Watcher of Fate

013 - Dance of Blades

Elara collapsed to the ground as a sudden weakness overtook her legs, the strength draining from her muscles like water from a sieve. Her knees buckled, sending sharp jolts of pain shooting through her body as they hit the hard stone floor. Every inch of her felt heavy as if an invisible force was pressing down on her, squeezing the air from her lungs. She gasped, her breath coming in short, labored bursts, and her vision blurred at the edges. A deep, throbbing ache settled in her bones, a relentless reminder of the brutal encounters she had endured. Her hands trembled uncontrollably as she tried to push herself up, but her limbs felt like lead, unresponsive to her desperate commands.

The spirit crow perched on her shoulder cawed mockingly, its dark eyes glinting with amusement as it watched her struggle. "Already swooning at my handsomeness?" it jeered, fluttering its wings for emphasis, its tone dripping with sarcasm.

Elara shot the crow an exasperated look, her face pale and strained. "I've lost a lot of HP and still have to fight the automaton blacksmith," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she tried to steady her breathing.

The crow tilted its head, its form shimmering slightly. "Right, the mighty warrior brought low by her limitations," it quipped, the amusement never leaving its tone.

Ignoring the jab, Elara took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to center herself. "I need to meditate to regain some energy," she said, her voice tinged with determination. She settled into a cross-legged position, her hands resting on her knees as she focused inward.

As she slipped into a meditative state, the crow followed their spirit bond, slipping into her spirit domain with an almost curious tilt to its head. The ethereal landscape of Elara's spirit domain stretched out before them, filled with soft, glowing lights and a gentle, calming presence.

"Did you know you have a spirit tree in here?" the crow asked, its voice echoing in her mind, filled with genuine surprise.

Elara's consciousness flickered towards the presence of the Spirit Tree, which stood tall and vibrant within her spirit domain, its branches swaying gently as if moved by an unseen breeze. The tree's ethereal leaves shimmered with a soft, calming light, providing a serene backdrop to her inner world.

The crow settled comfortably in the tree's branches, its dark feathers contrasting with its luminescent glow. "Quite the cozy spot," it remarked, its tone a mix of amusement and approval.

Returning her focus to meditation, Elara became acutely aware of the ambient mana around her. The air was thick with energy, vibrant and pulsing with life. She noticed wisps of red mana emanating from the molten magma surrounding the forge, each wisp swirling and dancing like tiny sparks of fire. Interspersed with these were brown wisps of earth mana, emerging from the stone and soil beneath her. The sight was mesmerizing, the fiery red and earthy brown wisps weaving an intricate dance that captivated her senses.

Elara extended her awareness with practiced concentration, feeling the clear mana threads within her spirit. She manipulated these threads, guiding them toward the vibrant red and brown wisps. Her movements were precise, her intent focused, as she deftly wove the red mana into one clear thread and the brown mana into another. Controlling two threads simultaneously was challenging, but her determination drove her forward. The process was delicate and invigorating, each successful integration filling her with a sense of accomplishment.

The red and brown threads grew more vivid with each pass, their colors deepening as they absorbed the elemental energies. The red thread shimmered with fire intensity, while the brown thread took on the solid, grounded quality of the earth. Elara's concentration never wavered, her spirit resonating with the harmonious blend of energies she created. The dual control of the threads required her to balance her focus, but the result was a beautiful fusion of fire and earth mana, a testament to her growing mastery of her abilities.

You have gained the skill Lvl 1 [Mana Dyeing: Fire (Common)]

You have gained the skill Lvl 1 [Mana Dyeing: Earth (Common)]

A smile spread across her face as she felt a new affinity settle within her, the warmth of the fire mana mingling seamlessly with her energy. "Yes, a new skill!" she whispered, feeling a surge of satisfaction and accomplishment. The newfound ability pulsed within her, a testament to her growing strength and adaptability.

"Are you healed yet?" the crow's voice interrupted her thoughts, laced with impatience. Its form shimmered as it gazed down at her from its perch in the Spirit Tree, its dark eyes piercing and inquisitive.

Elara reached into her inventory and pulled out some pickled boar, the savory smell of the meat wafting through the air as she munched on it. The salty, tangy flavor revitalized her senses as she stood up, feeling the strength return to her limbs. "Almost," she said between bites, savoring the taste. Swallowing the last piece, she added with a determined glint in her eye, "I'm ready."

"While you've been meditating," the crow began, "I've been thinking and reviewing what I know to see if there's any way we can use more of the [Blade Dance] skill."

Elara looked at him curiously. "What did you come up with?"

The crow's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and seriousness. "I suggest we create a skill array. This would allow me to share elements of the [Blade Dance] skill into other non-combat skills, imparting some of the knowledge without transferring the entire skill. It won't fix the extra energy cost of using the shared skill, but it might help you use more of its elements. Think of it as adding dance moves to a movement skill and hand position techniques to a hand dexterity skill."

"By the way," the crow said, "do you know how skills merge?"

Elara shook her head. "I've had several skills modified by my race and class, but no skill merging that I remember."

"Skills merge when two conditions are met," the crow explained, its tone becoming more serious. "First, the skills need to be part of a full set, and second, they need to occupy the same level of slots. Your resistances will likely combine into a better, more comprehensive resistance when you obtain all of them."

"Skills that aren't part of a set will never combine naturally," the crow continued. "However, sometimes people want to combine skills to get a specific subset of abilities. For instance, combining a basic sword skill with a shield skill can create a knight's skill. This combination limits the sword's usability to single-handed long swords or heavier weapons in conjunction with medium to small shields. Typically, sword skills allow you to use two-handed swords, one-handed swords, finesse swords, short swords, and everything in between."

The crow paused, allowing the information to sink in. "Raising your sword skill happens faster when you combine various aspects of the skill, like switching sword types. But with a skill array, you only have to use one kind of sword with a shield in this case."

Elara's interest was piqued, but she had a pressing question. "How will a skill array help me use the elements of [Blade Dance]?"

The crow cawed softly, a hint of a smile in its voice. "A skill array can help by allowing you to integrate elements of the [Blade Dance] into your existing non-combat skills. While you may not be able to use the combat skill directly, the skill array can create synergies between your non-combat skills and the elements of [Blade Dance], effectively enhancing your abilities."

Elara's brow furrowed in thought. "So, the skill array can let me use parts of the [Blade Dance] skill, even though I can't use the combat skill itself?"

"Precisely," the crow affirmed. "For example, if you combine your agility and perception with elements of the [Blade Dance] skill, you can enhance your movement and precision. Your [Parkour] skill would be a good surrogate for the dance aspects of the [Blade Dance] skill, giving you the fluidity and movement required. However, we still need something to equal the blade aspects of the [Blade Dance] skill. This is where your other skills and perhaps even some additional training or abilities could come into play. By creating a balanced skill array, we can ensure you utilize more elements of the [Blade Dance] skill, making you more effective."

Elara nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. She mentally cataloged her skills, searching for one that could mirror the blade aspects of the [Blade Dance] skill. Only one skill came to mind: [Calligraphy]. The precise control and intricate movements required in calligraphy were similar to the finesse needed for blade work. Yet, she was uncertain if it would be enough.

"[Calligraphy]," she mused aloud, her voice tinged with doubt. "It requires precision and delicate movements, similar to wielding a blade. But can it match the finesse needed for [Blade Dance]?"

The crow tilted its head, considering her words. "[Calligraphy], huh? It's unconventional but not entirely without merit. Precision and control are crucial in both skills. It might just work, especially if we can find a way to translate those delicate strokes into precise movements."

Elara felt a rush of excitement. "Then let's do it! Make the skill array immediately so we can get started!"

The crow fluttered its wings, a hint of amusement in its eyes. "Patience, little human. We shouldn't create the array until I've raised my level to the average of the combined skills, so level 14, unless we accidentally raise either of the skills going into the array. Otherwise, the array won't function optimally."

Elara took a deep breath, calming her excitement. "Alright, then. What's the next step?"

"Continue practicing and honing your current skills," the crow advised. "I'll work on leveling up and refining the skill array concept. When the time is right, we'll combine our efforts and create something truly extraordinary."

Elara nodded, understanding the logic. She stood up, holding the naked blade of [Naitharon]. A thought struck her. "I have one more question," she said, looking at the crow. "Where is the sword's scabbard?"

The crow cawed softly, almost laughing. "Spirit-bond weapons are stored in your spirit domain. They don't need a physical scabbard."

Surprised, Elara closed her eyes and focused on the sword, thinking about storing it. To her amazement, [Naitharon] shimmered and disappeared from her hand.

"Just like that?" Elara asked, opening her eyes and looking at her empty hand.

The crow nodded. "Just like that. The sword is in the domain with us now. Whenever you need it, you can summon it with a thought."

Elara felt a sense of wonder and power. She focused again, and [Naitharon] reappeared in her hand, solid and ready. She smiled, a new determination shining in her eyes. "This is incredible," she said. "I'm ready to train and raise our levels. Let's make this skill array a reality."

Elara closed her eyes and reached out to the crow in her spirit domain. "Should I return to the old mobs or stay here and fight?" she asked, her mental voice carrying the weight of her question.

The crow appeared in her spirit domain, perched comfortably on a branch of the Spirit Tree. "I am spirit-bound, you know," it began thoughtfully. "If you die, so do I, which is fine with me since I'm eager to leave this forge."

Elara chuckled softly. "I get it. You want to see the world beyond this place."

"Exactly," the crow agreed. "But that doesn't mean we should be reckless. Stay around here, but only attack mobs that you can beat. Be cautious."

"Understood," Elara replied. "How should I handle the sword in combat?"

"Hold it loosely but firm enough not to lose it," the crow instructed. "I'll handle the rest, like edge alignment. Once we create the skill array, it will be a two-way street, and I can assist you even more effectively."

Elara nodded in her spirit domain. "Got it. Thank you for the guidance."

Elara opened her eyes with their plan set and activated her [Forgettable] skill. She moved with the silence and grace of a shadow, her steps light and deliberate. Every footfall was precisely placed, avoiding loose stones and creaky floorboards that might betray her presence. Her breathing was slow and controlled, matching the ambient sounds' rhythm.

She slipped out of the room, blending into the dimly lit corridors of the dungeon. The walls were cold and damp, the air thick with the scent of earth and decay. The flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows that danced along the stone surfaces, but Elara remained undeterred. She hugged the walls, using the darkness to her advantage, her senses heightened and alert.

Her path led her down a narrow passage, the sound of distant machinery echoing faintly through the tunnels. She paused at intersections, peering around corners to ensure the way was clear. The silence was almost oppressive, broken only by the occasional water drip from the ceiling.

Finally, she reached the entrance to the next room. She crouched low, her eyes adjusting to the gloom as she scanned the area. Standing amidst the shadows was a single undead dwarf armed with a large sword. The creature's presence was imposing, its armor and weapon gleaming ominously in the faint light.

Elara concentrated, bringing up the information box.

[Lvl 25 Dwarf Revenant Shadowknight (Uncommon)]

The [Dwarf Revenant Shadowknight]'s appearance was formidable. Its full plate armor was an amalgamation of dark steel, dented and scarred from countless battles yet still remarkably intact. The plates interlocked with precision. Each piece is masterfully forged to provide maximum protection while allowing for a surprising range of motion. Rusted chainmail peeked from the joints, adding an extra layer of defense. The armor was adorned with ancient runes, faintly glowing with malevolent energy, hinting at enchantments meant to bolster the undead warrior’s resilience.

The claymore it wielded was equally menacing. Nearly as tall as the dwarf itself, the blade was a testament to brutal craftsmanship. Its edge was serrated, designed to rend flesh and shatter bone with a single swing. Dark stains marred its surface, remnants of past victims. The hilt was wrapped in worn leather, and the crossguard was shaped like two dragon wings, adding to its menacing aura. The weight of the claymore would have been overwhelming for a living warrior, but the revenant handled it easily, its undead strength giving it a chilling advantage.

The dwarf's visage was a haunting sight. Its flesh was pale and mottled, stretched taut over a skeletal frame. Empty eye sockets glowed with a cold, blue light, an unearthly fire that betrayed its undead nature. Its beard, once a symbol of dwarven pride, was now a tangle of withered hair and bone, clinging stubbornly to its jaw. The revenant's mouth was twisted into a permanent snarl as if frozen in the moment of its death.

Elara drew her new sword from her spirit domain, the blade materializing in her hand. She charged in with a burst of speed, swinging Naitharon at the undead warrior.

The [Dwarf Revenant Shadowknight] blocked her slash with its claymore, the clash of metal ringing through the chamber. It removed one hand from the claymore, and a bolt of black threads shot toward Elara. She was hit squarely by the black magic, taking -540 HP damage and being knocked backward.

Gritting her teeth, Elara rolled backward to her feet and charged again. As she swung, the [Dwarf Revenant Shadowknight] returned its outstretched hand to the claymore. She felt [Naitharon] move in her hand, tilting and turning slightly as the crow guided her. With a precise slash, she decapitated the Shadowknight.

Elara collapsed to the ground, her legs giving out as she fell to her butt, breathing heavily. Her chest heaved with each gasp for air, and sweat dripped down her face. She stared at the fallen enemy, her vision blurred with exhaustion. The weight of the energy cost from using the shared [Swordsmanship] skill was overwhelming, and she could feel it sapping her strength.

The crow fluttered down beside her, its eyes filled with concern. "Are you alright?" it cawed softly.

Elara nodded weakly, wiping sweat from her brow. "I feel the energy cost associated with using the shared [Swordsmanship] skill," she admitted, her voice trembling with fatigue. "My entire body is being drained with every movement." Her attention was drawn to black wisps rising from the dead mob. She began manipulating clear mana threads through the black wisps, attempting to dye them black. Before she could fully complete the process, the monster poofed into smoke.

"I need more [Dwarf Revenant Shadowknight]," she muttered, determination flaring in her eyes. "Let's start hunting them."

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