王妃渴望復仇 Wangfei’s Desire for Revenge

Chapter 7: The Guo Family

It was mid-morning when they arrived at Fuo Lan’s city gates. Although less formidable than the imperial city’s, Fuo Lan’s gates still remained a sight to behold. Intricate portraits depicting beautiful landscapes and oceans were carved into the red wood walls. This trade city flaunted its wealth upon first impression, but Su Jing Fei appreciated the ability to undertake such a ambitious task. Fuo Lan definitely lived up to its name as the heart of trade in Chu country.

After showing identification plates to the city guards, they were let in without too much trouble. Su Jing Fei briefly observed the city outside by watching the scene outside her window. “If this is what the Su family considers a ‘countryside,’ this one wonders what they would call the small town we just left.” She mused, letting the curtains fall back after satiating her curiosity.

It wasn’t long before the carriages rolled to a stop. They had apparently arrived at the Guo residence. From outside, a loud shout could be heard. “This lowly one welcomes second master Guo Li Wang home!”

“Thank you, Zhuhao,” Guo Li Wang’s reply could be heard clearly.

The door to Su Jing Fei’s carriage opened as Si Qiang helped her down with Yize following after. Although her body was slightly weaker than normal from the poisoning, Su Jing Fei still carried herself in a calm and composed manner befitting any noble lady. With a demure expression and carefully folded hands placed in front of her, she stood aside waiting as Guo Li Wang spoke to the Guo family’s head attendant.

The servants were all curious about this young girl who had saved their beloved young master Guo Mingyu. They knew she was a da xiaojie of a noble family from the imperial city and were very curious at the appearance of this traveling lotus flower. Who was she exactly? Most importantly, the young women were curious at the young lady’s appearance. Was she a beauty? However, upon seeing the young lady’s rather ordinary appearance, they were rather disappointed. Even the guards had been a little curious, but such a normal appearance was not enough to stir their interest.

“Jie jie!” came a cheerful cry as a small dumpling came trotting over from the Guo carriage.

“Ming’er, be careful,” Su Jing Fei gave a warm smile as the young boy came to her side.

The servants almost gasped simultaneously at the sudden attractive appearance the young lady displayed. While her resting appearance was quite ordinary, her smiling expression definitely changed her facial features in an truly attractive way! Su Jing Fei was completely ignorant to the stares of the servants, but Si Qiang was not. Although the use of veils was a thing of the past, a young lady being stared upon so openly was still frowned upon. He took a step forward in front of his xiaojie, blocking their rude stares.

“Jie jie follow Ming Ming!” Mingyu’s small chubby hands gripped onto Su Jing Fei’s sleeve, tugging her towards the Guo manor’s entrance.

“This lowly one apologizes for Mingyu’s rudeness,” Guo Li Wang spoke with a small smile. “Please, follow me inside where accommodations have been made for Su xiaojie.”

“This one thanks second master Guo Li Wang for his kindness and hospitality,” Su Jing Fei responded politely. “To avoid imposing too much, I have ordered Si Qiang to send the majority of my things to the Mudan-yu manor.” Mudan-yu was the name of the countryside manor owned by the Su family, and as her original destination, she intended to keep most of her things there and only carry the necessary items to stay in the Guo residence for a few days.

Guo Li Wang gave a nod in understanding. Si Qiang left with the carriage as everyone else entered the Guo family’s residence. The Guo manor had a simple and humble design to their courtyards and houses, but although she wasn’t too well-versed in the appraisal of homes, Su Jing Fei was still able to recognize the subtle hints of wealth in the high quality of the materials used to make the structures. Passing by a tall and beautiful tree with wispy branches, they finally entered a large house that seemed to be the family gathering hall. A crowd of individuals were seated at the back of the hall, and when they had entered, everyone stood up.

“Ming’er!” cried an older woman with tears in her eyes.

“Bomu!” Mingyu said excitedly as he let go of Su Jing Fei’s sleeve, running into the arms of the older woman.

“Ming’er,” cried another young girl standing beside them. They kneeled before the child and embraced the young boy affectionately. “We’re so thankful you’ve returned home safe!”

As the touching reunion continued, a man at the head of the room spoke up. “I’m glad you’ve returned home well, Li Wang.” He was an older man with a wise and stern appearance, but contrary to his looks, the old man’s voice was warm and gentle.

“Thank you, older brother,” Guo Li Wang respectfully gestured in greeting his eldest brother before stepping aside to introduce the young lady behind him. “This lowly one would not have returned home as safe and well if not for the brave efforts of the da xiaojie of the Right Prime Minister’s family, Su Jing Fei. It was due to her cautiousness and quick thinking that saved Mingyu and even myself.”

Su Jing Fei calmly took a step forward to introduce herself, bowing as respectfully as one could before an elder. “Su Jing Fei greets the Guo family and thanks them for their hospitality!”

“I am the Guo family’s first master and head of household, Guo Li Xiang. On behalf of the Guo family, I sincerely thank Su xiaojie for saving my brother and my nephew.” Guo Li Xiang replied with a deep bow.

“Please, don’t trouble yourself! This one only did what anyone else would’ve done in such a situation,” Su Jing Fei replied quickly, hoping that Guo Li Xiang would not prostrate himself further. It made her feel quite strange to have such an older man bow down to her, especially since she was only an unranked di1legitimate children born of a noble's official wife daughter. It was her father who held the noble ranking, not her.

“Su xiaojie is kind,” Guo Li Xiang spoke as he returned to an upright stance. His stern face relaxed into a gentle expression. “My brother Li Wang has informed us that you will be staying in our residence for awhile?” It was an unspoken understanding that Su Jing Fei was still recovering from the poisoning. She was sure that Guo Li Xiang had already been informed about their previous circumstances.

“Yes, this one will be troubling the Guo family for awhile. I thank the Guo family for their kindness.” Su Jing Fei replied with a respectful gesture.

“Su xiaojie must be tired,” spoke a woman’s soft and gentle voice. It was the older woman from earlier. “I am Xie shi, Guo Li Xiang’s wife.” She introduced herself with a warm smile. “Please let me take you to the courtyard we’ve prepared for you to rest in. Travelling all day can be taxing on the body.”

“Yes, I’m sure Su xiaojie must be tired from all the travelling! Please help her settle down comfortably while I catch up with Li Wang and speak with him about a few matters,” Guo Li Xiang commanded a few servants nearby. They moved quickly to help Yize carry some items. “Please don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything, Su xiaojie.” He said with a respectful nod before turning away with Li Wang following behind him.

The two men walked out of the gathering hall, heading towards Guo Li Xiang’s office. Once settled in the room, Guo Li Xiang commanded all the servants out so that he could speak to his younger brother in private. As the door shut behind the last servant, the atmosphere inside the room became tense.

“Do you trust Su Jing Fei?” Guo Li Xiang said calmly, breaking the strained silence.

Guo Li Wang nodded his head in response. “Yes, I trust her. If it wasn’t for her, Mingyu and I would have been poisoned by the cook.”

Guo Li Xiang’s eyebrows furrowed in thought. “Do you not suspect she could be working with the kidnappers to gain our trust?”

The younger man had indeed thought of such things. It was oddly coincidental that Su Jing Fei met Han shi and Mingyu the night before they were attacked. Plus, she had somehow saved Mingyu too. And then there was the matter about the poisoning… Was this young girl truly so perceptive and clever or were there other darker motives behind her kindness?

“Although the coincidences seem unnatural,” Guo Li Wang started, having made his decision. “I trust Su Jing Fei. No one would subject themselves to such horrible torture as ingesting such strong poison. She truly suffered that night, and even the family doctor had difficulties extracting the poison. She could have died.”

Guo Li Xiang nodded, sighing deeply. “I trust you, Li Wang. Therefore, I shall trust her. You’ve always been a better judgement of character. If a cautious military man such as yourself chooses to believe this young girl, there’s nothing else I can say.”

Guo Li Wang thought back to his military days. To survive in such a harsh environment, one had to be able to read other people and determine the ones that were trustworthy or not. However, Guo Li Wang was still unaccustomed to this civilian life. It’d only been half a year since he’d returned home from the military. Honorably released by the commander, he’d been sent back home to accompany his family in mourning when his father died from a heart attack. Then his mother passed away a few days after from a broken heart, or so the doctor said. She hadn’t taken too well to their father’s sudden death. And now… his younger brother and sister-in-law were missing. These string of events could not just be mere coincidences! “Someone is targeting our family!” Guo Li Wang said through gritted teeth, banging his fist against Guo Li Xiang’s desk.

“Yes, I’ve suspected that maybe father and mother hadn’t died from such natural causes after all.” Guo Li Xiang clasped his hands together, a quiet burning anger lighting the old man’s eyes. “Whoever is responsible for all this will pay for their crimes. Blood for blood.” Cold, cruel words were spoken as both brothers seemed to let the reality of the situation sink in.

“Who do you suspect?” Guo Li Wang asked his elder brother who was more familiar with their family’s enemies. Since he had been away for so long due to his military activities, he had only a basic understanding that a family of wealth would also earn a sea of jealous individuals.

“There’s too many people who want our family to suffer,” Guo Li Xiang shook his head. “Until we’ve uncovered more information, there’s really no way to know who is involved and who is not.” The older man stood, bringing his hands behind him as he took a step towards the window to gaze outside thoughtfully. “Have our men recovered the carriage?”

Guo Li Wang gave a deep sigh. “No. Everything had been burned to the ground. Someone must've been trying to get rid of the evidence. There was nothing left for us to even begin looking for answers.”

“That’s not entirely correct,” Guo Li Xiang remarked, turning to look at his younger brother. “There’s another person who encountered the carriage before we had.”

Guo Li Wang’s eyes widened in understanding. Yes, there had been… Su Jing Fei!

In another part of the Guo residence, Su Jing Fei was being led to a pleasant-looking courtyard by Xie shi. Accompanying them were Mingyu and the other young lady who Su Jing Fei guessed to be Xie shi’s daughter. “Forgive me for not introducing myself yet,” the young lady spoke as they continued walking. “My name is Guo Su Yin, and I am the first family’s second child and only daughter.” She gave a respectful curtsey.

“Suyi and jie jie talk! Ming ming too!” Mingyu interrupted as he sneaked in between the two young women, grabbing ahold of both of their hands. He gave a wide innocent smile, looking just a bit cheeky.

Guo Su Yin laughed, ruffling the young boy’s hair affectionately. “Ming’er is a happy and kind child, so we all tend to spoil him.” She took ahold of his hand before turning to address Su Jing Fei. “Please forgive this lowly one’s rudeness. I’ll be taking Mingyu to our courtyard to rest.” The young woman managed to pull Mingyu away with a promise of treats, leaving Xie shi alone to accompany Su Jing Fei the rest of the way.

Xie shi led Su Jing Fei into a nice looking room, commanding the servants swiftly and efficiently. “Please make yourself at home, Su xiaojie.” She turned to smile at the young girl as the both of them settled down into chairs. “We had planned to prepare a feast for your arrival, but the doctor has informed us that while you are recovering, simple meals and lots of bedrest would be ideal. Therefore we went ahead to prepare a meal in the seating room next door where Su xiaojie can dine and rest.”

“This one thanks Xie shi for her thoughtfulness,” Su Jing Fei replied with a thankful gesture. “I hope to not impose on the Guo family too much, so please do not trouble yourself.”

“It is no trouble,” Xie shi smiled, but her expression seemed a little sad and conflicted. “Especially since Su xiaojie has risked her life to save both Mingyu and Guo Li Wang. Our family is in your debt.”

Su Jing Fei shook her head, calmly replying, “It is I who is in your debt. If not for the Guo family’s doctor, this one would have suffered and most likely died. Fortunately, I was saved by medicine given by the doctor and now I’m even receiving care in your home. I am truly thankful for the Guo family’s kindness.”

It was a rather complicated issue, so Xie shi didn’t wish to dwell on the matter and merely gave a small smile before excusing herself. “Su xiaojie is truly kind. This lowly one shall not disturb your rest any longer. A few servants shall remain if you need anything. Rest well.”

After Xie shi left, Su Jing Fei was brought to the food where she began to eat in earnest. The journey to Fuo Lan had tired her, and her recovering body was eager for nutrients and sustenance to replace everything she had expelled from the poisoning. However, she ate slowly and carefully. As she was finishing up her meal, a knock came from the door. “You may enter.” Su Jing Fei commanded, setting aside her finished food.

Si Qiang appeared before her, kneeling in greeting. “This lowly one greets da xiaojie.”

“You may rise,” spoke Su Jing Fei as she turned to face him. “How was the state of Mudan-yu?” Since the countryside manor was an unused residence, Su Jing Fei had guessed that it could possibly be in pretty terrible condition.

“There are a few servants,” Si Qiang began explaining what he had observed. “The courtyards are a decent size but unkempt. This lowly one has chosen the courtyard in best condition and ordered the servants to clean it in preparation for da xiaojie’s return.” There was a moment of pause as Si Qiang contemplated something. Then he spoke once more, surprising Su Jing Fei with his words. “Upon this lowly one’s arrival to Mudan-yu, there was a disturbance at the entrance to the manor. Three women were prostrating themselves in front of the entrance, begging for an audience with da xiaojie. This lowly one recognized them as previous servants of the Su residence. They were the yatou of the previous Furen, Qu shi. Your mother.”

Su Jing Fei kept her face carefully neutral, but confused thoughts swirled in her mind. Why were her mother’s yatou looking for her? For the moment, she had no intention to return to Mudan-yu, so she could only give a simple order. “Leave them. If what they need to speak to me about is truly worth the trouble, then we’ll see them in a few days once I’ve recovered and returned to Mudan-yu.” Su Jing Fei had no time to be worrying over new strangers and the potential dangers they posed to her.

“Yes, da xiaojie.” Si Qiang bowed low before leaving the room to allow for Su Jing Fei to rest.

Su Jing Fei became lost in thought, trying to recall what little memories she had of her mother. What she remembered were a few flashes of a kind woman’s smile, a warm hand, gentle embrace, and soft voice. Qu shi always appeared to be a little sad in her memories, and she was always bedridden. Su Jing Fei recalled that the original body’s owner had often opted to play outside rather than stay inside her sickly mother’s room, but her kind mother wouldn’t mind. She’d merely watch from the window and take her out on good days. Qu shi was a kind, doting, and gentle woman in Su Jing Fei’s memories. Her heart hurt a little bit at the memory of her mother’s funeral when Su Jing Fei had only been three years of age. Qu shi had died in the countryside, and her body had been brought back to the imperial city to be buried in Su family’s ancestral grounds. These were the only memories she had about her own mother. The original Su Jing Fei was truly a pitiful young girl.

“Da xiaojie, are you feeling well?” Yize’s voice broke through her thoughts, reeling Su Jing Fei back into reality.

“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you, Yize.” Su Jing Fei replied softly. “I’m feeling a bit tired now, so I’ll be getting ready to lie down for the night.”

“Yes, da xiaojie. This lowly one will prepare to help xiaojie rest for the night.” Yize said with a respectful bow as the servants began removing the empty dishes from the table. The servants bustled about and began to leave the room with Yize following after them. The door was shut quietly. 

Su Jing Fei was finally alone for a little while. She stood and moved over to the windowsill, glancing up at the darkening night sky. A sudden nostalgia washed over Su Jing Fei as she remembered her old world and compared it to this new one. Although Su Jing Fei had been cast to the countryside, she hoped the original Su Jing Fei’s soul was resting peacefully somewhere out there with Qu shi.

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