
Chapter 6: Questions – Part 7.

Faye stumbled and caught herself on the granite island when she noticed the titillating wiggle from her partner. “Wh…I forgot what…”  Faye placed both hands on the island and closed her eyes, and steadied her rising desire. “Command!”  She blurted as the focus returned to her mind, “I first felt like I was in a daze, the words almost floated in my mind, creating a blueish fog.  I could have just been imparting the blue, because of your eyes.”  She shrugged and poked at the steak with her finger, watching a little blood come from it.  Opening a cabinet and getting a solid black plate, she took the mouth-watering strip from the pan and set it aside, and shut off the gas. “It wasn’t harsh, I felt the concern in your voice.  I felt at ease and wanted to comply.  Nothing about it felt forced.  It was like I needed to satisfy you, a deep need that I didn’t want to disobey.  Then I blinked my eyes and felt fine.”

“Thank you.  I had a basic understanding of how it worked, since I have seen our brethren command their disciples before, I never knew what it was like from the other side.”  Vivienne quickly stacked the splintered remains of the table in a corner and studied the floor for a couple seconds and then started breaking up the sandstone. “Did you have any other questions?”

“Many, but right now I am really confused.” Faye tilted her head and kept watching her mistress keep destroying the floor. “Why are you wrecking the place?”

Shaking off some of the dust from the broken floor Vivienne stood up and glanced back, “Oh.  Take a look for yourself.  You can see where the events of the evening took place.  I will get Casey to clean this up and get us a new table, along with fixing the floor.”  Vivienne giggled lightly as she punched the floor once more, “Blood is very hard to cover and remove without the right enzyme cleaner.  Destroying the table and burning it is the easiest way.”  She points at the rubble, “The floor is a bit different.  It absorbs blood, so it is better to just replace that as well.”

“Was that necessary now?  I don’t see why anyone would need to come inside the house, let alone the police to investigate the kitchen.”  

“I am trying to be thorough.”  Vivienne explained, “Just before I met you, I had been getting careless about keeping my nights secret.”

“Go on.”

“I told you that I met Casey when she was drunk, which is true, even if it’s not the complete story.  I took out the drummer, in front of your hotel’s cameras.  They also likely caught Casey coming back and kissing me.”

Faye’s eyes gleamed red briefly, “Annoying.”

“You are newborn, mon amour.  Relax.  I have no intention of kissing her ever again.”

Faye folded her arms and fought back the anger, “I still do not see what that has to do with the table and floor.”

Vivienne pointed to the corner where Drake had been, “The walls too.”  She pointed at the corner, “Feel free to tear out the section.  I am sure you can see the stains on the wall.”

“I see them, Vivienne.  I still don’t understand, no one knows about me being here.”  Faye paused, “Except Casey.”

“I knew that the band was staying at your hotel, and I knew the cameras caught me destroying Ken.  I went to see if I could obtain the footage.  That led to meeting you…”  Vivienne blew Faye a kiss, and stomped the floor once, shattering more sandstone. “...then the hotel came down.  What if they discover a blood trail where I carried you and drake to my car?”  She shook her head, “I am sure I could talk us out of the problem, but if they have any evidence we will have no peace.”

Faye yanked the stained drywall from the corners, ripping up the floorboard at the same time when the tiny tiger growled in her head. -See, little tiger?  It was all a plan to cover her tracks.  She doesn’t love you, look at her.  Something so perfect is always manipulative.  Bored of being alone, she now wants slaves.- 

Vivienne piled the rubble beside the table debris and noticed the stripes appearing on Faye’s arms. “Mon amour?”

Lashing out, Faye screamed. “Did you plan it?  All of it?”  She heard the gleeful mewling of her tiger, and pressed further. “It’s all a lie, isn’t it?  You charmed me from the beginning.”

Rushing over to Faye and embracing her tightly, Vivienne whispered in Faye’s ear. “Shhh, don’t listen to it, mon amour.  Use your mind, look back at the events.  Ignore the taunts, ask yourself how I could have known you would come out to greet me?  How our eyes met before we even spoke.”

Trembling, Faye spun in her partner’s arms and was greeted by a set of love filled twinkling cerulean eyes. -There will be a time where she can’t save you.- It snarled and faded into the back of Faye’s mind, replaced by the truth of the encounter. “I…I…Vivienne…”

Using one of her fangs, Vivienne bit into her lip allowing her deep purple blood to pour freely before embracing Faye, smearing it over their lips.  Their tongues swishing passionately, Vivienne gave into the rush that pumped through her veins with the intensity of the kiss the two were in.  Vitality filled their mouths, the great majority being swallowed desperately by Faye.  A single purr of delight and her partner's tongue swiping over her lips brought Vivienne out of the suckling trance she’d fallen into.  Quickly closing the hole, Vivienne waited until Faye had cleared her mouth of any leftover blood before pulling back. “Mmm, mon amour.  That was fantastic.”

Faye let out a soft moan and kept squeezing Vivienne by her silk clad bottom. “Sorry.  I don’t know what happened.”  She leaned into her partner and kissed her neck softly murmuring, “That thing started talking in my head and…and…”

“Let us go back upstairs and gaze upon each other and forget about what is going on down here, it was too soon.  Accept my apology, Faye.  This part of the house is still fresh in your mind.”  Vivienne pushed herself gently into the tender grasp that Faye had on her backside, “Perhaps I will teach you French by whispering it in your ear.”

Faye slid her hands into Vivienne’s and led the way upstairs, “That would be unwise.”  She playfully purred.

Vivienne felt the emotions stirring in her chest just as they did when the couple first met.  It was unmistakable and the word floated in her mind on a silver cloud, Love.  Pulling from Faye’s cue, Vivienne responded “Mmm, Why is that?”

Reaching the top step, Faye turned to Vivienne and pulled her into another hug before kissing her lightly again, “Oops, I think you are bound to me now.”

Vivienne threw her arms around Faye’s neck, and gently ran her long fingers in the short black and pink locks. “Most certainly.”  She cooed.

Final section to Chapter 6.  I do hope you all enjoyed it!  This was a fun chapter for me and set up many of the ideas for the way I envisioned vampires work.

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