Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 69

< Preparation for victory. (1) >

Noie Zeitung.

A daily newspaper in which Eduardo Bernstein, who fled to England, wrote his socialist views, was located in Zurich, Switzerland.

In fact, it was because of the Prussian arrest warrants, which led to exile to England via Switzerland.

crispy- crispy-

We found Bernstein, who had come to shake Krupp, but he was writing. I sat down in any chair because I was so focused that I didn’t even notice it when I came in.

James couldn’t follow me because he was gathering information about the exchange rate.

“sorry. You made me wait.”

“it’s okay.”


Bernstein put down his pen when he had finished writing to some extent. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the ink off his hands.

I waited patiently.

“Is that Mr. Detroit Morgan?”

“Yes, I came by boat from America to see Mr. Bernstein.”

“Haha, that’s an honor. It’s because I’m a little popular. They are fervently courted by the Prussian police.”

“If you get caught, you will have a hot night.”

“ha ha ha!!! That’s it.”


Bernstein chuckled and sat across from me. To be sure, he was a heretic of socialism, and unlike other revolutionary socialists, he had a fairly moderate personality.

“therefore? For what reason did the wolf on Wall Street visit the Socialist Socialist of the Social Democrats?”

Instantly the air froze.

Bernstein had sharp eyes like a dagger behind his moderate face. In essence, capitalism is the enemy of socialism. As a bourgeoisie, I was a class to be opposed to those of the proletariat.

But Bernstein is different.

“I don’t think there’s any reason to be hostile to you as a revisionist.”

“haha. That’s right.”


Ironically, although he was the successor of Engels, Bernstein was a person who had a very critical view of the revolutionary foundations of socialism. It was criticized by hard-line socialists like Rosa Luxemberg for that, but well.

Coming from the 21st century, I think Bernstein was the most realistic.

“The idea that if the working class emerges as the mainstream of the political world as workers seek to enter the political world, the working environment for workers can be changed. I think it’s realistic.”


Actually the 21st century.

After fierce efforts, the working class emerged as the mainstream of the political arena and spread their world. Welfare was not an option but a necessity, and various policies were implemented to improve the working environment.

Well, there were labor struggles and strikes in the process, but at least it wasn’t a communist revolutionary struggle.

It was for that reason when I was oppressed.

“Capitalism is not something to break. I agree with Mr. Bernstein that the fall of capitalism is still far away because capitalism has an organic character that is constantly changing.”

Marxism saw the present moment as the most developed aspect of capitalism and the point at which its structural contradictions were maximized.

So the current socialists argued that the revolution of the proletariat should overthrow capitalism and create a socialist society.

Bernstein sighed.

“When I came to England, I thought a lot. I saw a lot of landscapes different from those I had in Prussia.”

There was a rebound in Bernstein’s eyes.

“Germany remained a feudal system centered on the Junkers, while the British Parliament was an open society where commoners could enter. It was a frog in a well.”

Capitalism is changing.

In the era of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and early 19th centuries, the working environment improved a lot, and the right to vote was gradually expanded. The class system has been diluted, and a world has come in which even commoners can participate as stalwarts in the parliament.

Britain was at the forefront.

The German Empire, which had passed through Bismarck as Prime Minister, was also gradually changing.

“But in Germany too, starting with the introduction of universal suffrage for Prime Minister Bismarck, the right to vote has been expanded, and the world has become a world where the working class has the potential to move this imperial parliament.”

There is no need for a revolution.

The overcoming of capitalism can be resolved spontaneously through the action of the proletariat instead of the violent action of revolution.

general election?

You one vote or one vote.

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One nobility, one worker.

Everyone can exercise an equal vote.

“Yes, I think the day is not far off when the Social Democrats (SPD) will become the center of the Reichstag.”

The stance of the Social Democrats was somewhat contradictory.

Although they outwardly rejected, denounced, and fiercely opposed Bernstein’s revisionism, the actual inside of the faction is based on revisionism.

-If we can get votes through general elections, the Imperial Assembly is ours. Why do you have to turn it all over into a revolutionary movement?

This is the keynote

So Bernstein’s voice is very high inside the Social Democrats.

Another socialist representative of the Social Democratic Party, Karl Kautsky, speaks for himself.

– The Uri Party (SPD) is revolutionary, but not revolutionary.

The German Social Democrats (SPD) were very moderate for Marx’s direct line.

Not so hostile to capitalism.


The funny thing about Bernstein was that he was a person who defended imperialism based on the bullshit that ‘good imperialism’ could be practiced if socialism could take control of the imperial parliament.

This is also not bullshit at all, it was based on the idea that a law for workers on the mainland would spread to the colonies so that the colonists would not be exploited.

“Actually, while I was in England, I did some research about Mr. Detroit.”

“Hey, me?”

“Yeah, I found out that there was a North American branch of DWM during the American-Spanish War. DWM is a representative trust of the German defense industry. I stand shoulder to shoulder with Thyssen and Krupp.”

Bernstein raised his glasses.

“But the findings were surprising. The workers’ wages were over 10 times the industry average, and their working hours did not exceed 48 hours a week. Besides, he has three days off a week. I doubted my eyes.”

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Oh it.

It is a four-team, two-shift system.

“Yes, our DWM North American branch. It’s the New York Ordnance Agency now. Organized into 4 groups, 12 hours each day and night. work in shifts. We call it a four-team, two-shift system.”

“Yes, it. I saw it and saw the potential of socialism. We, Germany, have improved through welfare policies such as medical insurance through the Bismarck era, but the United States is not at all. “Only Mr. Detroit’s factory set up a system for advanced workers, while monopolies aimed their guns at the strikers.”

Bernstein’s eyes twinkled.

“I think it’s great that the workers are guaranteed holidays and that they work 48 hours a week while paying 10 times the industry average. It’s different from the capitalists.”

“Moreover, the factory conducts weekly safety meter readings to reduce the risk of the working environment, and employs a large number of janitors to take care of the hygiene of the workers.”

“I was impressed with Mr. Detroit’s policy, so I gladly accepted today’s meeting.”

But my expression became subtle.

‘You look like that.’

Not at all.

I didn’t create this organization for workers, even less for welfare policy. In this era, the working environment is the worst.

‘If a factory explodes once or there is an accident, the factory line is all-stop. I can’t see it with my eyes open.’

The reason for shifting 4 groups and 2 shifts is to operate the factory at full capacity 24 hours a day. The reason for creating 4 groups was to take a break on holidays and show better productivity. Giving more money was a means of preventing the escape of skilled workers.

After all, it’s my investment for productivity.

‘Besides, how deadly are the unions and the general strike to the productive forces. Welfare policies are cheaper.’

But I wet my lips.

And greased his tongue.

“The United States is. I think we are retreating from the Civil War as a starting point. It’s a return to the past.”

“Hey. Why do you think so?”

“Why did President Abraham Lincoln work with the northern states to free slaves? Wasn’t that the reason that slaves were less productive? The reason was that workers were paid fair wages and, unlike slaves, were motivated to work.”

“It’s an increase in productivity.”

“Yes, but workers have been enslaved since the Civil War.”

Exploited workers are better than exploited slaves, but can they really be called workers?

Despite the harsh conditions and the massacre of robbers and nobles, why are they forming a union and calling for a strike?

Because they thought that the guns of the army are better than the whips of the robbers and nobles. Even if they get hit by bullets from their guns, it is because of the desire to change this rotten working environment.

The working environment was so bad.

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Of course, the story would be different if the union became an aristocratic union, but now it is the end of the 19th century.

The human rights of workers were still at the bottom.

“…Certainly Mr. Detroit has a socialist temperament. There are only a handful of capitalists in my life who think about the human rights of workers to this extent. Engels was one of them.”

Bernstein looked at me with an interesting expression. But for me, Bernstein was also a very interesting socialist.

The most realistic socialist by my standards.

At least, socialism in the 21st century was being achieved through the welfare policy of the socialist party, not the revolutionary proletarian movement as Bernstein thought.


Bernstein’s eyes narrowed.

“Now, let’s get to the point.”

“…Is that so?”

I looked at his changed expression and sat down.

I guess it’s good because I bought it like this.

“Mr. Detroit was well aware of this. But no matter how socialist you are, your essence is capitalism. There is no reason for you to come to me if you do not have a clear interest.”

“Haha, you got it. you’re right.”

At Bernstein’s words, I nodded meekly.

Among the current socialist activists, he was the most moderate to capitalism, so there was no reason to avoid it.

I decided to be honest.

“Friedrich Alfred Krupp. Chairman of Krupp.”

“Ah, that guy.”

That guy.

It didn’t seem like a very good image.


“Yes, I have heard that he is now a member of the Imperial Parliament and has driven the Social Democrats out of the city of Essen and turned it into a garden for the emperor’s supporters.”

“you’re right. We think it’s a pain in the butt. ah.”

Bernstein understood my intentions.

“Do you want our German Social Democrats (SPD) to attack Krupp intensively?”

Bernstein understood my intentions.


Now I want to stab Krupp with the famous sword of the Social Democratic Party (SPD). In fact, manipulation of the press and public opinion was the specialty of socialists rather than entrepreneurs of capitalism.

So if they stab Krupp.

I take Krupp’s techniques.

Maybe even an affiliate of Krupp.

And the Social Democrats (SPD) cut off the arms of the Conservatives (DkP).


“As one of the key supporters of the German Conservative Party (DkP) is Kruppsa, I don’t think there is any harm from the German Social Democratic Party’s point of view. You think you have a public enemy.”

“haha. That’s right.”

Bernstein rubbed his chin.

He started running various calculations in his head.


I timed it and decided to shed the right words.

To the extent that he pushes his back to make it easier to judge.

“You can get a decent amount of money from anonymous donors. The German Conservative Party (DkP) is backed by some of the leading companies in the empire, while the Social Democrats are inferior in terms of capital compared to them.”


Super PAC

From the moment I decided to come to England, I was prepared for Show Me the Money.

In fact, compared to the price of swallowing up Krupp’s patents and technologies, it’s a secret that it’s cheap.

“How is it? I would like you to shake Krupp with that price. If possible, violently and destructively.”

“…..indeed. The appearance of capitalism on Wall Street also has this aspect. good. Just promise me one thing.”


Bernstein raised his index finger.

“I want to be promised that you will continue to work hard for the environment of workers. Also for Mr. Detroit. Also for our Social Democratic Party (SPD).”


I raised the corners of my lips.

“Yes, I swear. I promise with the last name of Morgan that I will do my best for the workers in the future.”

‘At the end of the 19th century, that’s the gum.’

with this

I got a sword to pierce Krupsa.



“Ah, master.”

When I left Bernstein and returned to Parsons, James was already there.

James put down dozens of thick file folders and walked over to me.

“Is it all about exchange rates?”

“Yes. This is information on the peso of each country and a list of peso holdings of Wall Street and JP Morgan Bank.”


I glanced through the Pararak file folder.

There was a reason for asking each country’s central bank to investigate the holdings of the peso.

“A list of the central banks of East Asia or the large equivalent banks?”

“Yes, we have investigated all 16 banks including Qing’s Shanghai Commercial Bank of China, Imperial Bank of China, and Transportation Bank, as well as banks such as First Bank of the Empire of Japan.”

“Are you running out of pesos?”

“Yes, but as far as the international situation is going in favor of Spain. The value of the peso has risen.”

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Operation Guantanamo Evacuation.

American defeat.

mainland invasion.

Republicans and Democrats have been fighting dogs for three months, with Congress not yet passing a draft and economic law.

Confused American politics.

The Camara Fleet sank, but the defeat of the United States was still visible in the eyes of the European powers and the East Asian countries.

The absence of regent Maria Cristina was known only to the present cabinet of France and Great Britain, the Rothschilds, and only me.

The Spanish royal family and the military were desperately trying to keep the status of regent Maria Cristina from being made public.

“East Asia is the opposite of Spain. Relatively speaking, the news from Europe is bleak.”

“Even the European powers, with the exception of a few, are predicting the victory of the Spanish Empire.”

“I will. The interest of the German Empire and the Russian Empire is now all focused on East Asia.”

Qingdao, Germany.

Port of Rusun, Russia.

The German Empire was focusing all its nerves on the newly acquired colony because the British Royal Navy provoked it.

The Russian Empire was enthusiastic about the first immovable port of Lushun, and it was showing madness close to obsession towards Manchuria.

“The value of the peso is high. Spain’s victory is predicted.”

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Oh yeah. A good plate was made.

There was still demand to buy pesos.

Soon, the draft law and economic law will be passed with the push of a powerful war minister named Roosevelt.

Hundreds of thousands of US troops are mobilized.

Military supplies will start to come out like crazy.

And if I get Krupp’s gloves, I will haveten the drying of the dreadnoughts.

It was now time to short the peso.

“Let’s scrape up JP Morgan Bank, Morgan-affiliated banks, and even the peso that is sleeping at the Detroit Investment Bank, and make currency swap agreements with large banks in East Asia. We need to sell it quickly before the value of the currency becomes garbage.”

“Yes. We will sign contracts in dollars, pound sterlings, etc.”

currency swap.

A currency contract in which different currencies are exchanged at an agreed exchange rate. Usually, it is a contract signed by central banks of each country in case foreign exchange reserves are insufficient, but it was decided to use this contract.

For example, if you exchange 1 peso for 100 dollars, you have to swap (exchange) for 100 dollars even if the peso falls to 1 dollar later.

A kind of short sale.

as of the end of the 19th century.

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One of the few countries with non-convertible currencies that gave up gold convertibility while European powers rushed to adopt the gold standard.

Gold convertibles that would guarantee their monetary value did not exist since they ceased to exist in 1883.

What if the country collapses?

It’s all going to be f*cked up.

“And short selling the peso to the big banks around the world. Places like Deutsche Bank in Germany. Oh, but let’s focus on East Asia. I can’t handle it if I rob powers like the German Empire too much.”

Because belief is money.

credit economy.

“And get the news outlets from all over the world to publish articles that talk about America’s defeat and Spain’s victory. Gather all your contacts, money, whatever, right away.”



Value comes from people’s beliefs (trust).

< Preparation for victory. (1) > end

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