Virtual End

Chapter 89 - Unexpected attack

The meeting finally ended, and Chen She and Wu Yisu left together.

As for Su Zhiyong, as the son of the Weimu Technology Group, he certainly can’t mix with these ordinary second-level congressmen. There is a dedicated car to protect him.

Chen She and Wu Yisu came to the parking lot. After seeing Chen She’s car, Wu Yisu was a little surprised.

“What did Boss Chen say that you are also a dignified second-level congressman, why are you still driving a floating car that you haven’t seen before?”

“But having said that, your floating car has a very unique shape, but it’s too small to look stylish enough.”

Chen She laughed, “It’s okay, just enough.”

Just as Wu Yisu was about to leave to go to his floating car, suddenly his eyes lit up and he quickly walked over to a member of the Diet.

Wu Yisu stepped forward and bowed his head and greeted the congressman, introduced himself, and then retreated.

Chen She didn’t ask, but Wu Yisu took the initiative to say: “Boss Chen, that is Dr. Zhang, a first-level congressman in Liming City. He runs a medium-sized genetic research company and is quite famous in Liming City.”

“Although I run a bar, this kind of company related to bio-genetic engineering still needs to make more friends. Maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future.”

“Boss Chen, do you need to make friends? I can think of ways to introduce you. How about multiple friends?”

Chen She smiled and shook his head, “No need.”

The two chatted briefly, and then they boarded the floating car.

The driver Zhang Sirui was a little impatient. After seeing Chen She got in the car, he started the floating car and said: “This meeting will take a long time, but the buffet here is good, and I managed to get it right. Had a meal.”

“Are there any hot news at the meeting?”

Chen She thought for a while, “No.”

In fact, the only thing that interests Chen She a little is the outlying urban reconstruction plan proposed by the Weimu Technology Group. In Chen She’s opinion, this is the only proposal that has something to do with personnel affairs.

However, this proposal has nothing to do with Lishanke Group. At most, Chen She would invest a little money to transform the environment around the experience store, and take advantage of this plan to develop the power of Lishan Technology.

Zhang Sirui didn’t ask too much, he didn’t care much about these things, and only thought about how to make trouble and fight in his mind.

Floating vehicles quickly lifted off, preparing to leave the council headquarters in Dawn City and return to their respective homes.

Chen She noticed that Dr. Zhang’s floating car was in front of him.

These floating vehicles are not flying fast, after all, there are strict regulations on floating vehicles in the inner city of Dawn City.

Savage rampage is definitely not good, everyone is gentle and elegant.

From a distance, the floating cars are floating in the air, and they are somewhat inexplicably neat.

“Genetic technology can also be considered, but for Lishan Technology, these things have to be done by yourself, and you can’t ask others for help.” Chen She meditated in his heart.

Genetic technology is indeed a very commonly used technology.

Although there are 5 different ways of supernatural power in this world and 25 different professions, the genetic way is only one of the most common and low-end ways, but almost all professions are related to genetic engineering to a certain extent.

Even the psychic and synaesthetic pathways, which rely solely on mental power, often inject some of the most basic genetic medicines to enhance their basic qualities.

If the body is too weak, it may not be able to bear the burden of strong mental power, so the basic genetic medicine is also very important.

It’s a bit similar to a stage of laying the foundation, and only after the foundation is well laid can you walk steadily.

Therefore, some primary genetic medicines, although they cannot bring fundamental changes to humans, can effectively enhance the human body’s potential in all aspects. Such excellent primary genetic medicines can also be sold at very high prices.

In terms of genetic modification, the Black Umbrella Group is undoubtedly the forefront of the entire old soil.

However, the headquarters of the Black Umbrella Group is in the Western Continent, which is the Western Federal District. There are no branches in Liming City, only sales channels, so the Black Umbrella Group’s power in Liming City is not very large.

There are also some other gene companies in Liming City, such as Dr. Zhang’s gene company, which also occupy a certain market share.

Chen She pondered that if the time was right, he could also try to see if he could produce genetic medicine, and figure out a way to improve the basic qualities of the soldiers of the Resistance Army.

While he was freely thinking about the scenery outside the window of the floating car, Zhang Sirui suddenly said: “Chen, be careful, there is a situation!”

Originally, Zhang Sirui was in a normal driving state. When he reminded him, the interface on his right hand had been connected to the floating car. Completely took over the driving of this combat floating vehicle, and completely shut down the driving assistance system. At the same time, the seat belt on the floating car suddenly popped out, instantly fixing Chen She to the seat, as firm as a sturdy zongzi.

The seat belt of a floating vehicle is inherently more complicated than a vehicle on the ground or even a racing car on the ground, and the fixing effect is better. This is especially true for combat floating vehicles. It is necessary to ensure that passengers are firmly fixed on their seats, even if they die, they must die peacefully.

Chen She couldn’t help being startled, he looked forward. I saw a few ordinary floating cars suddenly rose up behind the building not far away, crashing into the floating cars of the councillors in front of them at a very fast speed!

These floating vehicles that suddenly attacked were clearly prepared. The floating cars of the councillors had no time to react in a hurry, and they were directly hit by these floating cars!

After a series of loud noises and violent collisions, the floating vehicles that collided were all teetering and falling down.

Among them, Zhang Boshi’s floating vehicle was the worst hit, and the first one fell to the ground below.

At the moment of the fall, the floating car was directly deformed, and the floating car that hit him was also thrown not far away.

However, a large amount of black space-time matter suddenly appeared in the floating car of the suicide attack, which completely wrapped the floating car of Dr. Zhang and swallowed it instantly!

Seeing that there was also a floating car hitting him, Zhang Sirui kicked the accelerator, and the combat floating car immediately broke out with extremely strong instantaneous speed, and directly left the floating car behind.

It can be clearly seen that this suicide-attacked floater stopped in the air for a while. It was obviously stunned, and I couldn’t figure out why the impact hit the air.

But it quickly reacted, adjusted its body posture, and hit the floating car again.

Zhang Sirui couldn’t help frowning. He controlled the floating car in the air, making several rapid changes in a row, walking the opponent around.

In fact, the shell of Chen She’s floating vehicle has been specially reinforced, and its strength is even higher than that of the military floating vehicle of the Ice Field Defense Group. Even if this ordinary floating car hits, Chen She’s floating car will not fall, at most, the shell is a little dented.

But for Zhang Sirui, if he could be hit by the other party, it was obviously an insult to himself.

“Chen, do you fight back?” Zhang Sirui asked.

He didn’t dare to directly use weapons to counterattack rashly, even though he was on this floating car. Enhanced version of the cannon and micro missiles. But this is after all in the inner city of Dawn City, and it has not been far from the headquarters building of Dawn City Council. If the fire accidentally injures the surrounding civilians or buildings, it may be very troublesome.

Chen She immediately said, “Fight back!”

Up to now, there is no point in entangled in those things. The attack has already been applied to the face. Now that they don’t fight back, are they waiting for these people to kill more congressmen and target them all before they fight back? At that time, it will only cause even greater chaos.

Although Chen She doesn’t want to expose the combat performance of his floating car, isn’t this combat performance just to cope with the current extreme situation?

“Okay, Mr. Chen, sit down.”

Zhang Sirui kicked the accelerator, and the floating car instantly changed to take off quickly, and then in turn bit the floating car that wanted to hit them before.

Chen She felt that the sky was spinning around the earth, and it was like playing an air combat game at this time, but compared to fighter jets, the floating car changed in more diverse ways. It could hover or pan, and the powerful G force was really unstoppable for ordinary people.

“Da da da……”

The bullets of the cannon fired intensively at the floating car in front. In the next moment, the floating car immediately exploded into a firework and fell downward.

Now I can’t take into account that this is a downtown area, and the people below can only ask for their own blessings. After all, if this group of dangerous elements continue to attack, more congressmen’s floats will fall, which will cause more casualties.

“Boss Chen, save me, save me!”

Wu Yisu’s horrified cry came from Chen She’s bracelet.

Zhang Sirui immediately controlled the floating car and began to rescue the congressmen who were being attacked one by one.

The floating vehicles used in these attacks are ordinary civilian floating vehicles and are not equipped with weapon systems.

Under Zhang Sirui’s muzzle, it was a one-sided battle.

After shooting down a floating vehicle again, these floating vehicles began to flee, evacuating quickly in all directions.

Zhang Sirui chased him symbolically, and then he frowned, “It feels a little strange.”

“These suicide-attacked floaters were only the first round of attacks that were more violent, and did not actually cause too many casualties.”

Chen She nodded, and he could also see that the casualties of these congressmen were mainly concentrated in the initial wave.

Several members, including Dr. Zhang, did not have time to react, and they were crashed by these floating vehicles.

Although it is not yet known whether these congressmen are alive or dead, judging from the height and severity of the impact at that time, the possibility of surviving is very slim.

But after that, although these floating vehicles are still planning attacks on the congressmen, their efficiency seems to have dropped a lot.

Take Wu Yisu, for example, his floating car dodges in the middle of the sky, very embarrassed. But it was not hit.

After the first wave of attacks, other congressmen responded. The driver’s manual takeover of the driving mode is certainly one of the reasons, but Chen She can also clearly feel that the subsequent suicide attacks did not just start. That’s fierce. Some opportunities that could have been successful were missed by them.

After Chen She’s floater shot down several floaters, the others all dispersed.

At this time, the communication channels of these parliamentarians have become a mess.

“Help, help.”

“What was it just now? Who were those?”

“Thank God, there is a floating car equipped with a weapon system to counterattack. Whose floating car is that?”

“It seems to be the floating car of Lishan Technology Manager Chen.”

“It’s too powerful. I didn’t expect President Chen’s floating car to look nothing special on the surface. It is equipped with a weapon system. If it were not for a decisive counterattack, there might be more casualties.”

“What about the people from DCPD? How could there be a terrorist attack in the inner city core of Dawn City? Who are these people?”

Many congressmen were in shock. At this moment, they looked at Chen She’s floating car as if they had seen the savior.

That’s awesome.

Only then did they realize that what’s the use of a beautiful shell in a floating car? Floating vehicles that can save their lives at critical moments are good ones.

The floats of these councillors did not escape because they were not sure if there were more ambushes waiting for them in the distance. At this time, all these floats gathered in one place, surrounding the floating space of Chen She. Around the car.

Only here can they gain some sense of security.

At this moment, the police sirens sounded, and the DCPD police floating vehicle quickly approached.

One of the police officers drove over in a floating car to appease the frightened congressmen. The remaining police floating vehicles drove away quickly, began to guard the surrounding area, and searched and pursued fugitives.

Obviously, DCPD also attached great importance to this incident, and the speed of the police was already very fast.

After all, openly attacking the congressmen in the core area of ​​the inner city of Dawn City is already a big deal, and DCPD certainly cannot handle it as casually as it handles street gang fights.

If it is not possible to give satisfactory answers to all members, the senior management of the DCPD is afraid it will not be better.

At this moment, everyone’s wristbands received a communication request from a dedicated channel for members of Parliament.

Chen She connected to the communication and found that a young Westerner’s face appeared on the bracelet.

“Dear Members, I am Snowley, the special envoy of the Silver Star Federation. Please rest assured that DCPD has taken control of the situation and is pursuing fugitives. We are already safe.”

“We still don’t know the identity of the attacker, but judging from the situation at the scene, it is very likely that this was done by the Temporal Knights.”

“Please rest assured, I will definitely seek justice for everyone, even if I dig the ground three feet, I will uproot the people of these time and space knights!”

A scene from the scene appeared on the bracelet, and I saw that Dr. Zhang’s floating car had been completely corroded by time and space materials and only the car frame was left. The situation at the scene was simply horrible.

The conditions of the other dropped floating vehicles were not much better, and they were also severely deformed and were covered by space-time materials.

The floating vehicle has a self-protection mechanism when it falls. As long as the engine is still working, it can generate a certain amount of thrust to reduce the damage suffered by the fading.

But if it is completely corroded by time and space matter, the people there will not have any possibility of surviving.

After seeing this tragic situation, the other lawmakers finally turned from panic to shock and from shock to anger.

“The lunatics of the Time and Space Knights are really tired of their lives.”

“Yeah, dare to launch an attack on the congressman. Is this really not afraid of being uprooted?”

“Don’t worry, as long as the corporate army of the big consortium comes over, these time-space knights are just rats in the gutter, and they won’t be able to reach them for long.”

“But wasn’t even the field base of the Fujitang Group uprooted by the Temporal Knights?”

“That’s just a field base of the Fujitang Group, and it’s not the entire power of their corporate army. What’s more, the Time and Space Knights must have suffered heavy losses in the previous operation. It was just unexpected that they would become It’s even crazier.”

“The Temporal Knights must be completely wiped out. I raise my hands to support it.”

When have these congressmen been so wronged!

For a long time, the inner city areas of these big cities are absolutely safe. Because entering from the outer city to the inner city, strict security inspection measures will be implemented. Public security in the inner city is also relatively good. DCPD conducts inspections very frequently, and there has been no vicious case for a long time.

But this time, several councillors died. This is definitely a big event that shocked the entire Dawn City.

In the eyes of these congressmen, things are already very clear. Most of the members of the Temporal Knights didn’t know how to enter the inner city and hijacked some floating vehicles. Ambush in advance on the way the congressmen left, this led to such a tragedy.

After Dr. Zhang’s floating car fell, it was not long before it was surrounded by black space-time matter, which is the best proof.

But Chen She looked dazed.

Temporal Knights?

Stop kidding, why don’t I know this!

Chen She clearly knew that the Knights of Time and Space in Liming City had already been incorporated by him.

Chen She used his servants to pretend to be Grantham, and Gao Jingwu and other resistance fighters also seized the few remaining knights. At this time, these people are all developing steadily in the underground of Dawn City, and there is no plan to carry out any terrorist attacks at That is to say, the plan this time is obviously planted and framed, letting the Knights of Time come to the back of the pot.

Chen She couldn’t help calling the good guys directly, and it was true that these big consortiums would play.

He was still wondering why these big consortiums were clearly capable of uniting and destroying the Temporal Knights in Dawn City, but they acquiesced in their existence and even secretly cooperated.

Obviously this is a kind of self-respect.

Retaining some of the power of the time and space knights can come in handy in some special circumstances.

For example, when you want to eliminate a competitor without violating the “Special Enterprise Law”.

For Chen She, he must be vigilant now. If the corporate army really mobilized heavy troops to encircle and suppress the Temporal Knights, and enter the ground to give the people of the Temporal Knights to a nest, then the line of the Temporal Knights that Chen She worked so hard to cultivate would be completely broken.

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