
Chapter 13: The Witching Hour – Part 3.

Basking in the afterglow of their coupling, Vivienne softly planted a few kisses on Faye’s cheek and stretched her arms over her head then let out a content sigh. “Mmm, Mon amour.”  Vivienne peeked into Faye’s green eyes and saw the light red ring forming. “You are getting hungry, Faye.”  Vivienne purred and cooed, “Makes sense after the eighth or ninth round.” Vivienne trailed her fingers around Faye’s plump breasts. “You held back quite a bit, mon amour.”

Faye jumped and let out a little squeal when Vivienne traced around her chest, “Tease.  I have enough blood to go longer.”  Faye rolled on top of her lover and leaned down enough that her hair wisped over Vivienne’s nose. “Senile.  You can’t even remember how many times you have had sex with me, I should be insulted.”

“Mmm, I lost track due to all the fang bites on my backside.” Vivienne wriggled her nose and quickly jutted up and kissed Faye. “Inventive on getting my blood though.”  Vivienne clawed open one of her wrists. “Here my love, do not suffer.”

Faye purred when she saw the deep red and blue hued life force drain from the open cut. -No desperation.  Something has changed.- She thought to herself as she slowly pulled Vivienne’s open wrist to her light pink lips.  Faye darted her tongue out and carefully licked the streams of blood that had started to flow like a branched river down Vivienne’s forearm. “Heavenly.”  Faye purred between her lapping. “Don’t want to waste a drop of this.  So rich and…satisfying.  I can taste that you're happy, Vivienne.”  Faye cleaned her way up to the open slice then pulled Vivienne’s blood into her mouth, swishing it around before quenching the burn in her throat.

“Remember, mon amour.  Count to five and stop.”  Vivienne urged softly.

Pulling away right at the count of five, Faye winked and waited for Vivienne to close the gash. “How was that?”  She asked and kissed Vivienne in order to share what blood was still in her mouth.

“Beautiful, Mon amour.  Just like you are, Tigerlily.”  Vivienne resumed running her fingers along Faye’s bare frame, enjoying the tight muscles beneath. “I am so lucky to have you like this.”  Vivienne gazed into Faye’s catlike eyes and took another breath, “I never dreamed that I would be in this huge bed, giving myself like this.  Mon amour, I was numb.  I was only walking through my existence with this illusion.”

-You walked right into my heart- Faye quickly thought and sighed and poked at Vivienne’s perky peaks. “You aren’t an illusion to me, Vivienne.  I see a woman that I am deeply in love with and have been since you brought me back.”  Faye confessed and sealed the statement with a kiss.

“You were mine before that.”  Vivienne smiled and tapped Faye on her small nose. “You kissed me before I changed you.  Alas, you bound yourself to me at that moment.”

Shrugging her shoulders, Faye felt Vivienne’s legs slide up.  Faye leaned back and swirled her fingers around Vivienne’s navel. “I barely remember that.  So I was a ward for what three seconds?”  Faye closed her eyes, “I just remember thinking that I had to kiss you once.”

“It was impressive, mon amour.”  Vivienne pulled Faye’s fingers to her lips, kissing them gently. “I won’t ever forget it.”

Faye felt the comment sting and opened her eyes and looked seriously at Vivienne. “I still can’t remember much.  I don’t even feel them, Vivienne.”  Dropping her arms to her sides, Faye went limp against Vivienne’s legs. “I can’t feel my parents or my memories.  It is like I see a rope and I am pulling myself through this fog and it just keeps going forever.”  Focused on the bed canopy, Faye started counting the threads of silk in the white weave. “I will remember the thread count up there, but I can’t remember what I did a week ago.”  She sighed, “Tell me something about your past, maybe it will help me.”

“What would you like to know, mon amour?”  Vivienne quietly replied.

Faye stopped counting the strands of silk and slipped beside Vivienne, covering them both in the matching red sheet. “What was it like for you growing up?  Tell me more about the items on the shelf.  Anything really.  I am hoping that if I can picture your past it could help me out.”

Vivienne rolled over to face Faye, “My past isn’t all that interesting.  You, mon amour, have fallen in love with a very boring vampiress.”  Vivienne opened Faye’s palm and started tracing the lines with her long red fingernail. “I was born to a family of four.  My mother died in childbirth with me, so I never knew her.”  Vivienne held up three fingers. “I had three older brothers and my father.”

Faye scooted herself up and kissed Vivienne on the forehead. “I remember that I am an only child.”

“Anything else, mon amour?”  Vivienne purred.

“Nah.”  Faye hesitated, “What I remember mostly is wrapped around my work in the hotel.  Muscle memory maybe?”

Vivienne wrapped her arm around Faye and pulled the couple tightly. “A concept that is certainly applicable in this situation.”  Vivienne smiled, “Mon amour, I am a cardiologist and purposefully stayed away from the matters of the mind.”

“You are too much sometimes, Viv.”  Faye winked. “Forget it.  Just keep telling me about your family.”

Kissing the top of her lover's black-pink hair, Vivienne continued. “There is very little to tell.  My youth wasn’t like it is now.  You were only a child until you could contribute.”  Vivienne paused for a moment, “Keep in mind that living past thirty back then was a feat as it was.  I had three brothers that were older than I was.  I was twenty-seven at the time of my embrace, which was old back then.”

Faye groaned and sat up, playfully frustrated. “Are you telling me I am literally older than you are, Vivienne?”  Sticking her tongue out, “Hey.  I remembered how old I am. Thirty-two.”

“Is that so?”  Vivienne laughed, “It wouldn’t be appropriate to call me an old lady anymore.”

Faye frowned and pulled the sheet around her naked form, exposing Vivienne. “Ha. Ha.  You still aren’t funny, like at all.”  Faye crossed her legs. “Whatever the case, this seems to be working a little bit, so keep going.”

“Very well.”  Vivienne sat up and crossed her own legs, mirroring Faye. “My father died while I was very young.  My brothers raised me afterward.”  She snapped her fingers, “I remember the best part of that was hunting. I loved learning to use a bow and arrow.”  Vivienne beamed in the thought of herself running in the woods near her ancestral home, “I even used a sling and stones.”

“Yeah, Vivienne and Goliath.”  Faye snickered. “You keep making yourself older by the second.”

Ignoring the snarky comment, Vivienne kept going with her tiny tale. “I suppose hunting always came naturally to me is what I am getting at.”  She pointed to the bronze bowl where she’d sipped the blood bath water days before. “I made those with my brother Seth.  He was the bronze worker.”  Vivienne closed her eyes and remembered her taller brother and the heat of the small forge. “I am reminded of the smell of molten metal every time I drink from someone.”  Vivienne smiled. “Those used to be part of a set.  I made the spoon and knife, used a ceramic mold for the bowl and almost burned Seth's forge to the ground.”

Faye couldn’t shake the feeling that crept over her.  The more Vivienne spoke the more the fog seemed to part for the half-Korean vampire. “You said you can smell the metal?  I remember the smell of the wiring and build out of the hotel when I convinced my mother that it was a good idea.”  Faye tapped on Vivienne’s knee excitedly, “There is something about the scent of new electronics and warmed silicone chips that you can’t forget.”  Faye rubbed her hand in front of her face struggling for a few seconds. “You said you had a family of four?  Is that right?”

“Yes, mon amour.”  Vivienne scooted forward. “My only real sibling was Seth.  Guillaume and Benoit were basically adopted.  They lost their parents very young.  My mother and father raised them as their own.”

 Faye couldn’t believe what was happening. “Vivienne, love.”  She took a deep breath and smiled. “So your family was really four if you count your mother, right?”  Faye got even more excited as the elder vampire shook her head in affirmation. “ mother was South Korean and my father was American, in the Army.”  She started bouncing in the bed, “We would have been a family of four.  They lost a baby while they were together in Korea.”

“The similarity is indeed uncanny.  I wonder how many more we will find out.”  Vivienne pulled her lip between her fangs thinking about the connections that the couple shared. “I confess that I am enjoying watching you get your memories back.”  Vivienne crawled over and pressed her ashen lips to Faye’s juicy pink ones and whirled her tongue with her partners and let out a hungry purr and pulled away. “Mmm, shall I keep talking about my family or start kissing you all over?”  Vivienne licked her fangs quickly.

Letting the heat slow through her body once more, Faye closed her eyes and sighed. “Kiss me..”  Faye stammered and dropped the sheet.  When the soft sheet caressed her nipples and fell away, Faye opened her eyes, “…”  Faye groaned, “You…no.  Yes.”

“Shall I continue?”  Vivienne whispered.

“Yes, no.” Faye’s eyes sprung open. “No, fair!”  She blurted out, still confused. “Vivienne. did it again.  Scrambled my mind.”  Faye sighed, “One kiss is all it takes to make me all gooey.”  Slowly pulling the sheet back around her chest as her mind cleared, Faye wiggled her finger at Vivienne. “You know I can't think when you do that to me and I really want to keep getting my memory back.”

Vivienne languidly extracted herself from the proximity of Faye’s generous lips. “As you wish, mon amour.”  Vivienne winked and kept smiling, “Allow me to apologize for my overactive libido.  I must remind you that I am just as helpless when it comes to you.”  Vivienne bowed her head lightly. “Memories.  Where was I?”  Elongating her blood red nails and spiraling them along Faye’s shoulder, Vivienne resumed. “We had to live off the land.”  She closed her radiant blue eyes, “I was so young, I recall apples, occasionally fig, even wheat at times.”  Vivienne giggled, “I remember my father trading the various things I collected or hunted for beer of all things.”  She shrugged, “My father passed away before I became a teenager.”  Vivienne slid into Faye’s lap, “He found out that a pack of gray wolves came into the area and tried to take them out himself.”

“That’s terrible.”  Faye quietly muttered, before purring lightly when Vivienne’s legs wrapped around her waist. “After I left you, I saw my dad in the elevator and sprinted to the top floor to stop…well them.  My mother was there too.”  Faye kissed Vivienne’s hand, “...I told them to stop and come down with me and hide, just like you told me to..”  Faye’s eyes went wide again and she started crying softly, “I begged him and mom to just walk away.”  Faye’s hands started shaking uncontrollably, “He tried to get mom to stay with me at the elevator.  He…he…wanted to protect us from the hell upstairs.  Ordered me to stay put.  My legs couldn’t move.”  Faye bit on her lip for a moment, “...My mother shook her head and went with him.”  Faye smiled through the red tears that started rolling down her cheeks, “She refused to leave him…Like they were going to face whatever was going on together.”  Faye jumped on Vivienne hugging her tightly. “They had to have…have…seen the damage.  I saw it.  I froze.”

“Sounds like a fantastic father, mon amour.”  Vivienne offered and wrapped her arms around Faye. “Protected his family to the end.”  Vivienne started stroking Faye’s short black hair. “Shall we stop with memories, mon amour?” She asked as Faye’s crying wracked the smaller vampire's frame.

Faye let the memory run its course. -Why didn’t you stop, dad?-  She asked herself as the flashes of the scene unfolded.  Faye remembered regaining the feeling in her legs and dropping to her knees so she could crawl to the open sections of the hotel walls. “I thought I was being so quiet, Vivienne.  I saw the opening in the walls and saw … him … sitting there smug.”

When Faye’s voice regained its strength, Vivienne stopped hugging her lover and gazed into her glorious green eyes. “Mmm, mon amour…”  She brushed Faye’s hair out of her face, “..Drake was always an ass like that.”

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