Watcher of Fate

001 - The Troll's Fury

The cold wind howled through the sparse woods as Elara adjusted her white fur-lined cloak, her breath visible in the frigid night air. Moonlight filtered through the skeletal branches, casting an ethereal glow on the snowy ground. Shadows danced and flickered as the trees swayed, their bare limbs like skeletal fingers reaching toward the sky. The forest was silent, an almost oppressive stillness hanging in the air, broken only by the crunch of snow beneath the caravan's boots. The stars above twinkled like distant beacons, their light mingling with the silvery luminescence of the moon. The foothills of Frostspire were known for their treacherous terrain and formidable inhabitants, and tonight was no exception.

Beside her, the caravan guards moved cautiously, weapons at the ready. Roderick, the head guard, was a tall and imposing figure, his face weathered from years of battle, with a well-trimmed beard and a scar running down his left cheek. His eyes, sharp and vigilant, held a deep respect for Elara. Brynn, a stout guard with a grizzled beard and a burly build, walked with a seasoned confidence. His heavy armor clinked softly with each step, a testament to his readiness for combat.

Jaxon and Leila flanked the group, both lithe and agile, their movements synchronized from countless missions together. Jaxon's short, cropped hair and piercing blue eyes contrasted with Leila's long, dark braid and intense green gaze. They moved with a predator's grace, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

Darian, bringing up the rear, was a lean figure, his face perpetually set in a scowl. His disdain for adventurers, particularly Elara, was clear in his every gesture. His dark hair hung loosely around his face, and his eyes, cold and calculating, betrayed a deep-seated resentment. Despite his contempt, his movements were precise and practiced, indicating his competence as a fighter.

Elara's senses tingled, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. Her [Awareness (Legendary)] skill alerted her to the danger before it broke the tree line. She halted abruptly, raising a hand to signal the group. "Prepare yourselves," she whispered, her voice steady and clear. "A [Lvl 27 Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] is about to break through the trees."

The sudden roar that followed confirmed her warning. From the shadows of the trees, a massive [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] emerged. Its stone-like skin glinted in the pale moonlight, and its eyes glowed with a menacing fury. Elara felt a rush of adrenaline as she drew [Rhistlam (Flawless)], the blade shimmering with a mystical light. Quill, the spirit crow, circled above, his keen eyes never missing a detail.

"Form up!" Roderick barked, and the guards quickly took their positions around Elara.

The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] lunged, its massive fists swinging with deadly force. Elara darted forward, her movements fluid and almost dance-like. She met the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s attack with a powerful slash, [Rhistlam (Flawless)] cutting through the air with a brilliant arc. The moonlight reflected off the blade as it bit into the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s stone-like flesh, sending sparks flying.

Roderick charged forward, his shield held high. With a mighty roar, he slammed his shield into the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s side, the impact echoing through the forest. The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] staggered, momentarily disoriented by the powerful blow. Seizing the opportunity, Elara flowed into her next move.

With a graceful, serpentine motion, she executed the [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace]. [Rhistlam (Flawless)] slashed horizontally, the blade weaving around the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] as Elara danced closer, her movements fluid and precise. She transitioned seamlessly into a series of swift thrusts, each strike finding its mark and eliciting a bellow of pain from the beast.

As the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] attempted to retaliate, Elara switched to a defensive stance, her blade moving in a graceful circular motion. [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke] parried the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s wild swings, creating a swirling calligraphic character in the air that mirrored and redirected the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s movements. The beast roared in frustration, unable to land a blow on the nimble warrior.

Brynn, Jaxon, Leila, and Silent moved in to surround the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)], their coordinated attacks striking in unison. Brynn's heavy mace came down with a thunderous crack on the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s knee, causing it to buckle. Jaxon and Leila, their blades glinting in the moonlight, delivered rapid slashes to the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s exposed flanks. Silent, moving with eerie precision, struck at the creature's joints, his strikes nearly imperceptible but undeniably effective.

Seeing an opening, Elara launched into the [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust]. With a swift, precise movement, she drove [Rhistlam (Flawless)] forward, the blade inscribing a calligraphic character as it pierced the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s flesh, targeting a vital point with surgical accuracy. The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] howled in agony, its massive frame trembling.

Switching to an offensive stance, Elara executed the [Technique: Starlit Inscription Slashing Arc]. [Rhistlam (Flawless)] sliced through the air in a sweeping arc, inscribing another character as it targeted multiple points on the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s body with unerring accuracy. Each slash left a glowing trail in the air, the ethereal light illuminating the night.

The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)], now enraged and wounded, swung its massive arm in a desperate attempt to fight back. Roderick, standing firm, raised his shield to block the blow, but the force of the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s strike was too great. The shield shattered, and Roderick was sent sprawling to the ground, a deep gash visible across his chest armor. The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] roared triumphantly, its eyes gleaming with savage fury.

Darian stepped up, his face twisted in determination. Though not as effective as Roderick, he positioned himself between the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] and the others, attempting to tank the beast’s attacks. His sword flashed in the moonlight as he parried and dodged, his movements precise but lacking the brute strength and resilience of Roderick. The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)], sensing the weaker opponent, lashed out with renewed vigor.

Elara's eyes widened as she noticed the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s wounds beginning to close, the torn flesh knitting itself back together with alarming speed. She clenched [Rhistlam (Flawless)] tightly, her mind racing. The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] was regenerating faster than they could damage it.

Recalling the devastating strike she had used to kill a [Lvl 40 Oni (Rare)], Elara prepared for a decisive blow. She gathered a significant amount of mana, channeling it into her blade. With a powerful, determined cry, she launched into the [Technique: Poignant Criticism]. [Rhistlam (Flawless)] glowed with a blinding light as it slashed diagonally through the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)], aiming to rend reality itself.

The blade cleaved through the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]’s head, slicing it in two with a gruesome squelch. Blood sprayed in a crimson arc, but as Elara's strike continued downward, it was abruptly halted midway through the creature’s stomach. She gritted her teeth, pushing against the resistance with all her might.

"Regenerate that!" Elara screamed, her voice echoing through the silent forest. The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] staggered, its body shuddering as it attempted to heal the catastrophic wound.

To her horror, the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s regenerative abilities kicked in with terrifying efficacy. The bisected head began to knit together, not as a single entity, but forming two functional heads. The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] roared, both mouths open in a dual bellow of rage and pain. Its new eyes gleamed with malevolent intelligence, now even more dangerous than before.

Elara stumbled back, her eyes wide in disbelief. "No... no, that's impossible!" she shouted, her voice breaking with frustration and fear. The sight of the two-headed [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] filled her with a mix of dread and fury. The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)], now doubly ferocious, loomed over the group, ready to unleash its enhanced wrath.

"We need fire to stop a troll's regeneration!" Brynn shouted, his voice carrying over the chaos.

Elara's mind raced as she turned to the group. "Can anyone cast fire spells?" she yelled, desperation creeping into her tone.

Jaxon shook his head, his face pale. "I can't, not my affinity."

Leila looked equally distressed. "I don't know any fire spells, Elara!"

Darian, swinging his sword in a desperate attempt to fend off the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)], snarled, "Isn't she the spell sword?"

Elara, her frustration boiling over, screamed back, "Only illusions, Darian! Only illusions!"

Her mind raced as she tried to think of a solution. She recalled the spell [Create Flame (Common)], but it was limited. It only created a small flame that took several seconds to light kindling on fire. It wouldn't be enough to stop the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]'s rapid regeneration.

Just then, Quill, her spirit crow, spoke up, his voice echoing in her mind. "Elara, I have a terrible plan."

Elara's heart skipped a beat. "Terrible is better than none," she replied, her voice tinged with hope and desperation.

Quill continued, "We could use the monster core we harvested from the [Oni (Rare)]. We've removed most of the light affinity mana from it. If you break it with your sword, it will cause a fire explosion."

Elara's mind flashed back to the battle with the [Oni (Rare)]. She remembered the massive creature, which had taught her the [Greater Illusion (Rare)] spell by using ogre illusions. The [Oni (Rare)] had wielded fireballs with devastating effect, and she had narrowly escaped its fiery wrath.

The memory was vivid: the [Oni (Rare)] towering over her, surrounded by illusory ogres, hurling fireballs that scorched the earth around them. It was during that fight she had learned to harness illusions to her advantage. Now, she had to use that knowledge and the core's residual power to save her companions.

"We're going to need a distraction," Elara said, steeling herself for what was to come. She extended her hand, focusing her mind on the spell [Dimensional Link (Rare)]. Drawing on her connection to the spirit domain she shared with the [Spirit Tree] in the Barrowdeep dungeon, she materialized the monster core from thin air. It appeared in her hand, glowing faintly with residual energy.

"Get ready to back off when I give the signal," she instructed, holding the core tightly.

She locked eyes with the two-headed [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)], her resolve hardening. This was their only chance.

Elara willed the world to slow, her high perception stat of 161 points making everything appear to move about 15 times slower than normal. The troll's movements, the rustle of leaves, even the breaths of her companions seemed to crawl through time.

"Now!" Elara commanded, her voice cutting through the stillness. Everyone but Darian, who continued to engage the mob, backed off as instructed.

Elara threw the monster core with precision, aiming between the two heads of the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)]. As it arced through the air, nearing its apex, Elara began to power up her [Technique: Poignant Criticism]. She drew deeply from her reserves of mana, channeling it through [Rhistlam (Flawless)]. Clear threads of pure mana wrapped around the blade, enhancing its power. The threads pulsed and shimmered, intertwining with the already glowing sword, making it hum with a resonant energy.

With each passing moment, the core drew closer to the apex of its trajectory. The mana threads continued to weave around [Rhistlam (Flawless)], the blade now a brilliant beacon of concentrated power. Elara's focus intensified, her determination unwavering.

"Cover now!" Elara yelled to Darian, who managed to disengage and duck just in time. With a powerful slash, she brought [Rhistlam (Flawless)] down, cleaving the monster core and the troll slightly deeper into the stomach, right between its two heads.

In her slow-motion perception, Elara watched as the fiery explosion began to expand from the shattered core. Threads of midnight blue wove around her as she activated [Shadow Step (Uncommon)]. She poofed into smoke, leaving a trail that traced her path away from the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)], reappearing in another cloud of smoke next to Roderick.

The fiery explosion finished its task, breaking the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] in two. Flames erupted from the creature, engulfing it in a hellish blaze. The wave of fire washed over Darian, who shielded himself as best as he could, his face twisted in a grimace of pain but determination.

Elara stood next to Roderick, her breath heavy but her eyes filled with fierce satisfaction. The [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)] lay in smoldering pieces, its regeneration finally halted by the devastating explosion.

You have seen a monster death: 100 exp

Quill gains exp from killing a monster: 61 exp

Elara turned her attention to Darian, who was brushing ash from his armor. "Darian, are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Darian glanced at her, a smirk playing on his lips. "Just a little singed, but nothing I can't handle. I've had worse from my morning coffee."

Roderick, getting back on his feet with a wince, looked around at the group. "Good job, everyone. That was a tough fight, but we pulled through."

Elara reached into her [Dimensional Link (Rare)] and pulled out a shield she had looted from the Spiritualist Jonnie, who had used [Dominate Mind (Rare)] to take control of the caravan recently. She held out the [Shield of Fortitude (Good)] to Roderick. "Here, Roderick. This might come in handy. It's a [Shield of Fortitude (Good)]. I think you'll make better use of it than I would."

Roderick took the shield, his eyes widening in appreciation. "Thank you, Elara. This will be very useful. I'm glad you thought of me."

Elara nodded, feeling a sense of camaraderie with her companions. The fight had been fierce, but their teamwork had seen them through. She glanced back at the smoldering remains of the [Mountain Troll (Uncommon)], relieved that the immediate threat was over.

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