the ability of the Liming City branch?

The most likely possibility is that the top of the Time and Space Knights will directly send a new priest to take over the Time and Space Knights in the Dawn City branch, and there may even be a major exchange of blood.

This is definitely not what Chen She wants to see. If this kind of thing happens, for Chen She the risk will rise suddenly and there will be no peace forever.

So the second choice will be more wise.

If enough time and space examples are handed in, it proves that Grantham still has a strong ability to do things and can do everything possible to complete the targets assigned by the headquarters.

At that time, the casualties and losses of these personnel is a completely acceptable thing. After all, the time-space knights’ behavior is to accomplish the goal at all costs, and it is not so important that the loss is larger or smaller.

Although 2000 units of space-time particles will be painful, but for the sake of safety, this is an expense that cannot be saved.

But other than that, are there any other options?

Chen She had a general idea in his mind and decided to give it a try.

It’s just that this idea may not be successful. If it fails, then the second method can only be adopted, and honestly hand in the time and space examples of 2000 units.

Chen She finally passed the relevant memories of Grantham in his mind, and finally determined that Grantham actually had no accurate concept of where the 2000 units of space-time particles would be used.

Because the headquarters of the Temporal Knights has always just issued orders and will not give a clear explanation.

I hope it can be vaguely inferred from Grantham’s memory that most of these time-space particles are used to support the Knights of Time and Space to attack some big cities.

The Space-Time Knights is an organization that makes all the forces on the old soil a headache. In the final analysis, it is because they don’t care about anything, and only want to let all mankind embrace the space-time creatures and complete Epsilon’s legacy.

But any organization on the old soil does not cooperate with them, what should be done?

It can only continue to create chaos and attacks in the big city. The more people are displaced, the faster the Space-Time Knights can add new and expand.

I have to say that such simple and direct thinking fits well with the brain circuit of the Knights of Time.

From this point of view, Chen She felt that perhaps he could find a way to keep these 2000 units of space-time particles in his hands as much as possible.

He came to the front of the altar of that node and sent a special communication request to the headquarters of the Temporal Knights in Grantham’s way.

The response came much faster than Chen She expected.

Just a moment later, a space-time rift appeared in front of him, and an illusory black figure walked out of the space-time rift. Gradually solidified and became a rather oppressive human form.

The mask on his head and the lines on his body showed a faint red color, and he was obviously the most powerful figure in the Knights of Time, the priest in red.

Like Grantham, Chen She half-kneeled on the ground, lowered his head and said in a humble tone: “My lord priest in red.”

“The subordinates are not doing well. In the process of obtaining space-time particles, they have lost some of their staff. Please punish them.”

“But all the space-time particles you need have been collected.”

The red priest is still in the same form as a simultaneous creature. His tall body has no unnecessary movements and expressions. He just said in a dull voice: “Come on.”

Chen She couldn’t help but slander in his heart. This red priest is really an improper person. Grantham has acquired so many space-time particles forever. As a result, you didn’t even have a word of condolences, and you didn’t even ask about the specific process in detail, so you just stretched out your hand. Space-time particles are needed, isn’t it a bit too inhuman?

Of course he wouldn’t dare to say these words, otherwise, if the red priests really went to Dawn City, then there would be a big problem.

However, Chen She certainly couldn’t transmit all the space-time particles in such a straightforward manner. He decided to ask for wealth and danger. He would say a few more words and try it out.

“The subordinates of the red priest dare to make a request to you.”

The red priest seemed a little unhappy, and said: “The black priest’s affairs will take some time. You have done something unfavorable this time, it is difficult to convince the crowd, and you will find a way again.”

Chen She hurriedly said, “The subordinates didn’t mean that.”

“The subordinates want to share the worries for you, so that these space-time particles can play a better role.”

The red priest’s voice paused for a while, “Better function?”

Chen She continued: “Most of the space-time particles of the Knights are ultimately aimed at accomplishing Master Epsilon’s goal and realizing a new era of harmony between humans and time and space life. At present, the Knights mainly use these space-time particles for space-time activities and development. A member of the Knights.”

“So the fundamental goal of these space-time particles is to grow the space-time knights, right?”

The red priest asked: “So what?”

Hearing this, Chen She knew that he had guessed it right, and he hurriedly continued: “In the past, his subordinates were only responsible for collecting space-time particles. They were not involved in the task of strengthening the Knights. Now the subordinates want to share more worries for you. I hope you can The task of growing the Temporal Knights is also handed over to the subordinates.”

After saying these words, Chen She felt a little nervous, wondering how the mysterious red priest would reply.

So far, his guess is very correct. The headquarters of the Temporal Knights has asked each branch to do everything possible to collect time and space particles. In the final analysis, it is still for major events to launch attacks on some large cities and key targets. The ultimate goal is to complete Epsilon’s anti-human conception.

And strengthening the power of the time and space knights is the only way.

In other words, the last step was originally arranged by the headquarters of the Temporal Knights, and now Chen She took the initiative to invite Ying, hoping that the headquarters would entrust this task to him.

If this task is dispatched, then these space-time particles will naturally not need to be turned in. It has become Chen She’s own activity funds.

It’s just that Chen She didn’t know what kind of indicators the red priest would give him?

The red priest was silent for a moment, which made Chen She’s mood even more disturbed. After all, the members of the Time and Space Knights are a group of lunatics. Although Chen She has a lot of dealings with Epsilon, he is not sure whether he can accurately understand these. The intention of the lunatic.

Finally the red priest said: “Within three months, train 10 knights or priests with energy fluctuations above level 4; train 50 congregants with energy fluctuations above level 2; create a level 6 energy fluctuation for the target in Dawn City The time and space beast tide; get 2500 units of time and space particles.”

“If you can do this, I will allow you to leave these 2000 units of space-time particles.”

After hearing the words of the priest in red, Chen She called his fellow.

You are simply a profitless business.

Originally, there were only 2000 units of space-time particles in my place, but after three months, not only had to turn these 2000 units of space-time particles into 2500, but also had to train so many boys and create a level 6 energy fluctuation. Time and Space Beasts?

This is simply the lion’s big mouth.

But Chen She had no other way. After thinking about it quickly, he said, “The subordinates must complete the task at all The priest in red nodded, and turned away without saying anything.

After confirming that the energy fluctuations of the red priest had completely disappeared, Chen She was relieved.

He sighed silently, “Good fellow, the operations of the Temporal Knights are comparable to capitalists, and capitalists are not so squeezed!”

Although Chen She did not have a very clear plan now, he originally hoped to borrow Grantham’s identity to develop the distribution of this time-space knight order.

Although this goal is a bit outrageous, after all, Chen She has something to do with Epsilon, and it is still possible to accomplish it with all his efforts.

If this goal can be accomplished while developing the Temporal Knights, then it is logical to get more resources and trust from the Temporal Knights headquarters.

Fortunately, the matter of the Time and Space Knights came to an end for the time being. The three-month period is not long or short, and Chen She still has time to plan for a long time.

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