Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 68

< Steel and Shipyards. (5) >

“But you don’t have to do it all in gold. I need my living expenses right now and I’m just worried about putting it up in a bank vault. I’ll pay you half of it in Pound Sterling.”

Parsons suppressed the ascending clown, pretending to be as relaxed as possible. Half of the $10 million worth of gold weighs more than 7 tons. It was the size of some bank-chewable gold, but I smiled with a business smile.

‘I can give anything like 7 tons of gold.’

Parsons steam turbine is worth more than 7 tons of gold. It’s a skill that goes not only to the dreadnought, but also to other warships.

Even later, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers use Parson turbines.

“Yeah, we’ll take care of that.”

I satisfactorily presented the provisional contract documents. However, Parsons, who accepted the provisional contract, tilted his head as if wondering.

“Confidentiality oath? Besides, the company name is different in the contract.”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about it. Patents are only meant to belong to other corporations.”

“Heh heh, you can’t fool my eyes.”

Parsons noticed something and smiled blankly as if he knew everything. Perhaps he was convinced of what I was trying to do with this patent. In fact, even during this period, it was not uncommon to wield a patent with a patent.

Edison or something. Edison or something.

It was an attitude that came out because he was confident in his own technique.

“You’re not good enough to be a human either.”

“Haha, please be thorough.”

“A thoroughbred is an idiot.”

crispy- crispy-

Parsons smiled and signed the provisional contract. Then, with a more relaxed face, he buried himself in the chair.

“But… days like this will come.”

“Oh, but you must have read the terms of the contract, but you will have to work on the technical board for the time being.”

“Uh, I’ve read it all. I don’t have anything else to do right now other than steam turbine research anyway, so it doesn’t matter. Sir Kelvin of the Royal Society is also interested in engineering, so we can propose a study together.”


Sir Kelvin.

Come to think of it, I remember serving as president of the Royal Society.

“Do you know the president of the Royal Society?”

“I’m the former president. But I’m familiar.”

“Could you please arrange it?”

“No. I got 10 million dollars, but that’s easy.”


Parsons stood up immediately, as if there was no need to wait.

He shook his head.

“Shall we make an appointment right now?”


Malta Island.

When Parsons called, he received a message from Renotype headquarters that Sir Kelvin was on the island of Malta with Arthur Pollen.

“Shall we wait?”

“No! What are you waiting for? Let’s go now.”

Despite James’s reluctance, Parsons resolutely caught the boat going to the island of Malta. But I agree with Parsons.

‘Considering that Arthur Pollen was inspired by the fire control system on the island of Malta, you should consider the possibility that it has already been released.’

I have to take the lead first.

Grand Harbor on the island of Malta.

I immediately contacted the British ambassador to the United States and was granted access to the Royal Navy Naval Base in Grand Harbor.

Grand Harbor is one of the strongholds of the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean Fleet.

“Lord Kelvin, long time no see.”

“Oh, is it Parsons? Is the steam turbine business going well? But, I did try to visit you once.”

Sir Kelvin.

An elderly gentleman with a thick beard approached us with his white shirt rolled up. It looked pretty even in this cold.

“That one?”

“My name is Detroit Morgan.”


Sir Kelvin’s eyes widened.

He seemed to know something about me, but in fact, it was not strange that my story came out when I was hanging out with the upper class in England.

He soon relaxed his expression and held out his hand in a relaxed position.

“Oh, you’re Morgan’s second son. You see a precious person on the island of Malta.”

At Sir Kelvin’s words, Parsons opened his eyes and looked at me. It’s like, ‘Were you that famous?’ A smirk crept into his face.

I took Lord Kelvin’s hand.

“Compared to Sir Kelvin’s fame, he’s just a humble financier.”

“Hahaha! You paint my face with gold. But what did the Wall Street hero come to me for? Unlike Parsons, he didn’t come here to study science or engineering.”

He spoke softly, but the nails inside were sharp. As if a financier had come all the way to the island of Malta, I frowned.

“Aren’t you guessing?”

“Haha. That’s right. There’s no reason for you to come to this island of Malta, even to the naval base in Grand Harbor, to ‘definitely’ see me.”

Sir Kelvin picked up a notebook from the small table and shook it.

“Is this what you want?”

fire control system.

That’s it.


I made a guess.

I wondered if the activities of the Mediterranean Fleet might have become more active because I proposed Morocco to the British Empire.

My expectations were correct. As a result, the development of the fire control system was accelerated.

“Are you done?”

“Completion has come a long way. Now, Managing Director Pollen is in the process of refining it. It’s fortunate for you, but it hasn’t even registered a patent yet.”

Lord Kelvin sat on a wooden tool with his limp feet. The cool sea breeze scratched his face.

“I don’t think the Royal Navy will buy this technology. No, it’s highly likely that you won’t get a fair price even if you sell it to the Royal Navy.”

Well, you’re right.

Nationalization is always a negative rather than a premium. It’s neat to deal with business in the private realm.

“Let me give you a line. I don’t think Wall Street’s financial district will be the first. I hate looking at it too.

“One million dollars. Checks, gold, dollars, pounds, diamonds. Anything is possible.”


I opened my briefcase. It was a little heavy, but this time it was a bag full of gold.


Parsons grabbed my clothes and dragged them. He whispered softly in my ear.

‘I’m ten million dollars, why is Lord Kelvin a million dollars?’

‘Of course. Steam turbines are almost unique technology, but fire control systems have many detours. The weight of the value is different from that of the evidence turbine.’



The corners of Parsons’ lips trembled uncontrollably. It seems to have melted into the one and only praise.

He pinched his thighs behind him.

‘Actually, even a million dollars is generous.’

In fact, in actual history, it was a patent that would be hit by Vickers and Dreyer and become a cold meal. Not only that, but because of the legal battle with Dreyer, it was added to the Royal Navy’s blacklist, and it was a technology that would almost be expelled from Europe.

But they appear at least in the early 20th century. Even if it comes first, at a point where there is no concept of a dreadnought, I do not know the true value of this patent except to my surprise.

It means that it has the proper value as it is in my hands.

‘It’s okay to block all the detours.’

Just then, Lord Kelvin woke up from his contemplation.

“If it was a million dollars, he was generous.”

“Yeah, maybe the fire control system has a lot of detours, but it’s the first time. We’re looking at at least 5 years or 10 years for other technologies to catch up.”

“That’s an accurate assessment. I think so.”

In fact, Dreyer and Vickers developed it within 5 years.

“I’m going to discuss it with Pollen, but I’d rather settle for a million dollars. You’ve got a provisional contract, right?”

“Yes, but the corporate name will be a little different.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s up to you to do anything with the patent that has left my hands. But I’ll sign it after consulting with Pollen.”

“Yes, you can negotiate with our lawyer.”


Sir Kelvin nodded satisfactorily. And then he got up.

the direction he was looking. At the edge of the naval port, a middle-aged man was having a serious conversation with the naval officers.

“Hey!!! Arthur, come here for a moment.”

When Lord Kelvin called, Arthur Pollen apologized to the officers, and immediately ran to him.

“Yes, Sir Kelvin. What’s going on?”

“You’re here to buy our technology from Wall Street.”

“Our technology?”

Pollen’s eyes widened.

“Didn’t you just finish it yesterday? It hasn’t been verified yet.”

“It hasn’t been verified, but it wasn’t completed through an experiment until yesterday. The technology isn’t perfect anyway. It’s a way to keep improving.”

“Ha, but if you don’t participate in future development, this technology may remain incomplete.”

When Arthur Pollen and Kelvin disagreed, I pondered. I’m worried because the technology isn’t perfect. They are worried that they will not be able to participate in future development.

So, can I buy the company?

“May I make a suggestion?”

As I interrupted, Kelvin and Arthur Pollen looked at me at the same time.

I wiped my briefcase with a black glove.

“I would like to acquire Renotype with that patent.”

raised the number of wins.


10 Downing Street.

Rothschild’s head.

Leopold Rothschild climbed the ‘Stairway of the Prime Ministers’ with his secretary.

It is no different that I came to the Prime Minister’s residence today.

A letter woven in gold thread flew to Rothschild’s London headquarters. The letter moved him.

He remembered the sender of the letter.

“I said Detroit Morgan.”

“Yes, Chairman. Morgan’s second son.”

“Yeah. A Wall Street hero.”

It was quite surprising when I found out that Downinga had a business relationship with him. I wondered if this was a dream to have a relationship between a 16-year-old kid and Lee In-ja from England.

But first, the facts had to be verified.

First, I stabbed Downing Street, but Downing Street was reluctant to expose this fact to the Rothschilds, so I had no choice but to investigate.

As a result.

It was true.

“I’m sure they made a deal with Morocco.”

“Considering the business in the Suez Canal, the profit of the business in Ceuta Port in Morocco is expected to be high.”

“Yeah. It can’t be completely blocked like Suez, but the geopolitical location of the Strait of Gibraltar itself is an important stopover. Don’t miss it.”

If you can build a combined port of civil and military ports, you can project external influence just by owning a stake in the corporation.

In the age of imperialism, the Strait of Gibraltar was the Joker in pair with the Suez Canal.

‘And also Rhodesia…’

Detroit’s offer leaves a mark on them as well.

“What happened to Vickers and Whitworth?”

“We have moved the creditors and the board. We have already secured exclusive licenses for the main guns, including the 12-inch and 13.5-inch guns.”

“Okay. But if you give it just that, the Rothschild’s name will cry. The balance of a deal is always balanced. It looks like you’re arguing with Bethlehem Steel, so let’s look into a patent that can scratch Bethlehem Steel.”

“We will thoroughly investigate.”



We arrived on the second floor of the Prime Minister’s Office.

“Rothschild, please wait a moment.”


The secretary of the prime minister’s office first knocked on the door of the prime minister’s office.

“Prime Minister, the Rothschilds are here.”

“Let me hear you.”


When the visit opened, Prime Minister Salisbury was sitting in a chair waiting in the Prime Minister’s office, pouring a teacup on the reception table.

“Sit down.”

As Rothschild and his executives were seated, Rothschild’s secretaries and the Prime Minister’s Secretaries stood behind them.


But even when Rothschild was seated, Salisbury remained silent, staring tiredly.

Rothschild, on the other hand, sat leisurely, holding a teacup.

“Sir Rothschild. When you say that you are here today, it means you have won the bet.”

“Yes. Didn’t the prime minister make it clear that he can’t participate in the Moroccan case if he doesn’t reach an agreement with the Detroit director within a month? This is a letter from him.”

Rothschild took an envelope woven with gold thread from his arms and placed it on the desk.


Prime Minister Salisbury confirmed the contents of the letter.

Prime Minister Salisbury’s eyebrows trembled slightly when he even checked the Detroit director’s handwritten letter.

“…You certainly brought his letter.”


Rothschild smiled inwardly.

“I understand that the port of Morocco is entrusting us with a certain share of investment. In fact, it’s a bit too big for us to trust only hedge funds and Barclays Bank.”

“……under. Let me be honest and tell you. They are aiming for Rio Tinto in Spain.”

Rio Tinto.

Spain’s largest mining company. But Rothschild Bank’s stake is not even 30% yet.

And the copper mine in Rhodesia, owned by Rio Tinto, is a key interest.

The real power of Rhodesia.

It was the second Rothschild investment right after the De Beers Diamond Exclusive Trust of Cecil Rose, the incarnation of the Imperial District.

Rothschild rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

“haha. I heard this. However, we are paying close attention to the port construction project of Ceuta Port.”

“It’s done. That’s right. Bankers must have a much better eye than our cabinet. After this, the Rothschilds will certainly help us.”

“Help… mean?”


When Rothschild asked a question, Prime Minister Salisbury fiddled with the teacup.

“How much do Rothschild Banks currently know about Spain?”

“I know that Jungkook is very confused. In the first place, it is natural for the Cabinet to be elected by fraudulent elections, the Carlosians have already started three civil wars, the anarchists are rampant, and the separatists in Catalonia and Galicia are infested.”

“That is enough.”

the air is ominous

For a moment, Rothschild smelled two things. The amazing smell of gold and the smell of gunpowder mixed with the scent of blood.

“Something is wrong with Spain.”

“Yes. If Spain loses this war…”

Prime Minister Salisbury’s eyes deepened.

Intervention in France’s internal affairs, separatists’ independence movement, Carlos’ civil war crisis, anarchist’s terrorism.

A telegram was sent to Downing Street last evening to light the gunpowder.

Spanish royal family.

Regent of Habsburg-Lorraine Maria Cristina.

A balance of balance that was somehow concerned about putting the Spanish Empire’s closet of gunpowder to rest.

She died of heart disease.

It was said that the collapse of the Camara Fleet was the cause.

So it became necessary.

With the help of the Rothschilds, who have branches in London and France.

“Spain itself may be dismantled.”


And the news reached me as I was returning to England from the island of Malta.

Parsons came with an envelope from the mailbox.

“Hey, Detroit. This is a letter to you.”

“Oh, thank you.”


I opened the letter.


– Rothschild & co.

From Rothschild.

The content of the letter was a list of short phrases.

– Obtained patents for Whitworth and Vickers.

– Downing Street negotiations completed.

– Heart disease of regent Maria Christina.


– The crisis of the dissolution of Spain.

With these few words, I understood the general flow.

‘Are things going to be fun?’

“James. I’ve got something to do while I’m passing the Renotype takeover to Blachiford in New York.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Get some information on the exchange rate of the Spanish peso. The peso currently held by JP Morgan Bank and the peso held by Wall Street. And scrape all foreign exchange information held by central banks of each country.”

“Are you talking all of a sudden?”


Is the country going to collapse?

Then you have to bet.

A spoon to put on is a must for Wall Street investors.


I waved the envelope.

“It’s just that there’s a perfect board for currency speculation.”

< Steel and Shipyards. (5) > end

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