王妃渴望復仇 Wangfei’s Desire for Revenge

Chapter 6: Poisoned

In the early morning, when Su Jing Fei had already been awake for an hour or so, Si Qiang finally returned. However, he didn’t return alone.

“Da xiaojie, forgive this lowly one for his lateness.” Si Qiang kneeled before Su Jing Fei in a respectful greeting. “This lowly one has returned with the second master of the Guo family!”

A tall strong-looking older man took a step forward, respectfully greeting her. “My name is Guo Li Wang. Guo Li Wei is my younger brother, and Mingyu is my nephew.” He stated his relation clearly. Su Jing Fei caught the sharpness in his eyes. He seemed suspicious of her.

She nodded, returning his respectful greeting with a bow of her own. “My name is Su Jing Fei. I am travelling from the capital to Fuo Lan. My father is the Right Prime Minister Su Xuan Mo.” With a small gesture of her hand, she stepped aside and allowed him to go to Mingyu’s bedside. “I apologize for having to meet under such circumstances. While travelling, I became acquainted with Han shi after meeting Mingyu by chance.”

“The Guo family thanks Su xiaojie for saving Mingyu.” There was a momentary pause, as if Guo Li Wang was contemplating saying something else. But he didn’t say anything and merely stepped forward. Another older man stood to the side and followed behind Guo Li Wang. “I’ve brought our family doctor to come take at look at Mingyu.” Meaning they didn’t exactly trust her yet.

Su Jing Fei nodded, stepping aside to allow for the doctor to examine the young boy on the bed. “He had a fever last night, but it was gone once morning came. Though he still hasn’t awoken yet.” She spoke as the doctor continued his examination.

Once finished, the doctor turned to all of them and spoke clearly. “Young master Mingyu is unharmed and physically fine. His pulse is slow but strong, and the only remaining symptom of the fever is a slightly higher body temperature. He is merely sleeping now. His body needs rest.”

There was a collective sigh of relief in the room. No one wanted to see a child injured or dying, so to hear that everything was okay, it was a major relief. Su Jing Fei took out the bottle of herbs, setting it down at the table beside Mingyu’s bed. “The other doctor prescribed these herbs for Mingyu. I don’t possess much knowledge about medicine, but the other doctor said to cook these into a soup for Mingyu once he awakens.”

The doctor carefully examined the herbs. “These are regular herbs for recovering strength and vitality. They would indeed help young master Mingyu recover faster upon consumption.”

Su Jing Fei nodded and settled down at the chair near the other bed. She felt a little silly to be so overly suspicious of everyone, but it looked like she had nothing to worry about. With a faint smile, Su Jing Fei spoke calmly. “I apologize for worrying the Guo family. Seeing as how you all are here so early, you must be hungry. I’ll send for some food.” Su Jing Fei gave the family a moment as she commanded Yize and Si Qiang to follow her out of the room. She stopped at the front of the inn, speaking briefly to the innkeeper about sending food up to the room. After a few matters were arranged and taken care of, Su Jing Fei stepped outside into the courtyard behind the inn. The crisp clean air was a nice change, and the warm light on her skin made Su Jing Fei feel more refreshed. She took a seat at one of the benches overlooking the small pond in the courtyard.

Si Qiang stepped forward, kneeling once again. “This lowly one was unable to return right away due to matters concerning the Guo family. Therefore, this lowly one will accept any punishment that da xiaojie deems appropriate!”

“That’s unnecessary,” spoke Su Jing Fei calmly. “You have done well, Si Qiang. You may rise.”

“This lowly one thanks da xiaojie for her kindness!” He kowtowed once before standing again.

Despite the tranquil scenery of the courtyard, Su Jing Fei’s mind was occupied on rather troubling matters. “The second master of the Guo family seems suspicious of us. Did something happen in Fuo Lan?”

Si Qiang nodded, quickly speaking about the matters of the previous night. “When this lowly one had arrived in Fuo Lan, the Guo family residence was heavily guarded. It was difficult to seek an audience with the Guo family. When presenting the identification plates, this lowly one was detained by Fuo Lan’s city lord and his men. Apparently, a ransom letter had been sent to the Guo family just a few hours prior. After a night of questioning, the Guo family allowed for their second master to accompany me to return here for young master Mingyu.”

Su Jing Fei furrowed her brows. So it wasn’t bandits but kidnappers. The Guo family were not only victims but actually targets for ransom! It was strange because they were only commoners. However, they were also a wealthy merchant family in Fuo Lan which was the city of trade between Chu and the rich Xinyi. To target such a wealthy family, the kidnappers were either bravely foolish men or… they were being ordered by someone of higher power. After being followed yesterday by a mysterious presence, Su Jing Fei guessed it was the latter. She sighed deeply, feeling a headache coming on. Her breaths were slow and steady; however, suddenly, she found her stomach began to constrict painfully as though she was being stabbed from the inside out.

“Da xiaojie!” Came a worried cry from Yize as the young yatou rushed to her master’s side.

Su Jing Fei felt pain ripping her apart as she struggled to remain upright. Her breaths became heavier, and a million things raced through her mind. The herbs were confirmed to be fine, and the food hadn’t affected the cat from last night… unless! It wasn’t the herbs nor the actual food, but the water! She remembered reading something about poison dilution where the poison wouldn’t affect the person until enough of it had accumulated into the stomach where it could take effect. But the only one who could have access to do such a thing was--“The cook!” Su Jing Fei gasped, struggling to stay upright with Yize and Si Qiang at her side. “Check the water! Quickly! Don’t let them eat the food!” She pushed Si Qiang away and towards the inn. “Go!”

The last thing she saw was Yize’s tear-stricken face looking down upon her before the shadows consumed her sight and her consciousness faded into nothing.

Su Jing Fei felt like she was drowning, engulfed in a sea of darkness as a heavy pressure pulled her down deeper into its cold embrace. There were moments of light where she awoke, but she found herself being forced fed something. The pain was too excruciating, ripping her open from the inside out. But whatever she had been forced to consume caused her to throw up continuously until she passed out from exhaustion. Gradually, the pain subsided. In this long darkness, Su Jing Fei had visions of her past life leading up to her death. Her whole life played out before her ironically like a movie as she watched the entirety of her twenty eight years in the modern world fade to black. She almost laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. She was sure that she had died, but it seemed that fate still had some sort of use for her. Su Jing Fei’s eyes fluttered open from the darkness to reveal a blinding light. It took awhile for her consciousness to catch up, but she finally realized that she was still alive. “Yize…” Her voice was hoarse.

“Da xiaojie!” Yize’s voice broke into sobs at Su Jing Fei’s side as the young yatou’s face came into view. Her tear-stricken face was red, and her eyes were puffy from crying. “This lowly one was so scared!” Her shaking hands clutched onto Su Jing Fei’s arm, and when Su Jing Fei tried to sit upright, Yize sniffled back cries and helped her da xiaojie sit upright carefully.

“Water…” Su Jing Fei gasped slightly, feeling a sudden thirst overcome her.

After Su Jing Fei was sitting successfully upright, leaning against the backboard of the bed, Yize grabbed a cup of water from the bedside and helped Su Jing Fei take small sips. Once her throat was wetted, Su Jing Fei found a little more strength to take the cup herself and drink the entirety of it. It felt like she had just emerged from a desert, quenching an insatiable thirst!

“Please be careful, da xiaojie. The doctor said that it wouldn’t be too good if you drank too much water right away.” Yize said cautiously, carefully holding the end of the cup to moderate Su Jing Fei’s drinking.

Su Jing Fei heeded her warning, being more conservative in her sips until the cup was emptied. She felt immensely better, but still very lethargic and slightly light-headed. “What happened, Yize?” Su Jing Fei recalled brief moments of consciousness, but most of it had been a blur. The pain had overshadowed everything else.

Yize recounted the events to Su Jing Fei in a small trembling voice as though fighting back tears. “Da xiaojie collapsed in the courtyard. Si Qiang went to warn the Guo family, and luckily, he caught them right before they were about to eat. Upon hearing da xiaojie’s warning, they went to confront the cook, but…”

“He’s dead?” Su Jing Fei guessed, furrowing her brows in thought.

Yize nodded. “This lowly one doesn’t know much more because I’ve been taking care of da xiaojie, but Si Qiang and the Guo family’s second master went to investigate more.”

“Get me Si Qiang,” Su Jing Fei ordered, wanting to hear more. Yize bowed quickly and left. Su Jing Fei had truly underestimated the opponent this time. The ancient era people were really proficient in their poison use; she’d definitely have to find more readings on the subject to better protect herself in the future!

After a few minutes, Yize returned with Si Qiang. To her surprise, a small figure suddenly came barrelling towards her bed. “Jie jie!” Mingyu’s cheerful voice was accompanied with a bright happy expression from the little boy shaped like a dumpling that she remembered fondly.

“Ming’er1Adding 'er to a name denotes affection and familiarity,” Su Jing Fei called his name affectionately, feeling relieved at seeing his healthy complexion and enthusiastic happiness. “You’re feeling better!”

“Because jie jie help me!” Mingyu’s smile was wide at first, but it suddenly turned into a sad expression as his small fingers held onto the edge of the bed, looking quietly at Su Jing Fei who was bedridden. “Jie jie hurt because of me…”

Su Jing Fei shook her head slightly, giving Mingyu a warm smile. She reached out, grasping those small hands in hers as she assured him, “I was not hurt because of you, Ming’er. There are bad people out there that hurt me, but it wasn’t your fault. It’s because they are bad people, and they do bad things, okay? You’re a good boy, Ming’er.”

Mingyu’s eyes welled up with tears, as though he had been holding them back. The room slowly became filled with his cries, and Su Jing Fei moved to the edge of the bed, taking him into her arms as she held him gently. With a careful hand, she rubbed his back in a soothing motion. He reminded her so much of the children she’d taken care of growing up; first it was her little cousins and then when there were no more relatives, she’d been shuffled off to an orphanage for the last couple of years until she’d reached adulthood. The children there were like her little brothers and sisters, and at the thought of them, she missed them even more terribly so she held Mingyu just a little closer.

There was a clearing of the throat from the doorway to the room. Guo Li Wang stood there quietly, accompanied by the doctor, while Si Qiang and Yize stood to the side of the room waiting for Su Jing Fei to take notice. They had been afraid to upset the touching reunion, and with Guo Li Wang’s unexpected arrival, they had missed the opportunity to announce his presence. There was a bit of an awkward atmosphere, but Su Jing Fei was the first to break the silence.

“I apologize for being unable to properly greet the Guo family second master,” Su Jing Fei started, attempting to set the now asleep Mingyu down on the bed.

“Please, don’t trouble yourself over formalities,” Guo Li Wang spoke. “I apologize for having Mingyu disturb your rest and recovery, but I’m truly glad he finds comfort with you. Unfortunately, a strict and older uncle like me was unable to be what he needed right now.” The older man’s usual cold voice sounded soft and his stern expression was gone at the sight of Mingyu. He looked a lot more like a gentle doting uncle than when Su Jing Fei had first saw him. She was glad to know that Mingyu was so loved because that meant that his family truly cared for him. She wouldn’t have to worry about him going home with Guo Li Wang.

“I thank the second master for his kind words,” Su Jing Fei said softly. She moved to the side, and Yize rushed forward to help her. Moving carefully, Su Jing Fei laid Mingyu down to rest in her own bed as she sat in a chair that Yize moved over for her. “Now that the second master is present, do you mind if I ask you a few questions about what had happened?”

Guo Li Wang gave a nod of agreement, taking a seat at a chair as well as he prepared to recall what had happened while Su Jing Fei had been unconscious. “After receiving your warning from Si Qiang, we immediately rushed to the kitchen to confront the cook. However, we found that he had ingested a fast-acting poison that had killed him within seconds. Upon investigation, we found that the cook had hidden poison under his fingernails. That must’ve been how he mixed it into the food and water without your yatou noticing.”

Su Jing Fei nodded her head in understanding. “And the innkeeper?”

Guo Li Wang was slightly surprised at the young girl’s simple yet sharp question. He had also suspected the innkeeper to be involved. “We questioned her immediately after. She was genuinely shocked at the death of the cook, but it seemed that their relation was only temporary. Her cook had been ill since yesterday, so this one was borrowed from a temporary employment house.”

“How convenient that it just so happened that the cook fell ill and there was one readily available to fill in.” Su Jing Fei mused.

Guo Li Wang took a good look at the young girl in front of him. She was young, probably half his age, and yet from the whole ordeal, he hadn’t seen her cry once. He’d briefly seen her in pain, suffering from the poisoning, but there were no tears then and there were no tears even now. If it had been any other xiaojie from a noble family, he was sure they’d be crying and frightened, but this one seemed eerily calm and quite perceptive. Having spoken to her yatou briefly, Guo Li Wang knew this young girl was more than she seemed to be. He was genuinely glad that she seemed to also have a kind heart too because if it had been anyone other than her, Mingyu would be the one poisoned and suffering.

Su Jing Fei was unaware of Guo Li Wang’s assessment of her as she was lost in her own deep thoughts, trying to figure out a few things. Had the poisoning been for Mingyu or for her? Was there someone targeting her or had she just accidentally stumbled into the pathway of danger that was intended for Mingyu? Either way, she had not regretted her actions and was glad that the young boy was safe and sound. A child should not have to suffer so terribly. But little did she realize that she was also a child in Guo Li Wang’s eyes, and he had begun to feel terribly indebted to her for Mingyu’s safety.

“This lowly one thanks Su xiaojie for keeping Mingyu safe!” Guo Li Wang suddenly got onto the floor, kowtowing three times. Although it was a strange sight to see an older man bowing so respectfully to such a young girl, Guo Li Wang truly wished to express his gratitude for Su Jing Fei’s protection of Mingyu.

Su Jing Fei was a little flustered at his show of gratitude, but she didn’t want to be impolite at denying his graciousness. “It’s no trouble at all! Please, like you said, don’t trouble yourself over things like this. Anyone would have done the same thing.”

Guo Li Wang finished his bows before settling back into the chair with a stern expression. “If Su xiaojie does not object, please accompany us back to the Guo manor in Fuo Lan where you can stay until you’ve fully recovered.”

Su Jing Fei was suddenly reminded of the dangerous situation she had just escaped. “I don’t want to impose on the Guo family’s kindness, and I’m feeling a lot better now. It should be no trouble to return to my own manor.”

“Forgive this lowly one for speaking out of turn,” The doctor suddenly stepped forward, speaking with a serious expression. “Su xiaojie has just been poisoned. Although we were able to get most of the poison out of your stomach through a vomit-inducing pill, there may be residual side effects from the bit of poison that had already been absorbed by your body. Although we respect Su xiaojie’s wishes, from this doctor’s standpoint, it would be best if Su xiaojie recovered at the Guo manor where this lowly one can continue your care until full recovery.”

Su Jing Fei gave it a bit of thought. Indeed, it would be convenient to have the same doctor care for her instead of finding another doctor. Plus, she wouldn’t know if she could trust any other doctor either, especially since the identity of Mingyu’s attacker and the one behind her poisoning were still unknown. And it also looked like Guo Li Wang wouldn’t take no for an answer, so she could only reply with a brief nod of agreement. “If it’s not too much trouble for the Guo family, I will accept your kind offer to rest and receive care in the Guo manor until I’ve fully recovered.”

“This lowly one will make the necessary preparations to receive Su xiaojie at the Guo manor. For now, I will take Mingyu back to his room to rest, and we shall set out tomorrow morning.” Guo Li Wang said. 

“This one thanks the second master for his kindness.” Su Jing Fei replied kindly, feeling quite tired herself now. Her body was still quite fatigued from the previous ordeal, so resting sounded like a wonderful thing to do at the moment. Tomorrow, she thought. Tomorrow she’ll finally enter Fuo Lan as intended. From there, she shall see if it is the peaceful country life she’d hoped for or a den of wolves she’d be walking into.

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