Watcher of Fate

008 - The Endless Cycle

Elara woke up under the Spirit Tree, feeling an overwhelming sense of relaxation and peace. The soft hum of the tree's energy surrounded her, and as she stretched, she noticed something incredible. Her body, which had been riddled with cuts and bruises, was now completely healed. The pain was gone, leaving no scars or marks behind. However, her clothes were still tattered and stained with dried blood, a stark reminder that her injuries had been very real.

Sitting up, Elara thought, "Summary." A soft, shimmering light materialized before her, swirling and coalescing into a small, glowing box. The box floated in mid-air, its surface gleaming with intricate runes that pulsed with a gentle, magical energy. The runes rearranged as she focused on it, forming clear, readable text summarizing her recent experiences.

Skill Parkour (Uncommon): 10 > 12

New things identified: 1 for 1 exp

Recorded a death: 2 for 20 exp

Quest updated: 3 of 500 spirits collected

Receive Blessing of the Tree Spirit buff

Skill Meditation (Common): 0 > 3

Elara snickered at the summary, a mix of amusement and reflection in her eyes. "Calling the monsters' deaths 'significant life events' seems pretty callous," she muttered. "Sure, they were significant to me, but for the monsters? It was probably just the cycle of life in a dungeon."

She pondered aloud, "Created from mana, killed by an adventurer, and then their essence returns to mana. It’s a harsh cycle, but it’s the reality of this place." She glanced at the Spirit Tree, considering its role in this cycle. "Maybe it's not as cruel as it sounds. Maybe it's just the natural order here, even if it feels a bit cold to label their deaths so clinically."

She debated aloud, "Is 10 exp good or not? Everything has given me 10, from the level 7 spider to the level 19 Revenant." She paused, feeling homesick as she recalled her father's store. The memories flooded back: the comforting scent of old wood and parchment, the clinking of coins, and her father's warm, reassuring voice as he spoke to customers. "I remember overhearing at my dad's store that adventurers usually get more experience for higher-level monsters." She paused, looking thoughtfully at the Spirit Tree. "What do you think? Is 10 exp good for a low level but bad for higher levels?"

The Spirit Tree's branches shook slightly as if trying to communicate. Elara smiled, taking it as an affirmation. "So, you agree? We're both guessing here, but it does seem like 10 exp is standard for now." She decided to focus on the Blessing of the Tree Spirit, and another description box popped up.

Blessing of the Tree Spirit: When in the aura of a friendly Spirit Tree, gain a buff that improves the ability to learn skills and enhance regeneration rates. Spirit Trees stand between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead. If you are in their aura while dying, they choose whether that happens.

Elara was stunned by the last line. "So, if I get back to you, even if I'm dying, I won't die?" she asked the tree, her voice filled with awe. The tree's branches shook in response. Elara took that as a yes.

She felt a rush of emotions: relief, amazement, and confusion. "How is that even possible?" she wondered aloud, her mind racing. "Do you have some sort of power over life and death? Or is it just a natural part of what you do?" The tree didn't respond with words, but its presence felt comforting and assuring.

Elara began to think strategically. "If you can bring me back even when I'm on the brink of death, we could use that to our advantage. I could take greater risks, knowing I have a safety net. But how do I ensure I always get back to you in time?" She looked at the tree, seeking answers it couldn't explicitly give. "I guess it's just something you do naturally, right?"

The tree's branches swayed slightly as if in gentle agreement, giving Elara a sense of security. She felt a bond forming with the tree, a mutual understanding that they were together.

Still feeling the tree's comforting presence, Elara's thoughts shifted to her new skills. "Let's see what else I've gained," she murmured, focusing on the description for [Meditation (Common)]. The familiar magical light materialized before her, revealing another box of information.

Meditation (Common): Improves regeneration based on skill level and resolve state. The benefits of meditation include enhanced focus, faster recovery from injuries, and a deeper connection to one's inner strength.

Elara read the description carefully and is growing in appreciation for the skill. "This could be useful," she said to herself. Enhanced focus and faster recovery will help me survive down here." The idea of connecting more deeply with her inner strength resonated with her, especially after the intense battles she had faced.

Nodding to herself, Elara felt a surge of confidence. She couldn't afford to waste time; there were more monsters to face and spirits to collect. She continued down the dimly lit halls of the dungeon, her movements growing more fluid and confident with each step.

Elara began to hone her combat skills as she encountered more spiders and revenants. She adapted quickly, using her [Lvl 12 Parkour (Uncommon)] to her advantage, moving swiftly and unpredictably. Her battles with the spiders became more efficient. She anticipated their movements, striking with precision to avoid their venomous fangs. Each swing of her Spirit Tree stick was more controlled, more deadly.

Against the revenants, she learned to time her attacks and defenses better. She used the environment to her advantage, bouncing off walls and vaulting over obstacles to land powerful blows. The revenants’ attacks, once devastating, became more manageable as she grew adept at parrying their strikes and countering with swift, forceful hits. She still took damage, but it was less frequent and less severe. Ranging from -40 HP to -12 HP, each hit providing a lesson, each wound a reminder of her growing strength.

Between battles, Elara returned to the Spirit Tree, meditating to center herself and recover. The tree's presence seemed to rejuvenate her, its ethereal energy calming her mind and soothing her aches. She would sit quietly, her breath slowing as she prepared for the next round of combat. During these breaks, she would also forage for sustenance. Elara found clusters of mushrooms growing in the damp corners of the cavern, their caps plump and inviting. She carefully selected the edible ones, recognizing their distinct features from her earlier studies.

She would sit by the Spirit Tree, eating the mushrooms and feeling their earthy taste invigorate her. The nutrients restored her energy, and eating brought a moment of normalcy to the otherwise harsh environment. She had also collected water from a small, clear stream that ran through the cavern, using a broken piece of pottery she had found in one of the many rooms of the dungeon. The water was cool and refreshing, quenching her thirst and helping her feel revitalized.

She ventured out again, exploring various rooms of the dungeon. Some corridors were eerily empty, the silence oppressive. In other areas, she discovered fresh signs of monsters, webs glistening with moisture, and footprints in the dust. But she soon realized the monsters were respawning faster than she could clear the rooms. No matter how many she killed, more would show up, giving her an endless supply of enemies but no real progress in removing the floor.

Elara cleared room after room. She moved with purpose, her stick a blur as she struck down enemies. Spiders fell under her relentless assault, their bodies crumpling at her feet. Revenants, once terrifying, became another obstacle to overcome. She anticipated their moves, striking with precision and force. Despite her improving skills and growing confidence, the constant respawning of monsters meant she was locked in an endless cycle of combat without moving forward.

She grew stronger and more adept at handling the dungeon's challenges. Her combat style blended agility and brute force, and her parkour skills allowed her to evade and strike with lethal efficiency. Each victory brought her back to the Spirit Tree, where she would meditate, her mind focused on the goal ahead.

As Elara continued her relentless pursuit of spirits and strength, a thought occurred to her while killing another spider. "How do adventurers get monster parts if the monsters turn to stinky smoke when they die?" she wondered aloud, the question nagging at her mind. Determined to find an answer, she decided to experiment.

After killing the spider, she quickly ripped off its venomous fangs and set them aside. She backed away to a safe distance, watching intently as the spider's body decayed rapidly, releasing a foul-smelling vapor cloud. The stench was still unpleasant, but Elara was getting used to it. She no longer gagged, her nose having adapted to the acrid fumes. Once the smoke cleared, she cautiously approached where the spider had died. To her delight, the fangs were still there.

She focused on them, willing the magical identification box to appear. With a soft chime, it materialized before her eyes.

[Venomous Spider Fang (Damaged)] x 2

Elara grinned, pleased with her find. She couldn't help but laugh at her crude harvesting attempt. "Well, it's a start," she said to herself. "I guess I'll have to learn how to harvest monster parts better."

She glanced down at her clothing, a blue apron over a grey dress, both made of coarse material. Her garments were cut in multiple places and held together mostly by her dried blood and dirt. She wore this the day she watched her city burn, the flames consuming everything she knew and loved. She had not been prepared to become an adventurer, much less be trapped in a dungeon. The apron, once used for household chores, was now stained and tattered, a testament to her survival. Originally plain and utilitarian, the grey dress underneath was now a collection of rips, barely holding together. Despite its state, it had served her well, offering a semblance of protection against the harsh environment of Barrowdeep.

Carefully, she placed the fangs into her apron pocket, which was mostly intact despite the wear and tear. The pocket was a small, stitched compartment that had miraculously survived the harsh conditions of the dungeon. With her discovery in mind, Elara began experimenting with the [Dwarf Revenants] she encountered, attempting to remove their various armor and weapons.

At first, every attempt failed. Each time she killed a revenant, she quickly tried to remove its armor or weapon before the spirit left the body. But as soon as the spirit departed, the items would dissolve into smoke, as the bodies did. Frustration grew with each attempt, but Elara was relentless, determined to find something useful.

Each time, she found a different weapon or item in slightly better condition and tried anyway, only watching it vanish into thin air along with the revenant’s remains. She tried removing a shield, an axe, and even pieces of their sturdy armor, but all efforts seemed futile. Every piece of gear turned to smoke, leaving her empty-handed and more determined to crack the puzzle.

One day, after a particularly tough battle, she found a knife among the revenant’s possessions. She picked it up, half-expecting it to disintegrate like the other items had. But to her surprise, it remained intact. She focused on it, and with a soft chime, the identification box appeared.

[Small Knife (Worn)]

Elara couldn’t contain her excitement. She did a happy dance, twirling and hopping in the dim light of the dungeon, her joy spilling over in her movements. She picked up the knife, examining it closely. For a dwarf, it was likely a utility tool, but for a human, it was tiny. The blade was even smaller than the paring knife she used at home to prepare vegetables. It fit awkwardly in her hand, its size almost comical compared to the larger weapons she had hoped to find. Yet, it was solid and real, proving that obtaining gear from these monsters was possible.

Buoyed by her success, Elara continued her cycle of killing, experimenting, returning to the tree to recuperate, and repeating the process. She felt more confident and capable each time she returned to the Spirit Tree. She took stock of the lot she had collected from the dungeon. She had a small pile of [Venomous Spider Fangs] of various degrees of quality. She was happy she was getting better at harvesting them. She had various pieces of broken pottery and wine bottles she identified as [Turned Red Wine (poor)], which she had found in various rooms. Finally, the new prize of her collection is a [Small Knife (Worn)]. Smiling to herself, she got back to her [Meditation].

One day, while deep in her routine, she heard a new noise echoing through the halls. Grunts and snorts, unlike anything she had heard before, piqued her curiosity. She sneaked towards the source of the noise, moving silently through the shadows. As she approached, she saw a dwarf in full plate armor mounted on a giant boar, the lance gleaming in the dim light.

Elara's stomach rumbled at the thought of meat. Driven by her desire, she focused intently, willing the identification box to appear.

[Lvl 25 Armored Boar Rider (Uncommon)]

Her eyes widened at the sight. This was a new challenge, a formidable foe, but the prospect of a fresh meal and potentially valuable gear drove her forward. Determined and hungry, Elara prepared to face the [Armored Boar Rider], ready to test her skills against this new adversary.

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