Wasteland Conqueror

Chapter 50: All Element Core Technique

Date Wednesday, August 28th, 2261

The very next day, I found myself right back at the genesis foundry.

I did some thinking between yesterday and on the card ride here. I'm going to put off creating the technique for a few hours, so I can focus on designing the many weapons I have in mind. Once those designs are produced and being manufactured by the automated manufacturing machines, I can return to making my new foundation technique.

My first task to accomplish today figured out, I went to the planning slash relaxation area of the property and got both Alice and her sister Bella setup on what they needed to progress on.

"That should be it. Let me know if you guys encounter anything you need my assistance with. I'm going to go work on some weapon designs."

"Will do." Alice responded sweetly.

"Okay, I will, big brother." Bella said cheerfully.

Walking off to my personal office, I sat down in the comfy black leather office chair and directed my focus to the task at hand.


Working away for the following four hours, I finished up a good number of the designs I had been working on in my head for god knows how long. With all the designs on paper and made in digital form, I sent them off to my robots so they could begin producing them.

While my robots and automated manufacturing machines were working hard on their newly assigned task, that will result in a whole new assortment of weapons getting added to my constantly growing arsenal by the end of the day, I left my personal space to have lunch with my two companions.

"You guys ready to take a break for lunch?" I asked the two girls.

"Yeah, and I got a few questions regarding a couple of things I came across." Alice responded, still thinking of what she was learning about.

"Nn, I'm hungry, big brother Dom. What are we having for lunch?" Little Bella asked cutely.

"Whatever you want, sis." I answered, rubbing the blonde, blue-eyed twin tailed little girl's head.


Setting off for the kitchen in the relaxation area, I prepared a large lunch for the three of us. After eating and feeding the two hungry sisters, I resumed progress on creating my magic technique. Although, in a different part of the facility so I wouldn't get Alice and Bella involved in the side effects of my experiments.

From where I left off previously, I pretty much figured out how to gather mana from each element. The only issue I'm having with it is getting the mana to stay together. And until I can resolve that, I don't particularly want to find out what happens when one stuffs an unstable bunch of mana particles of each element in their mana core.

Yeah, I'd rather not cripple myself right from the get go. So since that's the case, I'm going to need to do a bit of brainstorming to come up with a solution to this issue I encountered. Thankfully, I already have a few ideas, so I'll try those out first on the gathered mana outside of my body and go from there.

Standing in mines, I utilized both of my thought processes and started out by simultaneously sending out two strands of neutral element mana. Controlling the both of them, I sent them forth to the desired particles and grabbed hold of the ones I wanted. I did that another 15 more times and had one of each element gathered in 15 seconds flat.

Now that the preparations are completed, let me perform the first of my tests by adding rotation to them. Hopefully, I see some sort of positive result from this.

Beginning to add rotation to the 17 different element particles, I didn't see any genuine change from what I had seen previously. Thus, trying something else, I ordered them into a ring and rotated the ring of them similar to a tornado, just not as violently. Letting the ring revolve for a few minutes, I discovered that lining them up in a circle and having the continuously revolve seemed to have done the trick.

However, as soon as I stopped sustaining the rotation with my own mana, the mana particles I had gathered flew off violently in different directions. Even more so than when I bunched them up together yesterday.

Well, that didn't work, but I think I'm on the right track. Let's try adding magic formations to it next to sustain the rotation.

Speedily gathering the particles that had gone flying off, I got the ring setup and created a simple rotation formation midair to keep it going, at least until the mana I used to make it ran out. The single formation kept the ring of 17 different elements going until it eventually depleted all the mana I had created it with, as expected.

Yeah, this is the right route to go down. Now I just have the issue of sustaining the rotation to resolve. Hmm... I'll just combine the rotation formation with a mana gathering formation to sustain it that should get the job done.


With the new formation designed and branded upon my mindscape, I regathered the particles and got them going again for the third time this day. Adding the formation right after it kept the ring of 17 mana particles going minus the previous issue and continued to do so with no end in sight.

Let's try adding a few more formations to speed things up. I want to see where the limits lie.

Implementing that idea immediately, I conjured up 3 formations and evenly distributed them around the ring, speeding up the rotation speed by 300%. No issues popping up with the additional speed, I decided to add more and more formation to see where the limit was. After adding seven additional formations, it destabilized firing the mana particles in all directions, causing sizable dents in the tunnel walls.

Mm, maybe I could make a new spell from this but that can wait till another time. I still need to refine this foundation technique of mine.

Not satisfied with what I created so far, I recreated the ring again with ten of the sustainable rotation formations. Although this time a bit further away because I was going to throw in a whole new formation into the mix. Quickly designing a condensing magic formation that could sustain its effects off of the ambient mana in the surrounding environment, I added it to the existing ten formations that were hard at work.

The second the new formation was implemented, the ring of 17 different mana particles closed in on each other, causing the ring to shrink in size. Observing it for a while, I didn't find any issues cropping up, thus I added another condensing formation to see where the limits were, just like I had done with the rotation formations. Implementing one after the next, the ring kept reducing in size with the many elements growing ever closer to each other with each additional formation I added.

After letting my mana regenerate for the umpteenth time, I added the hundredth condensing formation. The moment I did, the many elements that morphed from a ring to a sort of jumbled mess started spazzing out crazily. 

Uh oh. That can't be good.

Seeing the experiment beginning to go south, I injected my own mana into the many condensing formations, upping the pressure they were exerting in an attempt to keep the elements from firing all across the mine tunnel. I did that for what felt like an hour before the jumbled mess emitted a blinding light.

God damn, that's bright.

Shutting my eyes and turning my head away from the painfully bright light it was producing, I stood there, paying close attention to the bright, glowing mass. But nonetheless primed and ready to dash off at a moment's notice if it looked like the formations weren't going to be able to keep this thing under control.

I stood there for several minutes or so before the mass of mana particles began to calm. And as soon as it had, I reopened my eyes and looked upon the perfectly round, pitch black sphere that was letting off a somewhat dim multicolored light.

I didn't expect this result, but it does look promising.

Curious about the oddity I created that I had zero knowledge of, I started up my researcher mode once again by first ridding it of the formations to see if it was stable or if it required the formation to even exist.

Once I eliminated the last of the magic formations, I watched the black core closely, looking out for any potential issue my creation might possess. As the minutes ticked on and I continued to observe it, nothing I could perceive as a problem occurred and it just kept slowly spinning in place.

Not letting up on my observation, I watched it for the next hour and discovered the sphere was growing ever so slightly the longer I stood there.

This thing may possess the ability to let me passively cultivate without having to do a damn thing. That's honestly amazing.

Hmm, what should I name it... I don't want to name it something stupid like the almighty overlord element or some other name just as retarded so I'll just call it the all element since that is what it's composed of.

My new element named I returned to experimenting with it and quickly found that the all element particle could absorb and grow with all mana particles no matter the element. Upon making that find, I persevered in my experimenting and when I was eventually satisfied and was sure I could use it for all types of magic; I started the process of absorbing and integrating the all element particle into my mana core. Grabbing hold of it with two mana threads, I brought it towards me.

When it arrived at my chest, I passed it through my body before I absorbed it into my mana core and positioned it in the center of it, where my neutral element mana was. As soon as it came into contact with that mana, they were near instantly absorbed and added to the all element mana, further growing its size by at least five times what it was previously. With my old mana converted over to the all element mana type, my system started spamming me with notifications.

[Neutral Element Mana Converted To All Element Mana]
[+20 Mana]
[Ding New Perk!]
[Name Your Newly Created Mage Cultivation Method]

Not bad for two days' work. What should I name this new cultivation technique of mine... It doesn't need a complicated name, so I'll just call it the all element core technique. Now let's check out that new perk.

Excited to have received a perk out of the blue, I opened my system to see what the newest addition's effects were.

| All Element Mana Generator | Your newly created cultivation method has given you the ability to cultivate mana passively at a rate of 24 mana per day. In addition to that, because of the properties of your new element, your mana regeneration speed is increased by 1,700%.

Yeah, that's some insane mana regeneration. But that aside, it appears I'll be moving through the mage ranks after all, although passively, since I still won't have much time to spare for it.

Alright, that appears to be everything I can return to what I needed to do before I got sidetracked with this magic stuff.

More than satisfied with the mage cultivation technique I created, I left the mining tunnels behind for the facility. Passing by a few of my robots on the way, that began extracting resources from the tunnel and connected cave system within the last day or so. I found my way back to the foundry and got to work on assembling more multibots to speed up production. Although, in all honesty, I was really making them because I needed more workers to begin constructing the new additions I wanted to build.

Spending basically the rest of the day assembling robots, I managed to churn out 5 multibots at the end of it. If this was before, that sort of production speed wouldn't have been possible. However, thanks to my recent power up, I was now able to accomplish such feats with ease. If I had spent the entire day assembling them without a break, I could no doubt throw together 24 of them by the end.

That about does it for today. I'll continue adding to my growing robot army tomorrow. But before I head home, I'm going to go check out the new weapons designs I introduced to the production line.

Getting up from my personal workshop, I walked to the main manufacturing area and went right to the weapon racks and tables that were holding my newest creations. Once I reached the spot that was used to stow the weapons temporarily prior to them being brought to the armory, I picked each of the new weapons up and gave each of them a solid look over.

| FBGL-6 Gatling Laser |
Damage: 45
DPS: 750-4,500
Fire rate: 1,000 - 6,000
Resistances: DT 170 Rear
Weight: 180
Class: Heavy
Ammo Type: Fusion Breeder Reactor
Value: 1,500,000
Attachments: Laser Sight, Heavy Weapon Sling
Description: The FBGL-6 Gatling Laser is a heavy 6-barreled gatling laser that takes inspiration from the AAGL-5 Gatling Laser. Though this gatling laser takes inspiration from the AAGL-5 Gatling Laser, it is quite a different weapon and features a number of improvements compared to the weapon it took inspiration from. The first two being the addition of another barrel and the implementation of an armored quick-release fusion breeder reactor backpack that can be quickly dumped in case it becomes compromised. On top of the addition of another barrel and the power source allowing the weapon to not run out of ammo, the damage output has been upgraded and a variable fire rate control has been added. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

| FBLMG-9 Laser Machine Gun |
Damage: 45
DPS: 1,125
Fire rate: 1,500 Fully Automatic, Semi-Automatic
Weight: 25
Class: Heavy
Ammo Type: Microfusion Breeder Cell
Value: 195,000
Attachments: Canted Red Dot Sight, Laser Sight, Variable Zoom Scope, Vertical Fore Grip, Weapon Sling
Item Description: A large double-barreled laser light machine gun based on the FBLAR-1 Laser Assault Rifle that was then modified and upgraded with beefier barrels, dual microfusion breeder cells, and hardier materials. The weapon's barrels alternate fire to increase weapon uptime and to combat heat. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

| AP-6 Hand Cannon |
Damage: 90
DPS: Variable
Fire Rate: Semi-Automatic
Capacity: 6
Reload: 10
Weight: 8
Class: Heavy
Ammo Type: .338 Lapua Magnum
Value: 19,000
Attachments: Laser Sight, Red Dot Sight
Item Description: A large and durable double action revolver chambered for .338 Lapua Magnum and designed to be a powerful sidearm for the express of dispatching armored foes effectively and efficiently in close quarters. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

| BFS-6 Heavy Shotgun |
Damage: 18x8
DPS: 150x8
Fire rate: 500 Fully Automatic, Semi-Automatic
Capacity: 50
Reload: 3.7
Weight: 25
Class: Heavy
Ammo Type: 6 Gauge Shotgun Shell
Value: 28,750
Attachments: Laser Sight, Red Dot Sight
Item Description: BFS-6 Heavy Shotgun is a double-barreled large capacity magazine fed monstrosity that can clear entire swaths of unarmored enemies in seconds. The weapon is made of extremely durable materials and is designed to endure sustained fire for quite some time without issue. Hence, this is a very reliable weapon any wastelander would love to possess as long as they have the strength required to wield it. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

| 7.62mm Minigun 10,000 Round Armored Backpack Magazine |
Capacity: 10,000
Resistances: DT 55 Rear
Weight: 85
Class: Heavy
Ammo Type: 7.62x51mm
Value: 36,900
Item Description: A large decently armored massive backpack magazine for 7.62x51mm miniguns.

Not bad, not bad, but I'm not satisfied yet. So I'll continue my weapon designing tomorrow since I've yet to make my primary weapons and those weapons I want to craft personally.

Happy with what I saw, I continued on my way to the planning/relaxation area to tell Alice and Bella that it was time to head home. After doing so and giving gramps a call, the old man picked us up in his armored truck not too many minutes later and dropped us off back home.

Shameless plug, I have a Patreon that you can read ahead and support me on. You can find the link in the webnovel's description along with the discord link.

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