Watcher of Fate

016 - The Final Barrier

Elara wiped the sweat from her brow and took a deep breath, her mind finally settling after the intense battle. The corridor was silent once more, the oppressive atmosphere dissipating slightly after her victory. She turned to the crow perched on her shoulder, its dark eyes watching her intently.

"Crow," Elara began, her voice tinged with weariness, "I think it's time we get out of this dungeon. We've been down here long enough, and I need to see the sun again." She paused, realizing that she had lost track of time. "I don't even know how long it's been since last saw daylight," she admitted, the realization sinking in. "Weeks? Months? It feels like forever."

The crow tilted its head, considering her words. "I agree, Elara," it said, its voice thoughtful. "But before we go, is there anything else we need to do? Any unfinished business?"

Elara paused, her mind racing through the events of the past weeks. She had fought numerous battles, uncovered ancient secrets, and grown stronger with each challenge. But had she done everything she needed to?

"Maybe we should check the [Thread of Fate] skill," Elara suggested, her eyes brightening with the thought. "It might guide us to anything we've missed or need to complete."

The crow nodded approvingly. "A wise idea. Let's see what it reveals."

Elara closed her eyes and focused, summoning the power of [Thread of Fate]. A golden thread immediately materialized before her, shimmering with an ethereal light. The thread stretched out, winding its way through the dungeon, beckoning her to follow.

Without hesitation, Elara set off, her steps light and purposeful as she trailed the golden thread. The corridor twisted and turned, leading her deeper into the dungeon's heart. The thread glowed brighter with each step, illuminating the path ahead.

After what felt like an eternity, the thread led Elara to a grand doorway. The doors were immense, towering high above her, made of ancient oak reinforced with ornate ironwork. Intricate carvings adorned their surface, depicting scenes of valor and mythical creatures locked in battle. The handles were fashioned from polished brass, shaped like coiled serpents with eyes made of gleaming rubies that seemed to watch her every move. The weight of history and power radiated from the doors, a testament to the significance of what lay beyond.

Elara pushed the heavy doors open, the creaking sound echoing through the silence, revealing the great hall beyond.

The great hall was a breathtaking sight. Massive stone pillars lined the expansive room, each carved with intricate designs that told tales of ancient battles and forgotten lore. The ceiling soared high above, lost in shadow, while grand chandeliers hung down, their flickering flames casting a warm, golden glow over the hall. The floor was made of polished marble, inlaid with gold and silver patterns that reflected the light in mesmerizing patterns.

At the far end of the hall stood a massive throne, its surface adorned with precious gems and metals. It was a seat of power, its presence commanding respect and awe. Surrounding the throne were statues of legendary dwarves, their stony gazes fixed upon the hall's center. Each statue was a masterful work of art, capturing the essence of these ancient craftsmen and warriors, their expressions stern and resolute. The central focus of the hall was a large circular platform. This platform was inscribed with intricate knot work, the designs weaving and interweaving in mesmerizing patterns. The knotwork glowed faintly with an otherworldly light, creating an aura of mystique and power.

Elara took in the sight, her heart pounding with anticipation. The great hall was a place of immense power and significance, and she could feel the weight of its history pressing down on her. The golden thread led directly to the platform, its glow merging with the intricate knotwork inscribed upon it.

As she scanned the room, her eyes were drawn to the throne. Behind it, almost hidden in the shadows, loomed a giant construct. The automaton was a magnificent work of art, crafted from gleaming metal plates interlocked seamlessly. Its form was both imposing and beautiful, every joint and curve a testament to masterful craftsmanship. The construct stood tall, holding a monstrously large greatsword that seemed to pulse with latent power.

Elara focused on the automaton, willing an information box to appear. The translucent panel materialized before her eyes, revealing the construct's details.

[Lvl 40 Iron Protector]

Elara gasped, her eyes widening in shock. She turned towards the crow, her voice barely above a whisper. "Crow, we have a problem. Two, actually."

The crow's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "What do you see, Elara?"

"First," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "that [Iron Protector] is 26 levels higher than me. And it's rated as rare."

The crow's expression grew serious. "That's quite a disparity."

"And second," Elara continued, "Fate isn't assuring me that I would win if I fought it."

The crow considered her words for a moment before speaking. "What exactly is Fate telling you?"

Elara took a deep breath, focusing on the golden thread once more. "It's telling me to get to the throne."

The crow nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps you don't have to win the fight. Maybe you just need to reach the throne."

Elara turned to the crow, her expression grim. "Are you willing to bet my life on that?"

The crow's eyes narrowed as it considered the weight of her question. "It's a risk, Elara. But if Fate is guiding you to the throne, there might be a way to achieve it without confronting the Iron Protector directly."

Elara's mind raced as she weighed her options. The great hall was vast, and the path to the throne seemed clear, but the presence of the [Iron Protector] was an undeniable threat. She took another deep breath, steeling herself for whatever lay ahead.

"Alright," Elara said, her voice steady. "Let's see if we can outmaneuver it. We have to trust in Fate and our abilities."

Elara activated her skill [Forgettable], feeling a subtle shift in the air around her as her presence became less noticeable. She moved cautiously, her steps light and deliberate as she began her journey towards the throne. The golden thread guided her path, and she kept her eyes on the towering form of the Iron Protector, hoping to remain unnoticed.

For a while, it seemed to work. Elara slipped through the shadows, her movements blending seamlessly with the ambient darkness of the great hall. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she kept her breathing steady, her focus unwavering. She was about halfway to the throne when the Iron Protector stirred.

The massive automaton's eyes glowed with a fierce light as it came to life, its movements precise and deliberate. It turned its head slowly, scanning the hall until its gaze locked onto Elara. The construct stepped forward, the ground shaking slightly with each step, and moved to block her path to the throne. The greatsword in its hand was raised, ready to strike.

Elara felt a surge of adrenaline as she switched to [Crimson Quill Dance], determined to use every ounce of speed and grace at her disposal. Her movements became a fluid dance, each step a blend of elegance and power. She moved like water, flowing around obstacles with a meandering beauty, her footwork a masterpiece of precision and fluidity.

Each step she took was a calculated shift, her feet barely seeming to touch the ground as she glided forward. She twisted and turned with a natural rhythm, her body a harmonious flow of motion. The ground seemed to yield beneath her, allowing her to maintain perfect balance and grace. Her toes pointed and flexed in seamless transitions, her heels lifting and landing with the softest impact, barely stirring the dust of the ancient floor.

The [Iron Protector] swung its greatsword, but Elara was ready. She ducked and weaved, her body a blur of motion as she evaded the massive weapon. Her feet moved in a symphony of coordinated steps, tracing patterns defying the construct's attacks. She advanced with the fluidity of a stream navigating through rocky terrain, every movement purposeful and deliberate.

Despite the danger, Elara felt calm. She trusted in her abilities and Fate's guidance. With each step, she drew closer to the throne, the golden thread leading her onward. The [Iron Protector] was a formidable opponent, but Elara's determination was unshakable.

As Elara approached, the [Iron Protector] suddenly struck its arm out, palm flat, almost as if commanding her to stop. Time seemed to slow for a moment, and Elara noticed intricate silver threads woven into the air before her, forming a barrier. The threads glowed with a cold, metallic light, creating a wall that blasted toward her with immense force.

Before she could react, the wall of force struck her with the power of a tempest, sending her flying backward across the great hall. She tumbled through the air, landing heavily on the polished marble floor. Pain shot through her body, but she quickly rolled to her feet, determination still burning in her eyes.

Gritting her teeth, Elara attempted to close the distance once more. She moved with even greater speed, her feet barely touching the ground as she darted forward. However, as she neared the [Iron Protector], another wall of force materialized, the silver threads weaving together seamlessly. This time, the impact was even more powerful, and she was thrown back, skidding across the floor until she stopped against one of the massive stone pillars.

Elara lay there momentarily, catching her breath, her body aching from the repeated blows. She pushed herself up slowly, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. "I need a new plan," she muttered to the crow, her voice strained but resolute.

The crow, perched nearby, looked at her with concern. "Those barriers are formidable. We need to find a way to bypass them."

Elara nodded, wiping sweat and dust from her face. "I can't keep taking hits like that. We need to outthink it, not just outmaneuver it."

The crow's eyes gleamed with thoughtfulness. "Maybe there's a weakness in its patterns or a way to disrupt the threads. We need to observe and find an opening."

Elara took another deep breath, her mind racing with possibilities. The [Iron Protector] stood, an unyielding guardian, between her and the throne. But she was determined to find a way through, to reach the throne and uncover its secrets. She knew that she could overcome even the most formidable foes with the crow's help and her unwavering resolve.

Elara drew [Naitharon] from her spirit domain, the blade gleaming with a flawless edge. With a surge of determination, she charged forward once again. The [Iron Protector] raised its hand, and the world seemed to crawl to a near standstill as Elara watched the spell form for a third time. This time, everything moved in a glacially slow fashion, allowing her to trace every silvery thread.

She followed the intricate web of threads with her eyes, searching for a weakness. Finally, she found it, a master knot at the heart of the spell. With a focused breath, she raised her sword and used [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust], aiming precisely at the knot.

As [Naitharon] pierced the knot, Elara heard a clear, resonant ding in her head. The silvery threads began to unravel, and the spell fell apart around her, dissipating into the air like mist. For a moment, she stood stunned, unable to believe she had managed to disrupt the powerful barrier.

Quickly regaining her composure, Elara used her grace and speed to dash towards the throne. The [Iron Protector] swung its massive greatsword at her, the blade cutting through the air with terrifying force. Elara dodged the attack with a fluid twist of her body, her movements a perfect blend of elegance and agility.

She reached the throne with one final burst of speed and sat down. The moment she did, the [Iron Protector] halted its attack and knelt before her, its greatsword lowered in submission. A chime went off in Elara's head, signaling her victory.

Breathing heavily, Elara looked down at the kneeling automaton, her heart pounding with a mixture of relief and triumph. She had done it. She had reached the throne and uncovered its secrets. Now, with the guardian subdued, she could now focus on her notifications.

You have identified a new monster: 1 exp

You have gained the skill Lvl 1 [Mana Knot Cutting]

Skill [Mana Knot Cutting] level increased.

Skill [Mana Knot Cutting] level increased.

Elara blinked in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. The new skill was unexpected but incredibly welcome. She felt a surge of happiness and quickly opened the skill description to learn more.

Mana Knot Cutting: This skill allows the user to sever intricate mana knots and threads that form magical barriers and spells. Requires the use of adamantine tools for precise and effective cutting.

Elara read the description with growing excitement. She had just used [Naitharon] to cut through a complex spell, and now she had the skill to make such feats even more achievable. However, the requirement for adamantine tools puzzled her.

"Crow," she said, turning to her companion, "this skill mentions the need for adamantine tools. Do we have anything like that?"

The crow's eyes gleamed with a knowing look. "Indeed we do, Elara. [Naitharon] has an adamantine edge and point. It can more than assist you in cutting through mana knots precisely."

Elara's eyes widened with appreciation and relief. "That's perfect. Thank you, Crow."

With the immediate concern of the adamantine tool resolved, Elara turned her attention to the rest of the notifications that popped up before her eyes. She scanned through them, her excitement growing with each one.

[Naitharon] has leveled to Lvl 15.

You witnessed an act of heroism worthy of a bard's tale: 1000 exp

For defeating a monster at least 25 levels higher than you without help you gain 2500 bonus exp and the title: Champion.

Title: Champion gives +5% Resolve and 10% HP

For defeating a monster at least 25 levels higher than you that is also 2x your level and rank without help you gain the 5000 bonus exp and the title: Legend.

Title: Legend gives +10% Resolve and 20% HP

You have leveled to Lvl 15.

You have defeated the final guardian of Halls of Barrowdeep you gain 2000 exp and a silver chest.

When ready select (yes) to exit.

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