王妃渴望復仇 Wangfei’s Desire for Revenge

Chapter 8: The Truth of Mudan-Yu

Over the next few days, Su Jing Fei received care from the Guo family’s doctor in the Guo residence. The poisoning was slowly working its way out of her system, so her vitality and strength returned with the help of herbal medicines and a healthy diet. During one of those days, Su Jing Fei had received an invitation to speak with Guo Li Xiang in his office; with Yize and Si Qiang at her side, she had accepted the invitation. It seemed they had a few questions for her about what she had found upon initially encountering the merchant carriage.

“There was an arrow embedded into a box in the wagon. It had been fired from the front of the carriage and pierced through.” Su Jing Fei told them honestly.

“Was there…” Guo Li Wang furrowed his brows, afraid to think of the worst case scenario.

“There was no blood,” Su Jing Fei revealed calmly. She gave her honest opinion, which surprised the two men. “It seemed to be a non-malicious arrow. As if someone had been trying to warn them of danger.”

“So someone had witnessed their kidnapping but was unwilling to help?” Guo Li Wang looked angry at the injustice of it.

“The kidnappers would have been highly armed and skilled men. What could one person do? We were lucky that they had even received as much in warning,” the older Guo Li Xiang said thoughtfully. “Because if they had not received warning, Mingyu might not have been hidden in time to spare him from the kidnappers.”

That was a sobering thought for them all. However, many questions remained. Who had fired the arrow to warn Guo Li Wei and his family of the impending danger? Where were the kidnapped Guo Li Wei and Han shi being held? Who had them? What did they want? And what were they going to do now?

"If this one may ask, Si Qiang had mentioned a ransom letter." Su Jing Fei knew that she was being a bit rude, especially since this was a matter involving the Guo family and not the Su family. However, she was now involved, whether she liked it or not. 

"Yes, we had received a ransom letter for 50 million gold taels in exchange for Guo Li Wei and Han shi's merciful release." Guo Li Xiang said in a strained tone.

What a ridiculous request, Su Jing Fei thought. Even if the Guo family sold all their possessions, 50 million gold taels was still only just a dream! The kidnappers clearly wanted to destroy the Guo family's wealth or take it for their own!

After inquiring a bit more about the carriage, Guo Li Xiang and Guo Li Wang thanked Su Jing Fei for her help as she excused herself. Xie shi had invited Su Jing Fei over to their courtyard for some afternoon company, so she headed there immediately after dismissing Si Qiang to return to their courtyard.

“Su xiaojie has arrived!” announced the yatou as Su Jing Fei entered Xie shi’s residence. The older woman was seated at a table with Mingyu on her lap. The little boy was kicking his little feet happily as the older woman gave him some snacks from the table. Upon seeing Su Jing Fei, the young boy jumped off her lap and came barreling towards the young lady with an unrestrained grin. “Jie jie!”

“Ming’er, you’re going to get Su xiaojie’s pretty dress dirty!” scolded Xie shi, but there was no real sharpness to her voice. The Guo family did truly dote on the young boy.

Su Jing Fei didn’t mind however, and she bent down to give the young boy a hug. “Ming’er, you’re getting bigger in the few days that I haven’t seen you. Have you been eating more sweets?”

Mingyu nodded happily, stretching out his stubby arms to show her the sugar powder on his hands. “Bomu let Ming Ming eat snacks!”

Guo Su Yin held back laughter as everyone chuckled a little at Mingyu’s adorable antics. “Ming’er, come here! Suyi will take Ming’er to get some juice for his snacks.” Guo Su Yin said smiling as she stepped forward to wipe off Mingyu’s hands. Then she helped guide him out of the room as a few servants followed suit before the door closed gently behind them.

Xie shi had a servant pour a cup of tea for Su Jing Fei as they settled into a comfortable silence. Su Jing Fei was curious about Xie shi’s motive for inviting her over today, but she kept quiet, merely sipping calmly at the warm tea. It was Xie shi who broke the silence first as she set down her cup. “Has Su xiaojie been feeling better these days?”

“Yes, this one thanks Xie shi for her concern.” Su Jing Fei replied with an even tone. Her sitting posture was calm and relaxed as her eyes flickered up once to meet Xie shi’s. The older woman was giving her a curious look.

“Su xiaojie just returned from speaking with my husband and Guo Li Wang in his office, correct?”

“Yes, this one has just finished speaking with the first and second Guo family masters.”

“So Su xiaojie is aware of the precarious situation the Guo family is in?” Xie shi asked simply, returning to sipping from her cup of tea.

While Su Jing Fei had briefly spoken with Guo Li Xiang and Guo Li Wang, they hadn’t divulged too much information to her. She was still an outsider to the family afterall. However, Su Jing Fei had made her own observations upon entering the Guo residence, such as the lack of color and simplicity in decorations. On top of that, the Guo family wore simple light and muted colors, avoiding the extravagant colors usually worn in spring. No one could miss the fact that the Guo family were obviously mourning. However, who were they mourning for? Surely it couldn’t be the Guo family’s youngest son Guo Li Wei and his wife who had just been missing for a few days. So someone else in the family had died quite recently, probably within the past year or so. And now, combined with the kidnapping, the Guo family must surely recognize that they were being targeted by someone, and that the previous deaths of their family members weren’t as simple as they had seemed. “Does Xie shi have something she wishes to ask of me? This one will answer as honestly as I can.”

Xie shi seemed hesitant, as though she was afraid to ask. “What did you see when you happened upon the carriage in the road?”

Su Jing Fei set down her cup of tea, folding her hands respectfully onto her lap as she gave Xie shi a small smile. “There’s no need for Xie shi to worry. There was no blood or anything of the sort. However, the carriage had been rummaged through, as though the attackers had been looking for something.” Su Jing Fei kept a carefully neutral expression as she curiously asked, “Does Xie shi possibly know what the kidnappers were looking for?”

Xie shi looked taken aback at the young lady’s sharp question. She was truly as perceptive and clever as Li Wang had said! “T-This lowly one is unsure.” The older woman looked hesitant about whether or not she should continue speaking on the matter. However, after a few moments of quietness, Xie shi gave a long sigh. “Since Su xiaojie seems to have the trust of my husband and brother-in-law, I will also choose to trust Su xiaojie with this matter.” Su Jing Fei gave a small perceptible nod in response, listening intently as Xie shi continued speaking. “Guo Li Wei had obtained a list of new clients interested in a special product the Guo family has developed recently.”

“I see.” Su Jing Fei replied evenly; however her interest was truly piqued. “When did Xie shi receive this information?”

“I had gotten a letter about it from Han shi when they were still travelling.”

“Did Guo Li Xiang ever receive a letter from Guo Li Wei on the matter?”

“Now that I think about it, Han shi had mentioned that Guo Li Wei had wanted it to be a secret gift to Li Xiang because my husband’s birthday is coming up…”

Su Jing Fei’s interest was piqued; however, she didn’t want to seem rude and inquire more about the matter. There was something else though that she found intriguing. “This one hopes Xie shi does not mind me speaking out of turn. If I may give my honest opinion?”

Xie shi gave a look of surprise. Su Jing Fei was definitely a girl of nobility with her proper manners and gentle demeanor. However, there was also something about Su Jing Fei that was very different from the other young noble girls; it really threw Xie shi off guard, so all she managed was a polite nod of her head at Su Jing Fei’s request.

“This one wonders about the motive behind the kidnapping. It surely cannot be coincidence that Guo Li Wei and Han shi were attacked just after Xie shi received a letter with such good news.” Su Jing Fei spoke frankly with a calm expression. Her refined posture held an air of respect, and Xie shi felt a little intimidated at the young girl’s imposing nature. “Additionally, from this one’s humble observations, the Guo family is still in a period of mourning. Although I am not familiar with what has transpired in Fuo Lan within the past year, one has the suspicion that the death in the Guo family and the kidnappings of Guo Li Wei and Han shi are not isolated incidents as one would think.” From what Su Jing Fei was saying, it definitely meant to imply that there was a traitor within the household. It wouldn’t make sense that the Guo family members would want to ruin their own family, so it could only be said that the servant was selling out the master!

With a stunned expression, Xie shi found herself seeing this young lady in a new light. Su Jing Fei had touched upon every suspicion that Xie shi had, and this young girl still had come to the clearest conclusion in such a short period of time. It had even taken Xie shi a bit of time to come to the same realization; this young girl was truly peculiar.

Seeing Xie shi’s expression, Su Jing Fei gave a demure expression and spoke in a soft voice. “This one hopes she did not offend Xie shi.”

“No, not at all,” Xie shi finally managed to say after collecting herself. She readjusted herself in the chair, placing her hands carefully back into her lap. “This lowly one hopes she did not scare Su xiaojie with her serious question.”

“Not at all,” Su Jing Fei replied in kind, bearing a smile in her calm expression. “This one hopes that Xie shi stays well and healthy for many years to come.” Meaning she hoped that Xie shi would be cautious until they found the traitor within the Guo residence.

Xie shi thanked Su Jing Fei and quickly excused herself as needing to speak to her husband. Su Jing Fei thanked Xie shi for her hospitality and returned to her own rooms. Since a few days had passed, the doctor had notified Su Jing Fei that she had fully recovered from the poison and should be back to full health. Thus, it would not be strange that Su Jing Fei planned to return to Mudan-yu the following day. The Guo family bid Su Jing Fei farewell the next morning with Mingyu looking a little tearful and Su Jing Fei promising to visit often.

Back in the carriage as Si Qiang led them to Mudan-yu, Su Jing Fei found herself recalling the matter that Si Qiang spoke of a few days ago. It seemed like Mudan-yu was far from the peaceful countryside manor she had wanted. Once they reached the entrance to Mudan-yu, the carriage rolled to a stop.

“Da xiaojie, they’re here again.” Si Qiang remarked quietly to Su Jing Fei.

The window curtains to the carriage parted slightly as Su Jing Fei observed the three women outside. The particular range of their age differences made for an interesting sight. One woman was young, looking to be only a few years older than Su Jing Fei herself. Another woman looked to be middle-aged, possibly in her thirties, and the last woman had greying hair with skin darkened from age. The three of them stood aside as the carriage rolled past, and Su Jing Fei let the curtain fall back into place. After entering Mudan-yu, the carriage door was opened and Si Qiang helped guide Su Jing Fei down.

A row of five servants bowed before Su Jing Fei as she observed the inside of Mudan-yu. It certainly was as unkempt as Si Qiang had said. The trees and flowers were poorly maintained with sickly appearances; the buildings had splintered and broken roofs with yellowed screens. A sudden conflicted feeling appeared in Su Jing Fei’s heart. This place was where her mother Qu shi had taken her last breath…

“These lowly ones greet da xiaojie and humbly welcome her to Mudan-yu!” cried the five servants in unison. Si Qiang introduced them all to Su Jing Fei respectively. An older man was the head attendant, and his name was Zihuan. Then there was the cook, gardener, and two cleaning ladies. There was a clear lack of servants in Mudan-yu, and Su Jing Fei took a mental note to hire more in the future. However, there was another matter that needed to be taken care of.

“Zihuan, how long have those three women been coming to the manor?” Su Jing Fei asked.

The older man stepped forward quickly, brightening up at the mention of his name. He gave a haughty look as he spoke, clearly proud that Su Jing Fei had spoken to him first. “Those three women have been disrupting the peace of this fine manor for the past couple of days since it was announced that da xiaojie had entered Fuo Lan! If da xiaojie wishes, this lowly one will chase them away as to not disturb your peace and rest!” The old attendant was sure that this was what his xiaojie wanted!

Su Jing Fei considered Zihuan’s attitude for a moment. Upon noticing his xiaojie was quiet, Zihuan began to nervously fiddle with his hands. He’d never met anyone from the Su family before, even though he had been the attendant of Mudan-yu for many years now. It was a point of pride that he could call himself a servant of the Right Prime Minister Su Xuan Mo, and he usually carried a proud and haughty attitude amongst others. However, in front of Su Jing Fei, Zihuan could not endure under the imposing look from this young noble lady. She had a refined appearance, and although her face was ordinary in beauty standards, the sharp posture and elegant gestures showed her dignified bearing as the di daughter of a noble official. Luckily, Zihuan was spared from Su Jing Fei’s cold stare as she turned away without a second glance.

“Si Qiang, receive those three women in one of the nicer courtyards.” Su Jing Fei commanded with a wave of her sleeve. She deftly ordered the gardener and two cleaning ladies to clean up one of the courtyards. The cook heeded her request for a light afternoon meal, and all left quickly to attend to their xiaojie’s orders.

“Da xiaojie, is there anything this lowly one can help with?” Zihuan inquired nervously. He felt as though he had somehow angered Su Jing Fei, especially since she was now inviting those three women into Mudan-yu. His need to please clearly showed on his greedy expression.

“Yes,” Su Jing Fei replied with a smile. Zihuan’s ears perked up in anticipation. “Since Zihuan is willing to help, I shall have to kindly ask for you to help me take my things into the courtyard where I shall be staying.”

“Most definitely! This lowly one would be happy to help da xiaojie carry her things!” Zihuan spoke excitedly, feeling that his xiaojie wasn’t so angry at him after all. He moved forward to take care of the items at the back of the carriage.

Su Jing Fei took a step back as Yize quietly came to her side. “Da xiaojie, is it okay to trust this man? This lowly one thinks he seems rather…unlikable.” Her whisper was quiet and trailed off at the end. When Su Jing Fei didn’t say anything, Yize knew her da xiaojie had a reason for everything so she didn’t further question her xiaojie. As the three of them made their way through the courtyards, Zihuan began to speak about many things. He spoke about Fuo Lan and its inhabitants, proudly recalling all the names and statuses of the noble families residing in Fuo Lan. Then he delved into the gossip and rumors; all the while, Su Jing Fei listened intently without interrupting. Yize felt like her ears hurt once they finally reached the courtyard. After helping to arrange Su Jing Fei’s luggage to their rightful places, she thanked Zihuan and dismissed the talkative man before settling down into a chair to rest for a moment.

It wasn’t long before Si Qiang appeared, reporting to Su Jing Fei that he had received the three women in a southern courtyard. She stood up gracefully, gesturing for Si Qiang to lead the way. After a few minutes, they arrived at an unimpressive-looking courtyard that seemed to fare only slightly better than its neighbors.

“Da xiaojie has arrived!” announced Si Qiang as they entered the room. Immediately, all three women prostrated themselves before her. Their respectful bows did not bother Su Jing Fei as she gracefully stepped forward and placed herself in a seat. With a calm voice, Su Jing Fei commanded them. “Please rise.”

The three of them immediately stood up before Su Jing Fei. Their expressions seemed to be a mixture of complicated emotions as their eyes fell on the young lady and her refined appearance. As yatou of Qu shi, they all knew of their master’s beloved daughter Su Jing Fei. To see the young child grown as a delicate young lady, they were truly happy! However, the three of them knew that with the crimes they had committed, forgiveness was something they could not ask for. They could only present to her the honest truth of the knowledge they held and hoped that this young xiaojie granted them merciful deaths!

“Are you truly da xiaojie, Su Jing Fei?” The middle-aged woman asked quietly, her eyes bright with unshed tears.

Su Jing Fei stiffened for just a moment before turning in her chair to face the three women. What a dangerous question to ask upon first meeting… Su Jing Fei had to be careful! While she couldn’t recall any memories of these three women in the original Su Jing Fei’s mind, there could be older memories that a young Su Jing Fei could not remember. “Is it common courtesy in Fuo Lan where one shall ask the identity of another without even providing their own name?”

The three women once again fell to their knees, kowtowing before Su Jing Fei. “Please forgive our rudeness!”

The youngest woman raised her head. “I am Xiao Chen, a yatou of da xiaojie’s mother Qu shi. This lowly’s grandmother was Qu shi’s mama who had taken care of her when she resided in Mudan-yu.”

Next, the middle-age woman spoke with a firm voice and sad expression. “I am Mu Tan, a lowly commoner that Qu shi saved once. This lowly one owes a life debt to Qu shi and has vowed an eternal loyalty to Qu shi and her family! This lowly one wishes to continue to serve the Su family under da xiaojie!”

Su Jing Fei observed the middle-aged woman carefully, for her appearance was peculiar. Her skin was a shade darker than most women her age, and a small sprinkling of freckles decorated her face. The woman’s black hair showed a hint of brown at the roots. This appearance… Su Jing Fei suddenly recalled the familiar face! In the movie, Blossoms in the Wind, there was a part in the movie where an unknown skilled martial artist had tried to kill Jiang Li Ling which caused Chen Hui Zhe to immediately ask for a marriage between the two so he could protect his beloved! This woman was the female martial artist! For her to appear before Su Jing Fei, it was no coincidence that this woman had attacked Jiang Li Ling. The original Su Jing Fei from the movie must’ve ordered Mu Tan to assassinate Jiang Li Ling in retaliation to the events leading to Su Jing Fei’s banishment to the countryside! However, both couldn’t have known that this action would result in Mu Tan’s cruel death sentence of being beheaded.

Before Su Jing Fei could contemplate any further, the final woman spoke up. Her elderly appearance was also peculiar. This was no young yatou of her mother’s. “I am Dongfan, a mama that the Da Furen had hired before she passed.”

Su Jing Fei furrowed her brows in thought. “Why would my mother hire a mama before passing?”

The old woman Dongfan’s eyes began to shed tears; her face was distraught with sadness and conflict. “This lowly one deserves death!” She kowtowed once more, shoulders shaking with sobs. “This old woman could not protect da xiaojie’s di di and mei mei from a cruel fate!”

Su Jing Fei froze in her seat, feeling a coldness wash over her. Di di and mei mei… Dongfan couldn’t possible mean!

Seeing Su Jing Fei’s shocked expression, Mu Tan spoke up with a trembling voice. “The Da Furen had indeed been pregnant when she had been banished to Mudan-yu, and she’d given birth to twins before passing. A young boy and a young girl, da xiaojie’s younger brother and sister!”

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