Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 162

< There was no such thing as (1) >



Former German Rothschild head office.

I welcomed the President of Thyssen.

His steel and German military connections were precious.

Resources I don’t have.

By recruiting him as a member of the German Settlement Bank, I use these resources.

We strolled through the garden.

“The ultimate goal of our German Settlement Bank is an integrated economic bloc in West Germany.”

“Do you mean West Germany from the Rhine to the Elbe?”

“That’s right. East of the Elbe is not the domain of the Junkers.”

“But then you have a problem.”

A problem arises.

President Thyssen said seriously.

“Isn’t integration only when there is a common industry that encompasses the economic sphere of West Germany? Now, even within individual industries, they are scattered.”

common industry.

I have raised my evaluation of Thyssen by a few levels.

This is what Thyssen said.

Even if West Germany’s economic bloc is unified, it will be scattered if there is no common industry.

‘Let’s try it.’

“But why not be integrated into the banking business?”

“No. Absolute economic sphere cannot be integrated into banking. Banking is missing an important element. A very, very important element.”

“What element?”


Thyssen’s eyes lit up.

“It’s a person.”

That’s right.

“The number of workers in the banking industry is too small to be grouped into a common industry. The economic bloc is ultimately a human activity, so if the number of people belonging to it is small, the economic bloc cannot be achieved.”

“I don’t feel like I belong.”

“Yeah, that’s what I mean. Any industry that no one can relate to, like banking, is going to run aground soon.”

“It makes sense.”


In order to form an integrated economic bloc, a wide society that can empathize with each other is necessary.

However, the bank is an elite class consisting of only a small number of people, usually highly educated people.

It was not possible to achieve an integrated economic bloc because it was made up of a minority of the society.

“We need an economy like Krupp.”

Meaning like that.

Krupp’s Essence is a great model.

Essen is a kind of Krupp corporate city, and the city’s population is mostly Krupp workers.

However, the urban economy runs only with workers.

‘Even if we print our own currency, it will be circulated.’

In fact, when hyperinflation broke out in the German economy after World War I, Krupp issued its own currency to stabilize the economy of Essen.

No joke.

Indeed, Krupp formed an independent economic bloc.

“In a word. A central control system is needed to cover that huge economic sphere. A bank can be a headquarter (head), but not a system (body).”

“I would.”

A bank can be the head, but not the body.

I totally agree.

core industries are needed.

“Actually, in JP Morgan Bank, the bank is the head, but the real body is the industry.”

JP Morgan Bank boasts more power than the power of the bank itself, the ‘monopoly industry group’ they have formed.

In fact, the unified industrial group that penetrated the plating era was ‘railroad’.

It was a society where everyone became one with the railroad.

“We need industries like railways in the gilding age. West Germany.”

industries such as railways.

At this point, I had no choice but to understand what Thyssen wanted to say, even if I didn’t want to.

In the beginning, Thyssen was a ‘steel’ business.

“Chairman Thyssen wants to unite West Germany with ‘steel’, right?”

“Haha. You’ve read the truth. That’s right.”

A stinkin’ that reads the insides.

Please look at me openly, but you should be able to not know.

However, there was nothing wrong with President Thyssen’s words.

‘Besides, it’s something I’ve been thinking about.’

Actually, there was a scenario I had been thinking about before I came to Germany.

The German steel industry must be famous.

So, President Thyssen’s proposal was more welcome.

“The German Settlement Bank reigns as the top-level holding company, and under it, steel companies support it like a pillar.”

“That’s correct.”

A pillar called steel that supports the controlling bank.

Let’s compare it to an octopus.

The head is a bank.

Tentacles are meant to be filled with steel.

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Octopuses can’t do anything without legs.

“It’s about building a steel alliance under the control of the German Settlement Bank.”

“Yes, by joining Phoenix Steel, Hosch Steel and Rhine Steel with Thyssen and Krupp as the center, a steel alliance that monopolizes the German market will be created.”

German Steel Alliance.

It’s not bad.

“Oh, have you heard the news?”

“What’s the news?”

President Thyssen expressed his doubts at my sudden words.

I raised my index finger.

“Statistics have come out that Germany’s steel production will soon grow to a level comparable to that of the United States.”

“Oh, I remember seeing that.”

President Thyssen rubbed his chin.

“As far as I know, Germany’s steel production is more than Britain, France and Russia combined.”

“It’s been a while since 10 million tons passed.”

The ranks of the steel industry.

The United States dominates first place.

Germany is second behind it.

less than that.

In short, steel from the US and Germany was bisecting the global steel market.

“Establishing a steel alliance will create price competitiveness and enable German steel to crush the European steel market.”

Is it just to kill?

France, which has ripped out the entire steel belt by the German Empire, will have to live in fear that Germany may become subordinate.

Saarland. Elsace-Lothringen.

all torn

The French industrial zone is in the northeast of France.

However, since the German Empire ripped it apart in the Franco-Prussian War, France’s industrial capabilities were severely debuffed.

“But, isn’t it a system that shows synergy when combined into the Steel Alliance?”

I objected.

“The German steel industry is scattered to be merged into one.”

“Yeah, besides, the steel industry is also very profitable, so even in the form of a joint stock company, it is not often listed on the stock exchange. Thyssen alone owns almost 100% of the stock.”

Thyssen’s holding company.

Almost 100% of the shares in the Kaiser Coal Mine are owned by August Thyssen.

‘Is it deception?’

But that’s possible because they’re as big as Krupp and Thyssen.

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Other companies cannot.

“Krupp… I don’t know. After nationalization, I couldn’t figure out the ownership structure.”

“It’s obvious from the lack of disclosure. The stake structure must have been weakened. Krupp was too big for the state to swallow up in the first place.”

Krupp can be easily defined as Samsung of the German Empire.

If you think about nationalizing Samsung, you can see at a glance just how hard this is for the national finances.

That’s crazy.

In a word, the state swallowed up Hororok because the Samsung family had lost their money.

However, if it succeeds, it is a jackpot for the country.

‘Wilhelm Kaiser can’t get past this.’

The potential of Krupp in world policy is limitless. If the state steps forward and drives the national key industry to Krupp as a monopoly, it can exert immense influence like the British Empire’s East India Company.

“If only Krupp and Thyssen joined, the majority of the Steel Alliance would be eaten.”

“Actually, Krupp is a company that is more focused on the military business than on steel.”

“I know.”

The problem is that the German Empire will be responsible for Krupp’s steel demand.

“But there is the German Imperial Family.”

“Huggin Wilhelm Kaiser is responsible for Krupp’s steel demand. Then Krupp will also focus on steel.”

Ultimately it comes down to steel.

The German Steel Alliance is undoubtedly an important piece to unite the West German economic bloc.

The problem was how to integrate the scattered German steel companies into one.

I paused for a moment and stopped walking.


awesome idea.

In an instant, a good idea came to mind to unite German steel companies.

“Chairman Thyssen, come to think of it. I don’t think other steel companies need to worry.”


President Thyssen furrowed his eyebrows.

I closed my eyes in the shape of a crescent moon.

“If we don’t unite, we can create an environment where we will die.”

survival of the fittest.

Isn’t that a word that imperialists really like?


My shocking remark.

President Thyssen opened his mouth wide.


I clapped my palms together.

“Before that, let’s bring Krupp first.”


“Reject it.”

Westphalia, Essence.

Headquarters of Krupp.

moving room.

Moltke nailed it firmly.

The lieutenant looked at Moltke with a blank expression on his face.

What did this madman say now?

“Reject it.”

“Hey, but Brigadier General. If you get out of the banking sector of the German settlement bank, Krupp may be isolated.

The lieutenant protested.

In words, ‘maybe.’ I said something like that, but seeing how West Germany’s economic bloc turned around, it was no joke, it seemed like the real Krupp would be isolated.

“Krupp has a lot of competitors in the steel sector. Rather, I think it’s right for us to join the Steel Alliance and take Krupp as our ally and take the lead.”

“Are you talking to me… right now?”

A tendon stood on Moltke’s forehead.

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The lieutenant kept his mouth shut.

“Are you protesting against your superior’s orders now?”


“I’ve said before that you’re cocky. As long as you have a good head, is it okay to throw away all the basics of social life?”


“What are you sorry for?”


“You don’t know what I’m sorry about? I must have missed the smell of the soil. I think I’ve forgotten just how hard the Prussian army is. I can give you a feeling.”


“Your voice is only loud when this happens. You’re afraid of your subordinates, so where do you want to live with a soldier? Rebel against your superiors now!”


“What are you sorry for?”


The devil’s circuit worked.

The lieutenant was sweating profusely.

“Ha, but when the heavy industries in the Rhineland come together, even Krupp has no choice but to struggle. Thyssen is also included, but if it is isolated by the Steel Alliance, it may lose all its market share!”

“Thyssen? You’re just too much of a worry. The German imperial family pushes Krupp, so do you have to worry about those little ones?”

“Ha, but…”

“Krupp is now a leader in the steel industry. If we refuse, it’s not an unheard-of job like the German Settlement Bank, but everyone is bound to follow us.”

The lieutenant closed his eyes tightly.

Moltke does not see strategy.

No, maybe I didn’t even see the tactics in the first place.

It would be more accurate to say that they are aware of how the game is going now without being able to grasp the topic.

‘In terms of steel, there is not much difference from Thyssen in the first place.’

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Of course, the croup is huge and hard.

But I have too many fantasies about Krupp.

Reasonable doubts began to arise.

‘You must not back down here.’

It is the lieutenant himself who turns over when the results are not good.

“Sir, of course, the Berlin Palace is pushing Krupp the railroad business, but Thyssen’s steel business is on the same level or better than Krupp’s. It seems more synergistic and better to join the Steel Alliance.”

“But it’s not okay.”

“Could you please tell me why?”


Moltke threw down a sheet of paper.

“The president of the German Settlement Bank, who planned this, is a young blue kid who has just turned 20? That bastard who only talks about the West German economic bloc. The young blue guy. The adults ask if he’s coming or not, so he climbs up without knowing the subject. “

young blue boy.

Moltke’s voice with a sense of inferiority.


“You have to be scorned once to say, ‘Oh, I was fooling around. General Moltke was right.’ Don’t you realize that. Such people should take a look at the bitter taste of society.”

“Oh, please.”

The lieutenant closed his eyes tightly.

Moltke’s ‘young man’.

Detroit D. Morgan, the same age as the lieutenant.

Chairman of the US Federal Reserve.

President of the Federal Investment Corporation of the United States.

In addition, many concurrent positions.

No matter how much the lieutenant shook his head, it was Moltke’s side who climbed up without knowing the subject.

But I couldn’t get it out of my mouth.

‘His Majesty Kaiser is not a panacea! Why don’t you know that I can be tangled at any time!’

There is no hope.

In the deputy’s head, there is no longer a picture of a future in which Moltke will eat up the railroad division, which Kaiser had pushed for monopoly, and be dragged to the Berlin Palace.

The lieutenant continued his final protest.

“Right now, the Berlin Palace has entrusted us with the Imperial Railway project, but we do not know when it will be deprived. It is not a permanent business right. Please open your eyes, Brigadier General.”

The moment Krupp’s price competitiveness deteriorates, you never know when the guillotine of the Berlin Palace will operate.

You and I are finished.

‘Take it please.’

We’re going to have a big day.

But Moltke betrayed his expectations and waved his hands.

“Ah! I don’t know about such a difficult thing.”


“If you say no, say no! I’m your boss!”



From then on, the lieutenant continued to try to convince Moltke by pacing and appeasing him.

But Moltke didn’t budge.

Rather, it only made him feel uncomfortable.


A calm and dark voice.

Moltke glared at the lieutenant with softly burning eyes.

“I know that if you add one more word from now, your military life will come to an end. You probably don’t want to end your military life as a lieutenant.”



“…German Settlement Bank. I will refuse.”

“Okay. It will be.”

It was the lieutenant who broke first.


The lieutenant looked at Moltke, who clicked his tongue.

I wiped my face with one hand.

A sight that was tainted with darkness.

I can’t see the future anymore

But Moltke’s seizures were not over.

“I can’t.”

His mustache trembled.

“I must see the face of that blue young bastard.”

Excited, Moltke sputtered and commanded loudly.

“Prepare my ceremonial carriage now!”

“Oh, Brigadier please!”

The lieutenant screamed.



“Did you say no?”

Krupp bluntly refused.

Steel Alliance I thought it was a pretty good idea, but I guess it wasn’t for the Prussian Junkers.

President Thyssen shrugged.

“When Krupp refused, other steelmakers also refused. What would you do?”


Everyone is reluctant to trust Krupp and join them.

Seriously, there aren’t usually a lot of companies that like to go under someone. Like Thyssen, if you don’t have the ability to read the stream as well as you did, you’re even more reluctant.

So, other steel companies are now only looking at Krupp.

I didn’t like it.

‘I’ve been so quiet all this time.’

If the favor continued, I thought it was Dooli.


I calmed my eyes.

“I told you? If we don’t unite, we’ll put you in a situation where you’ll die.”


“This is a good opportunity. Let the German steel companies know exactly where their nests are. Krupp ‘something’ can never be a home.”


I called Veyron.

“From now on, American steelmakers will start to cut steel export prices all at once.”


I looked at Thyssen.

“Don’t worry. Thyssen is the first member of our Steel Alliance. Let’s make sure we get a lot of funding.”

“Oh, no.”

“For reference, American steel companies have advanced to Japan and the Qing Empire. New Nippon Steel blast furnaces’ have also started to work, and Australian iron mines have begun to vomit iron ore.”


“Bethlehem, which was hostile, was smashed and merged, and a ceasefire was signed with Carnegie Steel, so virtually all American steel companies will join.”

The hostile Bethlehem was crushed and annexed…

In President Thyssen’s ears, the line continued to be played repeatedly with a buzzing sound.

‘for a moment. Did the North German trade network join the German Settlement Bank?’

Gate of the North Sea, Hamburg.

Looking back, the North German Bank and the Darmstadt Industrial Bank, which are in charge of North Germany’s maritime trade, are already on the side of the German Settlement Bank.

When they lock, the sea of other steelmakers is blocked.

In other words, there is a brake on the export route.

‘Even if lending to banks affiliated with the German Settlement Bank is blocked…’

The deficit is exploding, and the loan is not available.

All I can believe is the Berlin banknotes, can they afford it?

Dizziness was circling.

It’s terrifying.

‘Are American entrepreneurs like this?’

Are you ruthless like a demon king?

President Thyssen felt goosebumps and felt his hair standing upside down.

“I’m guessing.”

I hardened my expression coldly.

“Just one quarter. No, in just one month, the financial statements of German steel companies will be devastated.”

Cash flow is shattered.

The financial statements are stained with red bloody deficits.

From wage freezes to waves of strikes.

In addition to the already overwhelming US steel, Japan, the Qing Empire, and even the iron mines of Australia joined on a large scale.

Can we really beat our dumping?

Wouldn’t it be possible to crawl to the door of the German settlement bank and beg for help?

‘This opportunity is taking a bit of market share in the German steel market.’

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Of course, it is a secret for Chairman Thyssen.

“Perhaps even that Krupp will vomit some blood.”

“Did you call the master?”

Veyron opened the door to the president’s office and entered.

I beckoned lightly.

“The devastating operation I mentioned earlier. Start now.”

“……! Yes.”

It’s slaughter time.

< There was no such thing as (1) > end

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