Viscount’s Rise

Chapter 256: The King Sends His Regards

“I find that I prefer to be on the other side of a siege.” Braydon was once again looking over the walls at the rebel lords who had made camp just outside of the range of his archers. The warning shots in the first few days had made sure that they did not try to settle their army too close.

“I can assure you that most prefer not to be on either side of one.” Roan replied, he was equally as idle as Braydon considering that all of the work he had to do for the siege had happened before the enemy arrived.

“Alima should have made a move already, right?” Braydon asked. 

“Would you not know the answer to that better than I, Sire? I have not met the Duchess Regent.” Roan looked at Braydon as if wondering why he would even ask him that.

“True enough, then I assume that she has.” If she had not, then Braydon would be sorely disappointed. Mostly because he would have to wait in place for much longer than anticipated. Though there would also be the fact that there would never be a ‘best’ time to make a move, the opportunity that his actions had given her would only go to waste if she did nothing.

“Sire.” Roan indicated to the opposite gate of the castle to the one that they were standing above. It was the gate that led in the direction of Cliforge and where he had not expected there to be any commotion from.

“What are those jesters doing?” Braydon wondered aloud, though his feet were already taking him in that direction. There was finally something for him to do rather than stand atop his walls and look intimidating.

“It would seem to me that we have a visitor.” Roan noted as they made their way down to the courtyard.

“Indeed but I do not think that the Marquess has any reason to send a messenger?” Braydon wondered who this was, the only person who had access to this side of Braydon’s castles other than himself was the Marquess and his men. But that man would only send word to Braydon if it were to confirm a deal that had been made or receive payments.

“Sire.” One of the men guarding the gate approached them as they were approaching.

“Who is our guest representing?” Braydon asked.

“He is the King’s man, Sire.” The guard dutifully reported. Though that only surprised Braydon further. The only way that a messenger of the King would be able to pass through Cliforge was with Rhydian’s consent as the person Braydon had left in charge of the castle. And given the actions that Bradyon was taking, they had agreed upon Rhydian receiving any of the King’s messengers and passing the message on to him once he became ‘available’. Either the King had gone to the length of circumventing the Brimstones to deliver a message or Rhydian thought it sufficiently important correspondence to let him through.

“Then I had best go and see what is so important that the King wishes me to know.” Braydon nodded as he motioned for the guard to follow them.

“Do you think this will cause problems for us, Sire?” Roan asked.

“Well the fact that the King has sent someone here means that the news must at least hold some value.” Braydon was unsure of what the King was thinking. He would not be surprised to be summoned to the capital after all of this was over but this was right in the thick of it.

“Greetings Earl Braydon Fiton.” The Messenger bowed his head.

“Please share what word the King has sent.” Braydon motioned for the man to continue.

“Then I must give you this, My Lord, and share with you what King Aled has said.” The messenger handed over a very fancy envelope, embossed in golden relief.

“Oh?” Braydon raised an eyebrow. This was definitely a surprise.

“The date for His Majesty’s wedding to Chantel Burn has been finalised after some delays. He hopes that every lord of the realm will be in attendance.” The man finished his words and then waited for Braydon’s response.

“Hmm, then I must prepare a lavish gift.” Braydon added as he opened quite possibly the most beautiful letter he had ever seen. It was equally as well decorated as the envelope and on some of the highest quality paper he had seen. The main thing that he wanted to know, however, was when exactly the wedding would take place.

“I am sure that His Majesty would be pleased, Sire.” Roan spoke as he looked at the King’s messenger. 

“So it will be then. I shall endeavour to be in attendance.” Braydon found the part of the lengthy invite that he wanted and looked back up to the messenger as he said it.

“Then I shall convey your words and well wishes to His Majesty. His Majesty, also stated that he wished to have a private word with your Lordship during your stay in Boshil.” The messenger added as he once again bowed his head and made his way back to his horse.

“What do you think, Roan?” Braydon asked as they watched the messenger prepare to return.

“Of the wedding, the timing or the last thing he said, Sire?” Roan returned.

“The latter two.” That the King would marry Duke Burn’s daughter had already been long since known. That he was getting married was not the main thing of interest.

“Then I must say that I am surprised that the King managed to come to an agreement with Duke Burn so fast, his wedding already had to be delayed due to ‘unforeseen circumstances’. As for the last thing that the man said; if I were to guess, Sire, it is probably due to our current actions.” Roan and Braydon had similar thoughts about the private meeting. Though Braydon himself had a few more ideas about the King’ relations with the Duke.

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