
Chapter 6: Questions – Part 6.

A sudden flare of hot anger poked at Faye’s chest with the thought of Vivienne kissing anyone except her. “I don’t know who Casey is.  Yet.”  The newborn vampire seethed the words from her teeth.

Vivienne felt Fay grab tighter to her and the hostile tone in her partner's voice, “She did not know what she was doing, Faye.  When she kissed me she was highly intoxicated, and it was meant as a thank you for helping her up.”

“You belong to me.” Faye toned flatly and twisted her legs into Vivienne’s.

“Very well, my love.”  Vivienne gently lifted Faye by her chin and brushed her lips slowly and lightly over her partners, darting her tongue as she did so. “My kisses are henceforth all for you.”

Awash in a cloud of sensation on her vampiric lips, Faye started purring lightly under Vivienne’s light kisses.  She found herself crawling up Vivienne’s perfect form and before she knew what was happening, had started squeezing one of Vivienne’s alluring breasts.  Pressing herself into Vivienne’s lips completely, Faye felt herself release the tension in her heart and mind as the couple’s tongues spun and flipped together.  Hearing a light and luxurious feminine moan come from Vivienne brought Faye back to her senses and she quickly pulled away, “I…I…shouldn’t have, not yet.”

Vivienne opened her almost divine blue eyes and suckled on her bottom lip. “Mon amour, You have nothing to worry about.”  Vivienne reached over and cleared the hair from Faye’s loving green eyes. “Jealousy has no place between us, it burns precious blood.  Blood that we could use to enjoy each other rather than to fuel anger.”

Faye snapped out of the trance she was in, and glared again at her partner. “You made me forget the question I asked about blood.”

Vivienne raised her eyebrows shocked, “How did I make you do that, perchance?  I am lying here and holding you to my bosom.”

Snorting and chuckling lightly Faye teased, “Did you just say bosom?”

“Yes, I did.”  Vivienne arched one of her eyebrows questioningly. “Why do you ask?”

“I can’t tell you the last time I heard anyone use the word.” Faye quickly retorted.

“Another plot of mine to obfuscate the truth of our nature, of course.” Vivienne added.

“Oh, no you don’t.”  Faye lightly chastised. “I am not forgetting again.  You were going to tell me what blood we need to survive.”

“I am not to blame for your scattered thoughts.”  Vivienne lightly giggled and pressed her lips to the top of Faye’s head. “When I was a youngling, I moved constantly.”

“Did you have a woman that drove you into a frenzy every time she moved her legs?”  Faye asked and groaned. “You did it again!  Tell me about the blood before I forget again, please.”

“Very well, Faye.  How can I deny such an intense request, mon amour?”  Vivienne smiled wide, exposing her pearl fangs.  Still overcome with the little tingles pulsing along her nerves where Faye had cupped her breast, Vivienne licked her fangs lightly and winked to her partner. “I shall remind you that desire isn’t one way.  Climbing over me like you did and taking your liberty with my body, almost found that virtue of yours lost yet again.”  Vivienne kissed Faye on her forehead.  “Blood is easy.  Human blood only.”

“Why is that?  I figured blood was blood.  I am still not comfortable with the idea of killing.”  Faye sighed and freed herself from Vivienne’s gentle arms and straddled her hips. “I had hoped it was like other things that I had heard.  You know, surviving off any sort of blood.” 

Lifting her knees to support Faye, Vivienne shook head back and forth indicating ‘no’ before speaking. “You have read too many tales, or the like.  Animal blood is what you are talking about, and it is worthless.  Human blood is our food.  It fuels everything.  I tried to explain it before, Blood is how we keep our darkness at bay, how we use organs, and make our skin flush.  Without blood, there is no illusion to who we are.”

“Illusion?” Faye followed up as she leaned against Vivienne’s thighs. -She didn’t think twice about your comfort, Faye.- Her mind sent a loving wave of endorphins that made the youngling forget her stress and enjoy the little happy moment.  “Don’t answer the illusion thing yet.  Finish what you are saying about blood.”  Faye poked Vivienne’s tummy once, “If I let you stop talking about blood, then it could take hours to get the topic back.”

“Quite right you are, mon amour.”  Vivienne kept a sly smile on her face, “The illusion … thing as you call it is on hold.”  She laughed lightly, “It is vital to fight, change forms and even use the embrace.  Other forms use blood in different ways.  Your animal form doesn’t use very much at all, but your gaseous form will burn blood very quickly.”  Vivienne entwined her fingers with Faye’s, “It is best to think of it like this.  The more supernatural it seems to you, the more blood it will use.”

“Can you tell me why animal blood will not work?”  Faye asked and traced little figure eights on her partner's stomach with her free hand.

“My love, I don’t have that information.  I can tell you what I have experienced and what I believe to be true.”  Vivienne shoved a pillow under her head and neck so she could see Faye a bit easier. “When I tried it, nothing happened.  It didn’t quench my thirst, I couldn’t use it in any way.  It sat in my stomach and never absorbed.  I ended up having to use almost twice the amount of human blood to clear it from my body.” 

“So it could work for me?” Faye sounded hopeful as she continued, “I am guessing that not all vampires are the same, much like we are all different alive.”

“You could test your theory now, if you wanted.”  Vivienne offered and once more licked her fangs. “I bought lots of human food for Casey when she was here last night.”

“Isn’t that packaged?”  Faye wrinkled her nose and frowned.

“Faye, my love, I have a feeling you are going to be an interesting vampire.”  Vivienne laughed lightly and sat up. “Shall we find out some of your capabilities, other than driving me to kiss you all day?”

-Another chance to see her ass? Sure, I am good with that.-  Faye thought to herself and hopped off of Vivienne’s hips. “What’s the plan?”

Keeping their hands clasped, Vivienne headed out of their room and started down the staircase once more. “I would not say that I have a plan.  I would call it an experiment, yes?”  Vivienne stopped half way down to turn and look at her progeny.

-What a difference a few hours makes.- Faye thought to herself as she gleefully once more watched Vivienne’s calves flex and release, admiring her partner's intensely feminine structure.  Losing herself to the velveting moves of the ancient vampire's moon-shaped bottom, Faye barely heard what Vivienne asked.  Forcing herself to look up, Faye stammered through her response, “I..w…what, oh!  Right, um…experiment.”

“Faye, darling?  My eyes aren’t down there.” Vivienne winked and completed the small journey to the kitchen.

“Very funny.” The Korean beauty responded happily and bounced her way down the remaining stairs, and found Vivienne holding a package with a steak in it. “You know…”  Faye half frowned, “...that doesn’t even look appealing.  I think I used to like steak as well.”  She shrugged and closed the distance to Vivienne gliding quickly and without making a sound.

Tearing the cellophane package open, Vivienne lifts the package to Faye’s nose. “What does it smell like?  I can’t even smell the blood, but I know it is.”  She dipped her finger in the thick liquid. “See, its consistency tells me it is blood.”

Faye leaned down and sniffed both the small pool in the package and Vivienne’s finger. “I don’t smell anything.  I could smell the sweet and heavy iron through the bag upstairs, before I drank it.”

“This doesn’t give me high hopes for your animal theory, Faye.”  Vivienne shrugged and continued, “Try not to consume too much.  Remember we have no spare blood, other than what I might be able to share with you, until we hunt this evening.  I would suggest that you just hold it on your tongue, even maybe take a drop down to see if  it squelches the burn, but no more than that.”

Faye looked at Vivienne with her dancing green eyes, a light conflict behind them. “”  Faye stammered a moment, thinking and working out a thought. -No fear, Faye.  Just tell her. You said it before.- She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, “Can you make sure I do what you suggest, I don’t know if I will be able to stop.”  

Vivienne set the package on the small island close to the refrigerator and lightly touched Faye’s shoulder. “Mon amour, I will give you anything you need.”  She leaned close, “Hey.”  She whispered, then stood upright and smiled once she saw her partner’s eyes. “I am proud of you, Tigerlily.  I am stunned with every moment that you are clear headed and rational.”  Massaging Faye’s shoulders gently, “It will be alright.”  Vivienne handed the steak to Faye and spoke clearly, “Faye.  I want you to bite into the steak and suck enough blood from it so that it settles on your tongue and no more.  You are to only swallow what is necessary to see if it quells the burn permeating your throat.  You will control yourself and not doubt yourself.  If you do not taste anything, simply spit the contents back into the package on the counter, if you please.”  Vivienne smiled and winked as she watched Faye’s eyes dull over for a moment.

Faye blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes, feeling like she’d awakened from a short dream. “That is such an odd feeling, Viv.  Want me to tell you what it is like?”  Faye picked up the steak and bit into it, drawing the precise amount that Vivienne’s command had issued.  Faye felt the meat disintegrate and the blood spread over her tongue like syrup, without any taste.  Spitting the contents immediately into the package, Faye shrugged and shook her head. “I didn’t need to swallow any of it.  I just knew.  There was no taste and the blood just felt wrong.”  Faye smiled at Vivienne. “Thank you.”

“I am sorry, Faye.  I wished your theory worked.”  Vivienne looked at the remains of the steak. “Do you remember how to cook?”

Faye snorted lightly, “Yes.  I learned how to cook when I was ten.”  Her eyes sparkled, “I remembered that!”

The raven haired beauty stepped aside and pointed to the stovetop and the various pans, “Might as well cook it.  I did buy it for Casey anyway.  You two need to meet, so you two might as well do it over a meal.”

“You can’t cook?” Faye asked and dug out a grill pan.

“I was not gifted in the means to do so when I was human.  I have the basic knowledge, and if I ever wanted to do something other than be a doctor, I would consider learning.”  Walking over to the spot where Drake met his demise, the ancient vampire scanned the area. “You could certainly tell me what the control was like.  I have no reference.” 

Igniting the gas stovetop, Faye placed the pan over the heat with a little olive oil. “Hold on.” The black-pink haired woman chuckled, “Three thousand, five hundred years and you weren’t the least bit interested in making meals, but took the time to learn to stitch up your prey?  I would have thought you might have done it out of boredom.”

A perplexed look crosses Vivienne's well-shaped visage. "Intriguing, my love." Vivienne rubs her chin for a second, "I am quite certain that I have not mentioned my age." Vivienne thought about the anomaly, "I have only recently come to the knowledge that Casey could track my whereabouts." Clearly pleased with the new turn of events, Vivienne winked and blew Faye a kiss. "I am thusly more impressed that the love of my life and progeny can determine my age." Vivienne laughed, "When I first turned, France wasn’t even called Gaul yet. My experience was foraging for things and eating rabbits. Want me to put a rabbit on a stick? I can do that great.” Vivienne said sarcastically as she started breaking the table into splinters.

Noting that the pan had reached its perfect temperature, Faye sprinkled what spices she could find on the thick cut and placed it into the pan, where it loudly sizzled and sent waves of steam into the air. “Once more we are not talking about the core topic.  You wanted to know about how it felt to give that command, and here we are talking about cooking.”

“It is one more thing that makes me certain that we are meant to be, mon amour.”  Vivienne mentioned as she crushed more of the table. “The tangents are natural since we are learning about each other, however, I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that I didn’t create the diversion this time.”

“Fancy way of saying it's not your fault.” Faye quipped and flipped the steak.

“I thought it better to change up the way I say it.  You have accused me of doing it most of the evening, mon amour.” Nodding once at the pile of scraps on the floor, Vivienne wiggled her butt teasingly.

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