Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

So Happy Together


I’ll admit. I’m not very good at oral. I don’t particularly enjoy licking pussy, so it’s just not something I’ve invested much effort into. I like it when my partners are enjoying themselves, so I know the basics, but even at my best I’m usually better off using my fingers.

That said, I didn’t want my girls to be half assing it when a VIP came through the doors of the temple of love and beauty, so I pulled every trick Sticky Fingers whispered in my ears to make sure that Elune was reduced to a puddle. To be fair, the objective was less to make sure she enjoyed herself and more to ensure that she was hopelessly addicted to me, so going all in was justified.

“I know a few more tricks to make this even better.” I whispered into her ear while I edged her with my fingers for the fourth time. “I just need you to play along. Would that be so bad?”

The possessed high priestess nodded, Elune’s judgment extremely compromised by a compliment of punishments and incentives. She wanted to enjoy this “one off experience” as much as possible after all.

Submission to Erich? Validation.

Praise for Erich? Validation.

Being near Erich? Arousal.

Suspicion? Amnesia.

Trying to leave the company space? Paralysis.

Breaking the rules of the temple? Shame.

I had a real chance of making this work, and I needed to be careful not to scare her off. Oh sure, if I could keep her erupting like a geyser for several hours, then she’d be mine anyway thanks to aggressive initiations, but that would only work if she stayed that long. Unfortunately, my amulet couldn’t stop Elune from leaving Tyrande’s body if something did shock her. Much better to goad her into a bit of kink and try to seal the deal.



Tony and Sally were married in the temple of Elune, mostly because it was quicker and easier to do it in the ancient past where time moved faster. They were able to invite anyone they wanted, so to the shrinking population of uncaptured Kaldorei the wedding party was quite odd. Unfortunately, they weren’t doing this for purely romantic reasons; they were prepping for their expedition into another world. That meant that first thing the next morning they needed to jump into modern day real quick and get Tony a regional upgrade.

There weren’t a lot of outstanding missions, but the two of them were provided with some impressive overkill as backup. The newlyweds, both rather powerful, would have probably managed to kill Dr. Weavil without too much trouble even if they’d been sent alone. Instead, I sent the dragon aspects (save Neltharia) to back them up. Any one Gnomish mad scientist simply lacked the resources necessary to properly counter one marauding Aspect. Three of them working together might possibly have been driven off by the full might of Gnomeregan, but as things stood it was fairly easy to set up the kill for Tony.

As it turns out, Dr. Weevil had a mind control ray, allowing him to brainwash unprepared targets instantly into fanatical devotees (at the cost of some brain damage). In a world where I didn’t have defenses, that would be fairly terrifying. In this world, where I not only had Mind Defense but also had science talent and master gnomish engineers, it was a loot piñata. The documentation indicated that it only worked on middling sized humanoid targets, but that included the core 8 races plus high elves so it was more than enough for me. No dragons or old gods, though. More’s the pity.

The actual rewards for the mission, Greater Waters of Lethe and a Deluxe Mission Ticket, were nice but unexceptional. Tony’s regional rewards were a bit more exciting.

Strength- Loot! Tony gains the ability to find valuable and even magical items anywhere he goes. When he kills something or someone, there is a fairly good chance that he will be able to find something he can sell or use on their body. Occasionally, he will find a magical piece of equipment, detailed schematics for a useful item, or a gemstone, though really powerful items are exceptionally rare. More powerful or noteworthy people enemies will be more likely to drop better loot.

Agility- Thug Life: Tony will be immediately accepted into any criminal organization without question or background checks. Leadership will trust him completely after a fairly short period proving himself.

Stamina- Corpse Run: If killed, Tony will remain entirely cognizant of his surroundings and will generally be perceived as not yet ready to pass on. Kyrian spirit healers will consider it their duty to resurrect or otherwise assist him. Resurrection by Kyrians is extremely taxing on the body, usually requiring a day of bedrest before the target can even walk.

Intelligence- Bandit Lord: Tony gains the abilities of a Bandit Lord creep (heavy weapons and armor, a horse, stealth, divine shield, and devotion aura). In addition, he may train an ally as a rogue or assassin creep (as a mercenary camp, but free) once per day each. A rogue is a lightly armored stealthy fighter, an assassin is a stronger rogue with a poisonous ranged attack.

Spirit- Folksy charm: People who would normally consider themselves superior to Tony will find him incredibly likable. The more elitist, classist, or smug the target the more endearing they will find him. A snooty academic might be unusually patient with him, while someone like Azshara would instantly fall madly in love with him.

It wasn’t too hard to decide what to take. Thug Life was too narrow and Corpse Run was redundant. Bandit Lord would be moderately powerful during an isekai but basically useless in a main-timeline context. An assassin (rogues didn’t even register) wouldn’t be as useful as a fully upgraded queen in basically any context; even stealth was only slightly better than burrow. Loot! had potential, but again it’s impact shriveled and died if I considered the main timeline. Archaedes and his apprentices were already mass producing epic gear from late in Wrath of the Lich King, and would be doing so even faster once I had swarms of Nerubian Drones mining Saronite.

Folksy Charm was… unique, and tied to Tony. Inverting elitist disdain was niche, but it would work best on people in positions of power or authority. I briefly smiled at the mental image of Tony ending up in Sanctuary and immediately getting a fist bump from Imperious, the xenophobic Archangel of Valor.

The example of Azshara was almost certainly an extreme one; you don’t get much more arrogant or elitist than the beautiful hereditary ruler of a world spanning empire with a god complex and an aura that makes people love her, so you don’t get much more extreme a reaction than fanatical devotion at first sight. That said, while most people wouldn’t immediately throw themselves at his feet, it would substantially smooth out all sorts of potential diplomatic hiccups. I didn’t expect him to have many opportunities to sweet talk incarnate deities, but even once would be quite enough.

Of course, I was busy right when those options became available, but I got to them before the newlyweds headed out.


I put one finger in the blindfolded goddess’s mouth and felt her gently suck on it. The blindfold was almost certainly symbolic; I doubted that her vision was meaningfully impeded by a strip of cloth any more than the delicate chains tying her to the bed would actually stop her from standing up if she wanted.

I ran my tongue delicately around her nipple before asking her a question. “Do you think you deserve a reward, Elune? Will you be a good girl?”

Her borrowed body stretched towards my hand, hungry for more stimulation. After the initial whirlwind, I’d started edging her. Each dose of pleasure needed to be earned, and I never quite let her climax.

“Y- yes. Yes, I’ll be a good girl.” I brushed the Gnomish Pleasure device across her sopping clit, letting just a whisper of the mind numbing energy into her body.

“Good, I’m glad. You’re almost there.” I checked her ass for the buttplug of the devoted lover. It had a blunted effect on the goddess, since it wasn’t actually in her own ass, but every bit helped. She knew a bit about my powers. She knew that a love confession or a magic circle would bind her to me completely. I’d asked her if she loved me a few times and she’d shut down. That had been difficult to smooth over, but tsundere service helped.

Thankfully, I had this method, which I hadn’t used yet. Shout out to Pryzhum for seducing half the submissive men in Silvermoon; somehow the implications of Cairne’s perk in the bedroom had totally slipped my mind. A consequence of capture becoming too easy, perhaps?

“Tell me, tell me you’re a good girl who will do whatever you’re told. Good girls get to cum.”

“Yes,” she moaned, “yes I’m a good girl. I’ll do anything you ask of me!”

It wasn't a statement that would ever hold up in court. She was edged to the point of insanity in a kinky roleplay situation. She was essentially drugged, too. None of that mattered to The Company. She meant it; she meant it in this specific context, but there was no space for nuance in her lust-addled mind. I brought down the Gnomish pleasure device, lodging it into my newest capture’s snatch.

She thrashed about in overwhelming ecstasy. Her mind went entirely blank, and if it weren’t for my defenses I’d honestly worry she was having a seizure. I had to do it; I’m not a liar. Good girls get to cum.


Sally woke up in a bed that felt very familiar. She’d been expecting that; when possessing someone their trappings always seem familiar. She was alone, and from the birds outside it was early morning. She wasn’t going to get a better opportunity than this to get her bearings. She barely glanced around before checking herself.

Her amulet took the form of a simple copper bracelet, something pretty but relatively cheap. When she tried to think about them, she couldn’t quite recall the detailed explanations for how to make ritual circles, but the schematics for a gnomish mind control device still felt fresh. It wouldn’t do her much good right now, of course; she didn’t seem likely to find enough truesilver or mithril lying around to make one. The designs she’d memorized for simple firearms, ammo, and explosives were more likely to be useful if she couldn’t touch the Light.

Thankfully that wasn’t a concern. She felt a comforting warmth when she reached out, but it was weaker than she was used to, like when she was just learning. Perhaps she’d lost her training but was still in Azeroth? She could work with that. She didn’t see any sign of Tony, but her amulet indicated that he was in the same world as her somewhere.

The thorny vines that manifested from her flesh when she called them were a comfort. Her symbiote was empowered by a regional upgrade, which apparently meant she got to keep the whole thing. It’s physical enhancements (comparable to Tony’s lion form when they had sparred) hadn’t been a dramatic improvement to her as High Inquisititor Whitemane, but both the mind controlling poison and the natural weapons should be a tremendous benefit during her time as… Sally Whitemane.

Sally rushed to the small polished iron mirror her papa gave her when she joined the priesthood, kept in the wood chest her uncle made for mama when he was still an apprentice carpenter. She looked in the mirror, and confirmed her suspicion. She was herself, in her own home, when she was fourteen.


With ice forming in her heart, she pulled the shutters open and looked into the distance at a ravaged Southshore. She knew what happened. Orcs led by their warlord Thrall had raided the town, stealing every seaworthy vessel they had. Repairs were going slowly, what will all the soldiers injured or called away north, but everyone believed they would rebuild without too much trouble.

Likely they would have, if they’d had more than two weeks of safety left before the Scourge would come. With mounting dread, Sally finished checking her amulet’s mission log.


Repel the Scourge from Southshore for 30 days.

Reward: Benediction/Anathema

Patron: all citizens of Southshore saved by this mission will be resurrected (if necessary) and instantly captured

The words helped Sally focus. It was possible. Whatever she looked like she was not the same terrified girl. She had been blessed with another chance.

The girl walked down the stairs in a dreamlike haze, into the kitchen where she’d incinerated her father’s rampaging corpse with a burst of light. She walked up to her mama, who was cooking a few eggs, and gave her a hug. A single needle-like thorn injected the inquisitor's sting, starting the process of capture even as her very confused mama tried to push her off and direct her to tend the goats.


Man that just might be the least horny pic I’ve ever generated for this story.

Anyway, here’s the next preliminary poll. Choose anything you want to show up on the final poll; we aren’t spending credits yet, just determining what’s on the menu.



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