Wasteland Conqueror

Chapter 29: Shopping Spree

Date Friday, August 10th, 2260

Approximately four hours later, I woke up well-rested and driven to continue making progress on my dream of one day conquering and controlling the planet in its entirety. Getting up whilst making sure not to disturb Alice, I quickly went into the bathroom and took care of my regular hygienic needs.

Once those were out of the way, I made my way over to my stockpile of loot that I'd been accumulating for a while and grabbed the parts I needed to turn a couple of dozen microfusion cells into mines.

I got everything I need, time to turn these cells into some very destructive devices.

Grinning, I set into motion and began rapidly assembling my makeshift mines.

After a couple of hours of work, I had two dozen simplistic yet very destructive microfusion cell mines.

They're not the best-looking mines I could've made, but they don't need to be. I just need them to keep the molemen from getting through the mine tunnel, which they'll be able to accomplish well enough.

My couple dozen mines needed to keep the vermin at bay ready to be deployed, I stood up and cleaned my hands before I downed a couple of protein drinks alongside an assortment of vitamins and snuck out of my room to go hit the gym downstairs. I spent the following hours working out and training, wearing out and abusing myself continuously to stimulate growth.

When it was eventually nearing the time everyone usually wakes up, I ended my grind session then and there and hit the showers. The moment I finished removing the large amount of sweat I received for my hard work, I hurriedly made my way back upstairs to my room and rejoined my dear little Alice in bed just in the nick of time.

"Morning, beautiful."

"Good morning, handsome." Alice replied sweetly.

The two of us played around for a bit before she went off into the bathroom to go through her morning routine and the moment she came back from it, I asked her. "You coming along with gramps and me on my shopping spree?"

"Of course, wherever you go, I'll be following alongside you." She said, latching onto me from the front whilst gazing up at me.

"What a dutiful fiance." I respond while stroking her luscious raven locks.

Getting a giggle from Alice, the two of us met up with my parents in the living room. After going through the usual routine events that take place every morning, they went off to work, leaving her and I behind to wait for my gramps to arrive. He eventually did, thus we loaded up into his vehicle and were on our way in the manufacturing district's direction.

We arrived in the district shortly and upon doing so, gramps brought us to one of the several locations I wanted to visit today to acquire the many things I needed. I spent the next several hours utilizing my trade skills, going from one place to another, buying the many pieces of machinery, tools, equipment, components, and materials I needed to begin my preparations. At the end of it all, I wracked up a sizable bill for gramps and had obtained just about everything I needed.

Minutes after doing so, I received a call from my Grandpa Henry. "Dom, the paperwork has been processed, and all the formalities have been handled. You can go to Mr. Birch's office to pick up the documents and the keys."

"Okay, thanks Grandpa, I'll head there now with gramps and Alice."

"Have fun, kid, and don't get into anything too dangerous in your new workshop."

"I know my limits, Grandpa. Thanks again for all the help."

"No problem, Dom. I'll check up on you later."

"Alright, see you around Grandpa."

Everything pretty much taken care of regarding the property. The three of us continued on to the real estate office next. Reaching it rather quickly, Mr. Birch was ready and waiting thus we finished our business here and headed off for the facility that, as of this instant, was now officially mine. Right as we got to the parking lot, I excitedly hopped out of our ride and practically ran to the entrance of the facility, my companions trailing a ways behind me due to my sudden burst of speed.

As soon as I reached the entrance, I unlocked the door and headed inside in the direction where the main area was located. The moment I set foot into what would be where most of my manufacturing would be taking place, I speedily walked over to a button located right beside the large garage door and pressed it. A brief several seconds later, the large door was wide open with a number of big trucks waiting to deliver the goods I just bought courtesy of gramps.

"Damn, that's a lot of trucks, kid. You're lucky I've made a ton of credits from my wasteland explorer career." Gramps said in his deep and rough voice.

"Nn, you're right, I'm blessed to have you as my grandpa, gramps. Not to mention everyone else in my life."

"Alright, alright, don't get sappy on me, kid." The old man said, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Excuse me, sir, where do you want the goods to be placed?" One of the delivery workers asked gramps.

"I'm not the one you need to ask. This is the one you should be asking." Gramps responded while putting his hand on my shoulder.

After hearing my gramps, the man directed his attention to me, hence I opened my mouth and said. "Here, I'll show you exactly where I want the goods to be placed. Follow me."

With the man in tow, I directed him and his team of men where I wanted everything to be placed. When I was done showing where I wanted everything, I headed back to gramp's truck and grabbed a duffle bag. The one I had my microfusion cell mines stowed inside and proceeded into the mines with Alice at my side whilst the old man kept an eye on the workers.

Once we made it to the collapsed section of the mine, I checked beyond the rubble and saw that there were no changes with the molemen. Not wanting to disturb them and possibly provoke some sort of response from the molemen hive that was beyond, I quietly crept back and began deploying the mines around the tunnel. However, mainly on the floor and walls of the tunnel. 

"That should do it. Let's head on back, Alice."


We made small talk with each other on the way back and the instant we came into the main area again; I filled my gramps on the current situation of the molemen while the delivery men were continuously offloading the many goods I had spent a fortune on. The next couple of hours flew by quickly and somewhere around the two-hour mark, the men finished their job, but before they went off on their way, gramps gave them each a fat tip of 1,000 credits each.

"Looks like that's about all we're gonna be able to accomplish today. You guys ready to head back?"

"Ready when you are, Dom." Alice responded in her usual upbeat voice.

"Yeah, let's go grab something to eat." Gramps said as his stomach announced its agreement.

"Alright, let's head out. Where do we feel like eating?"

From my newly acquired facility, the three of us settled on visiting gramp's favorite buffet place, so we set off in its direction. When we arrived, our group wasted no time, raced inside, and got to chowing down on the wide selection of foods they had on the menu. Spending slightly more than an hour there, we rolled out of the buffet stuffed practically to the brim.

"That was a damn good meal." Gramps commented aloud, more than pleased with his full belly slightly protruding.

"You really ate a bit too much, gramps. We can't let you come here too often or you'll eat yourself into a coma."

"Haha, like you can talk, kid. You ate just as much as me."

Alice giggled and added. "He has you there, Dom."

The bunch of us bantered and talked about this and that and before we knew it, we arrived back at the house. After returning home, we first greeted my parents before giving them a not-so-truthful version of what we did today. The conversation didn't last that long, but as soon as it ended, gramps led Alice and me downstairs to undergo his hellish training regime he designed for both of us respectively to push us to our limits.

Three hours of intense physical training later, gramps said loudly. "Alright, you two, you're finished for today."

"Hah, g-good I was a-about to collapse." Alice gasped out in between breaths.

"Phew, my muscles were beginning to wear out." I said the second I was able to get off the treadmill, I was sprinting on.

The old man said a few encouraging words and headed up whilst I helped Alice hobble over to the showers. When we made it there, the scene that took place the other day occurred again at Alice's behest. I know she could stand on her own just fine, but wanting to keep her motivated, I gave in and cleaned her from head to toe while tossing a muscle massage in to relax her muscles a slight bit.

I guess this will become a common occurrence in the future. It's a good thing Alice isn't a mature beauty like her mother just yet. I probably would've pounced on her already if that was the case.

Predicting my future, I continued my task and after ensuring my girl was spotless along with myself; we rejoined the rest of the family in the living room upstairs and wished my grandpa John a goodnight.

Following his departure, my parents took off to another part of the house while Alice and I got to studying, expanding upon our extensive knowledge base bit by bit. We two peas in a pod did that for the next couple of hours before we wished my mom and dad a good night and retreated to my room for the night.

As soon as we made it to my room that has become our room, Alice spun my way and pleaded. "Dom, my muscles are a bit sore. Do you mind giving me that massage again, the one from the shower? It was really pleasant and relaxing."

"Sure thing, but we're going to sleep right after."

To make my task easier, I had her change into some of her thinner nightwear and lay flat on the bed. Once she was where I wanted her, I massaged her most sore muscles first, occasionally getting a sigh of relief here and there mixed with a tinge of pleasure. I then moved on to the rest and 15 minutes later, I had her relaxed to the point where she was putty in my hands, ready to pass out at a moment's notice.

"Thanks, handsome."

"No problem, beautiful." I said before planting a kiss on her forehead, causing her to smile and her cheeks to take on a shade of pink.

With a happy and content Alice, we took care of our hygienic needs and climbed into bed together, passing out within less than a minute of both our heads hitting the pillows.


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