Wasteland Conqueror

Chapter 51: Expanded Arsenal

Date Thursday, August 29th, 2261

The next day I woke up in the middle of the night as I normally did and after going through my usual morning routine, I went and hit the gym. Doing that for the next five hours, I left the gym behind with a nice pump all across my body and returned to my bedroom and to wait for Alice to awake.

As soon as she did, she hurried into the bathroom, although not before fooling around with me for a short bit. When she came out, we met my parents in the living and chatted with them for a couple of minutes.

"Alright, I'm going to make breakfast this time. What do you guys feel like having?" I said, ready to eat.

"What about a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel? I could go for one of those." Dad answered.

"That doesn't sound bad. Are you okay with that, Alice?" Mom followed up.

"I'm happy with whatever Dom makes for me." Alice responded sweetly.

"Okay cool, I'll get to work then."

On the way to the kitchen, my stomach announced it needed fuel, thus I quickly got to cooking. Shortly thereafter, I had everything prepared so once mom, dad, and Alice helped me bring everything out, we sat down at the dining room table. However, before we could begin eating, gramps showed up with Bella. Since this was a normal occurrence, I already had their food prepared as well. So with two more hungry mouths to feed joining us, we started eating the breakfast I whipped up minutes ago while making small talk about an assortment of topics in between bites.

Not too long later, my parents headed off for and not much longer after them, us four followed suit, although in a different direction. As we were riding upon the gramps express, I began thinking.

I kind of wish I had my own vehicle to drive so I wouldn't have to inconvenience gramps with our transportation. I know he doesn't mind and enjoys spending the time with us, but it still doesn't change the fact that it would be a hell of a lot more convenient to have my own ride. As for how I'll do that, I'm not exactly sure because the legal age required to drive down here in the undercity is 16... I suppose I could go the route of using my connections.

It probably wouldn't be all that difficult considering my family's wealth and power along with me being engaged to the eldest daughter of the undercity's governor. Acquiring the car also isn't a factor since I more than have the funds to buy one, so I guess I'll just have to talk to mom and dad about it to make it happen.

Continuing my contemplation for a while longer, the four of us began making conversation in the car, discussing all sorts of things and before we knew it we were once again at my genesis foundry.

"Thanks for the ride, old man. We'll see you later this afternoon."

"No problem kid, I'll catch you kids later. Stay out of trouble."

"Bye grandpa John." Alice and Bella said simultaneously.

With the gramps driving off, me and my two companions ventured inside. Arriving at the planning relaxation area of the facility, Alice and Bella sat down and started working on whatever they were doing the day before. Leaving them to their own devices, I strolled over to my personal space and sat my ass down in my comfy leather office chair.

Alright, what weapon design do I want to begin with today... It doesn't really matter, but I'll start off with my eight barreled minigun design I made a while ago since it's the closest one to completion.

Breaking out the design paper, I laid it out on the large desk in front of me and got to work. The first action I took was looking over the original design in my head and when I finished doing that I began brainstorming, trying to come up with any other improvements I could make to the old design.

The design is basically as good as I can get it right now unless I want to increase the caliber of the weapon, but I don't really need to do that at this time. Therefore, the only thing I can really add is an armored panel to protect most of its essential components from damage and a fire rate control system to change the fire rate of the weapon on the fly. Oh, and I'll throw on an ammo counter too so I can keep track of how many rounds I have left at all times.

That should do it. Now I can move onto personalizing my own unlimited ammo gatling laser.

Moving on from my unique minigun design, I started customizing a FBGL-6 Gatling Laser for myself. The original design was already very good, so I just implemented a number of better components into the preexisting design, added an armored shield like I had done on my previous weapon, upped the armor on the reactor backpack and implemented a feature to turn the backpack into a portable nuke.

I don't think there will be very many situations that will require that sort of explosive firepower. But if I end up in a situation where I know I'm not getting out of it alive, I will 100% make sure all those coming for my life join me in my grave.

With that last feature added, I finished that weapon blueprint and moved onto the third one, which wasn't just solely a weapon but also a robot. Spending the following hour hard at work, my effort paid off in the way of bringing to life a deadly weapon that the wasteland has yet to face, the Spider Mine.

The wasteland isn't ready to face this little guy. It's small and can traverse all kinds of terrain with its four specialized spider-like legs, climb vertical walls, and hold on to many kinds of surfaces even entirely upside down. On top of that, it's emp proof like the rest of my robots and is powered by a microfusion breeder cell which it can overload to blow itself up along with the rest of its explosive payload.

Aside from those features, I could also use these little buggers to explore and gain intelligence stealthily thanks to their small size and my Mechanical Domination perk. They are capable of sending whatever they're seeing back via an encrypted wireless signal that said I probably won't use that feature myself all too frequently.

Because one it's kind of a hassle when I can simply use my perk's ability and two, that signal can be compromised, although I've done my best to make its encryption as tough as possible to crack. So for those reasons, I won't be using them the typical way they were designed to be used, but I'm sure my troops, when I eventually recruit some, will appreciate their normal scouting abilities even if it will require more than a few men and a bit of time to go through all the spider mine cameras if there are a ton of them deployed.

That aside, I can for sure see these guys being a huge asset to me and my forces, most definitely when I begin expanding and conquering the surrounding powers. Alright, with that new robotic weapon made, what else do I need to create... I suppose I should expand my turret variety instead of just having only the ZBR-2 Laser Turret. Yeah, it is about time I've designed some more powerful turrets.

| ZBR-2 Laser Turret |
Damage: 50
Fire rate: 1,600
Resistances: DT 125
Weight: 120
Value: 265,000
Description: The ZBR-2 Laser Turret is a twin-barreled laser turret that alternates fire between its barrels to increase weapon durability and cooling. The turret utilizes a pair of microfusion breeder cells to power itself and has armor rated to stop .50 BMG. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

This shouldn't take very long.

Driven to keep expanding my combat capabilities, I took the FBGL-6 Gatling Laser blueprint and started using it as the base for my new turret. With that gatling laser as the foundation, I made an armored shell for it, gave it an inbuilt fusion breeder power, and designed the rest of it so it could be installed just about anywhere, like I had done with the ZBR-2 Laser Turret. After that, I finished the rest of the miscellaneous details and proceeded to the other turret design I had in mind.

With lunch time on the horizon, I went into overdrive and decided to implement my idea of making a retractable turret that I could set up just about anywhere in plain sight. It took an hour of diligent work, but I eventually got every part of the idea implemented and at the end of it, I was left with another fully functional turret design. This beast was most heavily armed and armored out of the three turret models I possessed and was sure to strike fear and soon thereafter death to any who encountered it.

This monstrous turret of mine could be disguised as part of the floor of a building or ceiling and when an enemy was detected it would lift up with whatever portion of the floor it was positioned at to shred whatever target it needed to with its FBGL-6 Gatling Laser and dual 50 caliber chain guns.

Yeah, I'm going to have to get several of these manufactured right away.

Okay, time to get some grub.

Pausing my work for the minute, I got up and left my office to see if the two sisters were ready to take a break for lunch.

Walking to where they were, I asked the two of them. "Are you guys ready to grab some lunch?"

"Of course." Alice answered in her pleasant voice.

"Nn." Bella responded right after.

My two compatriots gathered, we headed for the kitchen and prepared the meal we were going to have for lunch. Making everything speedily, we returned to our previous location and sat down with ten crispy chicken sandwiches and several sides that Alice and Bella made. We quickly devoured all the food in no time at all, with me eating the most out of us, Alice coming in as a close second, and then Bella.

Finished with the meal, I let one of the multibots clean up the mess for us while the three of us made our way to the planning and relaxation area to chill for a bit before we headed for the gym to get our daily workout in. We spent the following half an hour talking about this and that when I decided to cut our relaxation time there and head for the gym.

The workout went on for the next 3 hours before we all called it quits. As sweat was dripping from our bodies, we hit the showers with Alice, taking her little sister to the girls' section while I walked into the designated male section. Done showering, I left the girls to do their thing while I advanced to the manufacturing area of the facility to begin making what will be my primary weapons for the foreseeable years.

However, before I began, I set the robots and the automated manufacturing machines up with the new designs I created. With things on their way, I put my nose to the grindstone and got back to it.

The hours quickly flew by and soon enough, I had two fearsome new weapons that will one day come to strike fear in the hearts of my enemies.

| Mulcher |
Damage: 50
DPS: 833-5,000
Fire rate: 1,000 - 6,000
Capacity: 10,000 Armored Backpack Magazine
Reload: 5
Resistances: DT 150 Front
Weight: 150
Ammo Type: 7.62x51mm
Value: 350,000
Attachments: Ammo Counter, Laser sight, Heavy Weapon Sling
Item Description: A huge 8-barreled 7.62 gatling gun that was created for the expressed purpose of slaughtering large radioactive mutants and cleansing the wasteland of filth. When the original design was later modified, an armored shield was attached towards where the barrels of the weapon begin to extend to provide additional protection to the wearer and the weapon's main components from damage. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

| Mulcher Armored Backpack Magazine |
Capacity: 10,000
Resistances: DT 150
Weight: 120
Ammo Type: 7.62x51mm
Value: 69,500
Item Description: A large heavily armored backpack magazine made for the Mulcher gatling gun. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

| Purge |
Damage: 50
DPS: 833-5,000
Fire rate: 1,000 - 6,000
Resistances: Total DT 400, DT 150 Front, DT 250 Rear
Weight: 250
Class: Heavy
Ammo Type: Fusion Breeder Reactor
Value: 3,900,000
Attachments: Laser Sight, Heavy Weapon Sling
Description: Purge is a unique variant of the FBGL-6 Gatling Laser and features a number of upgrades the first of which is the added armored shield attached towards the midsection of the weapon to provide additional protection to the wearer and the weapon's components from damage. In addition to the armor upgrade, components all across the weapons have been replaced with much better components, thereby increasing the weapons durability, reliability, and damage output. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

| Purge Reactor Backpack |
Resistances: DT 250
Weight: 150
Value: 2,750,000
Item Description: A large heavily armored fusion breeder reactor backpack for the unique Purge gatling laser. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

That's one hell of an upgrade from my previous loadout.

Taking Mulcher into my hands, the minigun felt quite good to hold. Spooling up the barrels, I was left plenty satisfied and extremely happy to have invested the time in building the weapon with my own two hands. Placing it back on my workbench, I took hold of Purge and felt another rush of the exact same feelings.

I would hate to be on the side of wherever this weapon is facing.

More than content with my primary weapons, I walked over the main area to inspect my newest robot model and the two brand spanking new turrets.

| K-1 Spider Mine |
Armament: Overloaded Microfusion Breeder Cell With Additional Fuel
Power: Fusion Breeder
Weight: 10
Value: 35,000
Description: The K-1 Spider Mine is a small four-legged robot designed to be a mobile kamikaze robot. The little guy is capable of traveling over all sorts of terrain and climbing up and hanging off of all kinds of surfaces. Because of that, it's capable of surprise attacking most enemies and when that happens they'll more than likely than not be obliterated by the explosive and extremely lethal package it carries. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

| FBGL-6 Gatling Laser Turret |
Damage: 50
Fire rate: 6,000
Resistances: DT 200
Power: Fusion Breeder
Weight: 300
Value: 4,000,000
Description: A heavily armored self powered turret designed solely around the FBGL-6 Gatling Laser to dish overwhelming amounts of laser fire. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

| S-3 Trapdoor Turret |
Damage: 50, 120
Fire rate: 6,000,
Resistances: DT 250
Armament: 1 x FBGL-6 Gatling Laser, 2 x F-750 Chaingun
Power: Fusion Breeder
Weight: 800
Value: 6,000,000
Description: The S-3 Trapdoor Turret is a large, very heavily armed and armored self powered retractable turret intended to stay hidden until the right moment appears for it to pop out and shred whatever target or targets its controller wishes for it to shred to pieces. Designed by Dom Mason Woods.

Yeah, there ain't no one here in the undercity getting past my defenses, with these two holding down the fort.

Sending them off with my increasing number of multibots to install, I went to gather Alice and Bella so we could head on back.

"Okay, you two, it's time to head home."

"Ahh, okay, you need to call grandpa John?" Alice said after stretching both her arms into the air.

"Nope, I already gave him a ring."

Wrapping up the day there, we waited for the old man to show up and once he did, we loaded into his truck and headed home.

Shameless plug, I have a Patreon that you can read 18 chapters ahead and support my work on. You can find the link in the webnovel's description along with the discord link.

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