
Chapter 13: The Witching Hour – Part 6.

“Oui..iiii, ou..iiii, mes étoiles, oui mon amour, bon-nn, bon-nn... là, presque... je suis sur le point de... oui... putain oui, fais-le…”  Vivienne bit back a moan and started gyrating her hips desperately on Faye’s face.  Moment’s later and still babbling in French, The elder vampire began to convulse and laugh as her orgasm wracked her pale nude form.

“Mmmhmm, you taste so damned good, Vivienne.”  Faye whispered and nibbled Vivienne’s clit more.

 Vivienne felt like all the stress in her mind left at the same time.  Her muscles tensed and released multiple times before she flopped backwards on Faye’s thighs.  Warm sensations wove through her form like soft simple rolling waves of the ocean, “Mercy, mon amour.”  Vivienne half huffed and giggled. “I know I don’t need to breathe at all, but it feels like I should…adding to the..”  Vivienne almost sang out when Faye licked the length of her pussy again. “I surrender!”  Vivienne laughed and grabbed her nipples to enhance the pleasure pulsing warmly through her.

“There we go.  All clean.”  Faye kissed Vivienne between her legs a final time, “I love you, Vivienne.”  Faye began lightly kissing her partner’s thighs.

Vivienne layed limp and let the stars in her eyes fade away before cooing lightly, “Faye, my love…I never dreamed…any of this.”  Vivienne saw the words to an old poem form in her mind and opened her mouth to speak the lines, when her mind went blank. “Mmm, mon amour.  You are making me forget how to speak.”

Lovingly, Faye ran her fingernails across the tops of Vivienne’s thighs, “Nah, You are just getting old.”

The two vampires started laughing at the same time, when a soft knock came from the heavy door across the room.

Unwilling to move, Vivienne stayed right where she was, atop of Faye. “Good evening, Casey.” Vivienne whispered contently, “Mmm, What can I do for you, my dear?”

Casey could smell the aromatic scented air coming from the bottom of the door. “Um, guys?  Your guests are waiting down here.” Still unaccustomed to her station, Casey paused for a moment and scratched her auburn-blonde hair. “, you two kinda just went by, so I didn’t know what to do.”  Casey swallowed, “I have your dress Faye and your cape, Vivienne.”

“You are going to have to move, Vivienne.”  Faye chuckled.

“Why?  I am perfectly comfortable.”  Vivienne turned her head and kissed Faye’s thigh again. “Casey, darling, how long have they been waiting?”

“About five minutes after you carried Faye upstairs?”  Casey looked at her watch, “So about four hours, give or take a few minutes.”

Bucking Vivienne off of her, Faye jumped out of the bed and pulled the cover sheet around herself, “You are too much sometimes, Vivienne.”

Finding herself being rolled across the bed, Vivienne groaned and frowned at her girlfriend. “You were the one that told me I had better not stop.”  Vivienne faced the door, “Casey, please come in.  Faye will need that dress.”  Vivienne gracefully walked and picked up her dress that was crumpled on the floor when Casey entered and froze. “Are you alright, my ward?”

-Move Rivers.-  Casey’s mind went blank staring at her nude mistress. “Ah…I…”  Casey stammered and tried to look away but stood in place like a deer in headlights. -Come over here and feed on me..damn it.-  Casey’s thoughts hotly rampaged her psyche, thinking of all the ways she wanted to just touch and feel the nude form before her. -You aren’t a lesbian, Rivers.- “No but I could be.”  Casey mindlessly whispered.

Snapping her fingers and waving with one free hand, Faye coughed politely. “Casey?  My dress?”

Casey turned and saw the tiger stripes that caressed Faye’s tanned skin, content and happy green cat-like eyes and let out a small gasp. “Ahu…”  Casey stuttered and found herself still frozen in place. -Rivers, oh god, not now!-  Casey became horrifyingly aware that her own heated sexual scent had started pulsing from between her legs. “So…sorry.”  Casey managed to haphazardly cross her legs. “Your…your…”  Casey thrust out her arms holding the garments.

Vivienne walked over and patted her ward on the shoulder and retrieved the two items. “I apologize for the delay that you and the others had to endure.”  Swaggering over to Faye, Vivienne handed the shorter vampire her dress with a kiss. “If you wish for a little privacy, there is a pingfeng right behind you.”  Vivienne pointed to the nine panel screen beside a closet door.

Dragging her naked girlfriend with her behind the screen, Faye huffed and started pulling on her dress again. “I am not a fan of you exposing yourself to the world, Vivienne.”  Faye turned and pointed to the zipper on her dress. “When were you going to tell me about the guests?”

“Casey is hardly the world, my love.”  Vivienne giggled and slinked into her skin tight dress. “Casey, dear.  Come in and close the door, for at least the illusion of privacy.”  Vivienne snapped her chiffon cape in place. “Kindly give us our boots, if you could, Casey.”

It took a few more seconds before Casey’s head cleared enough so she could walk.  “I…Faye, the both of you.”  Casey sighed and set the boots at the edge of the screen. “We all heard that last, well..”  Casey smiled and bit on her lip thinking about how Vivienne looked at the height of her climax. 

“Mon Amour.” Said flatly, “I didn’t think I had to explain something so obvious.”  Vivienne poked Faye’s pert nose, “I invited them to attend our arrival.”

Casey spoke up first, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Yeah, why didn’t you say anything, Vivienne?” Faye added, zipping up her boots and lightly stomping her heel for fit.

Vivienne brushed out the wrinkles of her dress, “I omitted the specific guest list.  Given how we are dressed, you both had no illusion that people would be here.”   Vivienne walked from behind the screen and gave Casey a hug. “My apologies, my ward.  You have had a very long day and if you wish, you do not have to attend this meeting.”

Casey closed her eyes and breathed in the succulent scent of fading rosemary that softly emanated from Vivienne. “Um…It’s okay, Viv.”  Casey pulled away and waved her hands, “I probably wouldn’t sleep anyway.”  Looking up with tears forming in her velvety chocolate eyes, “B..Brain…um, Brian.. we broke up today.  He found out that Martin and I nearly had sex on the bus.”

Vivienne furled her thin eyebrows, “How did he find out?”

Faye stepped from the screen and noticed her glasses on the shelf.  “That is a great question.”  She placed the small plastic frames beside the doctor's instruments and nodded. “Closer to you that way.” 

Casey rubbed her temples, “It all happened so fast, I didn’t think to ask him.  I told him what happened.”  She wiped her eyes, “He didn’t believe me though.”

Vivienne winked at her partner. “Place them anywhere you wish, mon amour.”  She focused back on her ward. “A trying time, Indeed.”  Taking Faye’s hand, Vivienne silently strode over the luxurious mahogany floor to the opening of the bedroom. “Casey.”  Vivienne curled her finger so that Casey would follow.  “I know something that will cheer you up.”

Casey trudged over to her mistress, “Yeah?”

Faye’s eyes sparkled, “Yep.”  Faye looked at Vivienne, “Do I get two or three?”

“Three as long as you share.”  Vivienne pulled Casey close.

“Deal.”  Faye giggled.

Casey smiled and sucked on her lip, biting it to stifle her excitement. “L…leave the marks..”  She shivered and fell against Vivienne.  Moments later, Casey felt herself penetrated and let out a heavenly gasp when the eight little prickles of pain drove into her neck. “Soo…good, mmm.”  Casey lightly urged the twin vampires feeding from her.  Feeling the cool breeze of their breath a few seconds later, Casey reflectively kissed both of them on the cheek. “Thank you.”  Casey regained her strength and took a step back from Vivienne.

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