Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 81

Chapter 82

“Don’t talk nonsense with this old man, first ask for his old life!!”

The red dog wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth: “Old man, prepare to bear the anger of the old man!!” ”

The red dog is very excited, and the last time he and Barbos teamed up, the two teamed up to invade Cake Island and beat Bigmom up.

This time, they want to repeat the miracle of yesteryear!

Barbos flashed to the red dog, and they didn’t pay much attention to morality for the pirates.

“Goo la la la !!”

Whitebeard let out a bold laugh and said freely: “Two little fart children who have not dried up, you join forces… Will Lao Tzu be afraid! ”


The atmosphere shattered and opened, as fragile as paper paste.

Cong Yun cut condensed the transparent air cover, and Whitebeard swung his knife at Barbos.

Subconsciously, Whitebeard already thinks that Barbos is a greater threat.

Barbos did not panic in the slightest, condensed purple light with one hand, covered it in a thick layer, and grabbed it.

“Arrogant 25!!”

“It’s so blind that you dare to grab Daddy’s attack with one hand!”

“Come on daddy, chop off the hands of this bastard Barbos!!”


The shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the Whitebeard Pirate Group were collectively angry, and no one had ever dared to despise Whitebeard so much.

Whether it’s Roger in the past or Red Dog today.


The slap in the face was that the dangerous bush cloud cut finally stopped above his head and was caught by Barbos with one hand.

This scene, the number of people watching was stunned.

The red dog was also stunned for a moment, could it be… Barbos’s strength surpassed him.

“Sakaski, why are you still standing silly.” Barbos urged.

“It’s coming!”

The returning red dog quickly swept in front of Barbos, and Whitebeard was already prepared, and another fist slammed into the red dog.

The red dog moved his head to the left, avoiding the incoming punch, and a backhand shot of magma hit Whitebeard’s chest.


Bang bang!!

The magma exploded on Whitebeard’s body, and the furious force directly blew him back, and even flew out with a knife.


The white beard fell heavily to the ground, and the upper half of his body was covered in flames.


“Damn red dogs, damn Barbos!!”

“Daddy is the strongest man in the world, and he will definitely be fine.”


The members of the Whitebeard Pirates are in a hurry, and it is indeed not a small thing for Barbos and Red Dog to join forces.

One attracts firepower, and the other is responsible for heavy punch output.

No one can resist the joint efforts of two peak admirals.

“It’s really different at the peak.”

Barbos’s gaze was sharp, piercing the sea of fire.

The red dog in the original work, as soon as the dog fired, penetrated the whitebeard’s chest, and burned it together with all the internal organs.

The white-bearded man in front of him was much stronger, relying on the defense of armed colors, he successfully blocked the magma of the red dog, and the surface of his body was only slightly burned.

“Hmph, I don’t believe how long this old immortal can stop it!”

The blow was unsuccessful, and the red dog muttered slightly unpleasantly.

“Don’t worry, Sakaski, this old man can’t consume us.”

Barbos Cloud was light and breezy, stomped his foot lightly, and the purple energy fluctuations spread: “Destruction!!” ”


The earth under Whitebeard’s feet was erased in the blink of an eye and fell deep into the ground.


Marko saved his father and turned into a blue undead bird and rushed to the ground.

Seeing this, Chi Inu and Barbos also rushed to mend the knife, and two figures blocked their way.

A large number of flowers surrounded the two, one of them was on fire, the other was full of destructive power, and the approaching flowers were annihilated.

“Yay Worthy of being an admiral. ”

“Foil” Bista and “Diamond” Joz blocked in front of the two.

“Two wastes, don’t measure yourself!!”

The red dog was furious, and any cat and dog dared to come up and block the way, and immediately a large magma fist blasted over: “Go and die, big breathfire!!” ”

Seeing this, Joz’s body shrank into a ball, and a large number of diamonds appeared on his body.

Bang bang!!

The scorching air flow scattered, and although Joz was also repelled, the magma also fell.

With his strong defense, Joz blocked the blow unharmed.

“Bista, this guy from the red dog is handed over to you.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Barbos is mine!!”

Joz stared at Barbos with awe-inspiring eyes, and this serious look directly made Barbos laugh.

“It’s wonderful, he can still pick opponents.”

It is a miracle that you can win a big general by joining forces, and there is no difference between 1v1 and giving away heads.

“Laugh at your uncle ah laugh!!”

Feeling the anger of the underestimated Joz, he turned into a huge diamond ball and rolled over again.

Barbos took the initiative and stepped out, his fist greeted with lightning speed.

Bang Bang Click!!

The silvery-white crystal residue fell off, and the place where Barbos’s fist hit shattered.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!!”

Joz in the diamond ball screamed, and everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates tugged their hearts.

First daddy, now Joz… This war, it seems, has no chance of victory.

“Uncle Ben fought with you!!”

Joz returned to his human form, his hands wrapped around diamonds and armed color domineering.

470 Barbos punched reaction.

Bang Bang Click!!

Once again, the diamonds covered in the surface shattered, and the force of destruction consumed Joz’s arm.

In less than a second, the entire right hand is gone.

“Joz !!”

Marko shouted, and at the same time, he finally crawled out from under the ground with his white beard in tow.

Looking at the tragic situation of the two sons, Whitebeard was furious.

Not only Joz, but Bista was also extremely embarrassed, with extensive burns on his body.

In the original work, the strongest captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is Marko, but when he was in the war, Marko was beaten away by the red dog with a fist, and the gap in strength is indeed not small.

Not to mention Bista and Joz.

“Before the real decisive battle begins, sweep away you garbage!”


The magma fist slammed in an instant, and the speed was ridiculously fast.

“Too fast!!” Bista subconsciously crossed the double sword defense.

Bang bang!!

The overwhelming force was naturally not something he resisted, and the magma instantly exploded it, and the scattered flames swallowed it all over.

It’s just a blink of an eye, and half of my body is left.

It was the same on Barbos’s side, where Joz simply disappeared in place.


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