Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

Deathly Subversion

6/5 afternoon

Kathra’Natir was no mere brute, nor was he a simple schemer. This particular Nathrezim had spent milennia in the burning crusade, with his primary role being that of a subversive. He did not have his blade, Apocalypse, to help direct him to weak points, but he was no less adept. He had volunteered to assist Lady Vanessa in taking the city of Ironforge. Conquering a city with their own unique form of magic was not so very different from subverting the cities of Navane, but he was aware that this was not his primary role. He was to be a field commander of the modest force of demons here.

He looked down at Gigi Littlewhisker, the tool he had been given. When Sylvanas had captured her, she had been a kobold. There was nothing marketable about kobolds. Even if she had managed to become a popular singer, she would have filled a small niche with minimal cultural impact. Kathra’Natir did not think that was a sufficiently useful application of even her meager talents as a musician.

Gigi looked at her new reflection. The former Kobold was a dwarf now, and quite a beautiful one. He had no way to ensure that she would reach critical mass, but he could teach her to weave poison or honey into her words. Gigi’s songs, infused with shadow magic, could do their small part in bringing Ironforge to heel. In the meantime, hopefully she could encourage support for the Ironforge military. Anything to advance the goals of the retinue.


Her first gig would be in Tinkertown by popular demand. 80 gnomes with communication talent can push for almost anything and convince at least some of their neighbors to join in. Enthusiasm for a performer, a trendy new gadget, resentment of a minority, war with an ally, unity with an old enemy. Kathra’Natir would serve as an agent when he had time, and her shadow laced music would ensure that her audience would love it. She just needed practice.


I looked over the spoils of war. One hydra, two skill chips, a greater temptress bell, and a reversing mirror. The temptress bell was probably going to the Darkmoon Faire for credits, but the rest was going to see at least some use. Overall, it was a really good haul and I pocketed the contents just in case.

Once again, I loaded myself up with defensive spells and backup on my way to Naxxramas. This time I intended to actually go into my new dread citadel. It felt surprisingly comfortable there. I didn’t see anyone initially, but I felt eyes on me; friendly ones.

*Welcome, master. What is your will?* The words popped directly into my skull in a deep, masculine rasp.

“I was planning on looking around. Is the Scourge still here?” I relaxed slightly. I felt the same instinctive recognition that came with meeting most members of my retinue.

*Yes, and there is no need to speak out loud, master. I am in your thoughts and the remnants may seek to harm you.*
I shrugged and responded in kind. *Where are they and what are they doing?*

*Packing, for the most part. Many experiments, tools, and workshops were stored in these halls that could not be broken down and transported easily.*

I mulled that over before realizing I was being an asshole. *Excuse me, who are you?*

*I am one of the many spirits of Naxxramas. I believe my name was once William, but seeing myself as an individual feels novel after all these years. I must say that it is a pleasure to speak to one who would deign to see me as an individual.*

*Spirits, you say? How are you, that’s the collective you this time, with possession? Sorry to immediately switch to treating you as a collective but I am looking for ways to bloody the Scourge’s nose.*

*Excellent. I was hoping so. As to your question, most of us are quite weak. In a way we are already possessing the necropolis itself. Keeping it afloat takes much of our strength. Some of us can make use of simple tools or weapons, but many of us need to work together if we wish to possess someone strong willed. It would be unwise to do while the Scourge still threatens to destroy the engines which house us.*

I sighed. I didn’t want to risk that. I hadn’t known that I was instantly capturing a bunch of people when I stole Naxxramas, but I wasn’t going to risk them now. *Damn. Well, can you at least tell me the locations of anyone or anything that seems isolated or vulnerable? Extremely powerful and attractive women who would try to kill me on sight would be ideal.*

William was silent for a few seconds, while I pondered if he was looking or trying to process my strange request. *The stockpile of Saronite weaponry is still being gathered from the death knight wing, primarily by drudge zombies. Essentially unguarded. A few scientists are overseeing their own minor projects in the construct quarter. Some of them are female but I do not know what you consider powerful. The primary dangers are the death knights led by Sir Zeliek poised to attack the engine if they sense weakness, and Grand Widow Faerlina attempting to gather the last of Maexxna’s eggs.*

*Faerlina certainly qualifies as powerful enough to count!* I recognized her name. It’s not a very scientific metric, but generally speaking I have never regretted capturing someone I recognized from prior knowledge.

*Oh. I assumed you only wanted isolated women. She is most certainly not alone. Her entourage is quite large even without the spiders she is working with.*

Shit. I came here alone for attacks of opportunity and to scout it out. I was still planning on clearing out Nefarian’s lair later today; I didn’t want to risk troops here. On the other hand, Faerlina was a pretty redhead that could easily kill a trained and well coordinated team of 40 commandos if she didn’t have an unfortunate tendency to walk around at all times with her only known weakness on hand. Raid mechanics are fun like that.

I decided to split the difference and bring in a team to try and get Faerlina that seemed unlikely to take substantial losses. Ysera, Alexstrasza, and Sylvanas along with me. I looked over the options for Alexstrasza’s upgrade.


Strength: Essence of the Red: Erich gains the Dragonheart heritage perk, attuned to the Red Dragonflight. Refunded credits gained through this bonus perk can only be used to purchase additional Dragon Heritage perks.

Agility: Purifying Flames: Alexstrasza can burn out corruption and undesirable influences from allies and enemies alike. She gains enhanced fine control over this ability, allowing her to burn out any undesirable corruption up to but not including a completed binding without causing irreparable harm to the victim. Can take anywhere from a few moments to 6 hours depending on the depth of corruption

Stamina: Gift of Life: Should Erich ever be permanently defeated (I.e. in such a way as to render the retinue disbanded) he will instead be resurrected and fully healed at Alexstrasza’s current location and this benefit is lost for a year and a day.

Intellect: To Bring New Life: Alexstrasza’s breath can purify any material and foster new growth by default. With this perk, she gains fine control over that growth, allowing her to transmute any biomass consumed by her flames into any type of plant that the retinue has a sample of.

Spirit: Life-Binder - sentient but non-sapient living things in Alexstrasza’s line of sight (whether or not she is aware of them or even conscious) are passively captured over the course of 24 hours. Should she leave before something is fully captured, the progress of capture will tick down at a 1:1 basis. For example, being with a wolf for 12 hours then leaving for 4 hours would result in a wolf 16 hours from capture.


I quickly settled on Purifying Flames. It might be useful in this fight, and it would definitely be useful later. It was the closest thing to what I’d promised: a way to heal Vaelen wasn’t quite as good as inoculation of her whole flight, but it would have to do.

The spirits of Naxxramas could tell me the approximate capabilities of everyone present, so we were able to put together a plan without too much trouble. We’d abort mission at the first sign of trouble, of course.



Faerlina was horribly irritated by the necessity of moving the spiders. Maexxna was horribly distressed by the disruption; nearly ten percent of the citadel had been carefully rebuilt to serve as a terrarium for the great spider and now she had to be moved to the fungal vale. She’d eaten three of her caretakers since then. That was nearly double her normal rate.

There was no warning before they were attacked. The denizens of Naxxramas had relied far too much on the treacherous shades to alert them to danger, so she hadn’t even drawn Widow’s Remorse when the cloud of green fog rolled in, enriched with life energy. The spiderlings went torpid, and her acolytes weren’t doing much better. Their movements were sluggish as the three elven women entered the room.

Faerlina let loose a barrage of fiery stones at the three. The undead high elf, perhaps the banshee queen herself, turned into a shadow and reformed a few feet away. The night elven woman dove to the side, but the burns she sustained mended themselves in a few seconds. The towering horned redhead didn’t react to the fires at all, reacting with her own spreading waves of flame. Her acolytes moved to engage while Faerlina supported from afar.

The Grand Widow felt a blow to her back, mostly absorbed by the thin plates of saronite woven into her robes. She whipped around with her blade, swinging wide to give herself some breathing room. A man in dark, concealing armor leapt back, out of her immediate reach. She charged him, holding her blade ahead of her. The man produced a golden hand bell, which he tapped against his crescent shaped blade.

She shifted her stance. She needed to present herself better if she was going to seduce him in the master’s name. The danger of his weapon meant nothing; she needed to draw him into the master’s service by any means necessary. She sheathed her blade and approached him, swaying her hips. While her servants dealt with the women, Faerlina would handle this one.


He had an amused smile as she began to disrobe; good. He was interested. She would fuck him until he was ready to join the Cult of the Damned. “Care to join me?” He touched a wall and created a portal. She felt her lust rising, but she wasn’t stupid. She wouldn’t let herself be isolated like that.

“Oh? Leaving already? Why not have a little fun here instead?” He frowned, then shrugged and walked up to her. His armor flickered, and she could see his full physique. She pounced upon him; her body surged with desire upon seeing his erect penis. He was vulnerable. Her frenzy triggered, as it always does when she is in a combat situation. The lust multiplied as she rode him. “Yes! Give it to me! Give me your seed!” She pinned him down and ground against him, her shining green eyes wide with desire. He was entirely within her power.

She fell to the ground, shocked for a moment, before she felt herself pushed down, her face against the cold stone. “I dunno, how about we try with me on top.” It wasn’t ideal; he could stop at any time like this, but for now she needed to entice him. If this was what he wanted, she couldn’t afford to turn him off. She shook her ass and let out a lusty growl as he resumed their coupling.

“Also, I like choking.” He pulled her head up by her long hair, then threw a chain around her neck. She of course didn’t stop, and wouldn’t even if he were to strangle her to death. The greatest glory is to die in the master’s service!

“Finally, I’m really into fucking possessed girls, so I’m going to bring in a friend to help with that, then we can start in on dirty talk…”

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