Watcher of Fate

009 - The Armored Boar Rider

Elara stared down the [Lvl 25 Armored Boar Rider (Uncommon)], her eyes narrowing as she tried to gauge the odds. The rider, clad in full plate armor and wielding a menacing lance, sat atop a massive boar that snorted and pawed at the ground. This monster was fifteen levels higher than her, an uncommon foe that posed a significant threat. She stayed hidden, relying on her [Forgettable (Rare)] skill to remain unseen, but her mind was racing.

Her stomach growled loudly, a reminder of her hunger. She had survived on mushrooms for too long, and the thought of fresh meat drove her past caution. She made a silent prayer, almost a threat to the System. "Listen, System," she whispered, her voice soft yet firm, "you better let me butcher that boar when I'm done, or I swear I'll hunt you down and find a way to kill you."

With a deep breath, Elara prepared herself. She called upon her [Parkour (Rare)] skill, feeling the familiar surge of agility and precision flow through her. Gripping her [Spirit Tree Stick (Excellent)] tightly, she moved silently into position, ready to strike.

The battle began with a flurry of movement. The Armored Boar Rider urged his mount forward, the boar charging with terrifying speed. Elara darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the first thrust of the lance. Using the momentum, she vaulted off a nearby wall and brought her stick down hard on the rider's shoulder. The impact was solid, making the rider grunt in pain.

Before the rider could recover, Elara was on the move again, using her parkour skills to stay agile and unpredictable. She ducked under the boar's next charge, rolled, and struck the rider's leg. The boar turned sharply, trying to bring her within reach of the lance, but she was already springing off a protruding rock, flipping over the beast to land another blow on the rider's back.

This dance continued a deadly cycle of attack and evasion. Elara's attacks were precise, each one finding a chink in the rider's armor. Despite its size and power, the boar struggled to keep up with her rapid movements. Yet, the relentless pace began to wear on her. Her muscles burned, and her breaths came in ragged gasps, but she couldn't afford to slow down.

As she launched herself off the wall for another strike, a slight misstep caused her to falter. The boar seized the opportunity, goring her leg with its tusk. Pain shot through her, and she let out a cry as blood streamed down her leg.

You have been gored: -156 HP

She winced, the wound slowing her down. The rider took advantage of her faltering step and charged again. This time, she couldn't evade the lance. It pierced her side, and she cried out in agony as she was thrown backward.

You have been pierced: -340 HP

Desperation gripped her. Nearly 500 HP were lost in mere seconds. She knew she was in a critical situation. Her mind raced, seeking any advantage she could find. She couldn't afford another direct hit; it would be the end of her.

With a determined cry, Elara pushed through the pain. She needed to use every ounce of her agility and strength. She feinted to the left, drawing the rider into a predictable pattern. As the boar charged again, she jumped, using the wall to spring herself over the beast and land a heavy blow on the rider's back with her stick. The impact made the rider stagger, loosening his grip on the lance.

Elara capitalized on the moment of weakness. Having lost his lance, the rider tried to defend himself with his hands. Elara balanced precariously on the back of the boar, striking at the rider with her stick. The rider raised his gauntleted hands in a desperate attempt to block her blows, but Elara was relentless. She swung her stick with all her might, aiming for the rider's helmeted head. The force of her strikes eventually caused the rider to lose his balance, teetering on the back of the boar. With one final, powerful swing, she connected with the rider's head, the impact reverberating through her arms. The rider's head snapped back, and he toppled from the boar, crashing to the ground below.

Once the rider was felled, the boar became disoriented and collapsed. Elara watched in relief as the beast staggered and fell to its side, its life force seemingly tied to its rider. She couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness at the realization that the rider and boar shared the same life force.

Elara stood over her fallen foes, her body trembling with exhaustion and pain. She had done it. Now, she just had to survive long enough to claim her prize. Determined to make the most of her victory, she pulled out her [Small Knife (Worn)] and set to work butchering the boar.

The task was difficult. The boar's thick hide was tough to cut through, and the dullness of the knife made the work even harder. Sweat poured down her face as she struggled, her lack of experience evident in her clumsy attempts. She remembered that ham came from the upper section of the back leg on a pig and that pork belly came from the belly, so she focused on those areas.

Elara worked furiously, her knife sawing through the boar's flesh with as much precision as she could manage. She cut slice after slice, trying to get as much meat as possible before the boar disappeared. Her hands were slick with blood, the metallic scent mixing with the earthy smell of the dungeon. She was so focused on her task that she didn't notice the boar starting to dissolve until it suddenly turned to smoke right in front of her, the thick, acrid vapor enveloping her and making her gag.

Startled, she fell back, coughing and waving her hands to clear the air. But then she noticed the pieces of meat she had managed to cut off lying on the ground, untouched by the transformation. A grin spread across her face as she realized several pieces had survived. She quickly focused on them, willing the identification box to appear.

[Boar Hammock (Damaged)]

[Boar Belly (Damaged)]

Her happiness was palpable as she identified the meat. She had successfully harvested valuable parts of the boar, a small victory during her struggle. But as the adrenaline of the battle wore off, she began to realize just how bad of shape she was in. Blood still oozed from her wounds, and although the pain had dulled, it was replaced by a warm, almost comforting sensation. She felt sleepy, dangerously so.

Panic set in as she recognized the signs of bleeding to death. She grabbed her loot, clutching the precious meat to her chest, and began to stumble back towards the Spirit Tree. Each step was a struggle, her vision blurring and darkening at the edges. She focused on the thought of reaching the tree, knowing it was a place that prevented any death it did not want. She might have a chance to survive if she could just make it there.

Elara reached the base of the Spirit Tree and collapsed, the last of her strength leaving her. She lay there, the comforting presence of the tree enveloping her as darkness took over.

When she regained consciousness, Elara first noticed the gentle rustling of the Spirit Tree's leaves above her. She looked down at her stomach and saw that the wound had stopped bleeding and had partially healed. The pain had dulled to a manageable throb. She breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "Thank you, tree, for saving me."

She then turned her attention to the meat she had acquired and asked, "Do you have any fire?" The tree shook vigorously, the leaves rustling in a way Elara took as a definitive no. She sensed that no fire was allowed in this glade.

"I understand," Elara said, nodding. "I won't violate that." The tree responded with another gentle shake, which seemed to convey gratitude.

Determined to make the most of her hard-won prize, Elara began cutting all the meat into small-sized chunks. As she worked, memories flooded back of family meals around the kitchen table. She could almost smell the rich aroma of pork belly sizzling in the pan and hear her family's laughter and chatter. She remembered her mother's careful preparation, seasoning the meat just right, and her father's hearty appreciation with every bite. The taste of tender, crispy pork belly was a cherished memory that brought a twinge of sadness as she thought of her lost family.

Her knife moved more slowly for a moment as she allowed herself to feel the pang of grief. But then she shook her head, steeling herself with a deep breath. This meat was a small victory, a way to honor those memories by surviving and continuing to fight.

However, without fire, she needed a different solution. Eventually, the idea struck her that turned wine might be like vinegar, and she could pickle the meat. This realization gave her hope. Despite the pain, she walked over to her loot hoard, her movements slow and deliberate. She brought back several mostly intact pottery bowls and [Turned Red Wine (Poor)] bottles.

The sharp, sour smell confirmed her suspicion when she uncorked and sniffed a bottle. It mostly reminded her of vinegar. She used several bowls to submerge the meat in the red wine vinegar, ensuring each piece was well-coated.

Once she had eaten a few pieces of the still mostly unpickled belly, Elara chewed slowly, savoring the flavor. The meat was tough and gamey, but it was a delightful change from the monotonous diet of mushrooms. Exhaustion quickly overtook her, and she fell asleep, the Spirit Tree standing watch over her.

She woke with a start, the tree shaking violently above her. The skittering sound of a spider approaching echoed through the glade. Elara tried to rise, but a sudden cramp in her stomach caused her to collapse again. A notification that bypassed her summary filter blared in front of her.

You have contracted the parasite [Roundworms (Common)]: -5 HP/Day.

She pushed the notification away and forced herself to stand, grabbing her [Spirit Tree Stick (Excellent)]. Ignoring the lingering pain, she charged the spider, dispatching it quickly with a series of precise blows. A triumphant sound marked its death, but she didn’t bother opening the new notification immediately.

Instead, she thought back to the previous notification about the roundworms. “I can’t believe I was so careless,” she muttered, frustration mingling with relief. “If I didn’t have the levels I do now, something as simple as a parasite could have killed me in a few days. I’m lucky I’m stronger now. But I can’t just rely on luck.”

The reality of her situation hit her hard. She had been so desperate for something different to eat that she hadn’t considered the consequences. “I was impatient,” she continued, her voice trembling slightly. “I should have waited for the pickling process to finish. It’s a miracle I only got roundworms and nothing worse. Eating raw pork every day might not kill me now, but that doesn’t mean I should be reckless.”

She sighed deeply, feeling a mix of shame and determination. This was a hard lesson learned, but one that she knew she would remember. “I need to be smarter, more patient. I can’t afford to make mistakes like this again.”

With a deep breath, Elara pulled up the latest notification.

You have completed Feed the Spirit Tree. Quest rewards are held for the summary.

A wave of happiness washed over her at the long-awaited quest completion. “I did it!” she exclaimed, turning to the Spirit Tree with a beaming smile. “We did it! The quest is complete!”

The tree rustled its leaves excitedly, and Elara felt a sense of mutual celebration. “Thank you for all your help,” she said, gently touching the tree’s bark. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

The tree’s branches seemed to sway in response, and Elara imagined it was just as pleased with their success as she was. “I wonder what rewards we’ll get,” she mused aloud, her excitement bubbling. “Let’s find out together.”

Curious and eager, she opened her summary for the second time, ready to see what rewards awaited her. The sense of accomplishment and partnership with the Spirit Tree filled her with renewed determination. Whatever challenges lay ahead, she knew she wasn’t facing them alone.

True Sight (Legendary): 1 > 5

Forgettable (Rare): 1 > 8

Skill Parkour (Uncommon): 12 > 18

Skill Meditation (Common): 3 > 7

Cooking (Common): 3 > 4

Poison Resistance (Common): 3 > 9

Parasite Resistance (Common): 0 > 1

New things identified: 7 for 7 exp

Recorded several deaths: 497 for 4970 exp

Quest Reward: 1000 exp, Gold Chest

Experience: 4,574 > 10,551

Level: 10 > 13


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: 10 > 13

Exp: 10,551 of 14,500


HP: 285 of 560 > 819 of 819(2/min)

Sta: 149 of 570 > 871 of 871(3/min)


Strength: 30

Dexterity: 32 > 38

Constitution: 38 > 44(48)

Perception: 60 > 75(90)

Intelligence: 15

Resolve: 42 > 48(55)

Free Points: 14

Class Skills:

Memory Shelf (Uncommon): 1

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 1

True Sight (Legendary): 1 > 5

Forgettable (Rare): 1 > 8

General Skills:

Calligraphy (Uncommon): 10

Gift of Gab (Common): 4

Cooking (Common): 3 > 4

Parkour (Uncommon): 12 > 18

Meditation (Common): 3 > 7

Poison Resistance (Common): 3 > 9

Parasite Resistance (Common): 0 > 1

Blunt Weapons (Common): 1


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