Watcher of Fate

039 - Quill and Destiny

Elara lay in the back of the cart, and the rhythmic motion and creaking of the wooden wheels provided a soothing backdrop. The pain had subsided to a manageable level, thanks to the potent health potions and her body's natural healing aided by the [Spirit Tree]. She could feel her strength returning, bit by bit, and the world seemed less oppressive now that she was on the road to recovery.

Sitting up slowly, she glanced around. The caravan was moving steadily, the merchants and guards casting occasional glances back at her with expressions ranging from curiosity to admiration. Roderick had ensured she was comfortable, with a blanket and a cushion supporting her back.

Feeling the need to assess her situation more thoroughly, Elara pulled up the summary of her notifications. The familiar interface listed the recent events and updates.

New things identified: 9 for 36 exp

New places visited: 3 for 1,220 exp

Significant life event: 17 for 1,700 exp

Quest updated: 719 of 2000 spirits collected

You have changed the fate of 23 individuals for 10,400 exp

She scanned through the updates, her heart lifting with each new piece of information. The increase in experience she was getting from becoming copper-ranked was substantial. She smiled to herself, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. The battle had been brutal, but the rewards were clear.

You have leveled to Lvl 17.

You have leveled to Lvl 18.

Elara felt a surge of pride. Leveling up twice was no small feat, meaning her skills and abilities had grown significantly. She could feel the difference already, her body and mind more attuned to the challenges ahead.

Her Spirit Crow, perched nearby, seemed to share in her joy. It hopped closer, its dark eyes gleaming with excitement. "Well, well, it seems we've both made some impressive strides," it cawed. "I've leveled up to 16 and officially become copper-ranked. That means I get to change my name."

Naitharon has leveled to Lvl 16.

Naitharon has been upgraded to Copper…

Elara raised an eyebrow, curious. "Oh? And what name have you chosen?"

The crow puffed out its chest proudly. "I've decided on Rhistlam, which means 'quill blade' in the old tongue. But you can call me Quill."

Elara chuckled softly, the sound a balm to her weary soul. "Quill it is, then. It's a fitting name."

Quill preened, clearly pleased with the choice. "We've come a long way, haven't we, Elara? From the depths of Barrowdeep to standing against formidable foes. This journey has been quite the adventure."

Elara noticed Roderick approaching her. "Garin wants to see you," he said, a hint of urgency in his voice.

Elara nodded and carefully got to her feet, feeling steadier with each step. She made her way to Garin, who was waiting by the lead cart, his expression serious. She could see the deep lines of anger etched into his face, a burning hatred in his eyes that spoke volumes about his feelings toward the bandits.

"Elara," Garin began, his voice tight with barely restrained fury, "we've confirmed the identity of the bandit gang that attacked us. The gang leaders are John, the swordsman that people watched you dispatch, and his husband, Jonnie, a Spiritualist."

Elara felt a chill run down her spine at the mention of their names. Garin's hatred was tangible, his knuckles white as he gripped the cart's edge. The air around them seemed to crackle with his anger, and Elara could sense the depth of his loathing for the criminals who had caused so much suffering.

"They've been attacking full caravans," Garin continued, his voice low and fierce, "taking the goods, ransoming who they could, and selling the rest into slavery. They've been moving around, not doing jobs in the same areas, and everyone that has been returned said they went to sleep and then woke up when they were ransomed back."

Elara's stomach churned with anger. "Yeah," she interjected, "they were using the spell [Dominate Mind (Rare)], and if I had to guess from the experience I got for killing Jonnie, he had a rare class."

Garin nodded, his expression hardening. "There is a bounty on their heads. I'd be willing to give you a good portion of the bounty here so you don't have to return their heads for the bounty at the capital."

Elara considered the offer. The caravan members had repeatedly expressed their hatred for the bandits, grateful for their rescue but shaken by the ordeal. The thought of returning to the capital just for the bounty seemed like a waste of time and energy. Her mind was set on reaching Frostspire and uncovering more about her parents' whereabouts and destiny. "Agreed," she said simply.

Garin handed her a small pouch. "Here, three crystals. It's a fair portion of the bounty."

Elara accepted the pouch with a nod, feeling the weight of the crystals in her hand. The reward was useful, but more importantly, it symbolized closure for this chapter of her journey. "Thanks, Garin," she said, tucking the pouch away.

As she returned to the cart, she spotted Owen waiting for her. His face lit up with a relieved smile when he saw her approaching.

"Elara!" he called out, his voice filled with genuine happiness. "It's good to see you up and about."

Elara returned the smile, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at the sight of her friend. "Thanks, Owen. It's good to be on my feet again."

Owen gestured towards the back of the cart. "I have all your stuff back here, but first, I have a little something for you. Consider it a thank you for saving our caravan."

He handed her a familiar item wrapped in cloth. Elara unwrapped it carefully and gasped when she saw the spyglass. "Owen, this is too much. I can't accept this."

Owen shook his head, smiling warmly. "Nonsense. You earned it. Besides, you could make better use of it than I can. You saved all our lives."

Elara felt a lump form in her throat. She was deeply touched by the gesture. "Thank you, Owen. This means a lot to me."

Owen chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I didn't realize I had been dining with a Sword Saint all this time."

Elara laughed softly. "I'm just a humble bard who can't sing or play instruments but has fantastic calligraphy."

They shared a moment of lightheartedness before Elara turned her attention to the back of the cart. She picked up the items she had collected from the bandits: her sword, the rogue's dagger, and other belongings.

As she examined the items, a sense of closure and readiness settled over her. The immediate threats were behind her, and the road to Frostspire lay ahead. With her friends and new skills at her disposal, she felt prepared to face whatever challenges awaited.

Elara began sorting through the goods, carefully considering each item, evaluating its usefulness, and comparing it to her current equipment.

The first item she picked up was the [Shadowstrike Dagger (Good)]. She turned it over in her hand, admiring its balance and sharpness. "This dagger is far superior to my current one. It's both sharp and light, perfect for quick strikes," she thought, placing it in the Keep pile.

Next, she examined the [Ring of Fortitude (Good)]. The intricate design caught her eye, but the enchantments truly impressed her. "The boost to my constitution and resolve will help me endure tougher battles," she reasoned, adding it to the Keep pile.

The [Ring of Wisdom (Good)] followed. "This will greatly enhance my magical abilities. The extra intelligence and resolve are exactly what I need," she mused, feeling a thrill at the potential it held for her spells.

She picked up an [Earring of Might (Fair)], a small but significant piece. "A small but significant boost to my strength. Every bit helps," she decided, adding it to the Keep pile.

Next was an [Earring of Focus (Worn)]. Though worn, it still held a valuable enchantment. "This will enhance my perception, which is crucial for spotting danger before it arrives," she thought, placing it with the items to keep.

Elara's eyes fell upon an intricately crafted mask among the rogue’s belongings. The mask, designed to resemble an ancient theatrical visage, was mesmerizing. Its delicate features seemed almost alive, the eyes and mouth subtly shifting as if responding to unseen emotions. She picked it up, feeling the smooth, cool surface against her fingertips. The [Mask of Shifting Moods (Excellent)], she realized, was not just a protective artifact but also a reflection of the wearer's innermost feelings. As she placed it against her face, she felt its enchantment settle over her, enhancing her senses and agility. The mask’s expression changed to mirror her own determined gaze, and she knew it would be an invaluable companion on her journey to Frostspire and beyond.

As she moved on to the currency, Elara smiled. Gems, crystals, fragments, and shards are crucial for future purchases and transactions. She carefully set aside 15 gems, 110 crystals, 45 fragments, and 45 shards.

Among the miscellaneous items, Elara found lockpicking tools. "These could come in handy if I encounter any locked chests or doors," she considered. She also picked up a small pocket watch and an old compass, both practical items for keeping time and navigation. Owen's spyglass was a cherished addition, given its sentimental value.

Next, she sorted through the camping gear. She decided to keep two medium tents, four bedrolls, nine blankets, a large cooking pot, three pans, five large containers, three coils of rope, and two sets of fishing gear. "These will ensure we're well-prepared for the journey and any stops we must make along the way," she thought.

Finally, she turned to the food supplies. The dried meat, hardtack, dried fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, grains and rice, cheese wheels, bread loaves, herbs and spices, and a jar of honey were all essential. "These provisions will keep us well-fed for the week," she noted.

Once she had finished sorting the items she wanted to keep, Elara turned to the Sell pile. The heavy armor was far too cumbersome for her agile fighting style. "Too cumbersome for my fighting style. Best to sell it off," she muttered.

The medium armor and light armor were also unnecessary. "I already have better armor. These can go," she decided, adding them to the Sell pile.

The colossal sword, broad sword, battle axe, war hammer, long bow, short bow, and staves were impressive but unsuitable for her needs. "Far too unwieldy for me. Someone else will find this more useful," she thought.

As she went through the jewelry, she picked out the necklace of endurance, a ring of resilience, a bracelet of strength, the ring of precision, the ring of agility, a necklace of stealth, an amulet of power, bracelet of focus, shield of fortitude, ring of clarity, and amulet of spiritual power. "These are all great, but I can only wear so much," she mused.

Lastly, the remaining camping gear, including three tents, five bedrolls, three fire starters, and four lanterns, along with the storage rings and storage backpacks, was set aside. "It's Useful, but I already have a storage method that suits me," she thought, preparing to sell them.



Shadowstrike Dagger (Good)

Ring of Fortitude (Good): +11 CON +7 RES

Ring of Wisdom (Good): +11 INT +7 RES

Earring of Might (Fair): +7 STR

Earring of Focus (Worn): +5 PER

Mask of Shifting Moods (Excellent): +13 AC +11 PER +7 DEX

Random Items:

Lockpicking Tools x 1

Small Pocket Watch x 1

Old Compass x 1

Owen’s Spyglass x 1

Camping Gear:

Medium Tent x 2

Bedroll x 4

Blankets x 9

Large Cooking Pot x 1

Pans x 3

Large Containers x 5

Rope x 3

Fishing Gear x 2

Food Items:

Dried Meat: 20 lbs

Hardtack x 30

Dried Fruits: 15 lbs

Vegetables: 10 lbs

Nuts and Seeds: 10 lbs

Grains and Rice: 20 lbs

Cheese Wheels x 3

Bread Loaves x 10

Herbs and Spices pouches x 5

Honey Jar x 1



Heavy Armor (Good) x 2

Medium Armor (Fair) x 3

Light Armor (Fair) x 2

Light Armor (Worn) x 2

Cloth Robes (Good)

Colossal Sword (Good)

Broad Sword (Fair)

Battle Axe (Fair)

War Hammer (Fair)

Long Bow (Worn)

Short Bow (Worn)

Staff of Arcane Might (Good)

Staff of the Spirits (Good)

Necklace of Endurance (Worn)

Ring of Resilience (Worn)

Bracelet of Strength (Worn)

Ring of Precision (Worn)

Ring of Agility (Fair)

Necklace of Stealth (Worn)

Amulet of Power (Fair)

Bracelet of Focus (Worn)

Shield of Fortitude (Good)

Ring of Clarity (Fair)

Amulet of Spiritual Power (Fair)

Platinum Jasper Ring (Fair)

Ring of Agility (Fair)

Storage Rings x 3

Storage Backpacks x 5

Camping Gear:

Medium Tent x 3

Bedroll x 5

Fire Starters x 3

Laterns x 4

Elara felt a deep sense of satisfaction as she meticulously organized the piles of gear, each item a testament to her recent trials and victories. The treasures and supplies were not just the spoils of battle but symbols of her growth and newfound strength. The reassuring presence of the Ring of Fortitude on her finger and the comforting feel of Owen’s spyglass tucked safely in her pack—all reminded her of how far she had come.

She gently placed Rhistlam, her sword, beside her. The blade shimmered with a soft, otherworldly light, and its spirit crow, Quill, perched nearby, watching her with keen eyes. The bond she shared with Rhistlam and Quill reminded her of the power and connections she had forged in the depths of Barrowdeep. Her link to the Spirit Tree, with its intricate web of memories and energies, gave her a sense of belonging and purpose that fueled her determination.

With these preparations, the journey to Frostspire seemed less daunting. She could almost see the towering peaks of the distant mountains, their snow-capped summits promising both challenge and discovery. Frostspire was not just a destination; it was a beacon of hope and a stepping stone to her ultimate goal: finding her parents and uncovering the mysteries of her lineage.

As she secured the last of her gear, Elara’s resolve hardened. She would traverse the rugged paths and icy trails to reach Frostspire. There, she hoped to find clues about her parents' fate and answers that had eluded her for so long. Beyond Frostspire lay the broader quest of understanding her destiny and mastering the full extent of her unique abilities.

Elara took a deep breath, feeling the crisp air fill her lungs. The road ahead was uncertain, fraught with dangers and unknowns, but she was no longer the same girl who had left Barrowbridge. She was stronger, wiser, and ready to face whatever came her way. The fire of determination burned brightly in her eyes.

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the caravan, Elara mounted her cart beside Owen. The journey to Frostspire and beyond awaited, and with her friends by her side and new skills at her disposal, she felt an unshakable confidence.

She looked ahead, a smile playing on her lips. "Frostspire," she whispered, "and then, the world."

Elara willed the cart forward with a final glance at the organized piles and a silent promise to herself. The adventure was far from over, and she was ready for the next chapter.

To be continued...


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (47,091 of 53,000) 18

Rhistlam: (31,359 of 36,000) 16


HP: 2303 > 2813 (6.0/min)

Mana: 2335 > 2686 (14.3min)

Sta: 2527 > 2829 (20.7/min)


Strength: 30 > 37

Dexterity: 77+20(106)

Constitution: 54 > 65(78)

Perception: 100+8 > 105+8(146)

Intelligence: 39 > 50

Resolve: 81+14 > 88+14(137)

Free Points: 16

Class Skills:

Memory Bastion (Uncommon): 8

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 2

Awareness (Legendary): 10

Forgettable (Rare): 10

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 18

Oneness (Rare): 14


Dimensional Link (Rare): 9

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 12

Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon): 4

Greater Invisibility (Rare): 4

Create Flame (Common): 3

Create Water (common): 3

Mirror Maze (Rare): 1

General Skills:

Gift of Gab (Common): 4

Cooking (Common): 4

Harvest (Common): 1

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 10

Mana Knot Cutting (Rare): 6

Mana Thread Tyeing (Uncommon): 4

Mana Thread Weaving (Rare): 2

Multi Weaving (Rare): 3

Mana Dyeing: Light (Uncommon): 3

Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon): 9

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 6

Mana Dyeing: Water (Common): 5

Mana Dyeing: Fire (Common): 1

Mana Dyeing: Earth (Common): 1

Fire Resistance (Common): 2

Poison Resistance (Common): 9

Parasite Resistance (Common): 1

Current Fiances: 18 Gem, 128 Crystals, 44 Fragments, 52 Shards

Class: The Watcher of Fate (Rare): Destined always to watch the outcome of fate but never to participate.

Features of Class:

All Combat skills and magics cannot be learned, any existing will be removed.

Gain no experience from killing monsters.

Gain significant experience from witnessing important events, places, and things.

30% bonus to Perception Stat.

You are fate-chosen.

Fate-Chosen: You are no mere plaything of fate, but its chosen instrument. Your rolls are not random, but guided by the grand tapestry of destiny. Yet, fate is capricious, testing your resolve and challenging you to alter the course of events. You are not merely to fulfill destiny, but to rewrite it, weaving your own threads into the grand design. Each roll is a calculated risk, a gamble against the established order, and the outcomes are as certain as solar eclipses - if you possess the wisdom and power to discern the patterns and bend them to your will.

Race: Shattered Soul: Recrystallization: A paragon of unwavering resolve forged in the fires of loss and adversity, their every action is a singular, unerring strike, leaving no room for doubt or regret. Fueled by setbacks that would crush others, their determination only strengthens, propelling them ever forward toward their goals. Under such unrelenting pressure, they begin to transform, growing into something more than they once were, their potential expanding with each challenge faced.

Features of a Recrystallization :

Resolve increased by 20%

Constitution increased by 20%

Reduced food consumption

Title: Survivor

Bonus: +10 Resolve

Description: Awarded to those who have endured and survived countless hardships. This title signifies an individual's unyielding spirit and mental fortitude, granting them a significant boost in their resolve to face any challenge that comes their way.

Title: Artistic Skill Creator

Bonus: +10% Dexterity

Description: Bestowed upon individuals who demonstrate exceptional creativity and finesse in their craft. This title reflects their unparalleled dexterity and precision, enhancing their ability to perform delicate and intricate tasks easily.

Title: Champion

Bonus: +5% Resolve and +10% HP

Description: Granted to those who have proven their might and resilience in battle. As a Champion, this title substantially increases both resolve and health, empowering the bearer to stand firm against formidable foes.

Title: Legend

Bonus: +10% Resolve and +20% HP

Description: Reserved for the most renowned and heroic figures whose deeds have become the stuff of legends. This prestigious title bestows a remarkable boost to resolve and health, enabling the bearer to achieve feats beyond ordinary capabilities.

Title: Monster Slayer

Bonus: +5% HP

Description: Given to those who have faced and triumphed over fearsome creatures. As a Monster Slayer, this title signifies the bearer's prowess in combat, granting them an increase in health that helps them withstand the ferocious attacks of their monstrous adversaries.


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