Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 145

Chapter 146

Just as Barbos expected, the capital of seven waters was full of iceberg people, and the dragon could not kill everyone, and Barbos quickly found a breakthrough.

Seeing the body of the iceberg, they didn’t need Barbos to force a confession, and the group took the initiative to betray the dragon.

“Lord Barbos, you must avenge Mr. Iceberg and crush the corpse of that hateful Monchi D dragon into ten thousand pieces.”

“He is unforgivable, and his sins deserve death!”

“Shameless fellows, even cooperative partners can be killed, this scum does not deserve to live in the world.”

“Just the leader of this revolutionary army, the future light of the world? Joke! Shit! ”

“I know where their shipbuilding is located, right at the largest H534 shipyard in the capital of seven waters.”

“It’s on the southeast side!!”


The group was indignant and scrambled to speak one by one. “Zero Zero Zero” Barbos also heard useful information and gave Peach Rabbit a look, who understood in a second and immediately took people to the H534 shipyard in the southeast direction.

Barbos followed unhurriedly.

The H534 shipyard has been surrounded by a large number of revolutionary troops.

In front are PX Doflamingo, PX Klockdar, and PX Moonlight Moriah, all of which are the latest SSGs developed by Vegapunk.

“Wha… A bunch of garbage also came to disgrace people? ”

“Buddha Buddha Buddha … It’s just looking for death!! ”

“Kill the navy all!!”


The SSG opened full fire on the navy, and under the joint efforts of the three, the encircled navy was all repulsed, and there was no chance of victory at all.

Even Peach Rabbit, a general, was embarrassed by the three of them.

Don’t look at Peach Rabbit is a general, in fact, it is just because the green bull died in battle and replaced, her strength has not reached the level of a real general.

Bang bang!!

A black shadow suddenly flew out, and the wall not far away was shattered.

Peach Rabbit fell into the ruins in frustration, her beautiful eyes breathing fire.

The three SSGs were like a heavenly barrier that was difficult to cross, blocking in front of her.

“It’s ugly, Yuan.”

A faint voice sounded, and Peach Rabbit looked back, and it was Barbos sitting leisurely on the ruins, comfortably holding Erlang’s leg, and his left leg dangling lazily.

Peach Rabbit clenched his silver teeth: “What are you doing just watching, and you don’t come to help?!” ”

“Gee… This group of robots also don’t know how to pity Xiang Xiang and cherish jade, so that Miss Gion loses face, this is the sadness of not having a boyfriend. ”

Barbos teased: “How about it, do you want to come to me to be a little eight.” ”

“You !!”

Peach Rabbit’s dizzy eyes are really hateful, actually watching her jokes!

Immediately said viciously: “Go back, I will find Marshal Sakaski to complain about you!” ”

“Whatever you like, maybe Sakaski will promise you to me.”

Barbos shrugged.


While the two were chatting, PX Klockdar suddenly flashed, exactly the same as the real version of Klockdar, and the golden hook in his hand stabbed towards Barbos’s head.

Peach Rabbit couldn’t help but exclaim: “Be careful! Your ——?! ”

Before the words fell, PX Klockdar was covered in purple light.


Click… Click… Click

His body granulated, turning into countless purple rays of light and scattering.

“The body has been killed by me, and the robot still comes out to shame? You shouldn’t be foolish enough to think that you are stronger than your own body. ”

Barbos looked at the remaining PX Moriah and PX Doflamingo and shot two energy balls each.

Thundered! Thundered!!

As two deafening explosions fell, a large number of parts were spilled aside. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The last two SSGs disappeared.

“This, this is gone?!”

The peach rabbit covered her cherry small mouth, and her beautiful eyes were magnified several times.

She used three SSGs that she couldn’t cross with all her strength, and Barbos killed them in a single move, what a powerful strength is this?

“Silly girl, what are you still stunned for, you should go in.”

Barbos strode into the shipyard.

Peach Rabbit’s beautiful eyes gradually lost their concentration, looking at this thin but exceptionally majestic back, and for a while it was a little difficult to extricate himself.

“Maybe it’s not bad to be a little eight, ordinary people and this guy may not be able to look at it.”

Peach Rabbit muttered, and the ghost sent a sentence like this.

In fact, this is like those little three and four who were raised in the previous life, maybe many people look down on it, but you must understand that first of all, you are raised by the local tycoons, you also need capital, there is no angelic appearance and devilish body, who will pack you?

“Damn, what do you think?!”

After coming back to his senses, the peach rabbit’s face was red and his ears were red………

When did he have such low fun, and actually want to compete to be a junior, it’s just too … No, it’s too humiliating to compete as a junior!!


With a loud bang, the outer walls of the ship were forcibly blasted.

The huge space inside comes into view, and the north and south lengths cannot see the edge.

Barbos saw the black battleship near the port at a glance, and he didn’t know anything about shipbuilding, but the visual impact of the ship in front of him was too strong, and the first feeling was big!

His line of sight couldn’t even be fully accommodated.

“My God, this, what kind of ship is this?!”

The peach rabbit who arrived afterwards also marveled, she had never seen such a majestic battleship in her life.

The black color is like a super battleship from the depths of hell, born with a kingly spirit, which makes people’s scalps numb.

Forget about people, it is difficult to imagine that a ship has such a sense of oppression.

“This, this can’t be Hades, right?!”

Peach Rabbit chuckled in his heart, this mission is aimed at this.

“Guessed right, give you a free plane ticket to heaven!!”

A cold and hoarse voice, 2.1 sounds, came from the black battleship.

Barbos and Peach Rabbit looked up, and in the middle of the battleship, a staircase extended from the inside of the hull.

Monchi D Dragon debuts.

Needless to say, this way of appearance is quite dramatic, and everyone’s attention is immediately led.

Barbos also played with the taste: “Yo, the leader of the great revolutionary army has changed careers and started to enter the entertainment industry, but don’t talk about your appearance, no one can even look at the old bacon, right?” At most, play an animal, which echoes your image. ”

“Stinky little ghost, you don’t need to sharpen your teeth, today is your end!!”

The dragon qi is corrupted, isn’t this mocking him for not being a person!


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