Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 161

< Unexpected synergy. (2) >

The Essence of Westphalia.

Headquarters of heavy industry Krupp.

rumble. rumble.

rites of the generals.

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On the streets of Essen, the carriages of the German Imperial Army continued.

harsh horseshoe sounds.

Cavalry on horseback escorts the carriage train.

A solemn and solemn atmosphere spreads through the streets of Essensi.

“Sir. Citizens are flocking to the streets.”

“Leave it. Aren’t they Krupp’s employees? They’re great human resources.”

“…..All right.”

The lieutenant kept his mouth shut.

The rattling wagon.

Moltke looked out the window indifferently.

“…They’re great human resources, but I don’t know if spending goes up even if the welfare is so good. That’s for me. When I was active on the battlefield, I was rolling on the dirt floor and couldn’t even eat properly.”

‘You were the commander!’

The lieutenant was not funny.

However, he laid the iron plate firmly on his face, smiled and sat down with Moltke.

The lieutenant of the general rank is the life of Paris.

I really didn’t like it, but the greased tongue rolled brilliantly.

“How can the general public understand the struggles of the war hero. However, the citizens are also genuinely proud of and respecting the dignity and authority of the German Imperial Army.”

“Damn, the flamboyant tongue lived only the mouth.”

Moltke smiles bitterly while spitting out venomous words.

The lieutenant felt that life was very difficult to live.


“No. As you said, the German Imperial Army is the most respected group in Germany. Citizens need to show some respect for the authority of the nobles.”

Moltke pursed his lips.

“Even the old capitalists.”

Krupp’s Board of Directors.

Brigadier Moltke knew.

Social (military) life is an act of grabbing subordinates with preemptive control.

Appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors by order of the Berlin Palace.

So Moltke himself was obliged to seize the capitalists.

“I’m going to have to run it military-style.”

‘…..Oh My God.’

this is not

The terrified Moltke’s exclusive deputy complained, worried about Krupp’s employees.

“…Sir. I am concerned that the military-style operation may cause backlash from the employees. Aren’t social democrats active recently. If there is a strike, there is room for trouble.”

“Then we have to deal with it even more strongly.”

“But Sir. Recently, the atmosphere in the Berlin Palace has been leaning towards the oil painting.”


“I’m sorry. It’s my short opinion, but isn’t the Kaiser’s atmosphere accommodating social democrats? I wonder if sparks will come out to you.”


When the Kaiser was mentioned, Brigadier Moltke shrugged.

He didn’t have the courage to go against Kaiser’s basics.

“Not to mention.”

“thank you.”


Moltke looked at the lieutenant.

“It’s nice to be calm, but don’t forget that I’m your boss. Always keep in mind that you can be arrogant.”




Moltke opened the money clock.

“It’s almost noon now.”

“I will prepare the meal as soon as it arrives.”



The lieutenant took an envelope out of his pocket.

“And a little late, but an envelope arrived at the Schaffhausenshire Bank under the Krupp company.”


Moltke had a look on his face that he was already tired.

“Where did you send it?”

“This is a message sent by the German Investment Corporation. It is about establishing a German settlement bank and wishing for the participation of Schaffhausenshire Bank. An investment proposal is also included.”

“It gives me a headache just to hear it.”

Moltke pressed his forehead.

“You take care of it yourself. I asked you to put me as an adjutant with good brains and quick calculations, so you don’t know how to do that.”

“…Yes, but the payment.”

“Only upload the file folder. Can I just sign the payment?”

The lieutenant read the envelope timidly.

“Okay, then we’ll go in the direction of acceptance. There doesn’t seem to be anything specific about Krupp.”


“And in a few weeks we have a meeting of the German Settlement Bank.”

“Do I have to attend it?”

“I think it would be better to attend if you think about the future business.”

“….. ttt.”

Moltke looked out the window.

“Business just hurts my head.”


it’s ruined

The lieutenant, who saw that, had a dark future painted in his mind.



Former German Rothschild head office.

“Berlin banknotes were rejected.”

“is it.”

Veyron reported.

Initially, a German settlement bank proposal was also sent to the Berlin bank, but it was also rejected.

In fact, he seemed to refuse.

I took the German Rothschild and swallowed it, so there is a cold war with the Berlin bank for the time being.

It was a bit sad.

“It went well. Good luck.”

“…are you running away?”

“No, ignore it. Talk to yourself.”

I wanted to break into the Berlin banknote at this opportunity, but it was a pity.

However, only Berlin refused, and other banknotes were slowly accepting it.

“The Board of Directors of the Bank of Germany for North Germany has given full support. They also say they will join the Bank for German Settlements.”

“Okay, but what about our investment proposal?”

“We also accepted the investment proposal.”

It’s a double defense.

First of all, he becomes a major shareholder by acquiring stakes in participating banks with a large investment.

After that, it participates in the equity structure of the German Settlement Bank.

Major shareholders have the right to veto.

With veto power, banks can prevent betrayal in advance.

‘It doesn’t matter if I betray you. Anyway, my goal is to salivate. All you need is a share.’

Berlin banknotes should be chimbolized someday.

Kylian The inspiration seemed to dislike Prussia, but from my point of view, it’s a lot of fun.

I wanted to spit in Berlin too, but I’m really sorry.

“Vyron, is there no contact from Thyssen?”

“Thyssen hasn’t declined yet, but he’s asking for an interview. It seems like he wants to do a search war.”

“It’s a search game.”

I didn’t have to worry about getting my insides out.

In this worldview, no one knows about the World War yet.

Who would expect the catastrophe that would crush millions of mankind into a meat grinder?

Thyssen’s request is simple.

Perhaps you are wondering what kind of person I am.

“Perhaps he felt something after seeing the West German banks’ aggressive M&A. They’re meeting to confirm the source of this money.”

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay. It’s okay. You can be caught.”

Anyway, Thyssen can no longer refuse.

If you reject my offer and do not join the German Settlement Bank, you will be isolated in West Germany.

To be isolated means to be expelled from the economic sphere.

There was no way that Thyssen did not know the meaning of this.

“If you don’t want to die, I’ll join you.”

“But, Master, this is Thyssen. It’s the best steel company in Germany, is it okay to be so bold?”

“Vyron. Germany is a bit special. There’s a lot of steel. It’s burdensome.”

Ruhr industrial zone.

Saarland (Sarbasin).


It was a famous mineral deposit.

It’s all West Germany.

The mineral reserves of these three places go crazy.

Elsace-Lothringen holds 90% of French iron ore.

The Ruhr and Saar industrial zones contain 50% of Germany’s coal.

“Thyssen is too big to eat alone.”

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Of course, the market pie Thyssen takes is huge.

its incredible size.

The amount of steel extracted with trance goes crazy.

But that’s it.

The mineral deposits were vast, and competitors were springing up.

“It’s Krupp.”

“It’s not just Krupp. There are a lot of competitors.”

Phoenix Steel, Rhine Steel, Hoshu Steel, etc.

Mining companies and steel companies were scattered throughout the industrial zone of West Germany.

It’s smaller than Thyssen.

Even if it was not Thyssen, there were many substitutes.

They are in the position of being chosen, and we are in the position of ‘choosing’.

“Even if Thyssen refuses, other steel companies cannot.”


“Haha. All the banks that loaned them to us are on our side.


No matter how big Thyssen is.

Can it be compared to the US sovereign wealth fund with its financial power?

Sovereign Fund.

It is an insanely sized fund with the budget of the US federal government and the investment of New York banknotes scheduled.

As of yet, only the budget of the Ministry of Finance has been prepared.

‘Yeah, only 1% of the US budget is invested.’

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Of course, it’s counterintuitive.

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Only small horns.

Don’t cover the sky with your hands.

If they collide with each other, it is a car accident.

Thyssen will be taken to the intensive care unit.

“So Thyssen has no choice but to stick with us.”

“…that’s awesome.”

“Perhaps Thyssen’s request for an interview is an attempt to adjust even a little to his advantage.”

I rummaged through the files.

The problem is Krupp.

Thyssen will join as it is, but Krupp is clearly cut and undecided.

Because the Prussian government was backing them.

‘Information is also a problem.’

There was still no special connection with the Prussian kingdom, especially the military side.

If you go to East Germany, you will definitely be behind in the information war.

The Berlin banknote is not on our side.

“It’s tricky.”

Entrepreneurs are rather easy to read.

Because I can see clearly what the profit they want.

But the Prussian government is difficult.

I had no idea what those crazy Junkers were thinking.

Because it was a group that always showed a flair beyond imagination.

‘…I need information.’



Then the door to the living room swung open.

He was a secretary at a hedge fund sent to Germany.

“Sorry while you are busy. A reply has arrived from Krupp.”

“From Krupp?”

I was very nervous inside.

If Krupp refused, things could get a little more complicated. If you refuse, this is not Krupp’s will. The will of the Prussian government had to be seen as mixed.

The secretarial staff took a breath and answered.

“Krupp agreed.”

“is it?”

A smile crept onto Veyron’s face.

My face was reminded of the fact that the number of overtime days was reduced.

However, a dark cloud fell on the face of the secretary’s office.

I intuited it.

‘Things are messed up.’

“Yes, I just contacted you to schedule an additional adjustment.”


followed by a groan.

Veyron’s face hardened like a stone statue.

‘Additional adjustment schedule.’

This is the most common method used by the government.

“I will review it positively by any chance.” Did you get an answer like that?”



“Director. Perhaps this is the answer from the working group. This.”

Veyron frowned.

I agree.

“It can be ruined at any time.”


I nodded heavily.

“I will.”

An evasion of responsibility answer is not an answer.

Perhaps, only then will we be able to receive a definite answer if a director-level attends the ‘additional adjustment’ interview.

“Everyone knows, but be careful.”


The Prussian government should be especially careful.

“They must always keep in mind that they may not act in the national interest. They don’t know what to do if the director-level review is distorted.”

They were full of sudden variables.

I do not trust Prussian Junkers full of military backgrounds.

“Let’s prepare carefully. Disband.”


Simultaneously with my dismissal order, the secretarial staff began to move quickly.


a few weeks later.


“It’s Thyssen.”

Chairman of Thyssen, a German steel company.

August Thyssen led the negotiating team down to Frankfurt.

“Before negotiating, I would like to share with Detroit Chairman Morgan the information we have obtained from Thyssen.”


“Yes, it is confidential information that we received secretly, but it seems to be the most necessary information for the current German settlement bank.”

“Secret… What is the purpose of disclosing it to us?”

I crossed my arms and glared at Thyssen.

It was definitely a time when an information book was needed. There are probably many top secrets that Thyssen’s president can get his hands on, and there are probably many decisive issues in understanding the trends of the German Empire.

But there is no unpaid favor.

This is my negotiating rule.

As I took a step back rather than actively coming out, Thyssen smiled slyly.

As if I knew I was going to ask that question.

“To raise the ransom of our thyssen.”

In his words without hesitation.

My lips drew a large arc.

And I was sure.


you have passed

“Would you like to hear it?”

Thyssen’s tacit consent.

With their joining, a new wind was blowing in the German Empire’s steel industry in real time.

I politely gestured.

“Yes, please.”

“A new Chairman of the Board has been appointed in Prussia.”

President Thyssen paused for a moment.

“We are judging this figure as a parachute of the Prussian military.”

“Prussian military?”

I was surprised in my heart.

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Of course I thought I would take it from the Prussian cabinet.

I hope that the military personnel will be inserted directly.

I could feel the strong will of the Berlin Palace to turn Krupp into a war machine.

The Kaiser of the German Imperial Family is also hot.

“More than that, it’s a parachute. He’s a character with flaws.”

“Yes, the rank of the military personnel appointed this time is brigadier general. I have a feeling that Krupp’s board of directors is not enough.”

It is clear that the Berlin Palace is focused on, and the brigadier general is of a lower rank.

I’m even more curious.

“It looks like there’s a back belly. Who the hell is that?”


President Thyssen’s face fell heavily.

“Helmut von Moltke. It’s called ‘Somoltke’.”

cow maltke.

In World War I, the number one contributor to the Schlieffen Plan.

Prussian military incompetence.

Compared to Dae Möttke, he is a lucky dog.

He’s not very well-received.

I wiped my chin.

‘Isn’t that bad?’

I thought maybe I could bake and live well.

“He is the nephew of the War Hero vs Marshal Moltke.”

“Yeah, this person is probably going to make a big difference to ‘our’ business plans in the future.”


At Thyssen’s word, I smiled.

perfect final blow.

This proves that Thyssen has completely turned to our side.


‘One forward. Now only Krupp is left.’

< Unexpected synergy. (2) > end

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