Watcher of Fate

010 - The Goblin King Part 4

Elara stared down the [Ogre Mage (Rare)], her halo of goblin swords floating menacingly above her, each blade glinting in the light. Green threads of wind magic, woven through her [Tempest's Touch (Uncommon)], maneuvered the swords with an almost sentient precision. Her own sword, [Rhistlam (Flawless)], was held up before her in a guard stance, ready to parry any incoming attacks. The tension between them crackled in the air, the anticipation of the final clash almost tangible.

The [Ogre Mage (Rare)] whipped the chain of his kusarigama around himself, forming a spinning shield of metal links that created a formidable barrier. Each link of the chain moved with supernatural speed and precision, guided by intricate green threads of wind magic. The scythe head itself blazed with red threads of fire magic, adding a lethal, fiery edge to the weapon. Braknar's movements were fluid and powerful, his massive form belying the agility with which he handled the kusarigama.

With a thunderous roar, Braknar charged at her, his eyes blazing with fury. The kusarigama flew towards Elara with deadly precision, the green threads guiding its path with terrifying accuracy. The scythe seemed to weave through the air like a living creature, its red threads crackling with fiery energy, ready to tear through anything in its path.

Elara moved with grace and agility, her dance-like movements carrying her around the edge of the ring. Her steps were light and precise, each motion a fluid transition to the next. The half dozen swords floating above her head sprang into action. Some met the strikes of the kusarigama head-on, the clang of metal against metal ringing through the air. Others shot forward like arrows, their green-threaded paths cutting through the chaos to find gaps in Braknar's armor.

The ogre's roar of anger and pain echoed across the battlefield as the swords found their marks, embedding themselves in his flesh. The green threads of [Tempest's Touch (Uncommon)] guided the swords with deadly accuracy, each strike a testament to Elara's control over the enchanted weapons. She danced around Braknar's attacks, her body moving in perfect harmony with the whirling blades above her.

The crowd of goblins went wild, their shrill cries and cheers filling the air in a cacophony of excitement. The sight of their own weapons turning against their champion only fueled their frenzied excitement. Some goblins clutched at their empty scabbards, while others pumped their fists in the air, caught up in the spectacle. They watched in awe and horror as the deadly ballet unfolded before them, their voices a chaotic symphony that echoed through the battlefield.

Elara kept her distance, weaving in and out of Braknar's reach. Her focus was absolute, her movements fluid and precise. She guided the swords with her [Tempest's Touch (Uncommon)], each blade striking with calculated intent. The air was filled with the clashing of metal, the shouts of the goblins, and the heavy breathing of the combatants. The energy in the arena was electric, each clash of weapons sending sparks flying, the tension almost tangible.

For the first time, Elara realized she was fighting with an audience. When she fought the [Oni (Rare)], only Sera had shown up at the end, and during the battle with the John and Jonnie gang, most of the caravan had been unconscious from [Dominate Mind (Rare)] or just starting to shake it off when she finished John. Now, with the eyes of the goblins and adventurers on her, Elara felt a thrill. She could sense their collective gaze, their anticipation and excitement feeding her own. The bard aspects of her class began to surface, the desire to have her art of destruction witnessed. She was not just fighting; she was performing, each move a carefully choreographed step in a deadly dance.

The thrill of the audience's attention surged through her veins, adding a new layer of intensity to her movements. She felt alive, every sense heightened, every movement sharper. This was her stage, and she was determined to give the performance of a lifetime.

Elara realized she had a plan for victory, but she wanted to make it a real show to remember. Discreetly, she cast [Tempest's Touch (Uncommon)] on her [Shadowstrike Dagger (Good)], her fingers weaving the green threads of wind magic around the blade. With a swift, almost casual flick of her wrist, she sent the dagger high into the air, straight up. The subtle motion went unnoticed by the crowd, their focus still on the dazzling display of swords and her ethereal dance.

Elara quickly pulled midnight blue threads over herself, performing a [Shadow Step (Uncommon)] and disappearing in a cloud of smoke. A trail of smoke darted into the air before she reappeared high above the battlefield. The goblins below gasped in awe, their eyes following her every movement.

In mid-air, Elara activated [Multi Weaving (Rare)], combining [Tempest's Touch (Uncommon)] and [Greater Illusion (Rare)]. She wove intricate green wind threads for [Tempest's Touch], their vibrant hue swirling around her form, intertwining with threads of pure white light from [Greater Illusion]. The combined magic formed an elaborate knotwork, creating the illusion of ethereal, glowing crow wings on her back.

The wings flapped gently, crafted from the delicate interplay of green and white threads, each movement shimmering with radiant blue light. The green threads of wind magic provided the lift and maneuverability, while the white light threads gave the wings their stunning, otherworldly appearance. The wings glowed a radiant blue, casting a soft luminescence around her, adding an enchanting beauty to her performance.

She immediately felt the mana drain caused by [Tempest's Touch (Uncommon)], required to keep herself aloft. Mentally, she complained, "I don't weigh that much!"

Quill's voice echoed in her mind, "You weigh a lot more than the swords you've been moving. You need more intelligence to make this concept effective."

Realizing the wisdom in his words, Elara quickly assigned all her free points to INT. The strain on her mana lessened noticeably, making it easier to maintain her flight and control her wings.

As she soared above the battlefield, she looked down at Braknar, who was momentarily stunned by the spectacle. The goblins were cheering and shouting, their excitement at a fever pitch. Elara smiled to herself, knowing she was not just fighting for victory but creating a legend.

Elara addressed the Goblin King and the audience, her voice ringing out clearly across the battlefield. "Behold the spectacle before you! This is more than a duel; this is a dance of destiny! A battle to remember, a story to be told for generations!"

The goblins' cheers grew louder, their fervor igniting even further. Elara could feel their energy fueling her own, pushing her to give them a performance unlike any they had seen before.

"Are you not entertained?!" she shouted, her arms outstretched. "Witness the might and magic, the clash of steel and will! See your champion fight with all his strength, and watch as I rise to meet him! This is our moment, our epic!"

The crowd roared, the sound echoing like thunder. The Goblin King watched with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, his eyes fixed on the airborne figure of Elara.

With a final, dramatic flourish, Elara swooped down from the sky, her flying swords forming a wedge with her at the front, her own sword extended forward. The blades shimmered with green and white magic, cutting through the air like ethereal specters.

Elara clashed with the [Ogre Mage (Rare)], her movements fluid and precise, like a choreographed dance. Her body flowed seamlessly from one position to another, each step a calculated maneuver to outpace her opponent. She expertly wielded [Rhistlam (Flawless)], slicing through the green threads Braknar used to control his kusarigama, disrupting his attacks with surgical precision.

Her flying swords moved in perfect harmony with her, reacting to her slightest gestures as if they were extensions of her own will. They darted and struck with relentless precision, blocking Braknar's swings and piercing through the gaps in his armor. The synchronization between Elara and her weapons created a mesmerizing display, a deadly dance of blades and magic that captivated the audience.

Elara spun and twisted, her movements an intricate ballet of lethal grace. Her flying swords acted as her partners, weaving around her in a symphony of metallic clashes and magical hums. Each sword strike was meticulously timed, each block flawlessly executed. The crowd watched in awe, transfixed by the spectacle before them.

She moved with the grace of a dancer and the ferocity of a warrior, her every motion a blend of artistry and combat. Her blades cut through the air, creating a hypnotic rhythm that echoed across the battlefield. The green threads of Braknar's magic flickered and snapped under her relentless assault, the ogre mage's control weakening with each precise cut.

The goblins' excitement reached a fever pitch as they witnessed the spectacle. Elara's performance was a masterclass in coordination and combat, her every move a testament to her skill and creativity. The battlefield became her stage, the fight her magnum opus.

Elara noticed what she had been waiting for with [Awareness (Legendary)]. With dramatic flair, she paused, raising both hands high into the air, capturing the attention of every goblin and adventurer in the audience. Her movements were deliberate, almost theatrical, as she played to the crowd, savoring the moment. Slowly, she brought her hands together and then, with a swift, graceful motion, dropped the one without her sword in a fluid arc, like a maestro conducting an orchestra's crescendo.

Her swords responded instantly, as if they were part of her very soul. They glinted in the light, piercing downwards with deadly accuracy through the links of the kusarigama, pinning it to the ground with a series of sharp, metallic clangs. The crowd gasped in unison, their eyes wide with amazement at the spectacle unfolding before them.

She looked directly at Braknar, her gaze unwavering. "It has been a pleasure of a fight," she said, her voice carrying across the silent battlefield, "but I am sorry it has to end."

With a final, decisive gesture, she dropped her sword arm. A sonic boom erupted from the impact, shaking the very ground beneath her feet. The sound reverberated through the air with a deafening roar, causing the spectators to flinch. The force of the boom shattered the earth beneath Braknar, sending a web of dark blue threads racing outward like cracks in a glass pane.

These threads, pulsing with ominous energy, snaked through Braknar's body and armor, their touch corrupting everything they met. The fracture lines began to glow with an eerie dark bluish light, the intensity growing as the seconds passed. Braknar's eyes widened in stunned realization, a flicker of fear crossing his face as he felt the dark magic take hold.

The glowing lines intensified, casting a ghostly light that contrasted with the dark battlefield. Braknar's form seemed to pulsate with the energy, his muscles twitching involuntarily. The sinister glow reached a blinding peak before his body gave way to the pressure. With a final, violent convulsion, Braknar exploded into chunks, the force scattering debris in all directions. These chunks quickly dissolved into the putrid smoke characteristic of a dungeon monster meeting its end, the foul-smelling vapor rising and dispersing into the air.

Elara moved forward quickly, weaving [Dimensional Link (Rare)] and absorbing Braknar's spirit. As she leaned over to pick up her [Shadowstrike Dagger (Good)], which was stabbed into the center of the crater, she whispered, "Be safe in the next world, Braknar."

The crowd was forced into a stunned silence, their cheers and cries abruptly cut off. The Goblin King stood, looking down at his dispatched champion with a mixture of respect and disappointment.

A soft ding echoed in Elara's mind, signaling the completion of her quest. The Goblin King began to clap, his applause slow and deliberate. The sound broke the spell over the goblin crowd, and they erupted into wild excitement, surging past the ring lines in a frenzied celebration.

Elara straightened, her heart pounding with the thrill of victory. She had not only won the duel but had also created a legend that would be told for generations. As the goblins celebrated around her, she allowed herself a moment of satisfaction, knowing she had given the performance of a lifetime.

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