Watcher of Fate

015 - Shadow of a Wolf

Elara walked out of the room, her steps light but purposeful as she descended the boulevard. The stone corridor stretched before her, bathed in a dim, eerie light that cast long, flickering shadows along the walls. Each step she took was deliberate, her movements a blend of grace and power. The way she walked was a study in contrasts: her stride was steady and assured, yet there was a fluidity as if she were gliding over the stone floor. Her body seemed to flow effortlessly, her movements almost hypnotic in their smoothness. The air around her seemed to part gently, and even the faint sounds of her footsteps were absorbed into the soft rustle of her clothes, blending seamlessly with the ambient noises of the dungeon.

Not far out of the room, the crow perched on her shoulder spoke up, its tone filled with an unusual happiness. "Elara, have you noticed something different about how you move?"

Elara tilted her head slightly, curious. "What do you mean?" she asked, her pace unchanging.

The crow's eyes gleamed with amusement. "I've been observing you closely and noticed that you move in two distinct ways. One way is to walk in a different world, as if the world bends around you. It's subtle, almost like an invisible barrier that shifts to accommodate your presence."

Elara smiled, intrigued by the crow's observation. "And the other way?"

"Ah, the second way," the crow continued with a hint of excitement. "You used to move like the wind, your muscles tense and ready to explode immediately. It was as if everything in the world was an obstacle you needed to overcome to force your way through."

"But now," the crow said, its tone softening with admiration, "you move like water. Gracefully flowing around obstacles, integrating them into your path. It's a meandering beauty, like a river that shapes itself around rocks and bends, adding to its elegance instead of forcing its way through. Your movements are fluid and harmonious, a testament to the balance you've achieved."

Elara's eyes sparkled with curiosity and satisfaction at the crow's observation. "That's interesting," she said thoughtfully. "It must be how [Parkour] interacted with [Blade Dance]. The combination must have altered my movement style."

The crow nodded, its eyes gleaming with approval. "Indeed. [Parkour] gave you the agility and ability to move swiftly through any environment, while [Blade Dance] added precision and elegance to your movements. Together, they have transformed your style into something unique and powerful."

The corridor eventually opened into a vast chamber, the ceiling lost in the darkness. Elara paused at the threshold, her eyes scanning the space. The air was thick with an unsettling stillness, broken only by the distant water drip echoing through the chamber. Shadows danced along the walls, and she could make out the faint outlines of ancient structures and statues, hinting at the room's forgotten history.

"Stay alert," the crow whispered, its voice low and serious. "This place feels different."

Elara nodded, her senses heightened. She stepped into the chamber, her movements silent and deliberate. Every muscle was poised, ready to react. She could feel the weight of the darkness pressing in, the sense that something watched from the shadows.

She moved forward, her eyes darting from one shadowy corner to another. The floor beneath her feet was uneven, worn by time. As she advanced, she noticed strange markings on the walls, intricate knotwork that glowed faintly with an otherworldly light. The designs were complex, weaving and interweaving in patterns that seemed to shift and move, telling a story of ancient times. Each knot was meticulously crafted, forming symbols and shapes that hinted at a forgotten language of protection and power.

"What do you make of these?" she asked the crow, pointing to the knotwork.

The crow studied them for a moment before responding. "They're ancient protective wards meant to keep something at bay. But they seem weakened, almost as if the magic is fading."

Elara frowned. The implications were unsettling. "We need to be careful," she said. Whatever these wards were meant to contain might not be as restrained as they once were."

With a newfound caution, Elara pressed on, her senses on high alert. The atmosphere grew heavier, each step more laborious than the last. She felt the air thicken, the oppressive silence growing louder in her ears.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the chamber, reverberating off the walls. Elara froze, her heart pounding. The sound was guttural, filled with an unmistakable menace. She turned slowly, her eyes scanning the darkness for the source of the noise.

Out of the shadows, a pair of glowing eyes emerged, followed by the hulking form of a beast. Its fur was matted and dark, and its teeth gleamed in the dim light. Elara's grip tightened on her sword, her body tensing in preparation for the inevitable clash. She focused intently on the creature, willing an identification box to appear. A translucent panel materialized before her eyes:

[Lvl 32 Shadow Wolf (Uncommon)]

"Get ready," the crow whispered, its voice steadying.

Elara took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving the shadow wolf. "Crow, do you think it would be wiser to retreat? We haven't tested out [Crimson Quill Dance] yet, and this seems like a dangerous place to experiment."

The crow's eyes flickered with concern, but it shook its head. "Elara, this feels like a challenge room. If we retreat now, the wolf will just chase us down. It would attack from behind where we're most vulnerable, and we'd lose our advantage. Here, we can face it head-on, with our backs to the wall, where we can control the engagement."

Elara nodded, her resolve hardening. "Alright, then. Let's see what [Crimson Quill Dance] can do."

She adjusted her stance, her body flowing into the first position of [Technique: Vermilion Dance]. The blade in her hand seemed to hum with anticipation as she prepared to engage the shadow wolf, her movements a perfect blend of grace and power.

Elara propelled herself forward with a determined breath, her feet barely touching the ground as she closed the distance between her and the shadow wolf. Her sword flashed in a graceful arc, tracing a spiraling calligraphic character in the air. The initial slash was precise and fluid, aimed to keep the wolf at bay. As she advanced, she danced sideways, her movements quick and agile, avoiding the beast's attempts to circle her. She backed up slightly, maintaining her distance while assessing the wolf's predatory energy.

The shadow wolf snarled, its muscles coiling as it prepared to attack. Elara moved first, her body shifting seamlessly into the next technique. Her blade continued its fluid motion, tracing intricate patterns in the dim light, each movement a calculated blend of offense and defense.

The wolf lunged, its claws slashing through the air. Elara countered with [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace], a flowing horizontal slash that brought her close to the beast. She serpented around it, her blade a blur of motion as she executed a series of swift thrusts. The wolf snarled in frustration, disoriented by her movements.

Elara saw the weave of navy blue threads forming around the wolf in a blur, an ethereal pattern that signaled its impending teleportation. She braced herself as the threads tightened, and the wolf vanished in a wisp of smoke, the dark vapor flowing smoothly to where it reappeared behind her. She spun around just in time, deflecting its attack with [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke], her blade moving in a graceful circular motion that redirected the wolf's energy. The wolf's claws barely grazed her, missing their mark by inches.

Elara then transitioned into [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust], a swift and precise thrust targeting the wolf's vital points. Her blade inscribed a calligraphic character in the air as it pierced forward, but the wolf dodged at the last moment with bestial fury. Its movements were a clear distinction to Elara's fluid grace; where she was a river flowing effortlessly through its course, the wolf was a storm, wild and unpredictable. The sheer intensity of its dodge sent a shiver down her spine. Its predatory eyes locked onto her with a hunger that spoke of relentless savagery.

The wolf retaliated with a powerful pounce, its claws raking across Elara's side. She felt a searing pain as the claws tore through her defenses, a damage notification flashing before her eyes: -87 HP. Elara gritted her teeth, refusing to be deterred.

With renewed determination, she spun into [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace] once more, her blade weaving the serpentine calligraphic character that deflected the wolf's next attack and allowed her to serpentine around it again, bringing her blade close for another series of swift thrusts. The wolf growled in frustration, trying to free itself from the disorienting pattern.

Elara seized the opportunity to execute [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust] again, her blade a precise dart aimed at the wolf's vulnerable points. She shifted her weight onto her back foot, then propelled herself forward with a burst of speed. Her blade moved like a needle, slicing through the air with an almost imperceptible hiss. Each thrust was a meticulous execution of skill, her blade inscribing delicate calligraphic characters with every precise movement. Her steps were light and controlled as she advanced, her form perfect. She danced around the wolf, her blade darting in and out like a striking serpent, each motion flowing seamlessly into the next. The wolf, reacting with raw bestial fury, tried to counter her strikes, its fangs snapping and claws slashing through the air, but Elara's precision was unmatched. The wolf managed to land another strike, its fangs sinking into her arm: -64 HP.

Ignoring the pain was no small feat. The moment the wolf's fangs sank into her arm, a wave of agony surged through her body, threatening to overwhelm her. Her vision blurred momentarily, and she could feel the warmth of her blood trickling down her arm. Each pulse of pain was like a hammer strike, demanding her attention, begging her to stop. But Elara forced herself to focus. She clenched her jaw, drawing deep breaths to steady her racing heart. She pushed through the haze of pain, her mind a fortress of willpower. Every fiber of her being screamed for relief, yet she pressed on, channeling the agony into a fierce determination.

With a final, defiant breath, Elara parried the next attack with [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke], deflecting the wolf's claws with a graceful circular motion that redirected its energy. Her blade shimmered as it traced the swirling calligraphic character, her movements calm and focused.

It teleported again, appearing above Elara this time. She reacted swiftly, using [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust] again, her blade moving in a powerful upward thrust. The trail of calligraphic characters shimmered in the air as the wolf crashed to the ground, momentarily stunned.

Breathing heavily, Elara knew she had to end this fight quickly. With each ragged breath, her muscles burned with exertion, and her lungs felt like they were on fire. The air around her seemed to thicken, pressing down with the weight of the battle’s intensity. She could feel the fatigue creeping into her limbs, threatening to slow her down. Yet, she steeled herself, knowing that hesitation could be fatal. With her eyes locked onto the wolf, she initiated [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace] once more, her body moving with the fluid grace of a dancer in perfect harmony with her surroundings. Her rapid movements created afterimages, each a phantom that left trails of intricate calligraphic characters, confusing and distracting the wolf. The beast snapped at the illusions, its frustration mounting as it failed to land a hit on the elusive Elara.

Seeing her chance, Elara decided to make a final, decisive move. She focused all her energy on [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke]. Her blade moved with blinding speed, inscribing a complex, binding calligraphic character in the air. The characters glowed with an ethereal light, converging on the shadow wolf and sealing its fate with a final, decisive strike. The wolf let out a final, anguished howl before collapsing.

Elara stood victorious, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She glanced at her HP gauge, noting the toll the battle had taken. Despite the exhaustion, she felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Though she was fatigued, it was significantly less than even fighting easier mobs.

The crow cawed softly. "Yes, it's still worse than it should be, but it seems manageable."

Elara nodded in agreement. "I'll never be an endurance fighter, but at least I can handle this," she said, feeling determined. The [Crimson Quill Dance] had proven its worth, and she had emerged stronger than before.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Level: (14,576 of 19,500) 14

Naitharon: (14,510 of 19,500) 14


HP: 694 of 845(2.1/min)


Elara took a moment to steady herself, her chest rising and falling heavily as she read the display. She reached into her [Dimensional Link], a pocket dimension connected to her Spirit Domain, and pulled out a sharp, well-used knife. The blade gleamed in the dim light, ready for its grim task.

With a deep breath, Elara knelt beside the fallen shadow wolf. Butchering was still relatively new to her; this was only the second animal she had ever processed, and the first time, it had been clumsy and slow, filled with uncertainty and hesitation. This time, however, desperation drove her forward. She needed more meat to sustain herself, to replenish her strength after the brutal battle. She couldn't afford to waste any time or resources.

Her hands trembled slightly as she made the first cut, the knife slicing through the wolf's thick fur. She had to force herself to steady her grip, recalling the steps she had learned through trial and error. The blade moved unevenly initially, but she grew more confident with each cut. She focused on her task, pushing through the revulsion and the slick feel of blood on her hands.

Elara's movements were a mixture of careful precision and urgent haste. She wasn't an expert, but necessity had made her determined. She worked quickly, her knife carving through muscle and sinew, separating the valuable parts from the carcass. Her breath came in short, focused bursts, her eyes flicking between her work and the shadows around her.

She tossed the pieces into the Spirit Domain, the items vanishing as they crossed the threshold of the [Dimensional Link]. Her inexperience showed in the occasional awkward cut, but she pressed on, driven by the need to gather as much sustenance as possible. Each piece of meat was a lifeline, a step towards survival in the harsh environment she found herself in.

Finally, as she made the last cut, the remains of the shadow wolf began to transform. The corpse slowly turned into wisps of dark smoke, the transformation accelerating until the entire body was a mass of swirling vapor. The smoke rose, swirling around Elara before she could react. It blew into her face, the dark tendrils curling around her, filling her nostrils with the acrid scent of shadow and decay.

Elara coughed, waving her hand to disperse the smoke. As it cleared, she felt a strange energy settle within her, a remnant of the shadow wolf's power. She wiped the sweat from her brow, taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart. The battle had been fierce, but she had emerged victorious, and the spoils were now safely stored in her Spirit Domain.

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