
Chapter 13: The Witching Hour – Part 5.

Night had fallen across the diamond-shaped quarry, complete with a light snow that had fallen hours before. Stringy leafless branches hung with small icicles and a ominous silence kept all of the animals silent in their hidden holes.  When the wind blew, the trees groaned and cracked from the cold that had settled within the copse.  Finally, the moon hung in the sky big and deep red - a blood moon.  Denise felt the energy from the super moon overhead, “It is time, my Awakened.”

Brian stood in beside his mentor and gazed over the small group that had arrived from the call of The Darla.  Not counting the captains, Brian estimated there were about thirty others of various ages, all with glowing light green runes on their palms.  Brian looked up at the eerie moon above them, “Time for what, Loved One?”

The Darla packed away the marionette that she’d worked on the entire day and grabbed a newly crafted red-clay bowl. “The ritual, Novitiate.”  The Darla looked at the rest of the crowd and walked to the edge of the quarry. “We will all work together and bring the salt we need directly.  Free of anyone’s touch.”  Denise reached in a small pouch and started handing the group little chunks of kyanite. “With Gaia’s blessing.”  The Darla said with each stone she passed out.  She walked to the three captains that were present. “Captain Mattson, where is Captain Addison?  I asked that everyone be present.”

Bowing his head lightly, “Loved One, Heather said that your new living art piece required more attention than she expected.  She made a decision to work the issue back at your studio.  My apologies for not saying so earlier.”

The Darla nodded and kissed Raollet’s hand. “Thank you, Captain.”  She waved to Brian. “Come to me, Brian.”

-Why do I feel like I have crossed into some surreal dream?- Brian asked himself as he walked beside his teacher. “Where do you want me to stand, Loved One?”

“Where I go, you go.”  The Darla commanded. “Captain Addison is missing and her healing ability would have been perfect for this, but you have Gaia herself at your disposal.”

Nervously smiling at the two dozen ragtag people, Brian noted that they were weary but healthy. “Partisans..”  Brian whispered, recalling history.

“Humm?”  The Darla looked up to Brian.

“Loved One, I was looking at us.  I was reminded of the idea of partisans, revolutionaries.  The ones that rise up to oppose some power.”  Brian shook his head. “Why does it always fall to the few to sacrifice for the many?”  Brian watched as the others started shaking their heads in agreement, a couple of the men patting Brian on the shoulder.

Denise handed Brian a few of the blue power stones. “Beautiful analogy, Novitiate.”  Waving her hand across the ground, the deep green magic flared to life and lifted The Darla in the air for everyone to get a clear look. “Our focus is on pink salt from the steepest and most untouched mountains in the world.  Himalayan salt pulled from the bosom of Gaia herself, untouched.  Unblemished.”  Denise reached into another small pouch on her waist, pulling out a handful of the pink and white substance. “I have some here if you need a picture to work from.”  A few of the others walked up and started taking pinches and resumed their place around The Darla. “Good, good.  My love’s, take all that you need.”

Brian took a small pinch and immediately felt the warmth pulsing from the small salt crystals. “You pulled this just now didn’t you, Loved One?”

Denise looked down at Brian and winked. “Alright.”  She pointed to the deep quarry of smooth water behind her. “We need enough to make that akin to ocean water.”  

One older woman started crying softly. “Loved One.” She sniffled and took a heavy breath. “Most of us have been fighting non-stop for days, I can barely stand.”  The woman fell to her knees, “We haven’t eaten in days and the vampires are winning.”

Captain Mattson sprinted over to the small woman on her knees. “There, there.”  He scooped her up into his arms and looked at Denise. “Maybe she has a point, Loved One.  We could eat then do the ritual.”

The Darla extended the green platform that she was standing on. “Place her here with me, Captain.”  Her voice deepened. “My love will save her, Captain.”  She waited until the farmer placed the exhausted woman at The Darla’s feet. “The moon is minutes away from its apex, when our combined strength will be at its best.  We have plenty of food and drink after we finish the ritual.”  Denise gave her sinister wiry smile to the group, “It will be a festival afterward.”  She pointed to the long tent at the far end of the quarry. “Celebrate…” She snickered to herself, “Love and life.”  The Darla outstretched her hand and sent her magic across the crowd, “Relax and focus everyone.  You have salt and kyanite in your hands, My love and grace, Gaia’s favor.”

Brian felt the magic encompass his body, sending thoughts of reassurance and comfort.  Looking up to his mentor he smiled and didn’t care that he was grinning or even why he was worried moments ago. -Angelic and full of love.-  Brian watched in admiration when the tired woman was placed at The Darla’s feet.  He walked over to the woman and combed her hair from her face, “Can’t you feel it?”  Nodding gently the woman lazily looked at Brian. “So full of love.”  Brian reassured the woman and took a step back. 

Green and black wisps started to flow out of The Darla and weaved its way through the water plunging so deep that the ends couldn’t be seen after a few seconds.  Observing as the others called their own magic, The Darla took a moment to pull up the hood on her cloak, carefully hiding the fact her dusty-blonde hair was turning as black as the streams of magic wisping from her hand and quartz on her forehead. “Awakened…” The Darla’s voice echoed calmly, “...We ask Gaia, the globe of life and love, to answer our call.”  The Darla heard her followers all start chanting ‘Gaia’ at the same time. “We have heard your call and bare the stones of power to humbly ask for the riches of the land so that we can strike at your creatures of night.”  The Darla tossed the handful of kyanite into the water, which was mirrored by the others. “Salt, Gaia.  Your first source to disinfect and cleanse your skin..Imbue your followers so that we may purify the water before us.”

“Disinfect and cleanse.” The Awakened members chanted together, causing the smooth pool of water to start churning violently. 

The Darla half turned and looked at the woman on her pedestal, “Gaia is calling you dearest.”

“Love, life.” Forcing herself to lean up and reach for The Darla, the woman smiled as she watched the hazel eyes of her leader went to a faded gold and to a deep yellow. “I feel everything, Loved One.”  She tore open her shirt. “The Darla…take the love I have within me.”

Weaving her half gnarled hand with the black tendrils, The Darla focused her magic on the woman beside her. “Slumber, sleep.  Follow the path where it takes you, dearest.”  The wisps of black flowed over the woman’s body and pulled a soft green light-ball from her body, causing her rune to fade. 

The Darla sniffed the air as it flooded the air with a rich scent of seawater. “Awakened!..”  The Darla chanted with the rhythm of the boiling bubbles. “Breathe deep, my sweets…”  The Darla felt three more of her followers drop to the ground.  Allowing the onyx threads of magic to find the fallen, she pulled three more lime green orbs and floated them over the boiling water. “Gaia’s blood, heed my words.  By the power bestowed to us through your wisdom and the blood moon above, I…The Darla command that this water be excised of detriment.  Boil away the impurities!”  The water hissed and screamed, wanting to revert to its normal calm state.

“Gaia’s blood be cleansed, say we, The Awakened!”  The group chanted.

Swishing her hands to the untouched snow on the ground, The Darla concentrated the snow and it started falling over the boiling man-made lake. “Bless this living water.  May this be the salvation of Gaia and your chosen Awakened, let the blood-villains burn to bones under its life giving rain.”

“All hail The Darla.” Two score voices echoed into the night. 

“Yes, my loves.  Feel Gaia’s spirit flow through you.”  The Darla flung the bones of the four that she’d drained of magic into the water then turned to face her congregation.  “Gaia’s love, Gaia’s blessing.”  She waved her hand once more and dispelled the magic she’d been using. “Success.”  The Darla declared and dropped her hood. “You have performed perfectly, beyond expectations.”  Denise watched the last of the Awakened using their magic. “Good, my dearests.  Please, go. Eat and celebrate.”  A loud cheer echoed in the quarry. “Captain Mattson.”

“Yes, Loved One?”  He walked up smiling. “That was entrancing.”

“Make sure that everyone gets two or three portions.”  Denise raised her wicked eyebrow.

“We really did it.”  He flipped his baseball cap backwards again and nodded to Denise. “Three portions at the very least.”  He bowed once and happily skipped off.

Brian stumbled and fell down, his stomach grumbling loudly. “Loved One, I don’t recall much.  I just remember watching the threads of magic on the water.” Brian looked up from his relaxed position, “Is the woman alright?”

“What woman, Brian?”  Denise calmly helped Brian back to his feet. “Your first ritual is sometimes taxing, perhaps some tea and one of my turkey clubs?”

“Th-the woman..the one that was laying there with you?  Is she alright?”  Brian asked again.

Denise smiled and walked with the big man to the tent, “My dear, there was no woman.  Perhaps you are thinking of Casey.”

-Casey.  I miss her.-  Brian slouched and nodded. “I broke up with her today, but we can still save her right?”

“Yes.”  Denise cooed lightly.

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