
Chapter 13: The Witching Hour – Part 4.

Shorter Section!  Enjoy!

“They never had a chance, did they?”  Faye knew the answer to the question as memory kept playing the horrific scene.

“Unfortunately, no.”  Affirming the melancholy statement, Vivienne started rubbing Faye’s shoulders. “I am sorry, mon amour.”  Vivienne quietly added, “It is my fault that they are dead.”

Tilting her head, Faye looked at Vivienne lightly confused. “Viv?  I can’t see how that is possible.”  Wiping the red tears from her round face, Faye added, “You didn’t let the band into the building, we did.  We let them stay in the hotel.”

“I knew they were there a day before.”  Breathing in deeply, Vivienne thought about how she wanted to address her culpability, “I killed the drummer the night before.  It is how I saved Casey.” Vivenne solemnly added, “I came back the next night to scrub the camera footage of me being on the boardwalk, and remove them from my hunting grounds.”

Watching as the guilt crept over Vivienne’s features, Faye shook her head and kissed her lover’s cheeks. “No, Vivienne.”  Faye shrugged, “Seeing this as I do, knowing what I know now?  We were all dead and just didn’t know it.” Faye poked at Vivienne’s shoulder, “True, the band was in the hotel trying to get your attention, you didn’t make them do the stuff they did.”

“I could have saved them all, Faye.”  Vivienne added.

“Viv.”  Faye smiled and shook her head, “What reason would you have had to save anyone?  A few days ago, you weren’t even open to the suggestion to visit Petersburg.  I had to trick you into it.”

Replaying the events with new information, Vivienne slowly agreed with her progeny. “You are indeed correct, mon amour.  I wouldn’t have cared much.”  Vivienne smiled. “I cared the moment I saw you walking toward me.”

“Drake didn’t rape me, Vivienne.”  Faye winked and offered a weak smile. “He fed off me and kept drinking, laughing.”  She wrinkled her nose. “He spit in my face once.”

Vivienne snarled, “Oh, that I could kill him again.”

“I think I got my revenge.”  Faye laughed at the memory of eating Drake. “I swiped his jaw off.”

“That you did, my love.”  Twisting her finger in the air a few times, Vivienne laughed. “With flair I might add.”  A thought crept over Vivienne, “You know.  There is yet another connection.”

Curling her eyebrows, Faye looked at Vivienne questioningly. “What do you mean?”  Faye uttered the words just as the connection formed in her own mind. “Oh!  I got it.”  Faye ran her fingernails along Vivienne’s shapely thighs, “Packs.  Both our fathers were killed by a pack.”

“Correct.”  Vivienne moaned lightly under Faye’s light touch. “My response was a little different at the time, mon amor.”

Wanting to bury the memory of her parents death, Faye half smiled. “Distract me.  Tell me what you did.”

“Are you sure?  Mon amour, you just remembered how your parents were stolen from you.”  Vivienne kissed Faye’s lips softly, “Whatever you need, mon amour.”

Lifting her hands to cup Vivienne’s cheeks, Faye calmly added, “I have known for days that they were dead.  I just couldn’t remember…well, how.”  Caressing both of Vivienne’s perfectly smooth cheeks, “Look into my eyes, sweetheart. Do I look angry, confused or hurt?”  Faye watched as Vivienne shook her head no. “I think my dad would have been happy knowing that I am with you, that I lived.”  Faye added, “I haven’t forgotten them and when we get the chance, I want to honor their sacrifice.”

An idea crossed over Vivienne’s face and her eyes began to sparkle. “If you allow me, my love, I would like to unwrap myself from your graceful arms and get my phone.”

“What for?” Faye quickly asked and untangled herself from Vivienne. “You have a bad habit of using that phone while we are doing important things.”

Rolling her eyes, Vivienne crawled over to the edge of the bed and fished around for her phone and dialed Martin’s number. “Martin.  Yes, Yes, good to hear you as well…what?  No.  Martin, please.  I am not going to kill Sylvie, I have told you that before.”  Vivienne slumped against the headboard of the bed listening to Martin rapidly speaking. “Martin.”  Vivienne lost her patience, “Would you shut up?”

Faye giggled and crawled into Vivienne’s lap, “He missed you.”

“More like he is afraid of me.”  Vivienne mentioned coolly as the phone went silent. “Thank you.  Do me a favor and find me an estate attorney that you trust.  I haven’t had a need for one in quite a while.  I wish to put in a bid on the Ocean Lily property.”  Vivienne waited, “Yes, no matter the cost.  I want that property.”  Vivienne started to nod at Faye, smiling. “Right.  As soon as possible.  Send your reference to Casey and let her negotiate the price when it comes to it.”  Vivienne hung up and kissed Faye. “You will have the property to do what you want with it, Mon amour.”

-Mercy me.  She is adorable.-  Faye thought to herself and sat up. “Thank you, Vivienne.”  Faye started to lick Vivienne’s small nipples once more. “Mmm, I think I will turn the area into a public garden and honor my parents.  Maybe a plaque with all the names of the people that were lost, except for…them.”  Faye’s lips collapsed over Vivienne's breast and suckled gently.

“Oh, yes…mon amour..stars knows…”  Vivienne grunted happily.

Popping Vivienne’s tiny nub free of her lips briefly, Faye giggled. “I think it is time for ten.”

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