Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 80

Chapter 81

Barbos leaned down, his right arm pressed against the earth, and the endless destructive power in his hand poured into the ground.

“Boy, Hugh thinks !!”

Auntie seemed to understand what Barbos was going to do, and stomped on it with a heavy foot.

Bang bang!!

The ground shook violently, and many people thought that Barbos had been trampled into mashed meat.

The actual foot was still about two meters from the ground, and Barbos’s right arm held it up steadily.

This scene looks stupid to everyone, Auntie’s bloated body, how can Barbos’s small arms and legs catch it, even with one hand?!

“Destruction !!”

Barbos burst into laughter, and Auntie’s foot was wrapped in purple light.


The old woman began to scream again, and in an instant, her foot was dismembered.

After Barbos ignored his aunt and injected enough destructive power into the ground, the constantly active Marin Duo finally stopped.

Everything is back to normal, and the souls that have given Marin so much have been annihilated.

“Next up is you.”

Barbos looked coldly at the battered aunt, and the killing intent was undiminished.

After the aunt increased, it seemed that her strength was invincible, but in fact, it was full of flaws, and her burly body was the biggest target.

Barbos pointed his thumb into the sky, and the massive destructive power began to condense again.

The energy ball quickly grew larger and expanded to about the size of a warship, and Barbos threw it towards Auntie.


The energy ball exploded against Auntie’s stomach, and the ultimate destructive power easily blasted open the stomach.

The organs in the body were devastated, and Auntie’s organs were severely damaged before, and she could still survive, which was nothing more than injecting soul into it, and Barbos came with another wave of secondary destruction, annihilating those organs on the spot.


After suffering fatal blows one after another, Auntie’s body was like a deflated leather ball, returning to its normal size.

When she came into view, she was miserable, her arms were gone, her stomach was also disemboweled, and her internal organs were empty and destroyed.

One of the legs was also lost in the fierce battle with Barbos.

This miserable appearance made everyone gasp.


It’s really miserable!

These are the four emperors of the new world!

In the end, it ended up in this picture, which is really incredible.

“Ma Ma Ma~~~”

The aunt, who still had her last breath left, continued to laugh strangely: “Little ghost, do you think you killed the old lady, too naïve!! ”

“Don’t look at the old lady like this, you can’t kill me either!!”

Aunt still maintained her arrogance: “Don’t forget, the old lady is a soul fruit ability user, and what she is best at is using souls!” ”


Barbos was too lazy to talk nonsense with this old woman, and with a flick of his fingers, the energy ball covered the remains of Auntie’s body.


With a loud bang, Bigmom’s body was blown to pieces.

With the blessing of destruction, those pieces were eventually annihilated.

There are no bones left, if you can survive in this way, Auntie can definitely be regarded as the strongest creature on land.


Whitebeard’s side also noticed that the aunt’s aura had disappeared, and his heart was immediately heavy.

There is an aunt, and you can help him share it a little, but now the aunt is gone, and the white-bearded pirate group is difficult to support alone.

Don’t look at the white-bearded face is full of calmness, but the depth of his eyes is actually full of worry.

The strength of the navy is far stronger than he thought.

“Ahem… Old man, you seem to be afraid? ”

Chi Inu rubbed his chest, and the expression on his face was a little painful, but he could barely squeeze out a smile: “Barbos has set bigmom, and he can join forces with his old husband to clean you up, does it make you feel uneasy, or even… Fear?! ”


Whitebeard seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world: “Magma little ghost me, who do you think Lao Tzu is, Lao Tzu is a white beard!” ”

The green tendons on Whitebeard’s arms surged up, and he threw out an invincible heavy punch: “Air shock!! ”


The giant shockwave escaped, and the destructive force of the explosion shook the surrounding navy away.

“Come on, old immortal!!”

The red dog did not hesitate in the slightest, and roared back: “Hades dog!! ”

Bang bang!!

The magma exploded on the shock wave, melting it in most of its parts, finally forcing it to stop.

The red dog secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the whitebeard’s combat power was really not covered, and it made him a little breathless.

“Get out of here!!”

As Whitebeard’s icy roar fell, the momentum of the shock wave suddenly became stronger, and the magma burst with a bang, accelerating towards the red dog himself…….

Bang bang!!

“Wow!! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The red dog screamed, and a stream of blood spewed out of his mouth.

The exaggerated shock wave hit his abdomen, and even if he defended with armed colors, the organs in his body were fatally oppressed, violently squirming and even deformed.


In the nick of time, the purple light included the shock wave, annihilating it with nothing left.

Hoo hoo!!

The red dog lay on the ground panting, extremely embarrassed.

“The strongest man in the world is worthy of the name, and he actually made Sakaski so embarrassed.”

Barbos glanced sympathetically at the red dog.

Although the red dog in the original book severely injured Whitebeard, he was actually quite miserable, and his head was beaten and bleeding.

And the current white beard is different from the white beard who topped the war in the original work, and with the help of his aunt, he has recovered his peak combat power.

“Auntie is dead, why hasn’t the soul he integrated into your body been lifted yet?!”

Barbos asked suspiciously.

“Goo la ~~~”

Whitebeard grinned: “This can only mean one thing, you still didn’t kill that woman.” ”

These words fell, causing countless people to be stunned.

All mud horses destroyed the corpse of Auntie, is this still killed? 3.3 “Lingling is good at manipulating souls, you just killed her body, you want to completely erase her, and you also need to destroy her soul.” ”

Whitebeard looked at the sea thoughtfully: “That cunning woman, the soul is estimated to have fled long ago.” ”

In fact, there are many similar examples, such as Brooke, he is a Huangquan fruit ability, even if the person dies, the soul of the person is still alive, and he can still be dashing.

Auntie’s manipulation of the soul fruit has long been at its peak, and it is not difficult for her own soul to go out.

Barbos only smiled slightly when he heard this, and his face flashed with inexplicability.

“Whitebeard, you really think I didn’t expect this? What you think you think is not necessarily right. ”


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