Watcher of Fate

014 - Artistry

Elara moved silently through the dimly lit corridors of the dungeon, her senses sharp and her grip firm on [Naitharon]. The cold air and the scent of decay no longer fazed her; she had grown accustomed to the oppressive atmosphere of this place. Each step was calculated, and every breath was controlled as she hunted her next target.

Ahead, she spotted another [Dwarf Revenant (Common)], its hollow eyes glowing faintly in the darkness. The creature's armor clinked softly as it shifted its weight, its ancient weapon poised and ready. Elara's eyes narrowed, focusing on her enemy. She had faced many of these undead dwarves, each battle honing her skills and pushing her closer to her goal.

She moved into position without a sound, her body blending into the shadows. The Dwarf Revenant turned, sensing something amiss, but it was too late. Elara lunged forward with a swift, practiced motion, [Naitharon] slicing through the air with lethal precision. The blade met the revenant's neck, cutting through armor and bone with ease. The headless body crumpled to the ground, and the faint glow in its eyes extinguished.

Elara straightened, her body trembling from the exertion. She breathed heavily, her chest rising and falling with each labored breath. She glanced around, ensuring the area was clear, before allowing herself a moment of respite. Her legs felt like jelly, and her arms ached from the effort. The energy cost of using the shared [Swordsmanship] skill significantly affected her stamina.

The crow, perched on her shoulder, cawed softly in approval but with a hint of concern. "It appears the skill takes nearly ten times more stamina than it should," it observed, its tone thoughtful. "Your class restrictions are making this far more difficult."

Elara nodded, wiping the sweat from her brow. "I can feel it," she said, her voice weary. "Every swing, every movement... it drains me completely."

The crow fluttered its wings slightly, a gesture of empathy. "Now that I am level 14, we can try to create a skill array, and the increased skill level should help reduce some of the energy costs. Moving the shared skill into your class skill slot will also give you an efficiency bonus. Hopefully, this will decrease the stamina cost to only twice as much instead of 10x."

Elara looked at the crow, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "That would be a relief," she murmured. "I can't keep going like this. The energy drain is too much." Suddenly, a wave of happiness washed over her as she remembered her recent achievement. "Oh, and I got my Death affinity," she added with a smile. "Let me clear my notifications before we finally create this skill array."

"That sounds good," the crow responded. "I need a few minutes to get ready anyway."

Elara nodded and closed her eyes, focusing inward. "Summary," she thought, and the familiar interface appeared before her eyes, listing the recent events and achievements.


Skill Meditation (Common): 8 > 12

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 1 > 2

True Sight (Legendary): 5 > 8

Forgettable (Rare): 8 > 10

Dimensional Link (Rare): 3 > 6

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 4 > 8

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 0 > 1

New things identified: 4 for 4 exp

Bond a Spirit: 100 exp

Record several deaths: 391 for 3910 exp

Quest updated: 391 of 2000 spirits collected

Naitharon: 0 > 14

Watcher: 13 > 14


Elara reviewed the summary with a sense of accomplishment. The battles had been tough, but each victory had brought her closer to her goals. Her new skills and affinities were proof of her progress and determination.

"Alright," she said, opening her eyes and looking at the crow. "I'm ready to create this skill array."

The crow fluttered its wings, a sign of its readiness. "Then let's begin. This is the moment we've been working towards. Together, we'll unlock our true potential."

Elara took a deep breath. "Is there anything I can do to help the process of forming the skill array?" she asked, her voice steady despite her anticipation.

The crow tilted its head thoughtfully. "If the skills are conceptually related, they are easier to push together. If they are not, they will exert a lot of pressure on your spirit, which would need to be countered with a higher RES stat," it explained. "If this works, the System will link my [Blade Dance] skill with your [Calligraphy] and [Parkour]. A new merged skill will be assigned, which would be more like a merge than a new skill, and it should let you bypass your requirement not to learn combat skills or spells. The skill level will likely be capped at the highest level between us."

Elara nodded, absorbing the information. "What will happen to the skill if we ever... separate?" she asked cautiously.

The crow's gaze was serious. "The skill will be sundered, and we both will experience some spiritual damage. The parts will either be destroyed or reverted to their levels before the merge, depending on how far we have taken the skill array."

Elara took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. Her thoughts lingered on the commitment she was about to make. Combining her skills into a new array meant giving up [Calligraphy], a skill she had worked on tirelessly with her father. Memories of him teaching her the delicate art, his hands guiding hers as they traced intricate patterns, flooded her mind. A pang of sadness pierced her heart as she remembered his gentle encouragement and the joy they shared in those quiet moments. She missed him terribly.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she blinked them away, focusing on the task. Her father had always believed in her potential. He wanted her to be strong and use every resource to survive and thrive. She took another deep breath, feeling a mix of sorrow and resolve.

"Alright, I'm ready," she whispered, the determination in her voice stronger than ever.

Attempting to create a skill array: [Blade Dance (Rare)], [Calligraphy (Uncommon)], and [Parkour (Uncommon)]

Elara felt her spirit domain start to compress. The sensation was like a vice tightening around her soul, squeezing her essence until it felt like it might shatter. Pain exploded through her, radiating from the core of her being and spreading outwards like wildfire. Every nerve felt aflame, every muscle convulsed with agony. It was as if her spirit was being torn apart and reassembled, the very fabric of her existence strained to its breaking point.

"Hold on!" the crow urged, its voice strained with effort. "Push back and try to hold your spirit domain together."

Elara fell to her knees, clutching her head as the pressure increased, the pain becoming almost unbearable. Her vision blurred, and her mind felt like it was being split in two. The agony was relentless, a deep, searing pain that seemed to tear through her very soul. Each heartbeat sent a new wave of torment crashing through her, making her feel as though she was being ripped apart from the inside out.

Gritting her teeth, Elara summoned every ounce of her willpower. The pain was so intense it felt like her bones were fracturing, her muscles tearing apart, and her very spirit disintegrating. Her thoughts were a chaotic whirlwind, barely holding onto coherence as she forced herself to stay conscious. "I've got this," she gritted out, her voice a mere whisper through the pain. She directed all her free points into resolve, her determination flaring brightly.

Resolve: 50 > 66 (75)

Slowly, the overwhelming pain began to subside, the vice grip on her soul loosening. The sensation of being torn apart gradually faded, leaving behind a profound sense of relief and accomplishment. She opened her eyes, breathing heavily, her body trembling from the ordeal.

"We did it," the crow said, its voice filled with awe.

Skill [Calligraphy (Uncommon)] removed.

Skill [Parkour (Uncommon)] removed.

You gained a new skill, Lvl 14 [Crimson Quill Dance (Unique)]. It has been assigned to an empty class slot.

Gained a title: Artistic Skill Creator: +10% dex.

"Congratulations, Elara," the crow cawed, a note of pride in its voice. "You've become a skill creator."

Elara smiled, a wave of pride and satisfaction washing over her. It was a deep, fulfilling feeling that spread from her chest and radiated to every part of her body. She had faced intense pain and pushed through it, emerging stronger and more capable than ever. The memory of her father, the skills they had worked on together, and the journey she had taken all contributed to the rich tapestry of emotions she was experiencing. Each accomplishment felt like a tribute to his teachings, a step forward in the legacy they had built together. The newfound strength and abilities she had gained were not just symbols of her perseverance but also a testament to the bond they shared. Her heart swelled with a sense of achievement, knowing she was honoring her father's memory by becoming the warrior he always believed she could be.

The crow cawed eagerly, "Let's try out a new skill immediately!"

Elara winced slightly, her head still throbbing from the intense process. A sharp, pulsing pain pounded against her temples, radiating out in waves that seemed to echo the intensity of the recent ordeal. It felt as if tiny hammers were beating inside her skull, each throb a reminder of the immense strain her body and spirit had just endured. She pressed her fingers against her temples, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure.

"I need a second to relax and get over this killer headache," she replied, her voice strained as she massaged her forehead in slow, deliberate circles, trying to ease the relentless ache. "Let's see what the description of [Crimson Quill Dance] is."

With a thought, she pulled up the description of her new skill.

*Crimson Quill Dance: Combines the fluidity and precision of [Calligraphy (Uncommon)] with the agility and acrobatic prowess of [Parkour (Uncommon)], enhanced by the lethal grace of [Blade Dance (Rare)]. This skill allows the user to perform swift, intricate movements in combat, utilizing both offensive and defensive techniques. The user's attacks are imbued with a unique energy that can leave intricate, damaging patterns on the target. Additionally, the user can move seamlessly through the battlefield, using acrobatic maneuvers to dodge attacks and reposition strategically. The skill's effectiveness and complexity increase with the user's perception, dexterity, resolve, and skill level.

The crow fluttered its wings, a note of reluctance in its voice. "Alright, but don't take too long. I'm curious to see what [Crimson Quill Dance] can do."

Elara nodded, taking a few deep breaths to steady herself. She focused on her status sheet, bringing up the full display.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (14,565 of 19,500) 14

Naitharon: (14,510 of 19,500) 14


HP: 845 of 845(2.1/min)

Mana: 702 of 702 (1.6/min)

Sta: 936 of 936 (3.7/min)


Strength: 30

Dexterity: 40(46)

Constitution: 46(50)

Perception: 80(96)

Intelligence: 15

Resolve: 66(75)

Free Points: 0

Class Skills:

Memory Shelf (Uncommon): 1

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 2

True Sight (Legendary): 8

Forgettable (Rare): 10

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 14


Dimensional Link (Rare): 6

General Skills:

Gift of Gab (Common): 4

Cooking (Common): 4

Meditation (Common): 12

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 8

Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon): 1

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 1

Mana Dyeing: Water (Common): 1

Mana Dyeing: Fire (Common): 1

Mana Dyeing: Earth (Common): 1

Poison Resistance (Common): 9

Parasite Resistance (Common): 1

Blunt Weapons (Common): 1


Elara felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her as she reviewed her status sheet. Despite the challenges, she had grown significantly, and her skills and abilities reached new heights. The pain from the skill array process was already fading, replaced by anticipation for what lay ahead.

"Alright," she said, looking at the crow with a determined expression. "Let's see what this new skill can do."

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