Viscount’s Rise

Chapter 257: A Sudden Change of Plans

“Well I did not expect myself to be back here so soon.” Braydon said to Steven who had come to receive him.

“I am not sure anybody but His Majesty did, My Lord.” Steven replied. 

“Has anything of note happened whilst I was in Shuluk? Other than the King’s wedding announcement.” A consequence of Braydon not being in Cliforge to receive correspondence was that he did not know all but the very most important goings on in Fiveria. If he was going to the capital at a time where anybody who was anybody would be there, he had to know a bit more than that.

“I am sure that others know more than me, My Lord. But I do know that the Twin Duchies have now stabilised under one Duke now. There has not been an official name change but it is being called by some as the Unified Duchies instead.” Steven was in charge of Braydon’s day to day life under normal circumstances. He did not really need to know much about politics.

“Understandable, a Grand Duke in all but name.” Braydon said that but this ‘Grand Duchy’ was not in the same league as the Grand Duchy of Shuluk. Shuluk was slightly smaller than Fiveria, Rotleach and Tetland together barely amounted to one fifth of the size of Fiveria. It was likely the reason why Duke Tetland had not tried to proclaim himself as such. No need to irritate the general neighbourhood with his pretensions.  

“If he wants to call himself one without annoying other monarchs, he would probably have to use the influence of the church.” Rhydian said as he approached with Nela by his side.

“A risky bet.” Braydon doubted that Duke Tetland would do that when his ally and neighbour did not have great relations with the church.

“Hence the lack of action.” Nela nodded along.

“It is good to see the both of you so soon. I will have to ask you to look after the territory a while longer, Rhydian. And this time I will be taking Nela with me.” Braydon changed the topic back to the reason why he had returned in spite of the currently ongoing siege that Roan was overseeing.

“As you will, Sire. Though I am sure that it is Colin that has more complaints than I do.” Rhydian had relatively few issues to deal with other than receiving messengers in place of his liege. With Braydon having pushed further into Shuluk, patrolling the border was really not an issue that he had to deal with. And general administration was easy since Colin dealt with Braydon’s finances. 

“I am sure that he does. I do seem to have a habit of spending large amounts of denars all at once.” If mercenaries had been an expensive preparation, bribing a Marquess was a difference in kind.

“Seeing as how you have been spending your time in the company of foreigners and mercenaries, do you need me to refresh you on the etiquette needed for such an important event?” Nela asked, a dangerous glint in her eyes.

“No, no. That will be quite unnecessary. Rather, where is Gerald? He will be going with us.” He tried distracting her with a different victim for her entertainment.

“If I were to guess, he is likely accompanying Mireille on her daily ride around your territory. That girl is far too active for me to go with her.” Nela herself had not nor had any interest in learning to ride. Though what surprised Braydon more than Mireille liking horses was that Gerald was actually doing something knight-like for once. His first guess would have been drinking. If not in Cliforge then in Mapjess.

“Has he turned over a new leaf?” Braydon would not be Braydon without taking a small swipe at his retainer and long time friend.

“More he has turned over every leaf in search of where I quote ‘hid the booze’.” Whilst Braydon had been away, it seemed that Nela had kept up one of her small joys in life. Finding new places to hide alcohol from Gerald.

“That is more like the Gerald that I know. Has Colin sent word to my servants in Boshil to acquire gifts for the wedding?” Braydon asked. There was no way he was going to find anything worthy of the King and his future Queen in Shuluk outside of Narabun. 

“He sent word as soon as the messenger passed through Cliforge on his way to you. I think it was the first time I have seen him genuinely happy for you to spend money.” Rhydian smiled a little thinking of the resident penny pincher proactively spending money.

“For all of his complaining, he sure is good at his job.” Braydon was more than satisfied with the job that Colin did. The least he could bear was a few complaints about his penchant for throwing out large sums all at once. 

“We had better send someone to bring back Gerald and Mirelle. She would be upset that I did not want to see her and he would complain that I gave him no rest if I were to leave tomorrow without doing at least that.” Braydon was on a fairly tight schedule, By virtue of not being in Fiveria, he was most definitely one of the very last lords to receive news about the royal wedding. As such there was very little time for him to make his way to Boshil in time for the wedding.

“Gerald will still complain about that.” Nela sincerely doubted that Braydon and Gerald could hold a conversation without complaining to each other.

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