Virtual End

Chapter 88 - Hei Chaomeng, strike at any time!

This meeting made Chen She drowsy. If it weren’t for him to be an extraordinary person with third-level energy fluctuations and extremely energetic, it is estimated that he would have been yawning uncontrollably at this time.

Chen She has no interest in the proposals put forward by the previous chief congressmen, and has little to do with Lishan Technology.

At this moment, Chen She suddenly heard a female voice saying: “The proposal proposed by our Weimu Technology Group is a’peripheral urban reconstruction plan’.”

“At present, the development of Liming City is very unbalanced. A lot of investment has been consumed in the inner city. With the city’s own construction conditions and infrastructure levels already high, a large amount of money is still invested in renovations every year. Some of them have not been built. The buildings of the year were stripped off and rebuilt into taller buildings. The land prices in some areas have also risen every year.”

“On the other hand, in the outer urban areas of Liming City and even the major satellite cities, many blocks have been in disrepair for a long time and are in urgent need of renovation, and the local objective conditions and public security levels are also very worrying.”

“These places have not received financial allocations for a long time, and no company is willing to invest in construction.”

“In order to further promote the all-round development of Liming City, we, Weimu Technology Group, are willing to initiate this call. We will take the lead. First, we will take out 1 billion corporate bonds to construct several key areas in the outer urban area of ​​Liming City. We hope This can drive everyone’s enthusiasm for the construction of Liming City, peripheral urban areas, and major satellite cities.”

“This move is not only to change the backward appearance of the outlying urban areas of Liming City, but also to promote the economic development and exchanges of various regions.”

This speech attracted Chen She’s attention.

Because judging from the content of the speech, this’peripheral urban renewal plan’ seems to be a plan that benefits ordinary people a lot.

Of course, if you use the theory of condemnation, it can also be said that Weimu Technology Group is engaged in enclosure, and wants to increase its control over a specific area through a large-scale economic investment.

But the problem is that these areas outside of Liming City are a mess that no one wants to invest in. The environment is poor, public security is poor, consumption power is weak, and the infrastructure is not good. If large consortia can invest here to enclose land, why don’t other consortia do it? It is nothing more than unprofitable.

So this speech is quite benign, unlike what the top executives of large consortia would say.

For Weimu Technology Group, Chen She certainly knows that it is the only consortium dominated by Orientals among the top consortia on the old soil. The business scope is relatively wide, but mainly concentrated in the high-tech and military industries.

With the strength of the Weimu Technology Group, it is entirely possible to break the wrist with top consortia such as Icefield Defense Group.

After seeing the name of the young chief congressman, Chen She couldn’t help but glance at Su Zhiyong.

Because this very young and full of intellectual temperament female chief congressman named Su Lianrong.

Just look at the name, and it must have something to do with Su Zhiyong.

Chen She couldn’t help but think that Su Zhiyong was restricted from going out at home by her sister before.

Originally, Chen She knew that Su Zhiyong had a special identity. After all, every time he came to the experience store, a bodyguard would follow outside, but he didn’t expect his background to be so big. The head of the Weimu Technology Group is named Su.

No wonder Su Zhiyin was forced to become a second-level member of Dawn City at a young age.

A low-level vendor like Wu Yisu has been groping and beating, and he has caught up with the perfect opportunity, so he can barely get the position of a second-level congressman. They can only sit in the last row and listen in silently during the meeting. However, Su Zhi devoted himself to art and did not care about these things, but he could directly become the highest-ranking second-level member.

It can only be said that there is such a big difference between people. Some things are not there when they are born, and they will not be there in the future.

Several other chief councilors looked at each other, and then smiled and said: “Weimu Technology Group has such a good idea, and we agree. We also hope that other councillors can actively participate in and support this’peripheral urban reconstruction plan’. “


“The Silver Star construction plan is about to begin. Although these two plans are both contributing to the happy life of mankind, we still have to distinguish which one is less important.”

Chen She couldn’t help feeling in his heart, these old foxes.

Obviously, they have no good reason to oppose the renovation plan of the outer city, but they also have no incentive to take out real money to participate.

If this is the case, let this bill pass, and other members of Parliament who are willing to contribute money and effort foolishly, then go to renovate the outer urban area.

But I have to remind you that the transformation of the outer urban area will definitely require a lot of resources, and these resources can actually be used to participate in the Silver Star construction plan.

The same is all about spending money on construction, but is it spending money on the outer urban areas where poor ghosts and homeless people live? Or should it be handed over to Silver Star to support the construction of Silver Star?

Most people should be able to make wise choices.

This is also a strange phenomenon in this world. In fact, the cost of using the same resources to transform the uninhabitable wilderness on the old soil may be much lower than that of transforming the Silver Star. After all, a lot of launch vehicles consume a lot of money Energy transporting these materials to Silver Star is already a serious waste.

But the rich never think about things like this.

Just like Chen She’s previous life, there are obviously large deserts and barren Gobi areas on the earth that can be developed, but the rich are all thinking about going to Mars for construction and fulfilling the dream of all mankind to emigrate to Mars.

After all, the former is called poverty alleviation, which is unprofitable and pure money burning, and capitalists will not do it.

The latter can be called for the future and dreams of all mankind. In this process, it is profitable. You can get a lot of money, and you can also win a good name for yourself, such as Said to be called the light of hope for mankind.

It’s just that people in this world have obviously gone too far. All the rich have already acquiesced to this unspoken rule, and even made it clear.

The old city reconstruction plan proposed by Su Lianrong on behalf of Weimu Technology passed the resolution smoothly, but it is not certain how many people can support it.

The morning was mainly to discuss several major issues raised by the chief congressmen. After the discussion on these issues was over, it was almost noon.

Everyone went to the rest area of ​​the parliament headquarters building for lunch, and after a brief rest, they continued their agenda in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, it was the turn of the first-level members and the second-level members to propose motions.

These motions have nothing to say. They are basically very small motions. Because these lawmakers are also very clear that big bills cannot be passed, and they appear to be very abrupt.

Su Zhiyong yawned. Suddenly, he thought of something and said to Chen She: “By the way, Boss Chen. You should have known about Hei Chaomeng in “Another Possibility”.”

Chen She nodded, “Yeah.”

He had already known that Chen She did this all by himself.

Su Zhi said in a low voice: “But recently there seems to be some voices saying that Hei Chaomeng was made by Lishan Technology itself.”

Chen She was taken aback and raised his eyebrows, “Who said that? It’s ridiculous.”

He almost thought it was a part of the leak.

If this thing is really stabbed out, then there will be a big problem. After all, a super dream company, why it is so good to be its own black super dream, there is no reason at all!

If this matter is really hammered, it will definitely arouse serious suspicion from other big companies.

Chen She took a quick glance in the world of consciousness and found that the attention risk had indeed increased slightly, but it was not particularly obvious. It can be seen that these big companies are only skeptical, and there is no real evidence, otherwise the attention risk will not only increase so little.

Su Zhiyong explained: “I also think it’s ridiculous. Why did Lishan Technology create a black super dream to harm its own interests?”

“I think most people should have the same views as me, thinking this is nonsense.”

“But these people who questioned are also plausible. They said that it takes at least three to five months for the normal black super dream to appear, and the super dream of “Another Possibility” appears too fast. It stands to reason that those on the street Hackers in the small workshop should not be able to crack it so fast.”

Chen She couldn’t help but fell silent, this questioning was also a bit troublesome.

Because both the online and physical versions of Chaomeng in this world are indeed encrypted, it takes a certain amount of time for those hackers to crack it, and the Chaomeng “Another Possibility” is not very popular. Hei Chaomeng appeared, and this matter was indeed somewhat suspicious.

In fact, this is mainly because Chen She had a black super dream for the first time, and some details were not dealt with properly.

This matter must be remedied, otherwise it will be a hidden danger after all.

Although this is nonsense to most people, if another person similar to Fujido Yuki appears again, who focuses on this doubt and launches an in-depth investigation of Lishan Technology, wouldn’t it be troublesome? NS?

But how to make up for it? Hei Chaomengs had been sold through various channels, and Chen She couldn’t turn back the clock and took back these Hei Chaomengs.

Suddenly, he thought of a countermeasure.

Soon the first-level members’ speeches were all over, and it was the second-level members’ turn to propose motions.

Although the number of second-level members is the largest, most of them will not propose motions. After all, they also know their status very clearly. They come here mainly because they have soy sauce and have a familiar face. How can they be embarrassed to propose an overly complicated proposal and take up the time of those big people? Isn’t that ruining their popularity?

Therefore, only one of the second-level members of the first row stood up and put forward a simple motion, and he did not stand up anymore.

Chen She was sitting in the first row, and soon it was his turn.

Su Zhiyong originally thought that Chen She would not propose any motion, but did not expect Chen She to stand up and say: “Dear Members, I have a motion to propose.”

“I hope to intensify efforts to crack down on the dark dream industry in Liming City!”

“Everyone should also know that the super dream of “Another Possibility” is the result of the hard work of our producers and the entire R&D team. But not long after it went online, a black super dream appeared in the streets.”

“Originally, I planned very well. This Chaomeng may not be very popular in the initial stage, but after everyone realizes its excellence, it will usher in a violent fire. That is to say, the sales I originally planned were sold in Chaomeng. After a month and a half to three months or so, a substantial increase.”

“The next six months are the period of rising sales of this Chaomeng, and it is also the period of major profit growth for our Lishan Technology.”

“Unexpectedly, the black super dream industry in Dawn City has become rampant to such an extent. Soon after the sale of this super dream, a large number of black super dreams appeared in the streets and alleys. This directly led to our this. Chaomeng suffered a heavy blow during the golden period of substantial sales growth, which caused our company to suffer heavy losses.”

“If these illicit industries are not eliminated, how can we talk about the development of the super dream industry and even the cultural industry? So I urge all members to pass this motion to deeply attack the black super dream industry in Dawn City. This is not only for the benefit of the super dream industry, but also It is to protect most of the citizens of Dawn City from the troubles of black super dreams.”

Under the effect of cursing the scholar’s halo, Chen She’s remarks were vocal and righteous.

It is obvious that many members of the congressmen at the scene are nodding their heads.

In their opinion, Chen She’s proposal is reasonable and reasonable. After all, Lishan Technology is indeed seriously affected by Hei Chaomeng. The more Hei Chaomeng sells, the greater the losses Lishan Technology will suffer.

Moreover, from the perspective of the company’s interests, Hei Chaomeng is indeed an obstacle to the development of Liming City.

There was no decent super dream industry in Liming City, but now it finally has the rising star of Lishan Technology, it is still necessary to take care of it.

The large amount of tax contributed by Long Night Entertainment Group in the Central Federal District is very greedy. If Lishan Technology can be well developed, it will be able to bring very generous tax revenue to Dawn City.

As for Hei Chaomeng, on the one hand, Hei Chaomeng will not pay any taxes, and there are certain safety risks, which can easily lead to various brain death incidents.

Whether in terms of economic interests or morality, the Hei Chao dream industry should indeed be cracked down.

Moreover, the industry is not that difficult to crack down. It is nothing more than asking the DCPD police officers to go deep into the streets and alleys and destroy some of the production workshops of the black super dream.

Several chief councilors looked at each other, and Liu Zhilin said: “This motion is very good. It hits a core issue that needs to be resolved in Liming City. We all support it. Everyone will vote quickly if there are no other issues. If you do, the motion passed smoothly.” Although there are many first-level and second-level members in the audience, they are basically sufficient. They voted mainly because of the attitude of the chief members in the stands.

Now that the chief congressman nodded, everyone naturally voted for most of them, so that the motion can be passed smoothly.

And after Chen She’s performance, the few people who originally suspected that Lishan Technology was secretly producing Black Super Dreams also dispelled this suspicion.

“Looking at it this way, it doesn’t matter if Hei Chaomeng is rooted in Lishan Technology. I was skeptical before, but now it’s a bit stupid to think about it.”

“Yeah, according to Mr. Chen, the sales burst period of “Another Possibility” was originally set for one month to six months. At this point in time, the sales performance of this Chaomeng is roughly in line with Mr. Chen’s expectations. Is it because Mr. Chen’s brain is flooded, and he will arrange Black Super Dream at this key node? Is it because he thinks he is making too much money? This is simply unreasonable.”

“Yeah, Mr. Chen’s words are sincere. It seems that Hei Chaomeng has indeed had a huge impact on their company’s profits, which makes him very distressed.”

“In this way, it may be because Lishan Technology is a new company and the encryption technology is not good enough, or a black super dream workshop group with high technical capabilities has appeared in our dawn city. It seems that the attack on the black super dream industry is indeed It is imperative.”

After sitting down, Chen She quickly glanced at the pendulum in the world of consciousness—the risk of attention dropped again, and he couldn’t help boasting himself secretly.

I’m such a clever ghost.

In this way, the suspicion of Lishan Technology’s own production of black super dreams should be washed away.

Of course, in the future, Hei Chaomeng should be produced or produced, but the channels for entering the Hei Chaomeng should be more careful and not be caught.

As for the other Black Super Dream Workshops in Dawn City, I would be embarrassed. To wash away your suspicions, you can only ask these small workshops to die.

Of course, although this motion was passed, it was impossible to uproot all the dark dream industries in Dawn City at once, which was simply unrealistic.

Because the Dawn City Council and DCPD simply cannot fully and effectively control the entire Dawn City. There are large areas of poor public security, and DCPD doesn’t want to go deep into it. Under such conditions, it is impossible to completely ban black super dreams.

At most, it means destroying a few large black super dream production There will definitely be black super dreams circulating on the market, but the number will be reduced.

The meeting continues, and there are other second-level members to speak.

It’s just that the lower the row, the fewer the second-level members of the bill, the simpler the bill, and the process of the meeting suddenly speeds up.

Finally, all the motions are over, and the system has automatically sent the contents of this meeting as confidential information to all members, urging them to keep secrets, and they will bear corresponding responsibilities if they are leaked.

Su Zhiyong yawned, “It’s finally over.”

Although Chen She didn’t say anything, he felt the same, and felt that it was indeed very difficult to hold meetings for several hours in a row throughout the day.

The point is that most of the topics discussed are meaningless to him.

However, this trip was not in vain. It eliminated a hidden danger and should be able to further reduce the big consortium’s attention to itself.

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