Watcher of Fate

011 - Champion’s Call

Elara basked in the positive emotions of the crowd, the goblins' cheers and applause washing over her like a wave. She could feel their admiration and excitement, their fervor adding a buoyant lightness to her step. With a triumphant smile, she pulled up the summary of events in her mind.

You have seen 1 strong monster deaths: 100 exp

Quill gains exp from killing 1 monsters: 4,663 exp

Quill has leveled to lvl 17.

You have completed the quest: Duel of Champions: 1,000 exp

You have minorly changed the fate of 14 individuals: 2,800 exp

You have leveled to lvl 20.

She moved gracefully toward the adventurers standing just outside the throng of goblins. Still buzzing with excitement, the goblin crowd trailed behind her, eager to remain close to their newfound hero.

Quill's voice echoed in her mind as she made her way through the excited goblins. "You know, I got 4,663 experience for us soloing the [Lvl 34 Ogre Mage (Rare)], but only 1,095 exp for killing 1,138 monsters with the group."

Elara responded with a chuckle, "Well, it would have been six times larger without the group. Plus, those were all easier, lower-level mobs than one much harder monster."

Quill ruffled his feathers, seemingly considering her words. "I suppose that makes sense. It's just a bit disheartening, you know?"

"Think of it this way, Quill," Elara replied, her tone thoughtful. "Each battle is different. The difficulty, the teamwork, and the strategy all play a part. We can't always expect the same rewards for different challenges."

As she reached Taron and the others, she was met with a mix of congratulations and wary glances. The adventurers, still on edge from the goblin crowd, exchanged looks of awe and a hint of fear at Elara's display of power. Their eyes flickered between the cheering goblins and Elara, reflecting a blend of respect and trepidation. They were clearly impressed by her abilities but also slightly unsettled by the sheer force she had demonstrated and the unusual allies she had garnered.

Taron stepped forward, his eyes filled with respect but also a hint of caution. "Elara, that was incredible! I’ve never seen anything like it."

Grondar nodded, his usually stoic face showing a rare, genuine smile, though his eyes remained guarded. "Aye, lass, you’ve got the makings of a legend. That fight was one for the ages. I’ve fought many battles, but your performance today... it’s something I won’t forget."

The young mage, Melisande looked at her with wide eyes, a mix of admiration and apprehension. Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke. "The way you moved, the magic you used... it was like watching a dance. You were amazing, Elara. It was... beautiful and terrifying at the same time."

Lyria, the elf archer, added, her voice tinged with awe, "I knew you were skilled, but you exceeded all expectations. You’ve truly earned the respect of every adventurer here. Seeing you out there... it was like watching a legend come to life."

Kaelira, the tiefling spiritualist, approached Elara, her crimson skin glowing softly in the light. Her expression was one of complex emotion, impressed but also wary. She studied Elara for a moment before speaking. "You have a warrior’s spirit and an artist’s soul. You honored Braknar with your performance. There’s a depth to your power that is... both inspiring and unsettling. You have the potential to change much in our world."

A Silver Chest materialized beside them as they spoke, shimmering with a magical glow. Elara knelt and opened the chest. Inside, the chest's velvet lining cradled 15 blackened wolf fangs strung on leather cords. Each fang was intricately carved with runes and designs that seemed to absorb the light, giving them a dark, mysterious allure. Among them, one fang stood out, adorned with a gold band around its base, which glinted with a subtle brilliance. The gold band was etched with delicate patterns, marking it as a symbol of special significance.

She picked up the gold-banded charm, focusing her energy on it.

[Blackfang Clan Charm (Good)] +11 STR +7 DEX Lore: This charm symbolizes non-aggression with the Blackfang Clan, a fierce group of warriors known for their strength and cunning. Wearing this charm signifies an understanding and respect between the bearer and the Blackfang Clan.

Elara admired the charm, feeling its significance. As she stood, King Zogar of the Blackfang Clan parted the crowd of goblins and moved toward her with a commanding presence.

"Warrior," King Zogar said, his voice carrying a regal tone. "You have shown extraordinary skill and honor in your duel. What is your name, and can I see the face of the warrior who has bested our champion?"

The black ink lines of Elara's [Mask of Shifting Moods (Excellent)] shifted, displaying a dramatic face of concern. "My name is Elara," she said, her voice steady, though she felt a knot of anxiety in her stomach. What if they were disappointed with how young she appeared? She was concerned that her age would lead others not to respect her abilities.

Taron chuckled softly beside her, leaning in to whisper, "They're goblins, Elara. Your looks probably don't matter much to them." His tone held a hint of amusement as if he'd discovered a rare vulnerability in the formidable Elara.

Elara shook her head slightly. "It's not about that," she replied, then cast white threads of light into her mask, making it transparent.

The adventurers gasped in unison, their eyes widening in surprise. Melisande was the first to speak. "You're... you're so young!"

Grondar muttered, "By the gods, she's just a girl."

Lyria added, her voice filled with wonder, "How could someone so young have such incredible skills?"

Kaelira, her crimson skin glowing softly, nodded. "You have the face of someone barely past their selection ceremony."

King Zogar studied her intently, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "You appear young for a human," he said, then chuckled deeply, "but you would be considered an honored elder in goblin years. I find it amusing to see humans so surprised by age when skill and strength truly matter."

The Goblin King’s laughter rang out, and the surrounding goblins joined in, their amusement infectious. The adventurers looked between Elara and the goblins, their surprise mingling with a new understanding of the respect she had earned.

Elara inclined her head respectfully. "Thank you, King Zogar," she said sincerely.

King Zogar then gestured to the charms in the silver chest. "The [Blackfang Clan Charm (Fair)] is for all the humans who stood with you," he said, his voice echoing with authority. "And the gold-banded one, the [Blackfang Clan Charm (Good)], is for you, Champion Elara."

Elara picked up the gold-banded charm, feeling its weight and significance.

King Zogar nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "The Blackfang Clan respects strength and honor. You have earned our admiration and a place in our stories."

As the adventurers passed out the charms to everyone, including the farmers, King Zogar continued to speak, his voice carrying a tone of solemnity and wisdom. "Honor is a currency that transcends race and circumstance. It binds us, gives us purpose, and in this dungeon, it defines our existence. But there are limits to being a dungeon creature. We are bound to our island, unable to leave the confines of what you humans call 215B. This restriction is both a blessing and a curse."

Elara listened intently, feeling the weight of his words. The adventurers and farmers accepted their charms with gratitude, the small tokens serving as a tangible reminder of their shared experience and newfound respect for their goblin allies.

King Zogar’s expression grew more serious. "We have a problem, Elara. My clan and I cannot leave this island. It restricts us, confines our movements, and prevents us from addressing issues that arise beyond our borders. There is a matter that requires attention, a quest only someone not bound by these dungeon rules can undertake."

Elara's curiosity was piqued. "What is this quest, King Zogar?" she asked, her voice steady and respectful.

King Zogar looked her in the eyes, his gaze filled with hope and resolve. "Elara, will you be our champion for a single quest? There is a relic sacred to our clan that has been stolen by a rival faction. It lies beyond our reach but not yours. Recover this relic for us, and you will have the eternal gratitude of the Blackfang Clan."

Elara felt the weight of the request settles over her like a mantle of responsibility. The idea of being a champion for the Blackfang Clan, of continuing to bridge the gap between humans and goblins, filled her with a profound sense of purpose. This was not just a quest; it was a chance to forge an alliance and create a legacy of cooperation between their peoples. As the gravity of the moment sank in, she heard a familiar ding in her head, signaling a new quest notification. She quickly pulled up the notification, her heart pounding with anticipation.


New Quest Alert!

Quest Name: Champion of the Blackfang Clan

Difficulty: A

Objective: Recover the sacred relic stolen by the rival faction, the Bloodsnarl Tribe of gnolls.

Reward: Eternal gratitude of the Blackfang Clan, Title, Variable Experience.


She read the details, her resolve hardening with each word. "I will do it," she said, her voice resonating with determination. "I will be your champion and recover the relic."

The goblin crowd erupted in cheers, their voices a chorus of gratitude and admiration. King Zogar’s smile widened, his eyes gleaming with hope. "Thank you, Champion Elara. Your honor and bravery will not be forgotten."

Elara turned back to the adventurers, her face resolute. "I’m going with the goblins," she said, her voice steady. "I have a task to do for them. Please share everything we’ve learned with the Adventurer's Guild."

Taron stepped forward first, his hand clasping her shoulder. "Good luck, Elara. You’ve done us proud."

Grondar nodded, his expression serious. "Stay safe, lass. We’ll make sure your deeds are known."

Melisande, the young mage, gave her a hesitant smile. "You’re amazing, Elara. I’ll be waiting to hear all about your adventures."

Lyria, the elf archer, added, "Remember, you’ve earned the respect of everyone here. Keep showing them what you’re made of."

Kaelira, the tiefling spiritualist, approached last, her crimson eyes meeting Elara’s. "May your spirit guide you, Elara. We’ll see you again."

With heartfelt goodbyes exchanged, Elara made her way back to King Zogar. The goblin king nodded approvingly as he climbed onto his ornate litter, intricately carved with battle scenes and festooned with dark banners bearing the Blackfang Clan's emblem. Goblins scurried to lift the litter, their movements synchronized and efficient. The litter, adorned with polished wood and inlaid with precious metals, gleamed under the light, a testament to the clan's craftsmanship.

The procession was led out by the 32 [Hobgoblin Knights (Uncommon)], their armor clinking rhythmically as they marched in perfect formation. Each knight held a banner or weapon, their disciplined steps echoing with authority and pride. Goblins from the crowd cheered and waved as the procession moved forward, their admiration for their king and newfound champion evident in every gesture and shout.

As they moved through the woods, the environment gradually changed. The dense forest gave way to rolling hills, and the air grew cooler and crisper. Towering stonework walls loomed ahead, guarding a large cave entrance. The architecture was rugged and imposing, clearly designed for defense.

The procession entered the cave, the light dimming to a twilight hue. They traveled through a series of winding tunnels until they emerged into a vast cavern. Elara’s eyes widened in awe as she took in the sight before her: a sprawling underground city scaled perfectly for goblins. The cavern ceiling soared high above, supported by massive stone pillars carved with intricate designs. Bioluminescent fungi and crystals cast a soft, ethereal glow, illuminating the bustling streets below.

Stone and wood buildings lined the avenues, each adorned with banners and sigils of the Blackfang Clan. Goblins of all shapes and sizes went about their business, their lives a stark contrast to the fierce warriors Elara had fought beside.

King Zogar’s litter was carried through the city, the goblins bowing and cheering as they passed. Elara followed, feeling the weight of her new role as their champion. This was more than a quest; it was an opportunity to build bridges and create lasting change.

As they reached the heart of the city, King Zogar dismounted and gestured for Elara to follow him. "Welcome to our home, Champion Elara. The journey to reclaim our relic begins here."

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