Virtual End

Chapter 76 - Base defense measures

May 15th, Thursday.

The Lishan Science and Technology Field Base is under construction in full swing.

The current construction is mainly divided into two aspects. The first is to continue to build more barracks and space-time particle collection sites on the surface, and the second is to continue to expand the underground space through shield machines.

After the collapse of the Fujitang Group’s field base, Chen She can see from the pendulum that the risk of attention has been greatly reduced. Therefore, this field base of Lishan Technology does not need to be concealed anymore and can be generously developed.

The barracks are meant to move more resistance fighters to the wilderness. After all, the original Chen’s consortium was headquartered in the satellite city. It was too ostentatious and there was a certain risk of exposure.

Chen She’s goal is to transfer most of the rebels to the wilderness, especially the foundry and other businesses are completed in the wilderness, while the Chen Consortium headquarters only retains some industries that are closely related to Dawn City, such as Chaomeng R&D and product distribution, etc.

At this time, Chen She was in the conference room of the field base, discussing the future construction plan of the base with several key rebel leaders.

“Currently, my plan is mainly focused on three aspects, namely the daily production and operation of the base, the perimeter defense of the base, and the daily training of resistance fighters.”

“The first is the daily production operation of the base.”

“In addition to continuing to build space-time particle collection sites in the surrounding area, we must also transfer all foundry operations to the wilderness as much as possible.”

“Although collecting space-time particles will certainly not recover the cost of building a collection field in the short term, it will definitely be useful in the long term. In addition, we will also build factories here and move all current production lines to the wilderness.”

“At the headquarters of the Chen Consortium, as far as possible, only the businesses that have frequent contacts with Liming City, such as Chaomeng R&D and various publicity and distribution departments, are retained as much as possible.”

“After all, we will continue to go further on the manufacturing road in the future. The future is likely to involve military production. It is safer for us to move all production to the wilderness as soon as possible, although the acquisition of raw materials will change. It’s more difficult, but I think it’s necessary.”

“Of course, we have to symbolically retain a few production lines in the original foundry.”

“What I am thinking about is to establish a hierarchical recruitment system to select suitable candidates from the low-level people in Dawn City in a safe way to strengthen the resistance of the army. Of course, such screening must be careful.”

“The first step is to attract homeless people and other unemployed low-level people to our foundry in Satellite City. Although they also have to undertake certain production tasks, they are not skilled workers, and the production efficiency will definitely not be very high. This is not a problem either, because we retain this foundry mainly to screen and recruit a large number of qualified people.”

“These people are full of dissatisfaction with the status quo, and their destiny has certain similarities. We don’t need to bluntly instill in them, as long as they can empathize with each other’s fate in daily communication, and be able to share the same hatred and anger.”

“After a comprehensive investigation, those who are more miserable and have a higher degree of hatred for the big chaebols, we can absorb them into the foundry in the wilderness to produce some higher-level products.”

“The second step is in the foundry in the wilderness. We organize personnel to educate and train them, popularize basic knowledge and provide basic education to them after work. To further strengthen their hatred of the big chaebols.”

“Step 3 On this basis, we will conduct daily basic combat training for these people. On the surface, it is to screen and train the enterprise army, but in fact it is to absorb them into the rebel army.”

“Until we are sure that these people have developed a high degree of identification with our thoughts and have developed an inseparable close relationship with us, we finally showed them. Tell him that you are now a glorious resistance army. Let us work together for Struggle to overthrow the big chaebols and transform the entire old land.”

Of course, Chen She didn’t make it clear that in this process, he would also use the special ability of cursing scholars to carry out screening in every link, and eliminate those who are hostile or suspected of being an inner ghost.

Zhang Sirui raised his hand and asked, “Captain, I have a question.”

“If there are some people who are stubborn, or have other thoughts after knowing some of our secrets, what should we do?”

The other persons in charge also nodded one after another, obviously Zhang Sirui’s worries were justified.

It’s better to say that the tramp, after all, the tramp is the marginal person of the whole world. The mind is relatively simple, and those who stutter will be more grateful, but many punks are stubborn. Even in the foundry, I always think about how to slip away. It is almost impossible for this kind of people to transform them in a subtle way.

What’s more, all the big chaebols have given very generous rewards for reporting the behavior of the rebels. In many cases, when you get to know the secrets of the rebel army, some people suddenly change their minds and want to report it. It is not impossible that it will happen.

Chen She said: “It’s very simple. Before these people came to the field base, if they were stubborn, we would drive them away and let them fend for themselves. After these people came to the field base, we couldn’t help them. “

“If these people know our secrets but don’t want to cooperate, then we also have a special way to reform them.”

“We have to establish a reform in the base. These people have to continue to work and receive ideological education until their thinking changes. Of course, if some people can really persist in this situation for a long time, it will only Be able to seek benevolence and benevolence. Eliminate his spirit and let his body make the final contribution to the resistance.”

“After all, we are a resistance army. We are engaged in a cruel battle with the big chaebols. We are not a charity organization. For stubborn enemies, either spiritual transformation or physical destruction.”

As far as Chen She is concerned, if there are people who are still stubborn after repeated reforms. There is really no good way. It would be a waste to kill directly, just as there are still many resistance fighters lining up on the other side, waiting for a new body in reality.

The current recruiting system of the Chen’s consortium mainly recruits people from the bottom of society in the first step. Most of the people in this group are living in hardship. The possibility of successful transformation is very high.

There are only a handful of people who really have to use physical destruction.

Of course, even a very small number of people have to plan ahead and make such preparations, otherwise a traitor will appear at that time, and the resistance may fall short.

Chen She continued: “In addition, we can also recruit some homeless orphans in the society. If these orphans are allowed to wander in the neighborhood, then their best result is nothing more than becoming on the street. Beggars may become gangsters. Even worse, they may freeze to death in the street on a cold night.”

“For these orphans, we directly take them to the camp, and special personnel will carry out daily education and training for them. Compared with the adult street gangsters and homeless people, these orphans are obviously more high-quality training targets. Growing up from an early age In the environment of the Resistance Army, they will definitely agree with the Resistance Army more.”

The people in charge nodded their heads without comment. Obviously, Chen She’s plan is quite comprehensive and feasible.

The source of troops for the Resistance has been a problem that has plagued everyone for a long time. If you don’t recruit newcomers, there will only be so many fighters in the Resistance Army. If you sacrifice one, you will lose one. If you continue to fight like this, you will not have too optimistic results.

However, recruiting newcomers may reveal secrets, incurring retaliation from the corporate coalition. As long as a traitor appears, the consequences are unimaginable.

The ice crew absorption system built by Chen She is divided into many levels, selecting people from the bottom of the society, and selecting them from the bottom of the society to ensure the greatest degree of safety.

Moreover, those who are recruited first enter the foundry to work, which ensures the daily operation of Lishan Technology, and then develops step by step into resistance fighters. Not only has a natural cover, but also can maintain the daily operation of the entire company by the way.

Chen She continued: “Next is the perimeter defense of the base.”

“This field base is extremely important to us. Once the secret is leaked or other big chaebols attack, this base is our last fortress.”

“So we must establish a strong perimeter defense, relying on the field base to fight in extreme cases, and not let the wind fall.”

“But too high-spec peripheral defense may also cause other large consortia to pay attention and vigilance, so I want to build a very low-key, but extremely powerful three-dimensional defense system.”

The people in charge looked at each other, and they understood what Chen She said very well, but they couldn’t form a clear concept in their minds about what he called a very low-key but extremely powerful three-dimensional defense system.

From a security point of view, the defense measures of the base must be as comprehensive as possible, but the problem is that some over-spec security measures will cause suspicion.

At present, Lishan Technology is only an emerging Super Dream company, as far as a normal Super Dream company is concerned. In fact, they do not have a very urgent need to build a base in the wild. Even if there are some security needs, most Super Dream companies will directly choose to purchase the security services of the Icefield Defense Group.

In other words, the company paid for it, and the Icefield Defense Group sent mercenaries and equipment to protect their safety.

After all, not all chaebols in this world are comprehensive big chaebols. Some chaebols only achieve monopoly in a specific cultural or economic field, but they don’t want to spend precious money and resources on the military industry, so they buy security. Service has become their most cost-effective choice.

It’s already a bit strange for Lishan Technology to build a base in the wild. If it builds a more powerful perimeter defensive position than the Fujitang Group’s field base, other large consortia will definitely be suspicious of this.

Are you not a super dream company? What does it mean to build so many large-scale defense equipment in the field base? What are you guarding against?

Someone must have thought that there must be some ugly things in this field base, some very secret things, so it is necessary to establish such a strong outer defensive position.

And once those big chaebols or other organizations pay attention to this, then the defense measures of the entire base can’t be said to be safe, no matter how strong it is.

Just like the field base of the Fujido Group, they did establish a very strong perimeter defensive position in order to protect the results of the Naraku Project, but in the end they fell. The reason is that the security measures are not in place, which has attracted too much attention.

So the Resistance Army must not make the same mistake.

But the question is how to build a very low-key, but extremely powerful three-dimensional defense system?

The people in charge vaguely guessed that it might be using a method similar to that of a base vehicle, working **** the appearance to hide all the powerful defensive weapons. But how to hide it, their imagination is obviously not enough.

Chen She tapped twice on the bracelet and sent the design plan to the holographic projection device in the center of the conference table.

Everyone looked at it carefully.

The shape of the first device is a very thick and tall pillar, but there is an arc-shaped aperture at the top, which seems to be able to emit light. The lower part of the column is extremely strong and has a solid foundation. It seems to be buried deep in the soil and looks quite solid.

The shape of the second device looks much clearer. It looks like a large anti-aircraft gun. The biggest difference from other field bases than anti-aircraft guns may be that its size and caliber are really exaggerated. Quite a feeling of anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes.

The third device looks even simpler. It is a special kind of wall, but it is different from other walls. The anti-aircraft cannon can be hidden in the wall of the fence, and there is a relatively large fortress at every interval of the fence. There are shooting ports on it, and some large combat equipment can also be hidden. For example, the second type of anti-aircraft cannon can be hidden in the wall and only rise when needed.

Zhao Zhen asked with some doubts: “Captain, the anti-aircraft cannon and the fence can understand, what is the first type of equipment?”

Chen She explained: “It is called an electromagnetic coil, which can also be understood as a street lamp and a wireless power supply station.”

“In the daily use of the base, it mainly plays the role of lighting and transmitting electricity. Once an enemy invades, these electromagnetic coils can directly destroy nearby enemy tanks, interfere with the enemy’s communication equipment, and attack the enemy’s The combatants carry out precision killing.”

“As for this large-caliber anti-aircraft cannon, in fact, its biggest role is not to hit the aircraft and floating fortresses in the sky. I modified its structure to make it very effective for flat-fire.”

“As for this wall, which is much wider and thicker than ordinary walls, not only is the shell very strong, but the most important point is that it can hide a lot of equipment, especially these anti-aircraft guns. In addition, there are many specific locations on the city wall. The shooting holes can rely on these shooting holes to strike back at the enemy.”

Everyone couldn’t help but look at the electromagnetic coil a few more times, and they obviously didn’t expect this thing to have three different functions at the same time!

In daily use, it can be responsible for lighting and power transmission.

The high-energy electric field in this world itself has the function of wireless power transmission, but this transmission is limited by the scope. When the base is relatively small, it is enough to build the space-time particle collection field next to the high-energy electric field, but if the base The continuous expansion of the scope requires specialized equipment for power transmission.

What’s more, there are some weapons and equipment, vehicles or other equipment that require electrical energy.

There are many large-scale military equipment in this world, all of which use special fuels. Space-time particles are added to these fuels, so they have a long-lasting power. For example, the floating car is a model of flying in the university, and it can fly in the sky purely by burning money.

Although these devices are more reliable, the problem is that the fuel is too expensive. In contrast, electrical energy is a cheaper and easily available energy source, so many civilian vehicles and equipment are driven by electrical energy.

There are charging facilities near the main arterial road in Liming City, and wireless charging can be automatically carried out as long as it is close, which can relieve the anxiety of battery life to the greatest extent.

The same is true for field bases, where there is often the movement of people and the transportation of materials. These transportations inside the base cannot always be completed with time and space particles, and electricity is still needed.

Therefore, there must be equipment for wireless transmission of electric energy in the base, which can also be understood as the telegraph pole of this world.

And Chen She’s design combines street lights, telephone poles and defensive weapons together ~ ~ can be said to be quite novel.

If all of these defense weapons can be implemented, then the effect that Chen She said can indeed be achieved, with low-key concealment and high security.

Because the electromagnetic coil seems to be just a device responsible for lighting and transmitting electrical energy, and the large-caliber anti-aircraft guns are usually hidden in the wall.

In the eyes of other large consortia, the defensive force of Lishan Technology’s field base is actually only shooting holes on the wall. When foreign enemies invaded, Lishan Technology’s corporate army could only send soldiers into the wall and rely on the fortifications of the wall for defense. Obviously, this is not too much of a threat.

But if there is a big consortium or other organization to attack, then these telegraph poles and large-caliber anti-aircraft guns that can fire flat will hit them off guard.

In fact, Chen She has some other ideas, but currently only these three options are given. After all, it is impossible for a field base to be built into a solid battle fortress all at once. First, implement all of the current facilities before considering the long-term plan.

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