Wasteland Conqueror

Chapter 49: The Power Up Continues

Satisfied with the idea, I returned my focus to the system screen that had finally changed back to the status screen. Not bothering to give my massively increased stats even the briefest of looks, I headed right for the quest section and proceeded to turn in my Molemen Removal quest.

For my reward, I obtained 3 attribute points, 2 of which I dropped into charisma and 1 into luck, bringing the both of them to 11. Along with getting both of those attributes to 11, I received 245,000 exp and the Beginner Miner perk.

Ding New Perk Unlocked!
Ding New Perk Unlocked!

I wonder what these new perks can do.

Swapping to the window I desired, I pulled the perks up one by one.

| Beginner Miner | Your mining methods have been improved, resulting in you becoming a qualified beginner miner. +20% to mining speed, +20% to mining efficiency, and +10% to mining yields. This perk affects you as well as those under your leadership.

| Silver Tongue | Requirements 11 Charisma: You've surpassed human limitations for charisma, hence you can now converse with all sorts of different animals and creatures as if you were speaking to a normal human in your native tongue. Some animals and creatures may not be so receptive to you so keep your guard up.

| Walking Treasure Detector | Requirements 11 Luck: You've surpassed human limitations for luck because of that you've gained the ability to sniff out treasure wherever it may be. Additionally, situations that should go horribly wrong for you, now somehow end well for you. Lastly, your base critical chance is increased from 1% to 2% and your luck now gives you double the amount of skill points. So instead of only receiving +1 to all skills for each point of luck you have, you will now be awarded +2 instead.

Beginner Miner will 100% come in handy when we begin our mining operation in the mine tunnels and the connected cave system. Besides that, Silver Tongue and Walking Treasure Detector aren't bad at all. The former will allow me to communicate with all sorts of beings that will definitely be of great help when that little dragon of mine hatches.

As for the latter, being able to get a lock on where more loot lies is always something I'll take no matter what. So acquiring a perk that has that sort of effect is already a huge plus in my book, let alone this guy, which also doubles my critical chance and the amount of skill points I get from luck.

Three pretty great perks added to my growing perk list. I returned to the main status page and got the level under way. A split second later, the system window changed to display the perk screen for the third time today.

[ Perks ]

Perk Points Left: 45

Level 2 Perks

| Growth | (Ranks Unlimited) Requirements Level 2: Gain 1 attribute point that you can distribute freely.

Level 4 Perks

| Addiction Resistant | Requirements Level 4, Medicine 60: Half as likely to get addicted to drugs.

| Character Builder | Requirements Level 4: Take 1 more trait.

| Marathon Runner | Requirements Level 4, Endurance 5, Agility 6: +15% to stamina and stamina regeneration.

| Reading Fanatic | (Ranks 4) Requirements Level 4, Intelligence 5: Gain 2 more skill points from skill books and +25% to reading speed.

Level 6 Perks

| Brute | (Ranks 5) Requirements Level 6, Endurance 6: +3 DT

Level 8 Perks

| Boomstick | Requirements Level 8, Ballistic Weapons 85: +50% damage to shotguns, and when shooting with one, whatever you are targeting tends to go boom and get ripped to shreds.

| Observant | Requirements Level 8, Perception 5, Medicine 50: When looking at someone or something, you will now know how much health the target has and what their DT is, as well as any other resistances they may possess. Additionally, you gain a +1 to perception and your eyesight improves by 100%.

| Heavy Weapon Expert Rank 2 | (Ranks 5) Requirements Level 8, Endurance 5, Strength 5, Heavy Weapons 50: +20% Damage and accuracy with heavy weapons.

Level 10 Perks

| Always Aware | Requirements Level 10, Perception 5, Survival 55: Unlock the ability to sleep comfortably anywhere and remain aware of your surroundings at all times, even while asleep.

Level 12 Perks

| Iron Fist | Requirements Level 12, Endurance 6, Strength 6: Your fists will increase in hardness and strength and you gain +20% to unarmed damage.

Level 14 Perks

| Infiltrator | Requirements Level 14, Agility 4, Perception 7, Stealth 45: When you are infiltrating, you are harder to detect and you move 10% faster. On top of that, your stealth attacks do 35% more damage.

| Patcher | Requirements Level 14, Repair 45: Gain the ability to magically repair any item using random junk.

| Smash & Bash | Requirements Level 14, Strength 3, Ballistic Weapons 50, Energy Weapons 50: +25% to ranged weapon bashing damage.

I got a hell of a lot of perk points to spend. Now what perks am I going to spend them on.

Scouring the list of perks all the way to the level 14 perks, I started selecting perks one after another as I wished.

I'll take all the level 14 perks to begin, for obvious reasons. The level 12 perks only has Backpacker as its sole level 12 perk remaining and because I possess Herculean Strength now, there isn't much reason to pick it when I can get the same benefits from increasing my strength with Growth plus an additional damage bonus. Thus, I'll be skipping it for the foreseeable future unless something changes.

Of the level 10 perks I'm going to bring along, the only remaining perk there, Always Aware, being able to remain aware of my surroundings at all times even while asleep is one hell of an ability to possess.For the level 8 perks, I'll grab the other four ranks of Heavy Weapons Expert, boosting my heavy weapon damage and accuracy by another 80%.

Good luck to any enemies standing in my line of fire when I finally produce my primary weapon. Moving on from that, I'll pick up the other two level 8 perks, Observant will be useful for combat information, especially when I'm going up against powerful and heavily armored foes.

Boomstick isn't all that useful to me currently, since I don't use shotguns all that frequently. However, since I will have a perk that will turn my shotgun rounds explosive, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to design a shotgun to take advantage of such a perk.

I'm thinking a double-barreled large capacity one with a select fire switch would do the job. And while I'm on this topic, I might as well add a side arm to my list of things too, probably a large caliber one with good penetration capabilities.

Of the level 6 and 4 perks, I'll select all five ranks of Brute, increasing my body's defenses by 15 DT, and take four ranks Reading Fanatic so I can use the many skill books I've been sitting on for years at this point. The +100% to my reading speed is a nice extra, too. Additionally, I'm going to get Marathon Runner, Addiction Resistant, and Character Builder, which I will use to pick up the Critter trait to raise my crit chance by 10%.

Alright, with all those perks chosen, I'm left with only the level two perks now. Dad's Favorite and Mama's Boy are not entirely worthless but are mostly unneeded. Thus, I'm going to pass on them and dedicate the remaining 13 points I have left to growth. Hmm, what attributes should I choose... I could place 3 points in agility, bringing it to 11.

Doing that will net me a new perk and finish the last objective for the Surpass Your Human Limits quest, which I'll get even more rewards from... Yeah, I'm gonna have to take a hard pass on that. I'm already digesting an overwhelming amount of information as it is, so I don't need to make that issue any worse. And besides, it's not like it'll take me much longer to get it up there through my workout/ training regime.

Back to the problem at hand, I'm going to be staying in the undercity for about another seven years. So to make the most it would be in my best interest to invest in the one attribute that will raise my exp gain that being intelligence. The higher level I am when I leave here, the stronger I'll be and the less likely I'll meet my end out there.

My mind made up dumped the 13 attribute points into intelligence, raising my experience rate by a whopping 65%. When that's added to the exp reward of the Surpass Your Human Limits quest, that's an extra 65,000 exp. Add all the daily workout quests I'll keep completing every day and I should be able to level up several more times prior to my departure, honestly can't wait for the day I set out on my quest to conquer the wastes.

With all the points distributed, do I want to make any changes to what I've selected... I already have a perk that does what Patcher does so I could trade it out and throw the point in growth. That said, there's a pretty decent chance its ability to repair any item using random junk might be instant.

Just the possibility of it having that effect is reason enough to pick it up in my book. If it has that effect, I can see it being a lifesaver in a number of scenarios ranging anywhere from repairing my weapon and armor in the battlefield to fixing up a busted mechanism that's impeding my way forward.

Now that that's taken care of, it's time to continue to the skill distribution segment of this mass power up again.

[ Skills ]

Skill Points Left: 795

Ballistic Weapons: 178 
Energy Weapons: 164 
Explosives: 160 
(T)Heavy Weapons: 260 
Leadership: 148 
Lockpick: 122 
(T)Medicine: 332 
Melee Weapons: 138 
Piloting: 121 
(T)Repair: 332 
(T)Science: 332 
Speech: 215 
Stealth: 318 
Survival: 323 
Trade: 168 
Unarmed: 133 
Magic: 72 

I'm so over this shit, man. There will be no more level ups after this for at least a good while.

Not looking forward to another flood of experience and knowledge getting stuffed into my head for the second time today, I began brainstorming where to best use my skill points.

I could bring magic up and get a free perk out of it, but I really don't care about it at this moment and it'll get there on its own with my class effects alone, thus there's no need to waste points on it. So with that as it is, I'll just start out by simply increasing trade to 300 to increase the rate of return of my Currency Maker perk.

Next I'll up medicine, repair, and science to 500 because those are the 3 skills I'll be using the most in time I have remaining before my journey, and the higher they are the greater my preparations will be when I set forth into the wasteland. Left with 159 skill points, I'll just dump them into piloting since I can always use more reaction speed.

Taking a moment to make sure I was happy with the placement of my 795 skill points, I locked in the skill distribution seconds later, bringing on the final flood of experience and knowledge I'll have to go through for some time. Having an easier time dealing with the effects of the painful process, even more so than the last, due to my intelligence attribute increasing by such a substantial percentage, I got through it with little difficulty.

Phew, that was far easier than the previous mass level up I went through. I didn't even have to grit my teeth. I would say the pain was around a wicked headache or a slight bit worse than that. If these are the sort of benefits I can expect from investing in intelligence, I suppose I'll have to continue doing so. As long as I don't have another attribute, that requires the investment.

Ding New Perk Unlocked!
Ding New Perk Unlocked!

And there are the perks for my new magic power attribute and magic skill. Guess I'm a sort of master in the magic arts now, even though I just became a mage within the last hour. Although not really, since I've yet to actually integrate any of that knowledge and experience gained into my skill set. But when I do, I'll become one in no more than a day, maybe even today, so I can get it over with...

Pushing thoughts of that off to the side for the moment, I pulled up the new perk to check it out.

| Magic Supremacy | Requirements 11 Magic Power: You've surpassed the limitations for a mage initiate because of that you've gained the ability to overcharge any of your spells with mana to increase their effectiveness and damage by 1% for every 1% increase in mana cost. On top of that, your mana regeneration is increased by +100%, +1,000 to max mana capacity, +100% to magic learning speed, and +100% to magic skill gain.

| Wisest Wizard | Requirements Magic 101: Your skill in magic has surpassed master tier. As a result of this, you've unlocked duplicate cast the ability to duplicate whatever spell you cast. So instead of casting a spell and only getting the desired effect once, you'll now be able to cast a spell such as fireball, for example, and be able to send forth two fireballs. However, as nice as this ability sounds, it is not without its faults and requires twice the mana it would usually cost for doing so. This ability can be used and controlled freely via your will and the max duplicate effect will grow by 1 for every 100 skill points you possess in your magic skill beyond 100. In addition to duplicate cast, your magic damage, magic effectiveness and mana efficiency increase by 0.5% for every skill point you have in magic.

They both sound pretty strong. Too bad I won't be using either of them for quite a while. I already have way too much on my plate as it is currently. Although since my intelligence has seen such a major increase, I think I can fit in the technique upgrade, but that will be it.

Alright, let me check my status out to see where I currently stand in terms of power.

Closing that window out, I navigated to my status and brought my massively powered up stats into view.

[ Status ]
Name: Dom Mason Woods
Age: 11
Height: 6 Feet 1 Inch
Body Weight: 235 lbs
Race: Human
Class: Mage Initiate 1st Level
Level: 15
Experience Points: 5,000/32,000 | Formula: Next Level# x 2,000
Total Experience Points Earned: 245,000
Experience Rate: 475% ⇮ | Formula: 120 + (Intelligence x 5) + (Level x 1)
Health: 1,820 | Formula: 100 + (Endurance x 20) + (Level# x 10) x 2
Healing Rate: 2.2533 Health Per Second/135.2 Health Per Minute ⇮ | Formula: (0.2 Health Per Minute x Endurance) + 1 + 60 x 2
Stamina: 3,154 ⇮ | Formula: 100 + ( Endurance x 20) x 4.15
Stamina Regeneration: 2.2825 Stamina Per Second/136.95 Stamina Per Minute ⇮ | Formula: (1 Stamina Per Minute x Endurance) x 4.15
Mana: 100 | Formula: 100 + (Mage Realm Gains, Mage Level Gains, & Integrated Mana)
Mana Regeneration: 9.4 | Formula: (0.1 Per Second x Magic Power) x 2
Max Mana Capacity: 4,500 | Formula: 1,200 + (Endurance x 100) + (Mage Realm & Mage Level Gains)
Carry Weight: 1,108.20625/5,700 ⇮ | Formula: 1,450 + (Strength x 100) x 2
Critical Chance: 32% ⇮ | Formula: 10 + (Luck x 2)

[ Effects ]
Child Of Light: Agility +1 - Endurance +1 - Strength +1 - Health Per Second +1
??? Necklace: [???]
Heavy Trooper Armor Set: DT 65 - Radiation Resistance 20 - Perception +1 - Stealth +20
War Belt: DT 1

[ Armor ]
Total Damage Threshold: 172 ⇮
Armor Damage Threshold: 66
Body Damage Threshold: 106 ⇮ | Formula: 20 + (Endurance x 1) x 2

[ Resistances ]
Addiction Resistance: 50%
Poison Resistance: 58 ⇮ Formula: (Endurance x 1) + 25
Total Radiation Resistance: 53 ⇮
Radiation Resistance: 33 ⇮ | Formula: Endurance x 1
Armor Radiation Resistance: 20

[ Attributes ]
Strength: 13 (14) ⇮
Agility: 8 (9) ⇮
Endurance: 33 (34) ⇮
Intelligence: 68 ⇮
Perception: 50 (51) ⇮
Charisma: 11 ⇮
Luck: 11 ⇮
Magic Power: 47 ⇮

[ Skills ]
Ballistic Weapons: 238 (239) ⇮
Energy Weapons: 224 (225) ⇮
Explosives: 190 ⇮
(T)Heavy Weapons: 260 (262) ⇮
Leadership: 178 ⇮
Lockpick: 152 (153) ⇮
(T)Medicine: 530 ⇮
Melee Weapons: 138 (141) ⇮
Piloting: 310 (311) ⇮
(T)Repair: 530 ⇮
(T)Science: 530 ⇮
Speech: 215 ⇮
Stealth: 348 (370) ⇮
Survival: 323 (324) ⇮
Trade: 330 ⇮
Unarmed: 133 (137) ⇮
Magic: 207 ⇮

Skill Points Gained Per Level Up: 86 ⇮ | Formula: 4 + (Intelligence x 1) x 1.2

[ Traits ]
| Critter | - | Gifted | - | Sex Appeal | - | Skilled | - | Take Another Rank 1 |

[ Perks ]
Active Perks: | Currency Maker | - | Ghost | - | Medical Genius | - | Patcher | - | Pleasure |

Passive Perks: | Addiction Resistant | - | All The Loot | - | Always Aware | - | Ambidextrous | - | Another Skill Talent | - | Assassin | - | Beginner Miner | - | Bone Head | - | Bookworm | - | Boomstick | - | Braced | - | Brute Rank 5 | - | Calculative Individual | - | Cat Eyes | - | Champion Level Muscle Genetics | - | Character Builder | - | Child Of Light | - | Commander | - | Computer Whiz | - | Death Sense | - | Double-Edged Sword | - | Eagle Eye | - | Efficient Weapon Handling | - | Escape Artist | - | Growth Rank 13 | - | Heavy Weapon Expert Rank 5 | - | Human Supercomputer | - | Human Warehouse | - | Infiltrator | - | Iron Fist | - | Knowledgeable Sponge | - | Lady Killer | - | Language Master | - | Leader Of The Pack | - | Lighter Load | - | Looter Shooter | - | Marathon Runner | - | Master Of All Trades | - | Monstrous Physique | - | Natural Born Learner | - | Nature Affinity Rank 3 | - | Nerves Of Steel | - | Observant | - | Pain Resistance | - | Quick Hands | - | Quick Learner | - | Rare Cardiovascular Genetics | - | Reading Fanatic | - | Recipe Improvement | - | Regeneration | - | Savage | - | Second Wind | - | Silver Tongue | - | Skeleton Key | - | Smash & Bash | - | Sniper | - | Speed Loader | - | Strong Body | - | Talented | - | Tank Commander | - | That's A Lot Of Damage | - | The Great Leader | - | Tough Skeleton | - | Walking Treasure Detector | - | Warrior | - | Wild Man |

Combo Perks: | All Seeing | - | Bulletstorm | - | Certified Forklift Operator | - | Devastator | - | Herculean Strength | - | Human Smelter | - | Magic Supremacy | - | Martial Weapon Master | - | Mechanical Domination | - | Metal Detector | - | Overcharged | - | Restorer | - | Shadow Lurker | - | Space Farer | - | The Power Of Atom | - | Unarmed Master | - | Wisest Wizard |

Perk Points Gained Per Level Up: 3 ⇮

[ Mutations ]
| Pure |

[ Classes ]
| Mage | +2 Intelligence, Perception, and Magic and +3 Magic Power Per Level Up

[ Gear & Item Box ]
Weapons: A-50 Anti-Material Rifle (1) - Carl Gustaf (1) - Demolition Charges (20) - Detonator (1) - FBLAR-1 Laser Assault Rifles (2) - Grandpa John's Combat Knife (1) - M76 Minigun (1) - T-4 Plasma Grenades (50)

Weapon Magazines: 7.62mm Minigun 500 Round Drum Magazines (20) - 7.62mm Minigun 1,000 Round Backpack Magazine (1) - A-50 Anti-Material Rifle 10 round Magazines (20)

Armor: Heavy Trooper Set (1) - War Belt

Apparel: ??? Cross Necklace (1) - Set Of Clothes (5)

Aid: IFAKs (2) - Medstims (100) - P-Dex Bottle (1) - P-Dex Syringes (10)

Ammo: .50 BMG Rounds (300)- 7.62x51mm Rounds (11,000) - 84x245R RCL Rounds (50) - Microfusion Breeder Cells (20)

Miscellaneous: Lockpick Sets (2) - Stealth Packs (6) - Undercity 7 Credstick (1)

Money: Undercity 7 Credits (53,457,144)

[ Other Stats & Bonuses ]
Accuracy: Braced Weapon Accuracy +20% - Headshot Accuracy +25% - Heavy Weapon Accuracy +100%
Attack Speed: Melee Weapon Attack Speed +50% - Unarmed Attack Speed +50%
Attribute: Endurance Gain +400% - Intelligence Gain +50% - Strength Gain +400%
Bodily Needs: Food & Drink Requirements -22% - Required Sleep 4 Hours
Body: Blood Circulation +50% - Body Durability +100% - Bone Durability +50% - Bone Strength +50% - Eyesight +100% - Ligament Strength +300% - Ligament Growth Speed +300% - Muscle Growth Speed +100% - Muscle Density +100% - Reaction Speed +77.5% - Tendon Strength +300% - Tendon Growth Speed +300%
Brain: Brain Processing Power +600% - Calculation Ability +100% - Knockout Resistance +50% - Reading Speed +250% - Thought Processes 2
Cooldowns: Second Wind Cooldown 29 Days
Critical: Stealth Attack Crit Chance With Melee, Unarmed, & Thrown Weapons +100%
Currency Maker Rates: $1,000 For 3 lb Of Silver - $10,000 For 3 lb Of Gold
Damage: Ballistic Weapon Damage +119% - Critical Hit Damage +50% - Damage +10% - Energy Weapon Damage +112% - Explosive Damage 95% - Female Damage +15% - Headshot Damage +35% - Heavy Weapon Damage +230% - Magic Damage +573.5% - Melee Weapon Damage +249% - Ranged Weapon Bashing Damage +25% - Shotgun Damage +50% - Stealth Damage +234% - Unarmed Damage +266.5%
Defense: DT +5 - When Taking Damage From Mutated Creatures DT +20% - While Bracing A Weapon DT +10%
Duplicate Cast Max Amount: 2
Energies: Martial Weapon Master Energy Range 13 Meters - Unarmed Master Energy Range 13 Meters
Fields: Metal Detector Range 5,000 Meters - Perception Field Range 50 meters - Presence Hiding Field Range 34 Meters - Repair Field Range & Rate 53 Meters, 53% Per Hour
Ghost: Duration 34 Minutes
Hands: All Around Hand Speed +100% - Typing Speed +100%
Health: Health +100% - Health Regeneration Per Minute +1 - Health Regeneration Rate +100%
Heavy: When Wearing Heavy Armor Or Piloting Similarly Classed Craft Armor, Damage, & Speed +25%
Leadership & Forces: Force Damage +10% - Force Efficiency +1% - Force Performance +1% - Heavy Force Armor +25% - Heavy Force Damage +25% - Heavy Force Speed +25% - Loyalty Gain +100% - When Fighting Alongside Force Damage +10%
Lockpicking Reward: 15
Mage Realm Level Limit: 23
Magic: Magic Effectiveness +573.5% - Mana Efficiency +1,283.5% - Magic Learning Speed +100% - Magic Skill Gain +100% - Mana Absorption Speed +1,180%
Medical: Aid Duration +100% - Aid Positive Effects +100%
Medical Genius Heal Limit: 5 Use A Day
Mining: Mining Efficiency +20% - Mining Speed +20% - Mining Yields +10%
Movement Speed: When Infiltrating Movement Speed +10%
Other Weapon Stats: Explosive Radius +95% - Magazine Loading Speed +50% - Reloading Speed +35%
Martial Weapon Master Energy Range: 10 Meters
Resistances: Addiction Resistance +50% - Poison Resistance +25
Shotgun: BOOM!
Skill: Skill Gain Speed +250% - Skill Points Gained Per Level Up +25% - Skill Points Gained From Skill Books 10
Stamina: Stamina +415% - Stamina Costs -20% - Stamina Regeneration +415% - Weapon Handling Stamina Cost -50%
Vehicle: Speed When Piloting +77.5% - Handling When Piloting +77.5%
Velocity: Ballistic Weapon Velocity +119% - Energy Weapon Velocity +112% - Heavy Weapon Velocity +130%
Weight: Carry Weight 1,350 - Carry Weight Percentage +100% - Item Weight 5lbs & Lower -50% - Weapon Weight 10lbs & Higher -50%
Kill Counter: 6,461

[ Property ]
Weapons: 7.62mm Hunting Rifles (576) - A-50 Anti-Material Rifles (100) - AALP-3 Laser Pistols (1,000) - AALR-6 Laser Rifles (1,000) - AAGL-5 Gatling Lasers (100) - AK-108s (100) - AKMs (100) - CA12 Combat Shotguns (100) - Carl Gustafs (99) - Colt Python .357 Magnum Revolvers (934) - Combat Knives (5,000) - CSG10 Submachine Guns (699) - Demolition Charges (980) - Detonators (9) - DMG-15 Double Barrel Machine Gun (1) - F-60 Flamethrower (100) - FBLAR-1 Laser Assault Rifles (2,998) - HK416s (100) - M2 Browning Machine Gun (100) - M240 Machine Guns (15) - M56 Miniguns (100) - M76 Miniguns (99) - M90 Frag Grenades (5,000) - Microfusion Cell Mines (24) - NPDMs (100) - Pickaxes (4,121) - Remington Model 870 Shotguns (1,765) - Sawed-off Double Barreled 12 Gauge Shotguns (2) - STAR-25 Assault Rifles (24) - T-4 Plasma Grenades (1,950) - TBT Sniper Rifles (100) - Z-2 Plasma Rifles (100)

Weapon Magazines: 5.56mm Minigun 500 Round Drum Magazines (500) - 5.56mm Minigun 1,000 Round Backpack Magazines (300) - 7.62mm Minigun 500 Round Drum Magazines (480) - 7.62mm Minigun 1,000 Round Backpack Magazines (299) - A-50 Anti-Material Rifle 10 round Magazines (980) - AK-47 30 Round Magazines (1,000) - AK-47 75 Round Drum Magazines (300) - CA12 Combat Shotgun 12 Round Drum Magazines (1,000) - CSG10 Submachine Gun 30 Round Magazines (2,651) - DMG-15 Double Barrel Machine Gun 75 Round Box Magazines (6) - M240 Machine Gun 100 Round Box Magazines (44) - M2 Browning Machine Gun 100 Round Magazines (1,000) - NPDM 100 Round Drum Magazines (1,000) - 5.56 STANAG 30 Round Magazines (15,000) - 5.56 STANAG 60 Round Quad Stack Magazines (10,000) - 5.56 STANAG 100 Round Drum Magazines (5,000) - 7.62 STANAG 10 Round Magazines (2,757) - 7.62 STANAG 20 Round Magazines (2,000)

Armor: War Belts (99)

Clothing: Sets Of Clothes (25)

Aid: IFAKs (10) - Medstims (1,000) - P-Dex Bottles (10) - P-Dex Syringes (50)

Ammo: .357 Rounds (27,813) - .50 BMG Rounds (300,216) - 10mm Rounds (76,334) - 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells (166,737) - 5.56x45mm Rounds (2,946,814) - 7.62x39mm Rounds 1,058,167 - 7.62x51mm Rounds (3,053,882) - 80mm Missiles (2,000) - 84x245R RCL Rounds (1,950) - Flamethrower Fuel (1,000) - Microfusion Cells (1,250,023) - Microfusion Breeder Cells (5,000,000)

Skill Books: All Things Gun (4) - Atomic Power (3) - Bigger Is Always Better (3) - Book Of Engineering (3) - Boom! (2) - Conversationalists Notebook (3) - Drifting & Racing Weekly (2) - Encyclopedia Of Medical Advancements (3) - Entrepreneur (2) - Future Science (3) - Last Man Standing (3) - Leaders Of The World (4) - Martial Master (2) - Martial Weapons Guide (2) - Master Of All Trades (1) - Security Systems Monthly (3) - Stealth 101 (2)

Miscellaneous: A Large Assortment of Automated Manufacturing and Processing Machines - Small Arc Furnaces (2) - Automated Ammo Manufacturing Machines (1) - Automated Weapon Manufacturing Machine (1) - Automated Weapon Magazine Manufacturing Machine (1) - Lockpick Sets (8) - Metal (65,271,620) - Ore & Minerals 148,686,823 - Stealth Packs (2) - Other Misc Items (50,961,273)

Money: Dollars (25,000,000)

Robots: Crusader (1) - Multibots (37) - Prospectron (1)

Turrets: ZBR-2 Laser Turrets (80)


Creatures: Colossal Gila Monster Egg (1) - Moleman Guards (4)

Locations: Genesis Foundry

| Production Capacity |

Ammo: 100,000
Metal: 500,000
Miscellaneous: 300,000
Ore & Minerals: -600,000
Robots: 0.1
Turrets: 1
Weapons: 100
Weapon Magazines: 1,000

[ Quests ]
Ready to turn in: 0

Completed: 4

In progress: 15

(Daily) | Workout | Objectives: Complete your daily workout. Reward: 10 exp.

| Area 51 | Objectives: Gain access to Area 51 by any means necessary and explore the site from top to bottom. Rewards: Perk | Alien Researcher |, 40 Repair points, 40 Science points, 40 Medicine points, 450,000 exp.

| Business Tycoon | Objectives: Obtain 10,000,000,000,000 Dollars worth of assets by any means necessary. Rewards: New Perk?, 15,000,000 exp.

| Harem | Objectives: Enter a long-term romantic relationship with at least 3 women. All women must be aware of each other and okay with the arrangement of sharing you. Reward: 5,000 exp.

| Maxigen Improvement | Objectives: Research, improve, and remove the negative side effect of the Maxigen drug. Rewards: Perk | Drug Researcher |, 5 Medicine points, 5 Science points, 2,500 exp.

| Metro Connection | Objectives: Connect the nearby metro rails with your places. Rewards: Perk | Apprentice Miner |, 10 Repair Points, 50,000 exp.

| Nevada Conquest | Objectives: Become the undisputed number one power in Nevada and take control over the state in its entirety. Rewards: Perk | Territory |, 25 attribute points, 250 skill points, 1,000,000 exp.

| Pablo Escobar Jr. | Objectives: Establish drug production and earn 10,000,000 dollars from the sale of your products. Rewards: Perk | Drug Kingpin |, 10 Medicine points, 30,000 exp.

| Power Surge | Objectives: Win the battle for Hoover Dam and become the sole owner of it. Rewards: Perk | Power Surge |, 5 attribute points, 25 Repair points, 250,000 exp.

| Suited Up | Objectives: Open up the armories at Fort Kern and acquire a suit of power armor. Rewards: Perk | Mobile Armory |, 5 Lockpick, 75,000 exp.

| Surpass Your Human Limits | Objectives: Reach a value of 11 in every attribute.
Rewards: Perk?, 10 attribute points, and 100,000 exp.

| Take Over The Cyberdynamics Robotics Facility | Objectives: Clear out all hostile forces and set up shop. Rewards: Perk | Certified Roboticist |, 5 Science Points, 25,000 exp.

| Undegrounder | Objectives: Clear all Nevada metros of hostiles and take control of them. Rewards: Perk Mole People, 10 Attribute Points, 1,000,000 exp.

| Wasteland Conqueror | Objectives: Conquer the wasteland and take over Earth in its entirety. Rewards: ???

Yeah, I'm strong as fuck now. When I get out of here, I'll be able to take on a good portion of what the wasteland has to offer in terms of enemies all on my own, let alone with my robots backing me up.

There are obvious exceptions still, those being certain colossal mutants on land and certainly whatever lurks in the ocean nowadays, the major wasteland powers and the zetans. But besides those, I'll be able to handle most of what I come across.

Scanning through my status, I couldn't be any happier with the exponential growth I've made today. Content with what I've seen, I closed out the system window and got up from the comfy I had undergone the level up in.

Getting a nice stretch in, I made sure I had a good grasp on my newfound strength and headed for the door and opened it. As soon as I did, I was expectedly greeted by an Alice missile who was happy to see I had undergone the whole ordeal without issue.

"See, just like I told you, Alice. I would get through it with no issue."

"Nn, you did, but I still can't help worrying about you."

Giving her a comforting hug to relieve her worries, we later shared a kiss, which caused her worries to be replaced with thoughts of trying to push the boundaries I set even further. Unfortunately for her, she had no such luck in that endeavor, hence we wandered back over to the planning/relaxation area to chill for a bit before the two of us got back to work on our tasks. 

Once we returned, I began giving her a summary of what I had gained in this mass power up and once she learned that I had become a mage. Although only a mage initiate, she excitedly asked me to display one of the many spells I learned, courtesy of my mage class and my magic skill.

"Sure, but don't expect anything too amazing since I just became a mage."

My words did little to damper the excited gleam in her eyes. Not wanting to disappoint, I activated the fireball magic circle I had branded in my mind scape and conjured three fireballs at the cost of two due to dupe cast.

The second that came into existence and began emitting heat and light, Alice's already excited state increases exponentially so. After displaying my skill for a bit and playing around with it by manipulating the fireball into different shapes, I extinguished it.

"That was amazing, darling. I didn't think magic existed in our world."

"It is surprising. I presume it may have been more prevalent at one point in time, but disappeared for some reason or another."

"Maybe the zetans had a hand in it. They are the reason why human civilization has been reduced to its current state, after all."

"Perhaps." I responded before we continued talking about this and that, although it mostly revolved around magic due to Alice's interest in it.

"Dom, would you be able to teach me magic? I mean, from what you've told me so far, I should be able to learn it, right?"

"I don't see why not. However, I need to upgrade, if not outright, create an entirely new technique for cultivating mana. The one I currently possess just isn't good enough and there's no point in wasting your time building a foundation that you'll just have to demolish later on. Thus, you'll have to wait until after I'm done creating the new technique."

"Also, if you do start learning magic, Alice. You can't let your other areas fall too far behind." I followed up.

"Nn, nn, I'll make sure not to fall behind in any other areas." She responded, pumped to become a mage.

We continued our discussion for a short while longer before Alice returned to her studying, while I directed all of my focus to digesting the absolutely massive amount of information I had implanted into my brain.

Doing that for a few hours, I eventually sifted through all of it and discovered I was going to have to scrap the existing technique pretty much and start from scratch. After taking a break to have lunch with my partner in crime, I got to work on creating my new magic technique. So I could at least have a solid foundation to work with later on when I actually have the time to start growing and properly utilizing my magic powers.

Dedicating the next five hours to creating my new technique, the clock began speedily closing in on dinner time. Thus, we paused our work there for the day and called the old man for a pickup. Following a short ride aboard, the gramps express, we arrived back home once again and made our way inside gramps included.

"Mom, dad, we're back." I announced whilst coming through the front door.

"Welcome home you two, I'll have dinner ready in a bit." My mother responded from the kitchen in the midst of preparing dinner.

"We'll come help, mom." Alice said lastly.

"I'm here too." Gramps informed.

"Ohh, you're here too, dad. Are you joining us for dinner?"

"That was the plan."

"Okay, I'll whip up some extra."

Moving to the living room, gramps plopped onto his usual spot on the couch as Alice and I headed off to the kitchen to assist.

Shortly thereafter, dad showed and after going through the usual rigamarole, he joined the old man in the living room. With two more sets of experienced hands, we made short work of the preparations and had everything out on the dining room table in no time flat. Chowing down, we cleared the table and at a decently fast pace and once we had done so; we let the miss maid bot take care of the cleanup while everyone sat down for a movie.

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