Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 144

Chapter 145

“You, are you really going to surrender?!”

The dragon was shocked and angry, and his big face was in front of the iceberg, and he even grabbed his collar excitedly: “Let me hear clearly that the iceberg has fallen into the hands of the navy, you will not have a good end, at least you will be executed!” ”

“It doesn’t matter, as long as everyone is safe and sound.”

The iceberg was free, and the angry dragon scolded the Virgin, which was simply incurable.

“We rely on the ancient weapon Hades, it’s not that there is no chance to climb the mountain, why surrender so early, really think that Barbos is invincible?”

The dragon patiently flickered, “The junior brother you said before, Franky, forgot his fate?” ”

A clear pain flashed in Iceberg’s eyes: “Frankie…”

Long Yi saw the drama and continued to instigate: “As long as there is an ancient weapon Hades, how many navies are meaningless, and a hundred thousand million people will be wiped out at the snap of their fingers!” ”

“1 Barbos and 10 Barbos, the same end!!”

“The power of Hades, I naturally do not doubt it, but unfortunately it has not been completely completed, and there is still about one-quarter of the project left.”

Iceberg bowed his head and preached that if it was completed, he really did not want to – surrender.

“Does it matter? Even if it is not finished, as long as it can be fired! ”

The dragon looked at the iceberg stubbornly.

The latter’s brows condensed, he found that the dragon was different from what he had imagined, and the man was already stunned.

A man who fell into the devil is incomparably terrifying, he is even more terrifying than extreme people such as Barbos, and he can do anything crazy.

“If you can fire, you can fire, but no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents, and if you don’t pay attention to it, you may hurt others and hurt yourself.”

Iceberg still rejected the dragon’s proposal: “Don’t doubt it, I know better than you!” ”

The dragon’s face was completely pulled down, “In other words, you are determined to surrender as a traitor?” ”

“I just chose to do the right thing at the wrong time.” Iceberg righteous words.

“Another point, once Hades is activated now, then there is no doubt that the capital of the seven waters will be reduced to a battlefield, and this water city will disappear.” The iceberg’s voice was much firmer.

“Hmph, in my opinion, this is the reason why you rejected me, right?”

Long snorted coldly, and was greatly dissatisfied with this: “You are also too naïve, this is a war, the necessary sacrifices are inevitable, as long as you can defeat Barbos and defeat the navy, let alone one island, even if you sacrifice ten islands, it is a big profit!” ”

Iceberg was incredulous: “Do you know how many people will die like this?!” ”

Why didn’t I see before that Monchi D Dragon is such a madman?!

“I’m not interested in that.” The dragon face was expressionless: “Confirm again, are you still willing to advance and retreat with me?” ”

“Me! Refuse! Break off! ”

The voice of the iceberg became louder and louder, and the eyes became more and more brilliant and determined.

“In that case, then you go…”

The dragon took a deep breath and brazenly struck, “Go and die!!” ”


The iceberg let out a wail of pain, and the dragon locked its throat and pinched its neck.

“You, you bastard!!”

Iceberg’s eyes were bloodshot and his breathing became more and more difficult, he did not expect that the dragon would attack him as an ally.

“It’s you who want to be a traitor, then don’t blame me for being cruel.”

The dragon’s rough big hand tightened, only to hear a pop, blood gushed, and five fingers ran through his neck like steel bars.

The iceberg was also completely out of breath.

“Mr. Iceberg!!”

“Are you guys looking for death, this is the capital of seven waters!!”

“Let’s go up together, destroy this guy!!”

“Kill him!!”

………… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hearing the screams of the iceberg, the iceberg’s subordinates rushed in, just in time to see the iceberg carried by the Monchi D dragon, and suddenly rushed up.

The result was naturally miserable, and they were all tortured and killed.

Don’t look at the dragon being abused by Barbos one after another, the actual people are still the strength of the general of the Eight Classics.

On the southeast side of the capital of seven waters, inside the closed shipyard, a huge warship has a complete silhouette.

The entire ship has a diameter of more than five kilometers, which is definitely an unprecedented behemoth, the hull is dark color, and in the middle of it there is an unprecedented cannon, and the muzzle of the cannon has reached an astonishing 500 meters!

Just imagine, the length of the muzzle is 500 meters, how terrifying this gun should be?!

Destroying an island sounds like a fantasy, but after visiting Hades, I suddenly feel that this is reasonable.

After the dragon arrived, he killed all the shipbuilding workers, and then ordered the revolutionary troops he brought with him to board the ships one after another.

“Mr. Long, the power system has not been solved, and it is impossible to leave the capital of seven waters for the time being.”

His subordinates quickly came to report: “But the artillery system has been completed and can be fired normally.” ”

“Hmph, that’s enough, that idiot of the iceberg, actually thinks about surrendering, the idea of brain damage!!”

The dragon’s face was full of crazy smiles: “Today next year will be the festival day of Barbos!!” ”

At the same time, the navy finally landed in the capital of seven waters.

The leaders are none other than Barbos and Peach Rabbit.

The Navy went straight to the iceberg’s office, but the tragic situation in front of the eyes made people hold their breath.

Dozens of people were tortured and killed, including icebergs, and their heads were twisted off and thrown into the trash.

“Who did this?” Peach Rabbit was taken aback.

“Judging from the killing technique and the torn wound, it seems to have been torn apart by the attack of the claw class, and the Monchi D dragon is very good at it, probably him.”

Barbos looked at the wound and analyzed, he had fought with the dragon, and the wound created by the other party’s dragon claw fist was exactly the same as this one.

“They are infighting?” Peach Rabbit couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Probably, Iceberg does not want to implicate others and intends to surrender, and the madman of the dragon naturally does not want to, which may be the reason for the outbreak of contradictions.”

Barbos looked around: “There are so many subordinates of the iceberg, it is definitely impossible to kill them all, go and find a few living mouths.” ”

With an understatement glance at the bodies of Iceberg and the others, Barbos turned and left.

It is not difficult to see that this guy Long has already started jumping off the wall, and he is going farther and farther on the road to blackening.


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……… Small table….

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